953 resultados para Media Strategy
Facebook is approaching ubiquity in the social habits and practice of many students. However, its use in higher education has been criticised (Maranto & Barton, 2010) because it can remove or blur academic boundaries. Despite these concerns, there is strong potential to use Facebook to support new students to communicate and interact with each other (Cheung, Chiu, & Lee, 2010). This paper shows how Facebook can be used by teaching staff to communicate more effectively with students. Further, it shows how it can provide a way to represent and include beginning students’ thoughts, opinions and feedback as an element of the learning design and responsive feed-forward into lectures and tutorial activities. We demonstrate how an embedded social media strategy can be used to complement and enhance the first year curriculum experience by functioning as a transition device for student support and activating Kift’s (2009) organising principles for first year curriculum design.
Distribution Revolution is a collection of interviews with leading film and TV professionals concerning the many ways that digital delivery systems are transforming the entertainment business. These interviews provide lively insider accounts from studio executives, distribution professionals, and creative talent of the tumultuous transformation of film and TV in the digital era. The first section features interviews with top executives at major Hollywood studios, providing a window into the big-picture concerns of media conglomerates with respect to changing business models, revenue streams, and audience behaviors. The second focuses on innovative enterprises that are providing path-breaking models for new modes of content creation, curation, and distribution—creatively meshing the strategies and practices of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. And the final section offers insights from creative talent whose professional practices, compensation, and everyday working conditions have been transformed over the past ten years. Taken together, these interviews demonstrate that virtually every aspect of the film and television businesses is being affected by the digital distribution revolution, a revolution that has likely just begun. Interviewees include: • Gary Newman, Chairman, 20th Century Fox Television • Kelly Summers, Former Vice President, Global Business Development and New Media Strategy, Walt Disney Studios • Thomas Gewecke, Chief Digital Officer and Executive Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Warner Bros. Entertainment • Ted Sarandos, Chief Content Officer, Netflix • Felicia D. Henderson, Writer-Producer, Soul Food, Gossip Girl • Dick Wolf, Executive Producer and Creator, Law & Order
RESUMO: A isquémia cerebral é uma das doenças mais predominantes a nivel mundial, sendo uma das principais causas de mortalidade e invalidez. Parte da propagação de dano no cérebro é causado por inflamação descontrolada, causada principalmente por disfunção da microglia. Desta forma, existe a necessidade de tentar desenvolver estratégias para melhor compreender e modular as acções destas células. O monóxido de carbono (CO), é uma molécula endógena com provas dadas como anti-neuroinflamatório em vários modelos. Assim, o principal objectivo do trabalho foi o estudo do CO como um modulador da acção da microglia, com principal foco dado à comunicação entre estas células e neurónios, tentando entender se existe um efeito neuroprotector por inibição da inflamação. Um protocolo de meio condicionado foi estabelecido usando as linhas celulares BV2 e SH-SY5Y, de microglia e neurónio. A molécula CORM-A1, que liberta expontaniamente CO, foi usada como método de entrega da molécula às celulas. Demonstrámos que o pre-tratamento de células BV2 com CORM-A1 gera neuroprotecção já que reduz a morte celular de neurónios SH-SY5Y quando são incubados com meio condicionado de microglia activada em conjunto com o pró-oxidante t-BHP (tert-butil hidroperóxido). Assim, considerámos que o CO promove neuroprotecção ao inibir as acções inflamatórias da microglia. O papel anti-inflamatório da molécula CORM-A1 foi confirmado quando se verificou que pré-tratamento desta molécula em microglia BV2 limita a secreção de TNF-α mas estimula a secreção de IL-10. Por último, a CORM-A1 induziu a expressão do receptor da microglia CD200R1, molécula que participa na comunicação neurónio-microglia e fundamental para a modulação das acções inflamatórias destas últimas. Em suma, o nosso trabalho reforçou as propriedades anti-neuroinflamatórias do CO e uma capacidade de modular viabilidade neuronal através do seu efeito a nível de comunicação célula-célula. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Brain ischemia is a widespread disease worldwide, being one of the main causes of mortality and permanent disability. A portion of the damage that ensues following the ischemic event is caused by unrestrained inflammation, which is mainly orchestrated by exacerbated microglial activity. Hence, developing strategies for modulating microglial inflammation is a major concern nowadays. The endogenous molecule carbon monoxide (CO) has been shown to possess anti-neuroinflammatory properties using in vitro and in vivo approaches. Thus, our objective was to study CO as modulator of microglial activity, in particular in what concerns their communication with neurons, by promoting neuronal viability and limiting inflammatory output of activated microglia. A conditioned media strategy was established with BV2 microglia and SH-SY5Y neurons as cell models. CO-releasing molecule A1 (CORM-A1), a compound that releases CO spontaneously, was used as method of CO delivery to cells. We found that CORM-A1 pre-treatment in BV2 cells yields neuroprotective results, as it limits cell death when SH-SY5Y neurons are challenged with conditioned media from LPS-activated microglia and the pro-oxidant t-BHP (tert-butyl-hydroperoxide). Thus, we assumed carbon monoxide promotes neuroprotection via inhibition of microglial inflammation, displaying a non-cell autonomous role. CORM-A1 pre-treatment limited inflammation by inhibiting BV2 secretion of TNF-α and stimulating IL-10 production. These results reinforce that CO’s anti-inflammatory role confers neuroprotection, as the alterations in these cytokines occur concurrently with the increase in SH-SY5Y viability. Finally, we showed for the first time that carbon monoxide promotes the expression of CD200R1, a microglial receptor involved in neuron-glia communication and modulation of microglia inflammation. Further studies are necessary to clarify this role. Altogether, other than just highlighting CO as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective molecule, this work set the foundation for disclosing its involvement in cell-to-cell communication.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Erlösdiversifizierung privater deutscher Free-TV-Unternehmen. Im Zentrum stehen dabei die Entwicklung eines Nutzwerttheo-rie-basierten Modells zur Bestimmung attraktiver Diversifikationsfelder und dessen empirische Überprüfung. Zur Modellbildung werden sowohl der market-based als auch der resource-based View des strategischen Managements berücksichtigt und methodisch integriert. Zunächst werden anhand von Fallstudien der Mediengruppe RTL Deutsch-land und der ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG der strategische Optionsraum bestehend aus 15 Diversifizierungsmärkten identifiziert und die Kernressourcen deutscher Free-TV-Unternehmen untersucht. Aufbauend auf den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wird das soge-nannte COAT-Diversifizierungsmodell als Rahmenmodell für die Planung und Bewer-tung von Diversifizierungsstrategien entworfen (COAT = Online Content Distribution, Offline Activities und Add-On Services/ Transaction TV). Durch eine ausführliche Be-fragung von 26 hochrangigen Managern, Senderchefs und Branchenbeobachtern der deutschen TV-Industrie wird das entworfene Modell überprüft und die Attraktivität der identifizierten Diversifizierungsmärkte ermittelt. Im Zentrum des Modells und der Ex-pertenbefragung steht die Durchführung einer Nutzwertanalyse, anhand derer zum einen die Marktattraktivität der verschiedenen Diversifizierungsmärkte ermittelt wird (market-based View), und zum anderen die Bedeutung der Kernressourcen eines Free-TV-Unternehmens in den verschiedenen Diversifizierungsmärkten untersucht wird (ressour-ce-based View). Hierzu werden für beide Dimensionen entsprechende Subkriterien de-finiert und eine Nutzwertbewertung für jedes Kriterium in jedem der 15 Märkte vorge-nommen. Aus den ermittelten Teilnutzwerten können für jeden untersuchten Markt ein übergreifender marktorientierter Nutzwert NM und ein ressourcenorienterter Nutzwert NR ermittelt werden. Im Resultat lässt sich ein Nutzwert-Portfolio aufspannen, in dem die 15 Diversifizierungsmärkte entsprechend ihrer ressourcen- und marktorientierten Nutzwertkombinationen in vier Gruppen kategorisiert werden: Diversifizierungsmärkte mit 1) sehr hoher Attraktivität, 2) hoher Marktchance, 3) hoher Opportunität oder rn4) geringer Attraktivität. Abschließend werden erste Normstrategien für die einzelnen Diversifizierungskategorien abgeleitet und die Eignung des COAT-Diversifizierungs-modells für die strategische Planung analysiert.rn
Dado el impacto que las redes sociales tienen en la vida diaria de los países desarrollados o en vías de desarrollo, éstas han pasado a tener un papel clave en dicho desarrollo social. Dicha consideración no sólo debe centrarse en cómo las personas forman las redes, sino las herramientas que emplean y la forma en la que estas deben ser tratadas por las organizaciones para conseguir una posición preferencial con los usuarios que forman las redes (considerando el creciente número de éstos todos los días). El presente trabajo trata de exponer la diferencia entre medios sociales y redes sociales, estableciendo una diferencia clara entre entre ambos, define lo que son los medios sociales (Social Media en Inglés), qué se debe considerar para que el uso de los mismos tenga una carácter exitoso en sus operaciones y cómo las organizaciones perciben la diferencia competitiva que éstos aportan en sus actividades. Una vez definida, destacamos la importancia de la consideración de estos nuevos medios en las estrategias de la compañías. Para ello, debemos ver el ecosistema de los medios sociales de forma general, y focalizarnos en la relación marca-compañía con el usuario/cliente. La inclusión de los medios sociales en las estrategias de las compañías, primero de forma independiente y, posteriormente, de forma integrada, hace que los modelos de negocio de las compañías se vayan adaptando a los tiempos. Se describe el cambio de paradigma de los modelos de negocio afectados por la introducción de los medios sociales, los elementos y tipos de modelos de negocio que se pueden tener, así como la adaptación de los modelos establecidos a los nuevos modelos. Posteriormente se ve cómo las compañías incluyen los medios sociales en su estrategia, a través de una planificación de medios sociales,partiendo de qué es una estrategia y cómo debe evaluarse. Una vez se ha definido el contexto (qué son los medios sociales, redes sociales, modelo de negocio, estrategia; así como sus características), se definen los bloques funcionales de los medios sociales, con su paralelismo en términos de la estrategia de las compañías, así como se indican determinados factores de éxito para su adopción. Hasta ahora, estamos mirando la organización de forma individual pero, dentro del mercado en el que desarrollan sus actividades, éstas deben ser evaluadas sobre el grado de desarrollo de los medios sociales en sus operaciones; y poder establecer así comparativas, con otras organizaciones, en relación a su grado de implantación. Con dicho objetivo, desarrollaremos un modelo de madurez de medios sociales (Social Media Maturity Model, SMMM o SM3), de forma teórica. ¿Cómo considerar dicho modelo de forma realista?. Basándonos en el método del estudio de casos, se realizará una análisis e investigación de diferentes organizaciones que nos indicará el grado de aproximación del modelo de madurez referenciado, con respecto a la realidad. ABSTRACT Considering the impact that social networks have in the daily life in developed or developing countries, they have come to play a key role in this social development. This consideration should not only focus on how people set up networks, but the tools they use and how these ones should be addressed by organizations to achieve a preferential position with users, forming networks (considering the increasing number of them every day). This work tries to explain the difference between social media and social networking, establishing a clear difference between them, defines what is Social Media, which should be considered for its use has a successful character in their operations and how organizations perceive the competitive edge they bring in their activities. Once they are defined, we remark the importance of considering these new media in companies strategies. For this, we see the social media ecosystem in general, and to focus on brandcompany relationship with the user/client. The inclusion of social media strategies in the companies, independently and in a integrated way, makes the business models of companies evolve along the time. It is described the paradigm shift in business models affected by the introduction of social media, elements and types of business models that can be had, and the adaptation of established models to new models. After that, it’s shown how companies include social media strategy through social media planning and building on what is a strategy and how it should be evaluated. Once the context is defined (what is social media, social networking, business model, strategy, and its features), the functional blocks of social media are defined, with its parallelism in terms of the strategy of companies and specific success factors are indicated. So far, we are looking at the organization individually but within the market in which they operate, they must be evaluated on the degree of development of social media in their operations; and to establish and compare with other organizations in relation to their degree of implementation. With this goal, we will develop a maturity model for social media (Social Media Maturity Model, SMMM or SM3), theoretically. How to consider the model realistically?. Based on the case study method, the analysis and research of different organizations that it will indicate the accuracy of the maturity model referenced with respect to the actually performed.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka yksilön brändi muodostuu sosiaalisessa mediassa ja mitä sosiaalisen median kanavia suositaan työnhakijoiden ja yritysten keskuudessa. Haettiin myös alueellisilta yrityksiltä vastausta siihen, perehdyttävätkö he uusia työntekijöitä sosiaalisen median käyttäytymisessä. Tietolähteinä käytettiin brändin luomiseen ja sosiaalisen median strategiaan keskittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä yrityksien ja opiskelijoiden haastatteluja. Työn tuloksina todettiin suosituimmiksi kanaviksi itsensä markkinointiin verkostoitumispalvelu LinkedIn. Yritykset korostivat omien projektien merkitystä osaamisen näyttämisessä työnhaussa ja hyvin viestittyä persoonallisuutta hakemuksissa arvostettiin.
An unstructured mesh �nite volume discretisation method for simulating di�usion in anisotropic media in two-dimensional space is discussed. This technique is considered as an extension of the fully implicit hybrid control-volume �nite-element method and it retains the local continuity of the ux at the control volume faces. A least squares function recon- struction technique together with a new ux decomposition strategy is used to obtain an accurate ux approximation at the control volume face, ensuring that the overall accuracy of the spatial discretisation maintains second order. This paper highlights that the new technique coincides with the traditional shape function technique when the correction term is neglected and that it signi�cantly increases the accuracy of the previous linear scheme on coarse meshes when applied to media that exhibit very strong to extreme anisotropy ratios. It is concluded that the method can be used on both regular and irregular meshes, and appears independent of the mesh quality.
It’s never been easier for rights advocates to create and distribute their own media productions, using text, audio, video and the internet. Rights advocates can make media to raise awareness about an issue, to convey new information that is not in the public domain, or to mobilise people to take action. However, careful planning, in the form of a strategy document, is essential to ensure that the media you make genuinely contributes to reaching your advocacy goals. Whether you are an individual rights advocate, a group or an organisation, this chapter will take you through the steps involved in creating a strategic plan for making any kind of media as part of a campaign or project.
In the evolving knowledge societies of today, some people are overloaded with information, others are starved for information. Everywhere, people are yearning to freely express themselves,to actively participate in governance processes and cultural exchanges. Universally, there is a deep thirst to understand the complex world around us. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is a basis for enhancing access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, and quality education. It describes skills, and attitudes that are needed to value the functions of media and other information providers, including those on the Internet, in societies and to find, evaluate and produce information and media content; in other words, it covers the competencies that are vital for people to be effectively engaged in all aspects of development.
In 2013, social networking was the second most popular online activity after internet banking for Australians (ABS, 2014). The popularity and apparent ubiquity of social media is one of the most obvious and compelling arguments for integrating such technologies into higher education. Already, social media impacts a wide range of activities ranging in scope from marketing and communication to teaching and learning in higher education (Hrastinski & Dennen, 2012). Social media presents many exciting possibilities and opportunities for higher education. This session will focus on one staff focussed and one student focussed social media innovation currently underway at QUT. First, it will focus on the actions of QUT’s social media working group. The working group’s aim is to ensure an overarching social media policy for the university is developed and implemented that supports staff in the use of social media across a range of activities. Second, it will discuss the eResponsible and eProfessional Online resources for students project. The focus of this project is to develop a suite of online resources targeted at the devel opment of social media skills for undergraduate students at QUT. These initiatives are complementary and both aim to minimise risk while maximising opportuniti es for the university
Sakr challenges the notion that transnational media technologies have forced states in the Arab Middle East to cede ever more control to non-state players since the 1990s. Taking account of a long history of foreign political engineering in Arab countries, she probes the realities of Arab broadcasting privatization, intra-regional harmonization of government communication policies, and external financial support for media freedom and reform, to show how Arab governments were large successfully in harnessing forces implicated in media globalization in a way that entrenched authoritarian elements of the status quo. The findings validate an alternative to globalization theory that places a dual focus on the agency of national ruling elites and the international structures that underpin the power of those elites today, as in the past.
In this study, we report on a new route of PEGylation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) by polycondensation reaction with carboxylate groups. Structural and magnetic characterizations were performed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The XRD confirmed the spinel structure with a crystallite average diameter in the range of 3.5-4.1 nm in good agreement with the average diameter obtained by TEM (4.60-4.97 nm). The TGA data indicate the presence of PEG attached onto the SPIONs' surface. The SPIONs were superparamagnetic at room temperature with saturation magnetization (M S) from 36.7 to 54.1 emu/g. The colloidal stability of citrate- and PEG-coated SPIONs was evaluated by means of dynamic light scattering measurements as a function of pH, ionic strength, and nature of dispersion media (phosphate buffer and cell culture media). Our findings demonstrated that the PEG polymer chain length plays a key role in the coagulation behavior of the Mag-PEG suspensions. The excellent colloidal stability under the extreme conditions we evaluated, such as high ionic strength, pH near the isoelectric point, and cell culture media, revealed that suspensions comprising PEG-coated SPION, with PEG of molecular weight 600 and above, present steric stabilization attributed to the polymer chains attached onto the surface of SPIONs. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
This dissertation addresses the need for a strategy that will help readers new to new media texts interpret such texts. While scholars in multimodal and new media theory posit rubrics that offer ways to understand how designers use the materialities and media found in overtly designed, new media texts (see, e.g,, Wysocki, 2004a), these strategies do not account for how readers have to make meaning from those texts. In this dissertation, I discuss how these theories, such as Lev Manovich’s (2001) five principles for determining the new media potential of texts and Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen’s (2001) four strata of designing multimodal texts, are inadequate to the job of helping readers understand new media from a rhetorical perspective. I also explore how literary theory, specifically Wolfgang Iser’s (1978) description of acts of interpretation, can help audiences understand why readers are often unable to interpret the multiple, unexpected modes of communication used in new media texts. Rhetorical theory, explored in a discussion of Sonja Foss’s (2004) units of analysis, is helpful in bringing the reader into a situated context with a new media text, although these units of analysis, like Iser’s process, suggests that a reader has some prior experience interpreting a text-as-artifact. Because of this assumption of knowledge put forth by all of the theories explored within, I argue that none alone is useful to help readers engage with and interpret new media texts. However, I argue that a heuristic which combines elements from each of these theories, as well as additional ones, is more useful for readers who are new to interpreting the multiple modes of communication that are often used in unconventional ways in new media texts. I describe that heuristic in the final chapter and discuss how it can be useful to a range of texts besides those labelled new media.
A Split System Approach (SSA) based methodology is presented to assist in making optimal Preventive Maintenance decisions for serial production lines. The methodology treats a production line as a complex series system with multiple PM actions over multiple intervals. Both risk related cost and maintenance related cost are factored into the methodology as either deterministic or random variables. This SSA based methodology enables Asset Management (AM) decisions to be optimized considering a variety of factors including failure probability, failure cost, maintenance cost, PM performance, and the type of PM strategy. The application of this new methodology and an evaluation of the effects of these factors on PM decisions are demonstrated using an example. The results of this work show that the performance of a PM strategy can be measured by its Total Expected Cost Index (TECI). The optimal PM interval is dependent on TECI, PM performance and types of PM strategies. These factors are interrelated. Generally it was found that a trade-off between reliability and the number of PM actions needs to be made so that one can minimize Total Expected Cost (TEC) for asset maintenance.