876 resultados para Measured signals
The present fundamental knowledge of fluid turbulence has been established primarily from hot- and cold-wire measurements. Unfortunately, however, these measurements necessarily suffer from contamination by noise since no certain method has previously been available to optimally filter noise from the measured signals. This limitation has impeded our progress of understanding turbulence profoundly. We address this limitation by presenting a simple, fast-convergent iterative scheme to digitally filter signals optimally and find Kolmogorov scales definitely. The great efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated by its application to the instantaneous velocity measured in a turbulent jet.
The development of the new TOGA (titration and off-gas analysis) sensor for the detailed study of biological processes in wastewater treatment systems is outlined. The main innovation of the sensor is the amalgamation of titrimetric and off-gas measurement techniques. The resulting measured signals are: hydrogen ion production rate (HPR), oxygen transfer rate (OTR), nitrogen transfer rate (NTR), and carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR). While OTR and NTR are applicable to aerobic and anoxic conditions, respectively, HPR and CTR are useful signals under all of the conditions found in biological wastewater treatment systems, namely, aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic. The sensor is therefore a powerful tool for studying the key biological processes under all these conditions. A major benefit from the integration of the titrimetric and off-gas analysis methods is that the acid/base buffering systems, in particular the bicarbonate system, are properly accounted for. Experimental data resulting from the TOGA sensor in aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic conditions demonstrates the strength of the new sensor. In the aerobic environment, carbon oxidation (using acetate as an example carbon source) and nitrification are studied. Both the carbon and ammonia removal rates measured by the sensor compare very well with those obtained from off-line chemical analysis. Further, the aerobic acetate removal process is examined at a fundamental level using the metabolic pathway and stoichiometry established in the literature, whereby the rate of formation of storage products is identified. Under anoxic conditions, the denitrification process is monitored and, again, the measured rate of nitrogen gas transfer (NTR) matches well with the removal of the oxidised nitrogen compounds (measured chemically). In the anaerobic environment, the enhanced biological phosphorus process was investigated. In this case, the measured sensor signals (HPR and CTR) resulting from acetate uptake were used to determine the ratio of the rates of carbon dioxide production by competing groups of microorganisms, which consequently is a measure of the activity of these organisms. The sensor involves the use of expensive equipment such as a mass spectrometer and requires special gases to operate, thus incurring significant capital and operational costs. This makes the sensor more an advanced laboratory tool than an on-line sensor. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The two steps of nitrification, namely the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate, often need to be considered separately in process studies. For a detailed examination, it is desirable to monitor the two-step sequence using online measurements. In this paper, the use of online titrimetric and off-gas analysis (TOGA) methods for the examination of the process is presented. Using the known reaction stoichiometry, combination of the measured signals (rates of hydrogen ion production, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide transfer) allows the determination of the three key process rates, namely the ammonia consumption rate, the nitrite accumulation rate and the nitrate production rate. Individual reaction rates determined with the TOGA sensor under a number of operation conditions are presented. The rates calculated directly from the measured signals are compared with those obtained from offline liquid sample analysis. Statistical analysis confirms that the results from the two approaches match well. This result could not have been guaranteed using alternative online methods. As a case study, the influences of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrite accumulation are tested using the proposed method. It is shown that nitrite accumulation decreased with increasing DO and pH. Possible reasons for these observations are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Os osciloscópios digitais são utilizados em diversas áreas do conhecimento, assumindo-se no âmbito da engenharia electrónica, como instrumentos indispensáveis. Graças ao advento das Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), os instrumentos de medição reconfiguráveis, dadas as suas vantagens, i.e., altos desempenhos, baixos custos e elevada flexibilidade, são cada vez mais uma alternativa aos instrumentos tradicionalmente usados nos laboratórios. Tendo como objectivo a normalização no acesso e no controlo deste tipo de instrumentos, esta tese descreve o projecto e implementação de um osciloscópio digital reconfigurável baseado na norma IEEE 1451.0. Definido de acordo com uma arquitectura baseada nesta norma, as características do osciloscópio são descritas numa estrutura de dados denominada Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS), e o seu controlo é efectuado utilizando um conjunto de comandos normalizados. O osciloscópio implementa um conjunto de características e funcionalidades básicas, todas verificadas experimentalmente. Destas, destaca-se uma largura de banda de 575kHz, um intervalo de medição de 0.4V a 2.9V, a possibilidade de se definir um conjunto de escalas horizontais, o nível e declive de sincronismo e o modo de acoplamento com o circuito sob análise. Arquitecturalmente, o osciloscópio é constituído por um módulo especificado com a linguagem de descrição de hardware (HDL, Hardware Description Language) Verilog e por uma interface desenvolvida na linguagem de programação Java®. O módulo é embutido numa FPGA, definindo todo o processamento do osciloscópio. A interface permite o seu controlo e a representação do sinal medido. Durante o projecto foi utilizado um conversor Analógico/Digital (A/D) com uma frequência máxima de amostragem de 1.5MHz e 14 bits de resolução que, devido às suas limitações, obrigaram à implementação de um sistema de interpolação multi-estágio com filtros digitais.
Tässä työssä kuvataan menetelmä, jonka avulla on mahdollista sorvausprosessista mitattujen signaalien perusteella muokata lastuamisprosessin parametreja siten, että prosessissa mahdollisesti esiintyvät ongelmatilanteet korjataan. Työ on tehty osana Feedchip-tutkimushanketta ja tukeutuu tutkimushankkeessa aiemmin tehtyyn työhön vaadittavien korjaustoimenpiteiden, signaaleja mittaavien antureiden instrumentoinnin sekä alustavan ongelmatilanteiden ominaispiirteiden signaaleista tunnistuksen osalta. Tämä työ keskittyy esittelemään toiminnot, joiden avulla aiemmat tulokset voidaan koota yhteen kokonaisuuteen. Järjestelmän toiminta edellyttää sen osien toiminnan korkean tason koordinointia. Lisäksi määritellään päättelyjärjestelmä, joka kykenee mitatuista arvoista tunnistettujen ongelmatilanteiden esiintymisasteiden perusteella määrittämään tarvittavat toimenpiteet ongelmatilanteiden poistamiseksi. Kandidaatintyön rinnalla toteutetaan ohjelmisto Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston konepajatekniikan laboratorion sorvausjärjestelmän yhteyteen rakennetun prototyyppilaitteiston ohjaamiseksi.
This paper is a translation from IUPAC nomenclature document by K. Danzer and L. A. Currie (Pure Appl. Chem., 1998, 70(4), 993-1014). Its goal is to establish an uniform and meaningful approach to terminology (in Portuguese), notation, and formulation for calibation in analytical chemistry. In this first part, general fundamentals of calibration are presented, namely for both relationships of qualitative and quantitative variables (relations between variables characterizing certain types analytes of the measured function on the other hand and between variables characterizing the amount or concentration of the chemical species and the intensities of the measured signals, on the other hand). On this basis, the fundamentals of the common single component calibration (Univariate Calibration) which models the relationship y = f(x) between the signal intensities y and the amounts or concentrations x of the analyte under given conditions are represented. Additional papers will be prepared dealing with extensive relationships between several intensities and analyte contents, namely with multivariate calibrations and with optimization and experimental design.
Desde os descobrimentos pioneiros de Hubel e Wiesel acumulou-se uma vasta literatura descrevendo as respostas neuronais do córtex visual primário (V1) a diferentes estímulos visuais. Estes estímulos consistem principalmente em barras em movimento, pontos ou grades, que são úteis para explorar as respostas dentro do campo receptivo clássico (CRF do inglês classical receptive field) a características básicas dos estímulos visuais como a orientação, direção de movimento, contraste, entre outras. Entretanto, nas últimas duas décadas, tornou-se cada vez mais evidente que a atividade de neurônios em V1 pode ser modulada por estímulos fora do CRF. Desta forma, áreas visuais primárias poderiam estar envolvidas em funções visuais mais complexas como, por exemplo, a separação de um objeto ou figura do seu fundo (segregação figura-fundo) e assume-se que as conexões intrínsecas de longo alcance em V1, assim como as conexões de áreas visuais superiores, estão ativamente envolvidas neste processo. Sua possível função foi inferida a partir da análise das variações das respostas induzidas por um estímulo localizado fora do CRF de neurônios individuais. Mesmo sendo muito provável que estas conexões tenham também um impacto tanto na atividade conjunta de neurônios envolvidos no processamento da figura quanto no potencial de campo, estas questões permanecem pouco estudadas. Visando examinar a modulação do contexto visual nessas atividades, coletamos potenciais de ação e potenciais de campo em paralelo de até 48 eletrodos implantados na área visual primária de gatos anestesiados. Estimulamos com grades compostas e cenas naturais, focando-nos na atividade de neurônios cujo CRF estava situado na figura. Da mesma forma, visando examinar a influência das conexões laterais, o sinal proveniente da área visual isotópica e contralateral foi removido através da desativação reversível por resfriamento. Fizemos isso devido a: i) as conexões laterais intrínsecas não podem ser facilmente manipuladas sem afetar diretamente os sinais que estão sendo medidos, ii) as conexões inter-hemisféricas compartilham as principais características anatômicas com a rede lateral intrínseca e podem ser vistas como uma continuação funcional das mesmas entre os dois hemisférios e iii) o resfriamento desativa as conexões de forma causal e reversível, silenciando temporariamente seu sinal, permitindo conclusões diretas a respeito da sua contribuição. Nossos resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de segmentação figurafundo se reflete nas taxas de disparo de neurônios individuais, assim como na potência do potencial de campo e na relação entre sua fase e os padrões de disparo produzidos pela população. Além disso, as conexões laterais inter-hemisféricas modulam estas variáveis dependendo da estimulação feita fora do CRF. Observamos também uma influência deste circuito lateral na coerência entre potenciais de campo entre eletrodos distantes. Em conclusão, nossos resultados dão suporte à ideia de um mecanismo complexo de segmentação figura-fundo atuando desde as áreas visuais primárias em diferentes escalas de frequência. Esse mecanismo parece envolver grupos de neurônios ativos sincronicamente e dependentes da fase do potencial de campo. Nossos resultados também são compatíveis com a hipótese que conexões laterais de longo alcance também fazem parte deste mecanismo
Optical remote sensing techniques have obvious advantages for monitoring gas and aerosol emissions, since they enable the operation over large distances, far from hostile environments, and fast processing of the measured signal. In this study two remote sensing devices, namely a Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) for monitoring the vertical profile of backscattered light intensity, and a Sodar (Acoustic Radar, Sound Detection and Ranging) for monitoring the vertical profile of the wind vector were operated during specific periods. The acquired data were processed and compared with data of air quality obtained from ground level monitoring stations, in order to verify the possibility of using the remote sensing techniques to monitor industrial emissions. The campaigns were carried out in the area of the Environmental Research Center (Cepema) of the University of São Paulo, in the city of Cubatão, Brazil, a large industrial site, where numerous different industries are located, including an oil refinery, a steel plant, as well as fertilizer, cement and chemical/petrochemical plants. The local environmental problems caused by the industrial activities are aggravated by the climate and topography of the site, unfavorable to pollutant dispersion. Results of a campaign are presented for a 24- hour period, showing data of a Lidar, an air quality monitoring station and a Sodar. © 2011 SPIE.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
En esta tesis se desarrolla una investigación sobre las técnicas de medida de descargas parciales (DP) que se aplican en medidas on-line, en condiciones normales de operación de las instalaciones eléctricas de alta tensión (AT). También se realiza un estudio de técnicas avanzadas de procesado y análisis de las señales medidas, que permiten realizar diagnósticos precisos del estado de los aislamientos eléctricos de AT. Uno de los objetivos fundamentales de la tesis ha sido disponer de un procedimiento eficaz de medida y procesado de las señales de DP, para la realización de medidas on-line tanto de forma itinerante, como mediante monitorización temporal o permanente. La implementación del nuevo procedimiento de medida permite obtener resultados satisfactorios en la detección, identificación y localización de defectos de aislamiento. Se ha dedicado especial interés al desarrollo de un método de clasificación de señales, que permite separar pulsos de ruido y diferentes fuentes de DP, presentes de forma simultánea en las instalaciones de AT. El estudio de la clasificación de señales se ha completado con la aplicación de un método para la detección de manera asistida, de los diferentes grupos de pulsos de ruido y de DP. La aplicación de este método de detección de grupos de pulsos, facilita la labor de los técnicos especialistas a la hora de diagnosticar el estado de los elementos aislantes. Al efecto de verificar de forma práctica las aportaciones de la tesis, se han realizado medidas de DP tanto en laboratorio como en campo. Las medidas experimentales en laboratorio se han efectuado en el Laboratorio de Alta Tensión de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (LAT-UPM), de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Por otro lado, las medidas experimentales en campo se han llevado a cabo en instalaciones de AT propiedad de compañías de transporte y distribución de energía eléctrica. La realización de ensayos de DP en estas instalaciones ha sido posible, gracias a los proyectos de investigación llevados a cabo por el grupo de trabajo del LAT-UPM, con diferentes empresas del sector durante los diez últimos años. ABSTRACT This thesis develops techniques for measuring partial discharges (PD) that are applied in on-line measurements, under normal operating conditions of the high voltage (HV) electrical installations. In addition there are studied advanced techniques for the processing and analysis of the measured signals, that permit precise diagnostics of the state of HV electrical insulation systems. One of the fundamental objectives of the thesis is to make available an effective procedure for measuring and processing PD signals, for making on-line measurements, either in an itinerant way or in temporary or permanent monitoring. The implementation of the new measurement procedure yields satisfactory results in the detection, identification and localization of insulation defects. Special attention has been devoted to the development of a method for classifying signals, that separates noise pulses and various PD sources present simultaneously in the HV installations. The study of the classification of signals has been completed by the application of a method for detecting, in a user assisted manner, the different groups of noise pulses and of PD. The application of this method for detecting groups of pulses facilitates the work of the specialist technicians to diagnose the condition of the insulation elements. To demonstrate the practical value of the thesis, PD measurements were made in laboratory as well as in field installations. The experimental measurements in laboratory were made in the High Voltage Laboratory (LAT-UPM) of the High Technical School of Engineering and Industrial Design, of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Field measurements were realized in the HV installations of companies providing electrical energy transport and distribution. The realization of PD tests in these facilities was possible thanks to the research projects carried out by the working group of the LAT-UPM during the last ten years, with different companies operating in the sector.
This thesis work has been motivated by an internal benchmark dealing with the output regulation problem of a nonlinear non-minimum phase system in the case of full-state feedback. The system under consideration structurally suffers from finite escape time, and this condition makes the output regulation problem very hard even for very simple steady-state evolution or exosystem dynamics, such as a simple integrator. This situation leads to studying the approaches developed for controlling Non-minimum phase systems and how they affect feedback performances. Despite a lot of frequency domain results, only a few works have been proposed for describing the performance limitations in a state space system representation. In particular, in our opinion, the most relevant research thread exploits the so-called Inner-Outer Decomposition. Such decomposition allows splitting the Non-minimum phase system under consideration into a cascade of two subsystems: a minimum phase system (the outer) that contains all poles of the original system and an all-pass Non-minimum phase system (the inner) that contains all the unavoidable pathologies of the unstable zero dynamics. Such a cascade decomposition was inspiring to start working on functional observers for linear and nonlinear systems. In particular, the idea of a functional observer is to exploit only the measured signals from the system to asymptotically reconstruct a certain function of the system states, without necessarily reconstructing the whole state vector. The feature of asymptotically reconstructing a certain state functional plays an important role in the design of a feedback controller able to stabilize the Non-minimum phase system.
We present three methods for the distortion-free enhancement of THz signals measured by electro-optic sampling in zinc blende-type detector crystals, e.g., ZnTe or GaP. A technique commonly used in optically heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy is introduced, which is based on two measurements at opposite optical biases near the zero transmission point in a crossed polarizer detection geometry. In contrast to other techniques for an undistorted THz signal enhancement, it also works in a balanced detection scheme and does not require an elaborate procedure for the reconstruction of the true signal as the two measured waveforms are simply subtracted to remove distortions. We study three different approaches for setting an optical bias using the Jones matrix formalism and discuss them also in the framework of optical heterodyne detection. We show that there is an optimal bias point in realistic situations where a small fraction of the probe light is scattered by optical components. The experimental demonstration will be given in the second part of this two-paper series [J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, doc. ID 204877 (2014, posted online)].
Three methods for distortion-free enhancement of electro-optic sampling measurements of terahertz signals are tested. In the first part of this two-paper series [J. Opt. Soc. Am B 31, 904–910 (2014)], the theoretical framework for describing the signal enhancement was presented and discussed. As the applied optical bias is decreased, individual signal traces become enhanced but distorted. Here we experimentally show that nonlinear signal components that distort the terahertz electric field measurement can be removed by subtracting traces recorded with opposite optical bias values. In all three methods tested, we observe up to an order of magnitude increase in distortion-free signal enhancement, in agreement with the theory, making possible measurements of small terahertz-induced transient birefringence signals with increased signal-to-noise ratio.
This study determined which peripheral variables would better predict the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and time to exhaustion (TE) during exercise at different intensities. Ten men performed exercises at first lactate threshold (LT1), second lactate threshold (LT2), 50% of the distance from LT1 to LT2 (TT(50%)), and 25% of the distance from LT2 to maximal power output (TW(25%)). Lactate, catecholamines, potassium, pH, glucose, (V) over dotO(2), VE, HR, respiratory rate (RR) and RPE were measured and plotted against the exercise duration for the slope calculation. Glucose, dopamine, and noradrenaline predicted RPE in TT(50%) (88%), LT2 (64%), and TW(25%) (77%), but no variable predicted RPE in LT1. RPE (55%), RPE+HR (86%), and RPE+RR (92% and 55%) predicted TE in LT1, TT(50%), LT2, and TW(25%), respectively. At intensities from TT(50%) to TW(25%), variables associated with brain activity seem to explain most of the RPE slope, and RPE (+HR and+RR) seems to predict the TE.
A computational method based on the impulse response and on the discrete representation computational concept is proposed for the determination of the echo responses from arbitrary-geometry targets. It is supposed that each point of the transducer aperture can be considered as a source radiating hemispherical waves to the reflector. The local interaction with each of the hemispherical waves at the reflector surface can be modeled as a plane wave impinging on a planar surface, using the respective reflection coefficient. The method is valid for all field regions and can be performed for any excitation waveform radiated from an arbitrary acoustic aperture. The effects of target geometry, position, and material on both the amplitude and the shape of the echo response are studied. The model is compared with experimental results obtained using broadband transducers together with plane and cylindrical concave rectangular reflectors (aluminum, brass, and acrylic), as well as a circular cavity placed on a plane surface, in a water medium. The method can predict the measured echoes accurately. This paper shows an improved approach of the method, considering the reflection coefficient for all incident hemispherical waves arriving at each point of the target surface.