732 resultados para Mechanical vibration
Glucocorticoids are an important cause of secondary osteoporosis in humans, which decreases bone quality and leads to fractures. Mechanical stimulation in the form of low-intensity and high-frequency vibration seems to be able to prevent bone loss and to stimulate bone formation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of mechanical vibration on bone structure in rats treated with glucocorticoids. Thirty 3-month-old adult male Wistar rats were randomized to three groups: control (C), glucocorticoid (G), and glucocorticoid with vibration (CV). The G and GV groups received 3.5 mg/kg/day of methylprednisolone 5 days/week for a duration of 9 weeks, and the C group received vehicle (saline solution) during the same period. The CV group was vibrated on a special platform for 30 min per day, 5 days per week during the experiment. The platform was set to provide a vertical acceleration of 1 G and a frequency of 60 Hz. Skeletal bone mass was evaluated by total body densitometry (DXA). Fracture load threshold, undecalcified bone histomorphometry, and bone volume were measured in tibias. Glucocorticoids induced a significantly lower weight gain (-9.7%) and reduced the bone mineral content (-9.2%) and trabecular number (-41.8%) and increased the trabecular spacing (+98.0%) in the G group, when compared to the control (C). Vibration (CV) was able to significantly preserve (29.2%) of the trabecular number and decrease the trabecular spacing (+ 26.6%) compared to the G group, although these parameters did not reach C group values. The fracture load threshold was not different between groups, but vibration significantly augmented the bone volume of the tibia by 21.4% in the CV group compared to the C group. Our study demonstrated that low-intensity and high-frequency mechanical vibration was able to partially inhibit the deleterious consequences of glucocorticoids on bone structure in rats. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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A non-invasive in vivo technique was developed to evaluate changes in wrist joint stability properties induced by increased co-activation of the forearm muscles in a gripping task. Mechanical vibration at 45, 50 and 55 Hz was applied to the radial head in ten healthy volunteers. Vibrations of the styloid process of the radius and the distal end of the metacarpal bone of the index finger were measured with triaxial accelerometers. Joint stability properties were quantified by the transfer function gain between accelerations on either side of the wrist-joint. Gain was calculated with the muscles at rest and at five force levels ranging from 5% to 25% of maximum grip force (%MF). During contraction the gain was significantly greater than in control trial (0%MF) for all contractions levels at 45 and 50 Hz and a trend for 15%MF and higher at 55 Hz. Group means of contraction force and gain were significantly correlated at 45 (R-2 = 0.98) and 50 Hz (R-2 = 0.72), but not at 55 Hz (R-2 = 0.10). In conclusion, vibration transmission gain may provide a method to evaluate changes in joint stability properties. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This thesis describes an analytical and experimental study to determine the mechanical characteristics of the pump mounting, bell housing type. For numerical purposes, the mount was modelled as a thin circular cylindrical shell with cutouts, stiffened with rings and stringers; the boundary conditions were considered to be either clamped-free or clamped-supporting rigid heavy mass. The theoretical study was concerned with both the static response and the free vibration characteristics of the mount. The approach was based on the Rayleigh-Ritz approximation technique using beam characteristic (axial) and trigonometric (Circumferential) functions in the displacement series, in association with the Love - Timoshenko thin shell theory. Studies were carried out to determine the effect of the supported heavy mass on the static response, frequencies and mode shapes; in addition, the effects of stringers, rings and cutouts on vibration characteristics were investigated. The static and dynamic formulations were both implemented on the Hewlett Packard 9845 computer. The experimental study was conducted to evaluate the results of the natural frequencies and mode shapes, predicted numerically. In the experimental part, a digital computer was used as an experiment controller, which allowed accurate and quick results. The following observations were made: 1. Good agreements were obtained with the results of other investigators. 2. Satisfactory agreement was achieved between the theoretical and experimental results. 3. Rings coupled the axial modal functions of the plain cylinder and tended to increase frequencies, except for the torsion modes where frequencies were reduced. Stringers coupled the circumferential modal functions and tended to decrease frequencies. The effect of rings was stronger than that of stringers. 4. Cutouts tended to reduce frequencies; in general, but this depends on the location of the cutouts; if they are near the free edge then an increase in frequencies is obtained. Cutouts coupled both axial and circumferential modal functions. 5. The supported heavy mass had similar effects to those of the rings, but in an exaggerated manner, particularly in the reduction of torsion frequencies. 6. The method of analysis was found to be a convenient analytical tool for estimating the overall behaviour of the shell with cutouts.
The dynamics of mechanical milling in a vibratory mill have been studied by means of mechanical vibration, shock measurements, computer simulation and microstructural evolution measurements. Two distinct modes of ball motion during milling, periodic and chaotic vibration, were observed. Mill operation in the regime of periodic vibration, in which each collision provides a constant energy input to milled powders, enabled a quantitative description of the effect of process parameters on system dynamics. An investigation of the effect of process parameters on microstructural development in an austenitic stainless steel showed that the impact force associated with collision events is an important process parameter for characterizing microstructural evolution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
Cette thse vise rpondre trois questions fondamentales: 1) La diminution de lexcitabilit corticospinale et le manque dinhibition intracorticale observs suite la stimulation magntique transcrnienne (SMT) du cortex moteur de la main atteinte de sujets hmipartiques sont-ils aussi prsents suite la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte? 2) Est-ce que les altrations dans lexcitabilit corticomotrice sont corrles aux dficits et incapacits motrices des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire crbral depuis plus de 6 mois? 3) La vibration musculaire, tant la source dune forte affrence sensorielle, peut-elle moduler lexcitabilit corticomotrice et amliorer la performance motrice de ces personnes? Premirement, afin dappuyer notre choix dintervention et dvaluer le potentiel de la vibration mcanique locale pour favoriser la radaptation des personnes ayant une atteinte neurologique, nous avons ralis une rvision en profondeur de ses applications et intrts cliniques partir dinformations trouves dans la littrature scientifique (article 1). La quantit importante dinformation sur les effets physiologiques de la vibration contraste avec la pauvret des tudes qui ont valu son effet thrapeutique. Nous avons trouv que, malgr le manque dtudes, les rsultats sur son utilisation sont encourageants et positifs et aucun effet adverse na t rapport. Dans les trois autres articles qui composent cette thse, lexcitabilit des circuits corticospinaux et intracorticaux a t tudie chez 27 sujets hmipartiques et 20 sujets sains sans atteintes neurologiques. Les fonctions sensorimotrices ont aussi t values par des tests cliniques valides et fidles. Tel quobserv la main chez les sujets hmipartiques, nous avons trouv, par rapport aux sujets sains, une diminution de lexcitabilit corticospinale ainsi quun manque dinhibition intracorticale suite la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte (article 2). Les sujets hmipartiques ont galement montr un manque de focus de la commande motrice lors de lactivation volontaire des flchisseurs plantaires. Ceci tait caractris par une augmentation de lexcitabilit nerveuse des muscles agonistes, mais aussi gnralise aux synergistes et mme aux antagonistes. De plus, ces altrations ont t corrles aux dficits moteurs au membre partique. Le but principal de cette thse tait de tester les effets potentiels de la vibration des muscles de la main (article 3) et de la cuisse (article 4) sur les mcanismes neuronaux qui contrlent ces muscles. Nous avons trouv que la vibration augmente lamplitude de la rponse motrice des muscles vibrs, mme chez des personnes nayant pas de rponse motrice au repos ou lors dune contraction volontaire. La vibration a galement diminu linhibition intracorticale enregistre au quadriceps partique (muscle vibr). La diminution na cependant pas t significative au niveau de la main. Finalement, lors dun devis dinvestigation crois, la vibration de la main ou de la jambe partique a rsult en une amlioration spcifique de la dextrit manuelle ou de la coordination de la jambe, respectivement. Au membre infrieur, la vibration du quadriceps a galement diminue la spasticit des patients. Les rsultats obtenus dans cette thse sont trs prometteurs pour la rducation de la personne hmipartique car avec une seule sance de vibration, nous avons obtenu des amliorations neurophysiologiques et cliniques.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Human reactions to vibration have been extensively investigated in the past. Vibration, as well as whole-body vibration (WBV), has been commonly considered as an occupational hazard for its detrimental effects on human condition and comfort. Although long term exposure to vibrations may produce undesirable side-effects, a great part of the literature is dedicated to the positive effects of WBV when used as method for muscular stimulation and as an exercise intervention. Whole body vibration training (WBVT) aims to mechanically activate muscles by eliciting neuromuscular activity (muscle reflexes) via the use of vibrations delivered to the whole body. The most mentioned mechanism to explain the neuromuscular outcomes of vibration is the elicited neuromuscular activation. Local tendon vibrations induce activity of the muscle spindle Ia fibers, mediated by monosynaptic and polysynaptic pathways: a reflex muscle contraction known as the Tonic Vibration Reflex (TVR) arises in response to such vibratory stimulus. In WBVT mechanical vibrations, in a range from 10 to 80 Hz and peak to peak displacements from 1 to 10 mm, are usually transmitted to the patient body by the use of oscillating platforms. Vibrations are then transferred from the platform to a specific muscle group through the subject body. To customize WBV treatments, surface electromyography (SEMG) signals are often used to reveal the best stimulation frequency for each subject. Use of SEMG concise parameters, such as root mean square values of the recordings, is also a common practice; frequently a preliminary session can take place in order to discover the more appropriate stimulation frequency. Soft tissues act as wobbling masses vibrating in a damped manner in response to mechanical excitation; Muscle Tuning hypothesis suggest that neuromuscular system works to damp the soft tissue oscillation that occurs in response to vibrations; muscles alters their activity to dampen the vibrations, preventing any resonance phenomenon. Muscle response to vibration is however a complex phenomenon as it depends on different parameters, like muscle-tension, muscle or segment-stiffness, amplitude and frequency of the mechanical vibration. Additionally, while in the TVR study the applied vibratory stimulus and the muscle conditions are completely characterised (a known vibration source is applied directly to a stretched/shortened muscle or tendon), in WBV study only the stimulus applied to a distal part of the body is known. Moreover, mechanical response changes in relation to the posture. The transmissibility of vibratory stimulus along the body segment strongly depends on the position held by the subject. The aim of this work was the investigation on the effects that the use of vibrations, in particular the effects of whole body vibrations, may have on muscular activity. A new approach to discover the more appropriate stimulus frequency, by the use of accelerometers, was also explored. Different subjects, not affected by any known neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, were voluntarily involved in the study and gave their informed, written consent to participate. The device used to deliver vibration to the subjects was a vibrating platform. Vibrations impressed by the platform were exclusively vertical; platform displacement was sinusoidal with an intensity (peak-to-peak displacement) set to 1.2 mm and with a frequency ranging from 10 to 80 Hz. All the subjects familiarized with the device and the proper positioning. Two different posture were explored in this study: position 1 - hack squat; position 2 - subject standing on toes with heels raised. SEMG signals from the Rectus Femoris (RF), Vastus Lateralis (VL) and Vastus medialis (VM) were recorded. SEMG signals were amplified using a multi-channel, isolated biomedical signal amplifier The gain was set to 1000 V/V and a band pass filter (-3dB frequency 10 - 500 Hz) was applied; no notch filters were used to suppress line interference. Tiny and lightweight (less than 10 g) three-axial MEMS accelerometers (Freescale semiconductors) were used to measure accelerations of onto patients skin, at EMG electrodes level. Accelerations signals provided information related to individuals RF, Biceps Femoris (BF) and Gastrocnemius Lateralis (GL) muscle belly oscillation; they were pre-processed in order to exclude influence of gravity. As demonstrated by our results, vibrations generate peculiar, not negligible motion artifact on skin electrodes. Artifact amplitude is generally unpredictable; it appeared in all the quadriceps muscles analysed, but in different amounts. Artifact harmonics extend throughout the EMG spectrum, making classic high-pass filters ineffective; however, their contribution was easy to filter out from the raw EMG signal with a series of sharp notch filters centred at the vibration frequency and its superior harmonics (1.5 Hz wide). However, use of these simple filters prevents the revelation of EMG power potential variation in the mentioned filtered bands. Moreover our experience suggests that the possibility of reducing motion artefact, by using particular electrodes and by accurately preparing the subjects skin, is not easily viable; even though some small improvements were obtained, it was not possible to substantially decrease the artifact. Anyway, getting rid of those artifacts lead to some true EMG signal loss. Nevertheless, our preliminary results suggest that the use of notch filters at vibration frequency and its harmonics is suitable for motion artifacts filtering. In RF SEMG recordings during vibratory stimulation only a little EMG power increment should be contained in the mentioned filtered bands due to synchronous electromyographic activity of the muscle. Moreover, it is better to remove the artifact that, in our experience, was found to be more than 40% of the total signal power. In summary, many variables have to be taken into account: in addition to amplitude, frequency and duration of vibration treatment, other fundamental variables were found to be subject anatomy, individual physiological condition and subjects positioning on the platform. Studies on WBV treatments that include surface EMG analysis to asses muscular activity during vibratory stimulation should take into account the presence of motion artifacts. Appropriate filtering of artifacts, to reveal the actual effect on muscle contraction elicited by vibration stimulus, is mandatory. However as a result of our preliminary study, a simple multi-band notch filtering may help to reduce randomness of the results. Muscle tuning hypothesis seemed to be confirmed. Our results suggested that the effects of WBV are linked to the actual muscle motion (displacement). The greater was the muscle belly displacement the higher was found the muscle activity. The maximum muscle activity has been found in correspondence with the local mechanical resonance, suggesting a more effective stimulation at the specific system resonance frequency. Holding the hypothesis that muscle activation is proportional to muscle displacement, treatment optimization could be obtained by simply monitoring local acceleration (resonance). However, our study revealed some short term effects of vibratory stimulus; prolonged studies should be assembled in order to consider the long term effectiveness of these results. Since local stimulus depends on the kinematic chain involved, WBV muscle stimulation has to take into account the transmissibility of the stimulus along the body segment in order to ensure that vibratory stimulation effectively reaches the target muscle. Combination of local resonance and muscle response should also be further investigated to prevent hazards to individuals undergoing WBV treatments.
New devices were designed to generate a localized mechanical vibration of flexible gels where human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured. The stimulation setups were able to apply relatively large strains (30%~50%) at high temporal frequencies (140~207 Hz) in a localized subcellular region. One of the advantages of this technique was to be less invasive to the innate cellular functions because there was no direct contact between the stimulating probe and the cell body. A mechanical vibration induced by the device in the substrate gel where cells were seeded could mainly cause global calcium responses of the cells. This global response was initiated by the influx of calcium across the stretch-activated channels in the plasma membrane. The subsequent production of inositol triphosphate (IP3) via phospholipase C (PLC) activation triggered the calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to cause a global intracellular calcium fluctuation over the whole cell body. This global calcium response was also shown to depend on actomyosin contractility and F-actin integrity, probably controlling the membrane stretch-activated channels. The localized nature of the stimulation is one of the most important features of these new designs as it allowed the observation of the calcium signaling propagation by ER calcium release. The next step was to focus on the calcium influx, more specifically the TRPM7 channels. As TRPM7 expression may modulate cell adhesion, an adhesion assay was developed and tested on HUVECs seeded on gel substrates with different treatments: normal treatment on gels showed highest attachment rate, followed by the partially treated gels (only 5% of usual fibronectin amount) and untreated gels, with the lowest attachment rate. The trend of the attachment rates correlated to the magnitude of the calcium signaling observed after mechanical stimulation. TRPM7 expression inhibition by siRNA caused an increased attachment rate when compared to both control and non-targeting siRNA-treated cells, but resulted in an actual weaker response in terms of calcium signaling. It suggests that TRPM7 channels are indeed important for the calcium signaling in response to mechanical stimulation. A complementary study was also conducted consisting in the mechanical stimulation of a dissected Drosophila embryo. Although ionomycin treatment showed calcium influx in the tissue, the mechanical stimulation delivered as a vertical vibration did not elicited calcium signaling in response. One possible reason is the dissection procedure causing desensitization of the tissue due to the scrapings and manipulations to open the embryo.
Application of mechanical vibration to aid fluidization and to improve heat, mass and momentum transfer are usual processes in agricultural industry and it has found nowadays extensive applications in particle processing of materials difficult-to-fluidized. Equations and experimental data found in literature for the aerodynamics characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds are presented and discussed, emphasizing the vibration effect in the bed.
The success of artificial prosthetic replacements depends on the fixation of the artificial prosthetic component after being implanted in the thighbone. The materials for fixation are subject to mechanical stresses, which originate permanent deformations, incipient cracks and even fatigue fractures. This work shows the possibility of monitoring the mechanical stress over time in prosthesis. In this way, highly sensitive silicon thin-film piezoresistive sensors were developed attached to prosthesis and their results compared with commercial strain gauge sensors. Mechanical stress-strain experiments were performed in compressive mode, during 10,000 cycles. Experimental data was acquired at mechanical vibration frequencies of 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz and 5 Hz, and sent to a computer by means of a wireless link. The results show that there is a decrease in sensitivity of the thin-film silicon piezoresistive sensors when they are attached to the prosthesis, but this decrease does not compromise its monitoring performance. The sensitivity, compared to that of commercial strain gauges, is much larger due to their higher gauge factors (-23.5), when compared to the GFs of commercial sensors (2).
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecnica na rea de Manuteno e Produo
The present study was done with two different servo-systems. In the first system, a servo-hydraulic system was identified and then controlled by a fuzzy gainscheduling controller. The second servo-system, an electro-magnetic linear motor in suppressing the mechanical vibration and position tracking of a reference model are studied by using a neural network and an adaptive backstepping controller respectively. Followings are some descriptions of research methods. Electro Hydraulic Servo Systems (EHSS) are commonly used in industry. These kinds of systems are nonlinearin nature and their dynamic equations have several unknown parameters.System identification is a prerequisite to analysis of a dynamic system. One of the most promising novel evolutionary algorithms is the Differential Evolution (DE) for solving global optimization problems. In the study, the DE algorithm is proposed for handling nonlinear constraint functionswith boundary limits of variables to find the best parameters of a servo-hydraulic system with flexible load. The DE guarantees fast speed convergence and accurate solutions regardless the initial conditions of parameters. The control of hydraulic servo-systems has been the focus ofintense research over the past decades. These kinds of systems are nonlinear in nature and generally difficult to control. Since changing system parameters using the same gains will cause overshoot or even loss of system stability. The highly non-linear behaviour of these devices makes them ideal subjects for applying different types of sophisticated controllers. The study is concerned with a second order model reference to positioning control of a flexible load servo-hydraulic system using fuzzy gainscheduling. In the present research, to compensate the lack of dampingin a hydraulic system, an acceleration feedback was used. To compare the results, a pcontroller with feed-forward acceleration and different gains in extension and retraction is used. The design procedure for the controller and experimental results are discussed. The results suggest that using the fuzzy gain-scheduling controller decrease the error of position reference tracking. The second part of research was done on a PermanentMagnet Linear Synchronous Motor (PMLSM). In this study, a recurrent neural network compensator for suppressing mechanical vibration in PMLSM with a flexible load is studied. The linear motor is controlled by a conventional PI velocity controller, and the vibration of the flexible mechanism is suppressed by using a hybrid recurrent neural network. The differential evolution strategy and Kalman filter method are used to avoid the local minimum problem, and estimate the states of system respectively. The proposed control method is firstly designed by using non-linear simulation model built in Matlab Simulink and then implemented in practical test rig. The proposed method works satisfactorily and suppresses the vibration successfully. In the last part of research, a nonlinear load control method is developed and implemented for a PMLSM with a flexible load. The purpose of the controller is to track a flexible load to the desired position reference as fast as possible and without awkward oscillation. The control method is based on an adaptive backstepping algorithm whose stability is ensured by the Lyapunov stability theorem. The states of the system needed in the controller are estimated by using the Kalman filter. The proposed controller is implemented and tested in a linear motor test drive and responses are presented.
Tm diplomity on tehty Patria Vehicles Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Patria Vehicles Oy:n tuotantoon kuuluvat vaativiin maasto-olosuhteisiin soveltuvat sotilasajoneuvot. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehitt menetelmohjeet, kuinka FEM-analyysill voidaan tutkia tuotekehitysvaiheessa ajoneuvon korin tersrakenteiden vrhtelyominaisuuksia ja dynaamista kyttytymist. Tutkimuksessa on kytetty Ideas-FEM-ohjelmistoa. Dynaamisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi on ymmrrettv rakenteiden dynaamista kyttytymist. Rakenteiden kyttytymist ja muodonmuutoksia on tutkittava kriittisill ominaistaajuuksilla. Tutkimuksessa on selvitetty, kuinka ajoneuvon elementtimallilla voidaan tehd ominaisvrhtely- ja vastelaskentaa. Ominaisvrhtelylaskennalla selvitetn rakenteen ominaismuodot ja -taajuudet. Vastelaskennalla tutkitaan erilaisten hertteiden vaikutuksia ajoneuvon dynaamiseen kyttytymiseen ja mritetn hertteist rakenteeseen aiheutuvat vasteet ja hertteiden siirtyvyys rakenteessa. Lisksi tutkitaan hertteiden aiheuttamia todellisia jnnityksi ja siirtymi, jotta saadaan selville rakenteen todelliset rasitukset. Analyyseill voidaan tutkia, kuinka ajoneuvon korirakennetta on jykistettv ja vaimennettava, jotta siin ei esiinny haitallista melua ja vrhtely.
This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.