925 resultados para Meat - Color
Some markets around the world demand for well pigmented poultry products, what justifies the intentional use of synthetic additives in rations during breeding. The inconvenient for that practice most times is the elevated price of these products, beyond the argument of being chemicals, which may not be viable for some production systems. So, the aim of this experiment was to check on the ability of natural red oxycarotenoids produced by R. gelatinosus to modify broilers breast meat color. Bacterial biomass containing oxycarotenoids were added into Cobb broilers finisher diets at 0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg and fed during 10 days (35-45 d). Five replicates (10 birds each) were performed. At days 35, 37, 39, 41, 43 and 45, 100 birds were slaughtered scalded, defeathered and eviscerated. Data on live and carcass weights were recorded. After cooling, color parameters of meat were determined on breast surface using a HunterLab XE Plus colorimeter calibrated with black and white standard tiles. Regression analysis was used for the investigation of relationships between days of consumption and biomass concentration on color values, live weight and carcass yield. Results showed that redness of breast meat was significantly influenced by the biomass concentration in a linear effect (P=0.0056) and also by the time of consumption, in a quadratic effect (P=0.0232). Days of consumption also affected yellowness and lightness with significant quadratic responses (P=0.0225 and P<0.0001, respectively). Birds live weight increased significantly during the application of the experimental diets (P<0.0001), showing no negative influence of the biomass administration. Also no deleterious effects derived from the application of the product were observed on carcass yield. So we concluded that R. gelatinosus oxycarotenoids present in the bacterial biomass can modify broilers breast meat color, performing as an alternative pigmenting additive in poultry production.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Rabbits are very sensitive to heat stress because they have difficulty eliminating excess body heat. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of heat stress on slaughter weight, dressing percentage and carcass and meat quality traits of rabbits from two genetic groups. Ninety-six weaned rabbits were used: half were from the Botucatu genetic group and half were crossbreds between New Zealand White sires and Botucatu does. They were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement (two genetic groups and three ambient temperatures: 18°C, 25°C and 30°C) and kept under controlled conditions in three environmental chambers from 5 to 10 weeks of age. Slaughter took place at 10 weeks, on 2 consecutive days. Meat quality measurements were made in the longissimus muscle. Actual average ambient temperature and relative humidity in the three chambers were 18.4°C and 63.9%, 24.4°C and 80.2% and 29.6°C and 75.9%, respectively. Purebred rabbits were heavier at slaughter and had heavier commercial and reference carcasses than crossbreds at 30°C; however, no differences between genetic groups for these traits were found at lower temperatures. No genetic group × ambient temperature interaction was detected for any other carcass or meat quality traits. The percentages of distal parts of legs, skin and carcass forepart were higher in crossbred rabbits, indicating a lower degree of maturity at slaughter in this group. The percentage of thoracic viscera was higher in the purebreds. Lightness of the longissimus muscle was higher in the purebreds, whereas redness was higher in the crossbreds. Slaughter, commercial and reference carcass weights and the percentages of thoracic viscera, liver and kidneys were negatively related with ambient temperature. Commercial and reference carcass yields, and the percentage of distal parts of legs, on the other hand, had a positive linear relationship with ambient temperature. Meat redness and yellowness diminished as ambient temperature increased, whereas cooking loss was linearly elevated with ambient temperature. Meat color traits revealed paler meat in the purebreds, but no differences in instrumental texture properties and water-holding capacity between genetic groups. Purebred rabbits were less susceptible to heat stress than the crossbreds. Heat stress resulted in lower slaughter and carcass weights and proportional reductions of organ weights, which contributed to a higher carcass yield. Moreover, it exerted a small, but negative, effect on meat quality traits. © 2012 The Animal Consortium.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, especialidade de Produção Animal
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cordeiros criados em regime de pasto, provenientes de ovelhas Romney acasaladas com três raças paternas (Romney, East Friesian x (Finn x Texel) e Finn x Poll Dorset), foram avaliados quanto às características de qualidade da carne. Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 150 e 300 dias de idade, cada lote com 15 animais de cada raça paterna, totalizando 90 animais. A carne dos cordeiros Romney foi mais macia que a dos demais genótipos. O pH final do músculo Semimembranosus dos cordeiros abatidos mais precocemente foi superior (5,61) ao dos abatidos mais tardiamente (5,58), entretanto estes últimos apresentaram carne com menor maciez (11,16 kg) que os abatidos aos 150 dias de idade (7,45 kg). Com relação à cor, a luminosidade da carne de cordeiros abatidos aos 150 dias foi maior (38,20) que a dos abatidos mais tardiamente (36,80), mas não foi afetada pelo genótipo. Concluiu-se que o genótipo e a idade de abate influíram na produção e qualidade da carne ovina.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a composição de ácidos graxos e a qualidade do contrafilé (músculo Longissimus lumborum) de tourinhos das raças Nelore e Canchim. Os animais foram terminados em confinamento e alimentados com dietas contendo cana-de-açúcar e dois níveis de concentrado (40 e 60% na matéria seca). Os concentrados foram compostos de grãos de girassol, milho, farelo de soja, levedura seca de cana-de-açúcar, uréia e núcleo mineral. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 (grupo genético × nível de concentrado). Não foram observadas diferenças nos teores de umidade, proteína e extrato etéreo da carne. Os animais da raça Nelore apresentaram maiores concentrações de ácido linoléico conjugado (0,52%), ácidos graxos insaturados (46,82%) e também relações mais elevadas de ácidos graxos insaturados:saturados (1,02) e monoinsaturados:saturados (0,86) em comparação aos tourinhos da raça Canchim. Os tourinhos da raça Canchim apresentaram maior intensidade das cores vermelha e amarela no contrafilé e maior luminosidade da gordura de cobertura. Houve interação para força de cisalhamento, que foi menor nos tourinhos Nelore alimentados com 40% de concentrado. Tourinhos da raça Nelore apresentam carne com melhor composição de ácidos graxos na gordura intramuscular do ponto de vista da saúde humana.
O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar as características qualitativas de carcaças de 36 cordeiros terminados em pastagem de coastcross, sendo 13 Corriedale, 14 Bergamácia x Corriedale e 9 Hampshire Down x Corriedale, e 29 cordeiros terminados em confinamento, sendo 10 Corriedale, 11 Bergamácia x Corriedale e 8 Hampshire Down x Corriedale. As médias das variáveis (escala de 1 a 5) condição corporal: 2,70 e 3,13; conformação: 2,65 e 3,35; e cobertura de gordura: 2,43 e 2,95; foram superiores para os cordeiros do confinamento que para cordeiros em pastagem. Na escala de 1 a 3, foram avaliadas a cor da gordura: 1,66 e 1,94; cor da carne: 1,66 e 1,72; e consistência de gordura: 1,62 e 1,83, respectivamente, para os cordeiros em pastagem e em confinamento. A área de olho de lombo foi significativamente (10,21 vs. 9,03 cm²), bem como a espessura de gordura de cobertura: 1,10 vs. 1,70 mm, foi superior para os cordeiros confinados. As médias das porcentagens de músculo no lombo foram de 54,92 e 57,94%; para gordura, 9,29 e 12,95%; e osso, 35,78 e 29,10%, respectivamente, para cordeiros em pastagem e confinamento. Entre os sistemas de terminação, não houve diferenças para porcentagem de proteína (19,71 e 19,10%, respectivamente), mas houve diferença para teor de lipídios, com 5,43% para cordeiros em pastejo e 11,54% para cordeiros confinados. Para as variáveis analisadas não houve diferenças significativas entre os cruzamentos.
This study aimed to evaluate the carcass quantitative characteristics, tissue composition of carcass cuts and meat quality of lambs receiving sunflower seeds in the diet. Twenty-one lambs 7/8 Ile de France 1/8 Ideal, not castrated, with initial body weight of 17 kg were housed in individual pens and distributed in three diets (0,7.5 and 15% of sunflower seeds inclusion) in a completely randomized design in 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (three diets and two carcass cuts). At the end of the experimental period, the animals were slaughtered; weights and hot and cold carcass yields and commercial and biological carcass dressing were collected. The carcasses were split lengthways and left half carcass divided into six anatomical parts. The leg and loin were removed for evaluation of tissue composition, meat color, water holding capacity, cooking losses and shearing force. Difference was detected in the commercial carcass yield; with higher value (46.82% of total weight) for carcasses of lambs fed without sunflower seeds when compared with carcass yield (44.11%) of lambs fed with 15% of sunflower seed inclusion. The proportion of muscle and total fat, as muscle:fat ratio were affected (P<0.05) by feeding, with higher quantity of muscle (63.15%) and less fat (16.63%) in the leg and loin cuts of lambs fed without sunflower seeds. In the leg was observed higher proportions of muscle (67.27%), muscle:bone ratio (4.08) and muscle:fat ratio (4.92) when compared with the loin cut. The water retention capacity and shearing force of Longissimus lumborum muscle showed better results when compared with Semimembranosus muscle. The inclusion of sunflower seeds in the diet of feedlot lambs increased the fat deposition in carcass cuts, however did not affect the other parameters of meat quality.