1000 resultados para Meat workers


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Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de un proyecto más general referido al estudio de los conflictos obreros y estudiantiles y las estrategias de la izquierda en La Plata y Gran La Plata entre 1966 y 1973 y, más en particular, del estudio de la actividad en la región durante ese período del PRT-La Verdad. De las dos fracciones en las que se escindió el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores a comienzos de 1968, el sector encabezado por Nahuel Moreno ?que pasó a denominarse "PRT-La Verdad"- fue ampliamente mayoritario en lo que hace a la militancia en La Plata y Gran La Plata, donde contaba con presencia militante tanto en el movimiento estudiantil como entre distintos sectores del movimiento obrero. En este trabajo nos centraremos en la presencia y actuación del PRT y, luego de la ruptura, el PRT-LV entre los años 1967-1972 en el Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados de la Industria de la Carne y Afines de Berisso, que agrupaba a los trabajadores de los frigoríficos Swift y Armour. En el período que vamos a analizar sus militantes y simpatizantes se agrupaban alrededor de la Agrupación El Activista de la Carne - Lista Gris. Nuestras fuentes en este trabajo son boletines y volantes editados por El Activista de la Carne ? Lista Gris e informes producidos por los organismos policiales de inteligencia, en ambos casos obtenidos del archivo de la DIPBA. Recurriremos también a bibliografía de alguna forma vinculada con el tema que estamos analizando


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Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de un proyecto más general referido al estudio de los conflictos obreros y estudiantiles y las estrategias de la izquierda en La Plata y Gran La Plata entre 1966 y 1973 y, más en particular, del estudio de la actividad en la región durante ese período del PRT-La Verdad. De las dos fracciones en las que se escindió el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores a comienzos de 1968, el sector encabezado por Nahuel Moreno ?que pasó a denominarse "PRT-La Verdad"- fue ampliamente mayoritario en lo que hace a la militancia en La Plata y Gran La Plata, donde contaba con presencia militante tanto en el movimiento estudiantil como entre distintos sectores del movimiento obrero. En este trabajo nos centraremos en la presencia y actuación del PRT y, luego de la ruptura, el PRT-LV entre los años 1967-1972 en el Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados de la Industria de la Carne y Afines de Berisso, que agrupaba a los trabajadores de los frigoríficos Swift y Armour. En el período que vamos a analizar sus militantes y simpatizantes se agrupaban alrededor de la Agrupación El Activista de la Carne - Lista Gris. Nuestras fuentes en este trabajo son boletines y volantes editados por El Activista de la Carne ? Lista Gris e informes producidos por los organismos policiales de inteligencia, en ambos casos obtenidos del archivo de la DIPBA. Recurriremos también a bibliografía de alguna forma vinculada con el tema que estamos analizando


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Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de un proyecto más general referido al estudio de los conflictos obreros y estudiantiles y las estrategias de la izquierda en La Plata y Gran La Plata entre 1966 y 1973 y, más en particular, del estudio de la actividad en la región durante ese período del PRT-La Verdad. De las dos fracciones en las que se escindió el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores a comienzos de 1968, el sector encabezado por Nahuel Moreno ?que pasó a denominarse "PRT-La Verdad"- fue ampliamente mayoritario en lo que hace a la militancia en La Plata y Gran La Plata, donde contaba con presencia militante tanto en el movimiento estudiantil como entre distintos sectores del movimiento obrero. En este trabajo nos centraremos en la presencia y actuación del PRT y, luego de la ruptura, el PRT-LV entre los años 1967-1972 en el Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados de la Industria de la Carne y Afines de Berisso, que agrupaba a los trabajadores de los frigoríficos Swift y Armour. En el período que vamos a analizar sus militantes y simpatizantes se agrupaban alrededor de la Agrupación El Activista de la Carne - Lista Gris. Nuestras fuentes en este trabajo son boletines y volantes editados por El Activista de la Carne ? Lista Gris e informes producidos por los organismos policiales de inteligencia, en ambos casos obtenidos del archivo de la DIPBA. Recurriremos también a bibliografía de alguna forma vinculada con el tema que estamos analizando


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Objective and subjective evaluations of goats for meat production are related to important determinants of production and profitability. The most important attributes in assessment of goats for market are: live weight; body condition score; and the age of goats. As goats grow, their carcass and body organs increase in weight in proportion to the empty body weight. For farmers and field workers the linear regression approach for estimating carcass weight by measuring live weight is the most suitable as it accounts for 88 to 97% of the variation in carcass, offal and boneless meat weight. Live weight scales or heart girth tapes should be used and the risks and errors associated with these methods are summarized. The proportion of a live goat that is the carcass, known as dressing percentage, increases from 35% to about 50% as goats grow. The usefulness and errors associated with dressing percentage in field estimation are discussed. A valuable subjective method for estimating the nutritional status of goats is the use of body condition scoring as it accounts for 60 to 67% of the variation in live weight change, carcass weight and fat reserves of goats. A method for body condition scoring and a similar fat scoring system are explained. Body condition score is also associated with mortality risk and reproductive performance of goats. The number of permanent incisors in the lower jaw of goats is a method of estimating the age of goats but is biased by differences in live weights of goats. The value and role of ultrasound scanning the carcasses of goats is summarized. For the marketing of kid meat no permanent incisors should have erupted. Other useful practices for the successful marketing of goat meat are discussed including: knowing market specifications and chemical withholding periods; animal health; prevention of bruising; identification of goats; size of consignments; timeliness; provision of paperwork. A checklist is provided. The use of subjective and objective assessment techniques in evaluating goats for meat production will provide the best results. Where only subjective assessment techniques are available they will provide satisfactory performance provided the skills have been learnt and are applied.


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The project aimed to explore long--term injured workers’ experiences and perceptions of their mental health as they progressed through the Victorian WorkCover process. The purpose of the project was to assist in understanding these factors in order to identify how workers might be better supported, and to identify changes that compensation authorities, employers and unions can make to reduce mental distress amongst injured workers. As a project based on workers’ accounts of their experiences, it aimed to provide a narrative basis for the development of supportive policy and practice to reduce mental distress amongst people who are clients of the WorkCover system. The project was a qualitative study based on fifteen in--depth interviews with people who had been injured at work and who had been off work for at least six months. The workers who took part in the study were recruited with the assistance of their trade unions, using an advertisement that was distributed via the unions’ regular communication channels. Workers were asked to tell their story of injury and recovery with a particular focus on how they felt and the factors that affected them, both positively and negatively. They were also asked what could or should be changed to support workers’ recovery and improve their experience of the WorkCover system. The workers who took part in the study came from a variety of industry sectors (education, textile and clothing manufacturing and meat industries) and different occupational categories (professional, trade/technical and manual). They included people whose primary injury was physical and those whose primary injury was psychosocial.


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Quality is a variable concept, which involves many factors, depending on the consumer market. In meat production, the concern with environmental aspects, animal welfare and the health and safety of workers is increasing. This work studied the effect of controlled atmosphere stunning of broilers on meat features and biochemical parameters for stress. Cobb broilers were stunned by electrical stunning and by controlled atmosphere with 70% CO2 and 70% CO2 + 30% Argon. After stunning, serum levels of glucose, lactate and corticosterone were compared with those of broilers at rest, immediately before transportation and slaughter and after 12 h of feed withdrawal (control group). At slaughter, blood volume drained during bleeding was not different for the stunning methods tested, ranging from 3.3 to 3.4% birds weight. This finding was important to demonstrate that gas stunning was not responsible for the animals′ death. Final pH in breast (6.1 to 6.2) and thigh (6.3 to 6.5) also did not vary among the different stunning methods (P > 0.05). Lightness (L = 60.55) and redness (a = +8.94) values found for breasts from electrical stunning showed that they were darker and redder (P < 0.05), probably due to changes in blood pressure. Glucose and corticosterone levels were not different between gas stunned birds (302.45 to 315.7 mg/dl and 55.71 to 72.49 ng/ml respectively) and birds at rest (305.95 mg/dl and 50.65 ng/ml) (P > 0.05). These stress indicators were higher (337.65 mg/dl for glucose and 104.13 ng/ml for costicosterone) when electrical stunning was used (P < 0.05). Lactate concentrations were lower (5.4 mmol/l) for birds at rest (P < 0.05) but not different for all stunning methods tested (7.3 to 8.1 mmol/l; P > 0.05). These results show that serum glucose may be used as a stress indicator in birds, with the advantage of being a quick and cheap biochemical test. Gas stunning favored birds′ management during slaughter and so reduced workers′ effort and injury hazard and the amount of feces and dust in the room. To make this method available for a large scale process, adjustments in equipments will be necessary to avoid delays in the processing line.


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Reconfiguration of corporate structures and the retailer-supplier interface in the retail industry have restructured product markets and supply chains, as well as supermarket employment, over the past decade or so (Baret, Lehndorff & Sparks 2000; du Gay 1996). Various studies have examined the consequent changes in labour usage practices within supermarkets or superstores (Baret et al. 2000; Marchington 1995; Penn & Wirth 1993; Sparks 1992; Dawson, Findlay & Sparks 1987, 1986). Commonly, this literature explores the interplay between shifts in the structure of the labour market, broader societal trends and retailers’ employment strategies. One study found that domestic and gender dimensions, accompanied by industrial relations regimes, exert considerable influence on patterns of labour usage (Baret et al. 2000). However, while the types of labour usage and the drivers of changes to labour usage patterns have attracted significant academic attention, research has largely overlooked the ways in which the nature of supermarket work has evolved as a result of changing technology, which effectively bolsters managerial prerogative, and which has affected the skill levels of workers in the industry (Marchington 1995).


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The purpose of this paper is to explore the changing nature of employee voice through trade union representation in the retail industry. The retail industry is a major employer in the UK and is one of the few private sector service industries with union representation (Griffin et al 2003). The requisite union: the Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW) union is one of the biggest unions in the country. However, the characteristics of the industry provide unique challenges for employee voice and representation including: high labour turnover; high use of casual, female and student labour; and, variable levels of union recognition (Reynolds et al 2005). Irrespective of these challenges, any extension of representation and organisation by unions in the retail sector is inherently valuable, socially and politically, given that retail workers are often categorised as vulnerable, due to the fact that they are among the lowest paid in the economy, sourced from disadvantages labour markets and increasingly subject to atypical employment arrangements (Broadbridge 2002; Henley 2006; Lynch 2005; Roan 2003).


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Aim: To investigate workplace cultures in the acquisition of computer usage skills by mature age workers. Methods: Data were gathered through focus groups conducted at job network centres in the Greater Brisbane metropolitan region. Participants who took part were a mixture of workers and job-seekers. Results: The results suggest that mature age workers can be exposed to inappropriate computer training practices and age-insensitive attitudes towards those with low base computer skills. Conclusions: There is a need for managers to be observant of ageist attitudes in the work place and to develop age-sensitive strategies to help mature age workers learn computer usage skills. Mature age workers also need to develop skills in ways which are practical and meaningful to their work.


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This paper is a comparative exploratory study of the changing nature of employee voice through trade union representation in the retail industry in the UK and Australia. In both countries, the retail industry is a major employer and is one of the few private sector service industries with significant union membership (Griffin et al 2003). The relevant unions, the Distributive and Allied Workers Union (USDAW) and the Shop, Distributive and Allied Union (SDA), are the fourth largest and largest unions in the UK and Australia respectively. However, despite this seeming numerical strength in membership, the characteristics of the industry provide unique challenges for employee voice and representation. The significance of the study is that any extension of representation and organisation by unions in the retail sector is valuable socially and politically, given that retail workers are often categorised a s vulnerable, due to their low pay, the predominance of disadvantaged labour market groups such a s women and young people, workers’ atypical employment arrangements and, in the case of the UK, variable levels of union recognition which inhibit representation (Broadbridge 2002; Henley 2006; Lynch 2005; Roan & Diamond 2003; Reynolds et al 2005). In addition, specifically comparative projects have value in that they allow some variables relating to the ‘industry’ to be held constant, thus reducing the range of potential explanations of differences in union strategy. They also have value in that the research partners may be more likely to notice and problematise taken-for-granted aspects of practices in another country, thus bringing to the fore key features and potentially leading to theoretical innovation. Finally, such projects may assist in transnational diffusion of union strategy.