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We study planar central configurations of the five-body problem where three of the bodies are collinear, forming an Euler central configuration of the three-body problem, and the two other bodies together with the collinear configuration are in the same plane. The problem considered here assumes certain symmetries. From the three bodies in the collinear configuration, the two bodies at the extremities have equal masses and the third one is at the middle point between the two. The fourth and fifth bodies are placed in a symmetric way: either with respect to the line containing the three bodies, or with respect to the middle body in the collinear configuration, or with respect to the perpendicular bisector of the segment containing the three bodies. The possible stacked five-body central configurations satisfying these types of symmetries are: a rhombus with four masses at the vertices and a fifth mass in the center, and a trapezoid with four masses at the vertices and a fifth mass at the midpoint of one of the parallel sides.
The term Space Manifold Dynamics (SMD) has been proposed for encompassing the various applications of Dynamical Systems methods to spacecraft mission analysis and design, ranging from the exploitation of libration orbits around the collinear Lagrangian points to the design of optimal station-keeping and eclipse avoidance manoeuvres or the determination of low energy lunar and interplanetary transfers
The term Space Manifold Dynamics (SMD) has been proposed for encompassing the various applications of Dynamical Systems methods to spacecraft mission analysis and design, ranging from the exploitation of libration orbits around the collinear Lagrangian points to the design of optimal station-keeping and eclipse avoidance manoeuvres or the determination of low energy lunar and interplanetary transfers
Thermosensitive hydrogels were synthesized using alginate-Ca2+ in association with a thermosensitive polymer, such as PNIPAAm. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels were determined measuring the maximum tension of deformation. With the increase of the temperature by 25 to 40 ºC above the LCST the chains of PNIPAAm collapsed, dragging the alginate net and diminishing the size of the pores. The decrease in the size of the pores of the hydrogel was followed by an increase in the mechanicals resistance of the material.
Sugarcane holds an important place in the Brazilian economy. Grate part of the sugarcane harvested still accomplished largely manually. Sugarcane harvesters available in Brazil use the technology to chop the cane into 200 to 300 mm billets to allow on the go cane transferring to transport, contradicting the traditional method of whole stalk sugarcane harvesting system. In order to make whole stalk mechanical harvesting system possible, one of the barriers to be expired is the mechanical removal of the straw. The design of a mechanism that accomplishes this operation depends directly on the knowledge of the mechanical properties of the sugarcane related to its resistance to compression and the forces necessary to remove the leaves from the stalk. Compression tests were conducted using the universal testing machine. For leaves removal test by friction, a special apparatus was designed to allow the registration of the normal and traction force. The sugarcane stalk can resist up to 4.9 MPa. With a normal pressure of 0.8 MPa, which correspond to a friction force of 315 N, it is possible to remove the leaves, independent of its location in the sugarcane stalk.
Rice husk, employed as an energy source at milling industries in Brazil generates, after burning, a dark ash. This residue is not yet conveniently disposed, being currently dumped on large areas, causing environmental problems. This research intended to evaluate the applications of residual rice husk ashes (RHA) as a partial replacement of cement for mortar production. Rice husk ash was chemically characterized through X-ray fluorescence, determination of carbon content, X-ray diffraction, and laser granulometric analysis. Mortar specimens were submitted to two different exposure conditions: internal and external environments at a maximum period of five months. Physical-mechanical testing were compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). Although presenting good mechanical performance, the mortar based on ash (RHA) did not present pozolanicity but it can be employed in cement matrices as inert material (filler).
Twenty-two Triceps brachii muscle obtained from 11 cows aged 3 and 4 years , killed in an experimental slaughter plant, were submitted to mechanical tenderization, injection with acetic acid 0,1M and lactic acid 0,2M, ageing for 9 and 14 days and electrical stimulation (250v - 60Hz - 90s), some of them were reserved as a control group, without treatment. The 14 days ageing time presented 21% of increase in subjective tenderness and 12% of reduction in shear force, these values were similar to the electrical stimulated meat. However the injection with acids and the ageing time 9 days did not present significant effect in the texture. Although the shear force values of mechanical tenderized meat was the shortest among all treatments, suspect of superestimation because of the fractures plan created by this process. Another analyses were carried out: pH reduction curve, R value; colour analysis; weight losses by cooking and by treatment; and microbiological analysis.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Edible films are thin materials based on biopolymers and food additives. The aim of this work is a review on the application of dynamic mechanical analysis in edible film technology. After a brief review of the linear visco-elasticity theory, a description of some practical aspects related to dynamic mechanical analysis, such as sample fixation and sample dehydration during analysis and types and modes of tests are presented. Thus, the use of temperature scanning analysis for glass transition and for plasticizer-biopolymer compatibility studies and frequency scanning tests, less common in edible film technology, are critically reviewed.
Neste trabalho são investigadas as propriedades mecânicas de poliuretana derivada do óleo de mamona, utilizando a técnica de indentação instrumentada com penetradores de geometrias piramidal e esférica. Foi analisada a influência da forma do penetrador utilizado nos ensaios de indentação instrumentada para se obter valores das propriedades mecânicas de polímero derivado de óleo de mamona. Os penetradores utilizados são de pontas piramidais dos tipos Berkovich e canto de cubo e esférico de raio igual a 150 μm em um Nanoindenter XP TM com cargas aplicadas entre 1 e 200 mN. As penetrações variam de acordo com o formato do penetrador, sendo maiores para pontas agudas. A dureza e o módulo de elasticidade foram determinados, utilizando o método de Oliver e Pharr. Verificou-se que os valores medidos para a dureza são maiores para penetradores mais agudos. Os valores obtidos com a ponta piramidal Berkovich foram de 0,14 GPa para pequenas penetrações e 0,12 GPa para maiores penetrações. Já os valores obtidos com ponta canto de cubo foram 25 a 30% maiores. Isso está relacionado com os volumes das regiões que apresentam deformações plásticas elevadas, no caso de penetradores agudos comparados com os volumes das regiões que sofrem deformações viscoelásticas. A viscosidade aparente determinada, utilizando penetrador esférico em testes de força aplicada constante, é igual a (22 ± 2) × 10(12) Pa.s.
Neste trabalho estudou-se o desempenho mecânico e térmico de compostos de borracha natural (Hevea brasiliensis) de 4 diferentes clones (GT 1, IAN 873, PB 235 e RRIM 600) cultivados no Estado de São Paulo, assim como de uma mistura destes clones e de uma borracha comercial, GEB-1. Estas borrachas foram formuladas e vulcanizadas com tempos de 5, 7 e 9 minutos. A caracterização foi realizada por calorimetria exploratória diferencial, termogravimetria, ensaios de resistência à tração, análise dinâmico-mecânica, medidas de dureza Shore A, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o tempo de vulcanização e o tipo de clone não influenciaram na temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) dos compostos. Os valores de Tg obtidos por DMA foram de cerca de -62 °C, e os resultados ensaios de dureza apresentaram valores próximos de 60 para todos os compostos estudados. Os ensaios de resistência à tração mostraram que o melhor desempenho mecânico foi obtido pelo clone RRIM 600. De acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, todos os clones atingiram as propriedades reportadas na literatura, podendo ser utilizados, em princípio, nas indústrias de artefatos de borracha separadamente ou na forma de mistura.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2015.
O penetrômetro é o instrumento usualmente indicado para avaliação da resistência mecânica do solo à penetração (RMP). O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desempenho de dois penetrômetros: um eletrônico e outro de impacto, na avaliação da RMP. O trabalho foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental Chã-de-Jardim, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (CCA/UFPB), Areia-PB, em área de Latossolo Amarelo de dimensão 35 × 35 m. Os penetrômetros utilizados foram: um de impacto, modelo IAA/Planalsucar-Stolf, e um digital, Falker, modelo PenetroLOG - PLG 1020, com aptidão eletrônica para aquisição de dados em quatro profundidades. Dentro da área, 40 pontos foram amostrados, seguindo duas direções: Norte, para o penetrômetro eletrônico, e Sul, para o de impacto, com os pontos de coleta de cada penetrômetro espaçados em 0,1 m. Os dados foram analisados segundo o modelo de análise de variância de um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os penetrômetros de impacto e Falker apresentaram médias de 1,75 MPa, sendo, portanto, semelhantes na avaliação da RMP em todas as profundidades analisadas, sugerindo que ambos modelos testados podem ser utilizados para solos com características texturais semelhantes as do solo deste estudo.