1000 resultados para Mediterrània (Regió)


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Segons la nostra hipòtesi, la viabilitat de l’Euroregió Pirineus Mediterrània (EPM) dependrà sobretot de la seva capacitat de mobilitzar, d’implicar i de connectar els actors públics i privats dels diferents nivells territorials als quals s’adreça aquesta iniciativa. Per tant, el grau de coneixement i el posicionament dels diferents actors respecte al projecte resulten essencials a l’hora de definir una estratègia de cooperació d’aquestes característiques. L’objectiu d’aquest document és explicar els resultats de l’enquesta duta a terme amb un miler d’actors públics i privats de l’EPM. Aquesta tenia per objectiu obtenir dades relatives a aspectes clau del context en el que s’insereix el projecte, així com informació rellevant per definir estratègies d’actuació que poden ajudar a desenvolupar les capacitats organitzatives i comunicatives necessàries per gestionar una organització complexa com aquesta. L’estudi empíric es va estructurar al voltant de tres línies d’anàlisi: 1r) el present de l’Euroregió; 2n) El posicionament respecte l’EPM i 3r) El futur de l’EPM


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Analitza una de les experiències de CTF més recent al sud d’Europa: l’Euroregió Pirineus Mediterrània. Constituïda per un nucli inicial de cinc regions: Catalunya, Aragó, Balears, Llenguadoc-Rosselló i Migdia Pirineus, no descarta la cooperació amb altres territoris seguint l’arc pirinenc i mediterrani (d’Itàlia fins al Magreb), les valls dels grans rius (Ebre, Garona, Roina) i les illes de la mediterrània occidental (EPM, 2004: 4.), fet que implica la combinació de tres tipus de cooperació: transfronterer, interregional i transnacional. Aquesta característica juntament amb la pretensió d’esdevenir un pol de desenvolupament econòmic és un indicador de l’especificitat de l’EPM en el marc euroregional europeu.


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El mes de setembre de 1993, el departament d'Història Contemporània de la Universitat de Barcelona i l'european Network for Women's Studies (ENWS) del Consell d'Europa van organitzar el congrés internacional "De la dictadura a la democràcia: les dones en l'Europa mediterrània central i de l'est". Lóbjectiu del congrés va ser desenvolupar una reflexió entorn de la trajectòria de les dones en les crisis dels antics règims dictatorials i en la transició democràtica.


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Tropical irradiations into Mediterranean nitrophilous vegetation. Irradiations of pantropical Ruderali-Manihotetea reach Mediterranean countries. Hygronitrophilous Ecliption prostratae, trodden and disturbed ground-colonizing Eleitsinion indicae and suburban Lycio-Ipomoeion curtain communities are specially examined.


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A study of hydrochemical characteristics of the Arbúcies river (a seminatural mediterranean basin) has been undertaken during 1991. Mean solute yield for each ion has been determined using the correlation curves between discharge and concentration, and the flow duration curve. The hydrochemical budget of the Arbúcies drainage basin shows that the basin is a net source for al1 the elements. The cationic denudation rate obtained in this granitic basin is 5.24 keqhalyear. This high rate is due to the intensive chemical weathering of the granodionte, that delivers an important amount of cations which will release to be transported. The results demostrate clearly the strength of lithological control on stream loads, particulary on the dissolved component.


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Este trabajo ilustra cómo el análisis de la composición isotópica del carbono en restos arqueobotánicos aporta información sobre las condiciones climáticas y de cultivo en el pasado. Tras una introducción metodológica, se presentan distintos ejemplos que utilizan semillas carbonizadas (trigo y cebada) y/o carbones de especies forestales (pino carrasco, encina, etc.), ambos tipos de restos recuperados en yacimientos de la cuenca mediterránea. Mientras la composición isotópica en cereales proporciona inferencias sobre la disponibilidad hídrica de los cultivos, el análisis de carbones ayuda a cuantificar la precipitación. La combinación de ambas fuentes permite hipotetizar sobre la implementación de prácticas agronómicas específicas encaminadas a incrementar la disponibilidad hídrica de los cultivos en el pasado.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Università degli Studi di Urbino, Bologna, Itàlia, entre juliol i desembre del 2005. Es revisa el concepte d’igualtat i multiculturalisme en el Mediterrani, especialment en la conca nord mediterrània com a zona de recepció de la immigració. Paral·lelament s’analitza el concepte de democràcia a la conca nord i sud mediterrània, i la relació entre aquestes dues voreres pel que fa a la percepció mateixa de democràcia i l’Estat de dret. Inclou entrevistes amb Gustavo Gozzi, Enrico Pugliese i Joseph Piqué.


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As a consequence of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the US-led war against Iraq, WMD and their proliferation have become a central element of the EU security agenda. In December 2003, the European Council adopted even a EU Strategy against Proliferation of WMD. The approach adopted in this Strategy can be largely described as a ‘cooperative security provider’ approach and is based on effective multilateralism, the promotion of a stable international and regional environment and the cooperation with key partners. The principal objective of this paper is to examine in how far the EU has actually implemented the ‘cooperative security provider’ approach in the area which the Non-proliferation Strategy identifies as one of its priorities – the Mediterranean. Focusing on the concept of security interdependence, the paper analyses first the various WMD dangers with which the EU is confronted in the Mediterranean area. Afterwards, it examines how the EU has responded to these hazards in the framework of the Barcelona process and, in particular, the new European Neighbourhood Policy. It is argued that despite its relatively powerful rhetoric, the EU has largely failed, for a wide range of reasons, to apply effectively its non-proliferation approach in the Mediterranean area and, thus, to become a successful security provider.


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Durante todo el proyecto y su prórroga, el plan de trabajo se ha desarrollado de acuerdo con el programa descrito en la memoria del presente proyecto, así­ se ha incidido en la caracterización ecofisiológica de diversas especies mediterráneas leñosas frente a los estreses ambientales; se ha tratado de optimizar la productividad de dichas especies en condiciones de vivero y por ultimo se ha evaluado la respuesta de este material vegetal tanto a las condiciones de transplante como su respuesta a diversas técnicas de gestión de la revegetación y/o ajardinamiento.


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En este trabajo analizaremos en primer lugar la presencia i la importancia de los alimentos que caracterizan la dieta mediterránea en los sistemas alimentarios españoles del siglo XIX. Veremos como evoluciona esta presencia y el su peso a la dieta dentro del proceso de transición nutricional moderna española, contemplando dos períodos: desde finales del XIX hasta la década de 1930, y la segunda mitad del XX, períodos caracterizados por un aumento de la ingesta de alimentos, cereales y patatas primer, y de productos de origen animal después, y por la progresiva convergencia con las dietes de les sociedades desarrolladas, que diluirían o minimizarían progresivamente las características diferenciales mediterráneos. Situaremos los cambios que se producen a España en el contexto europeo, i finalmente, analizaremos en que medida, en la etapa inicial, la dieta seguida se ajustaba a les necesidades de la población y a la dieta actualmente recomendada, y si se produjeron cambios significativos en el curso de la transición alimentaria.


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This paper reflects the contents of the Plenary Lecture addressed to the participants of the 2nd Graduate Conference, European Consortium for Political Science, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, 25 August 2008


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Simon Fraser University, Canada, from July to September 2007. General context: landscape change during the last years is having significant impacts on biodiversity in many Mediterranean areas. Land abandonment, urbanisation and specially fire are profoundly transforming large areas in the Western Mediterranean basin and we know little on how these changes influence species distribution and in particular how these species will respond to further change in a context of global change including climate. General objectives: integrate landscape and population dynamics models in a platform allowing capturing species distribution responses to landscape changes and assessing impact on species distribution of different scenarios of further change. Specific objective 1: develop a landscape dynamic model capturing fire and forest succession dynamics in Catalonia and linked to a stochastic landscape occupancy (SLOM) (or spatially explicit population, SEPM) model for the Ortolan bunting, a species strongly linked to fire related habitat in the region. Predictions from the occupancy or spatially explicit population Ortolan bunting model (SEPM) should be evaluated using data from the DINDIS database. This database tracks bird colonisation of recently burnt big areas (&50 ha). Through a number of different SEPM scenarios with different values for a number of parameter, we should be able to assess different hypothesis in factors driving bird colonisation in new burnt patches. These factors to be mainly, landscape context (i.e. difficulty to reach the patch, and potential presence of coloniser sources), dispersal constraints, type of regenerating vegetation after fire, and species characteristics (niche breadth, etc).


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The species x location interaction was of great importance in explaining the behaviour of genetic material. The study presented here shows, for the first time, the performance, under field conditions of the new tritordeum species, compared to wheat and triticale in a wide range of Mediterranean countries (Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia). The results obtained revealed that despite the diversity of environmental conditions, the main differences in yield were due to genotypes, especially to differences between species. The multi-local study with different growth conditions revealed important information about the water availability effect on yield. In the lowest yielding environments (Tunisia rainfed), Tritordeum and triticale yields were equivalent. However under better growth conditions (Spain), tritordeum yield was shown to be lower than wheat and triticale. Interestingly, when water limitation was extended during the pre-anthesis period, differences in tritordeum versus wheat-triticale yield rate were larger than when water stress occurred during anthesis. These variations were explained by the fact that kernel weight has been found as the limiting factor for yield determination in tritordeum, and a delay in the anthesis date may have been the cause for the low kernel weight and low yield under Mediterranean drought conditions. Such differences in yield between tritordeum and wheat or triticale could be explained by the fact that tritordeum is a relatively new species and far fewer resources have been devoted to its improvement when compared to wheat and triticale. Our results suggest that breeding efforts should be directed to an earlier anthesis date and a longer grain filling period. tritordeum proved to have possibilities to be grown under drought environments as a new crop, since its performance was quite close to wheat and triticale. Besides, it has qualitative added values that may improve farmers' income per unit land.


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According to the IPCC (2007), the Mediterranean basin is expected to suffer important changes in temperature and precipitation in the next few decades, leading the climate warmer and dryer. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the possible effects of increased drought on species with different structural and physiological traits, to be able to predict possible changes in the structure and composition of Mediterranean forests. Moreover, it will be necessary to assess whether traditional management practices can mitigate the effects of climate change on these forests. The main aim of this study has been to analyze the effects of increased drought on the mortality, growth and resprouting patterns of two co-occurring Mediterranean oak species with contrasting leaf habit (the evergreen Quercus ilex and the winter-deciduous Quercus cerrioides), and to assess the effects of selective thinning on their response to increased drought. Our results show a differential effect of increased drought between species: no differences were observed in the growth of Q. ilex while Q. cerrioides reduced its growth under increased drought conditions. Selective thinning reduced the negative effects of increased drought on tree growth, although this beneficial effect tended to decrease during the experiment. Our results show that increasing aridity in Mediterranean areas can be a constraining factor for deciduous oaks, thus potentially causing their decline in mixed forests and favouring their substitution by the evergreen congeneric species. However, as seen in this study, management can strongly encourage growth both for deciduous and evergreen species, thus reversing the effects of increased water stress on Mediterranean coppices.