995 resultados para Medical philosophy
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A Medicina chinesa divulgada no ocidente tem sido estudada de forma fragmentada entre as suas diferentes formas de expressão desenvolvidas ao longo da história do Pensamento Médico Chinês. Nesse sentido o texto destaca três possíveis vertentes desta expressão, que denomina: Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ), Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ZHÖNG YÏ) e Medicina Chinesa Contemporânea (DÄNG DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ). A primeira expressa as formulações nas obras clássicas surgidas a partir do período formativo da Medicina Chinesa, na Dinastia HÀN (206 a.C. a 221 d.C.). A segunda como corpo teórico e prático de conhecimento que, se disseminou no Oriente em geral e, posteriormente, no Ocidente como uma continuidade da Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ). A terceira refere-se à corrente hegemônica, hoje, na República Popular da China e mais tarde nos meios ocidentais. O objetivo do trabalho é investigar como tem sido divulgada no Ocidente por diferentes autores representantes de cada uma dessas vertentes a categoria SHÉN , frequentemente traduzida no Ocidente como Mente ou Espírito. Para tal, leva-se em conta a notoriedade acadêmica, a familiaridade com o idioma chinês, os pressupostos adotados, a história pessoal de cada um desses autores, entendidas como determinantes para suas apreensões de sentidos e significados da categoria SHÉN e, consequentemente, para os sentidos que assumem sua divulgação no Ocidente. Entendendo a Medicina Chinesa como uma Racionalidade Médica, conforme definição de Madel Therezinha Luz composta de seis dimensões: cosmologia, doutrina médica, dinâmica vital, morfologia, diagnose e terapêutica, o trabalho investiga do ponto de vista teórico-conceitual, amparado na Filosofia e Antropologia Médicas como a categoria SHÉN relaciona-se a cada uma das dimensões da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa. SHÉN relaciona-se com diversas outras categorias do Pensamento Médico e Filosófico Chinês, não sendo possível conceituá-lo sem mencionar categorias, tais como DÀO, YÏN YÁNG , TIÄN (Céu), RÉN (Homem), DÌ (Terra), MING (Destino), WÜ XÍNG (Cinco Fases), SÄN BÄO (Três Tesouros), GUÏ e LING Manifesta-se de diferentes formas através de sua relação com os ZÁNG FÜ (Órgãos e Vísceras), interferindo no funcionamento orgânico-visceral, nos aspectos de personalidade, nas emoções, entendidas como uma totalidade corpo-mente-espírito no Pensamento Médico chinês. SHÉN está presente em todas as dimensões da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa, diferindo o grau de importância dado por autores representantes de cada uma das três vertentes da Medicina Chinesa. Autores representantes da Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ) E DA Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ZHÖNG YÏ) tendem a valorizar sua presença em todas as dimensões. Autores representantes da Medicina Chinesa Contemporânea (DÄNG DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ) tendem a valorizar a participação de SHÉN na dimensão Diagnose. Percebe-se, portanto, que SHÉN ao participar de todas as dimensões ganha o importante papel de estruturante da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa, não podendo, portanto, ser negligenciado nos estudos da Medicina Chinesa, sob pena de comprometer a importância da Racionalidade Médica.
O objetivo do trabalho é investigar as teses conceituais contemporâneas sobre o normal e o patológico em medicina. Após a célebre tese de Georges Canguilhem sobre o tema e sobretudo a partir da década de 1970, a filosofia da medicina anglo-saxônica ofereceu importantes contribuições para o debate. Analisamos principalmente as teses de Christopher Boorse e Lennart Nordenfelt, autores que compartilham com Canguilhem a convicção de que a análise filosófica pode contribuir para o esclarecimento dos conceitos médicos. O primeiro é apontado na literatura como naturalista e o segundo como normativista, polarização apresentada na literatura anglo-saxônica contemporânea que reflete o debate sobre a descrição da saúde e da doença como fenômenos naturais ou como estados determinados por valores antropomórficos. Vemos que, para distinguir o normal do patológico, os autores contemporâneos naturalistas fazem uso dos critérios de função biológica e tipo biológico e os autores normativistas falam em função social e tipos ideais. Problematizamos estes conceitos usando o referencial da filosofia da biologia e dos estudos da deficiência, respectivamente, e notamos que as definições propostas pelos filósofos da medicina merecem ser refinadas.
El pensamiento médico y el ejercicio de la medicina plantean un cúmulo de problemas filosóficos que no pueden reducirse a la parcela de lo ético. La medicina está atravesada por cuestiones filosóficas que la definen y la constituyen como ciencia. Se trata de cuestiones sobre las cuales gira y se desarrolla el entero ejercicio médico y la medicina teórica. La filosofía y la medicina no deben ser entendidas como dos cuerpos de conocimiento autónomo e independiente, sino que en orden a alcanzar una ciencia más madura y humana, ambas deben embarcarse en un proyecto común. Paul Karl Feyerabend nos ofrece una primera aproximación a esta tesis.
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J. and J. Harper, 1833 on t.p.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Not complete until the 6th ed., London, 1864-65.
Mode of access: Internet.
This thesis is concerned with understanding the roles of four alternate healing systems and medical practice in the community's health behaviour. The four alternate systems are naturopathy, homoeopathy, osteopathy and chiropractic. The research reported developed from work supported by the Committee of Inquiry into Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy conducted under the chairmanship of Professor E. C. Webb set up by the Australian Government in 1975. The study concentrates on the factors which influence individual clients in their decisions to consult healers for treatment. An underlying assumption is that an analysis of the processes that effect such decisions will lead to further knowledge of the community's attitudes towards the functions of alternate healing and medicine. A review of the historical backgrounds and current status of the four alternate healing systems leads to the conclusion that they differ in a variety of areas. These areas include treatment modalities, historical backgrounds, occupational development and rapprochement with medicine. Homoeopathy, osteopathy and chiropractic emerged as distinct approaches to healing late in the nineteenth century. Naturopathy tends to be a philosophy or style of life as much as a health system in its own right. Their relationships with medicine also vary; osteopathy and naturopathy receive some acceptance, some homoeopaths are tolerated, whilst chiropractic is ostracised and vilified. A common paradigm of treatment underlies all four alternate approaches to healing. They all eschew the use of synthetic pharmaceuticals and invasive treatments and accept an indigenous theory of disease and a belief in the vis medicatrix naturae or the healing power of nature. An inevitable concomitant of this paradigm is that they believe that healing and health must be self-engendered. They rest within the client and his or her actions, not within the hands, skills or power of the healer. It is these characteristics combined with the alternate healers ' claims to espouse a similar scientific rationale for their approaches, and their functioning as parallel healers to medicine, that establishes their special relationship with medicine. This relationship become s more problematic in the face of medicine's hegemony and claim to unique legitimacy as the community's sole healing system. The interaction between these systems and medical practice can be gauged through articles related to the four alternate healing systems that have appeared in the medical literature. Interest has been cyclical but appears to have markedly increased in the past two decades. In this period it has included exploratory and descriptive writing; concern with controlling and/or eradicating the healers; desire to protect an ignorant and vulnerable public and. finally understanding and exploration of what the alternate healers might have to offer. At the same time, the public or institutionalized role has been one of denial and suppression through ostracism and legal constraints. In spite of medicine's position the alternate healing systems have found growing community acceptance so that it is problematical and probably unacceptable now to consider their use as a 'deviant ' health action. Increasing interest in the characteristics of clients has provided a consensus that they are similar to the adult population and are more likely to suffer from musculoskeletal and chronic illnesses. They are no more likely to be neurotic or gullible than the general community, but probably more practical and more oriented towards an active involvement in the healing process. The impact of these issues is explored, through comparing the strategies taken into account when choosing a treatment. These include attending one of the alternate healers exclusively for a condition; attending an alternate healer and a medical practitioner for the same problem; attending a medical practitioner solely or not consulting any healer. Respondents from surveys of alternate healer clients and the general community were classified according to their use of these four strategies, and the influences on their decisions at different stages of the treatment decision making process were compared.
The medical professionalism movement, bolstered by many influential medical organizations and institutions, has in the last decade produced a number of conceptual definitions of professionalism and a number of concrete proposals for its measurement and teaching. These projects, however laudable, are misguided when they treat professionalism as a unitary descriptive concept rather than as a contested and therefore primarily evaluative one; when they conceive professionalism as a domain of medical practice separable in principle from other domains; and when they treat professionalism as, in principle, a specifiable goal or product of sufficiently well designed educational curricula. The logic of professionalism-as-product corresponds to the logic of techne (art or practical skill) in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle provides a cogent argument, however, that the moral excellences denoted by "professionalism" cannot be "produced" or even prespecified in the concrete; rather, they must be acquired through long practice under the careful concrete guidance of teachers who themselves embody these moral excellences. Phronesis (practical wisdom) rather than techne must therefore be the guiding logic of educational initiatives in medical professional formation, with particular emphasis on close mentorship and on the moral character both of students and of those who teach them.
L’accès aux traitements de base est un enjeu crucial pour la santé, la pauvreté et le développement. La responsabilité en matière d’accès est alors une question essentielle. Le huitième Objectif du Millénaire pour le Développement postule qu’en coopération avec les firmes pharmaceutiques, l’accès aux traitements essentiels doit être assuré. Les principales parties prenantes qui doivent engager leur responsabilité pour l’accès aux médicaments sont (1) l’industrie pharmaceutique, (2) les gouvernements, (3) la société au sens large, et (4) les individus (qu’ils soient ou non malades). Quatre approches permettent d’appréhender la responsabilité: (a) l’approche déontologique; (b) l’utilitarisme; (c) l’égalitarisme; (b) l’approche basée sur les droits de l’homme. Ces quatre arguments peuvent être utilisés pour assigner une responsabilité aux gouvernements dans l’accès aux médicaments. Le papier conclut qu’il est parfois difficile de distinguer entre ces quatre approches et qu’un « glissement-d’échelle » de la responsabilité est une voie utile pour appréhender les rôles des quatre principales parties prenantes dans l’accès aux médicaments, dépendant du pays ou de la région et de son environnement interne.
Data was collected from 22 selected medical college libraries and 526 undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, using a survey. The article presents a list of findings and recommendations based on them to improve the services of medical college libraries in Andhra Pradesh.