996 resultados para Meal Planning
The customary approach to the study of meal size suggests that ‘events’ occurring during a meal lead to its termination. Recent research, however, suggests that a number of decisions are made before eating commences that may affect meal size. The present study sought to address three key research questions around meal size: the extent to which plate cleaning occurs; prevalence of pre-meal planning and its influence on meal size; and the effect of within-meal experiences, notably the development of satiation. To address these, a large-cohort internet-based questionnaire was developed. Results showed that plate cleaning occurred at 91% of meals, and was planned from the outset in 92% of these cases. A significant relationship between plate cleaning and meal planning was observed. Pre meal plans were resistant to modification over the course of the meal: only 18% of participants reported consumption that deviated from expected. By contrast, 28% reported continuing eating beyond satiation, and 57% stated that they could have eaten more at the end of the meal. Logistic regression confirmed pre-meal planning as the most important predictor of consumption. Together, our findings demonstrate the importance of meal planning as a key determinant of meal size and energy intake.
Evidence that our food environment can affect meal size is often taken to indicate a failure of ‘conscious control’. By contrast, our research suggests that ‘expected satiation’ (fullness that a food is expected to confer) predicts self-selected meal size. However, the role of meal planning as a determinant of actual meal size remains unresolved, as does the extent to which meal planning is commonplace outside the laboratory. Here, we quantified meal planning and its relation to meal size in a large-cohort study. Participants (N= 764; 25.6 yrs, 78% female) completed a questionnaire containing items relating to their last meal. The majority (91%) of meals were consumed in their entirety. Furthermore, in 92% of these cases the participants decided to consume the whole meal, even before it began. A second major objective was to explore the prospect that meal plans are revised based on within-meal experience (e.g., development of satiation). Only 8% of participants reported ‘unexpected’ satiation that caused them to consume less than anticipated. Moreover, at the end of the meal 57% indicated that they were not fully satiated, and 29% continued eating beyond comfortable satiation (often to avoid wasting food). This pattern was neither moderated by BMI nor dieting status, and was observed across meal types. Together, these data indicate that meals are often planned and that planning corresponds closely with amount consumed. By contrast, we find limited evidence for within-meal modification of these plans, suggesting that ‘pre-meal cognition’ is an important determinant of meal size in humans.
Precise protein quantification and recommendation is essential in clinical dietetics, particularly in the management of individuals with chronic kidney disease, malnutrition, burns, wounds, pressure ulcers, and those in active sports. The Expedited 10g Protein Counter (EP-10) was developed to simplify the quantification of dietary protein for assessment and recommendation of protein intake.1 Instead of using separate protein exchanges for different food groups to quantify the dietary protein intake of an individual, every exchange in the EP-10 accounts for an exchange each of 3g non-protein-rich food and 7g protein-rich food (Table 1). The EP-10 was recently validated and published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition recently.1 This study demonstrated that using the EP-10 for dietary protein intake quantification had clinically acceptable validity and reliability when compared with the conventional 7g protein exchange while requiring less time.2 In clinical practice, the use of efficient, accurate and practical methods to facilitate assessment and treatment plans is important. The EP-10 can be easily implemented in the nutrition assessment and recommendation for a patient in the clinical setting. This patient education tool was adapted from materials printed in the Journal of Renal Nutrition.1 The tool may be used as presented or adapted to assist patients to achieve their recommended daily protein intake.
The 'variety effect' describes the greater consumption that is observed when multiple foods with different sensory characteristics are presented either simultaneously or sequentially. Variety increases the amount of food consumed in test of ad libitum intake. However, outside the laboratory, meals are often planned in advance and then consumed in their entirety. We sought to explore the extent to which the variety effect is anticipated in this pre-meal planning. Participants were shown two food images, each representing a first or a second course of a hypothetical meal. The two courses were either, i) exactly the same food, ii) different foods from the same sensory category (sweet or savoury) or, iii) different foods from a different sensory category. In Study 1 (N = 30) these courses comprised typical ‘main meal’ foods and in Study 2 (N = 30) they comprised snack foods. For each pair of images, participants rated their expected liking of the second course and selected ideal portion sizes, both for the second course and the first and second course, combined. In both studies, as the difference between the courses (from (i) same to (ii) similar to (iii) different) increased, the second course was selected in a larger portion and it was rated as more pleasant. To our knowledge, these are the first studies to show that the variety effect is evident in the energy content of self-selected meals. This work shows that effects of variety are learned and anticipated. This extends our characterisation beyond a passive process that develops towards the end of a meal.
Precise protein quantification is essential in clinical dietetics, particularly in the management of renal, burn and malnourished patients. The EP-10 was developed to expedite the estimation of dietary protein for nutritional assessment and recommendation. The main objective of this study was to compare the validity and efficacy of the EP-10 with the American Dietetic Association’s “Exchange List for Meal Planning” (ADA-7g) in quantifying dietary protein intake, against computerised nutrient analysis (CNA). Protein intake of 197 food records kept by healthy adult subjects in Singapore was determined thrice using three different methods – (1) EP-10, (2) ADA-7g and (3) CNA using SERVE program (Version 4.0). Assessments using the EP-10 and ADA-7g were performed by two assessors in a blind crossover manner while a third assessor performed the CNA. All assessors were blind to each other’s results. Time taken to assess a subsample (n=165) using the EP-10 and ADA-7g was also recorded. Mean difference in protein intake quantification when compared to the CNA was statistically non-significant for the EP-10 (1.4 ± 16.3 g, P = .239) and statistically significant for the ADA-7g (-2.2 ± 15.6 g, P = .046). Both the EP-10 and ADA-7g had clinically acceptable agreement with the CNA as determined via Bland-Altman plots, although it was found that EP-10 had a tendency to overestimate with protein intakes above 150 g. The EP-10 required significantly less time for protein intake quantification than the ADA-7g (mean time of 65 ± 36 seconds vs. 111 ± 40 seconds, P < .001). The EP-10 and ADA-7g are valid clinical tools for protein intake quantification in an Asian context, with EP-10 being more time efficient. However, a dietician’s discretion is needed when the EP-10 is used on protein intakes above 150g.
Objectif. Décrire les attitudes et habitudes de Canadiens relativement à la préparation des aliments à la maison et au repas familial, afin de saisir les motivations à exploiter lors de la promotion de ces habitudes. Méthodes. Un sondage électronique de 39 questions à choix multiples a été placé sur le site des Diététistes du Canada du 16 novembre au 22 décembre 2006. Les énoncés analysés abordent la perception des bénéfices associés à la cuisine maison, à la planification des soupers et au repas familial, les obstacles à cuisiner, le temps de préparation et la planification des soupers, l’apprentissage de la cuisine, les sources d’idées recettes et la consommation des repas familiaux. Résultats. Au total, 4080 individus ont complété le questionnaire. Bien qu’ils croient que la cuisine maison puisse améliorer la qualité de l’alimentation et les comportements alimentaires, les répondants rencontrent plusieurs obstacles à la préparation des aliments au quotidien, parmi lesquels le manque de temps, d’énergie, d’idées et de planification. Bien qu’une majorité de Canadiens soupent en famille, il existe des écarts selon les groupes d’âge et les régions canadiennes. Conclusion. Cette étude souligne la pertinence d’élaborer des stratégies de communication pour informer les consommateurs sur les bénéfices de la cuisine maison et du repas en famille, afin de les aider à surmonter les défis associés à ces habitudes. Si les nutritionnistes sont des intervenants de choix, des collaborations interdisciplinaires sont proposées pour promouvoir une cuisine maison saine, bien planifiée, simplifiée et savourée en famille.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
A obesidade é uma doença epidêmica, crônica, multifatorial e de alto risco, que afeta milhões de pessoas e provoca uma série de prejuízos sociais, emocionais e econômicos. A análise do comportamento busca compreender os comportamentos do indivíduo obeso que propiciam o surgimento e a manutenção desta condição e as relações deste indivíduo com o seu meio ambiente. Tradicionalmente, pesquisas sobre o tratamento da obesidade, embora utilizem estratégias comportamentais como o registro em automonitoração e treino de relato verbal, em geral enfatizam resultados não comportamentais como critério de sucesso no tratamento (ex. perda de peso). Todavia, alguns autores defendem o uso de critérios comportamentais nos tratamentos de saúde que resultem em melhorias na qualidade de vida, enfatizando a construção de repertórios saudáveis ao invés da eliminação de comportamentos ditos desadaptativos. Baseado no modelo construcional de Goldiamond, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos de um treino em automonitoração e em relato verbal no estabelecimento e na manutenção, em curto prazo, de comportamentos de seguir regras nutricionais em adultos com obesidade. Participaram da pesquisa duas mulheres adultas com obesidade, em tratamento em uma clínica nutricional particular, e com dificuldades de adesão à dieta. A coleta de dados foi realizada em ambiente disponibilizado pelas participantes, predominantemente em ambiente domiciliar, em dias alternados, sendo constituída por cinco etapas: (1) Entrevistas de Linha de Base para identificação do repertório alimentar inicial; (2) Intervenção, realizada por meio de duas condições: (I) Treino de Automonitoração e (II) Treino de Relato Verbal; (3) Manutenção em curto prazo; (4) Follow-up; e (5) Encerramento: Entrevista Final, para avaliação dos resultados obtidos. Na condição I utilizou-se registros de automonitoração e de planejamento das refeições, enquanto que na condição II utilizou-se o relato verbal para o planejamento e o acesso à refeição-alvo realizada no dia anterior à entrevista. Em todas as entrevistas de intervenção foram conduzidas análises da consistência entre o registro/relato da refeição-alvo e as regras descritas no plano alimentar; análises dos custos e benefícios dos comportamentos de seguir ou não as regras nutricionais e identificação das variáveis determinantes para a emissão ou não dos comportamentos de seguir as regras nutricionais. Os treinos foram realizados com apenas uma refeição de cada vez até que se atingisse um dos critérios de mudança de refeição-alvo, sendo o principal a ocorrência de 60% de adesão em três entrevistas consecutivas. Para tanto, a cada entrevista era calculado o Índice de Adesão à Dieta (IAD) da refeição-alvo. Nos resultados, verificou-se que ambas as participantes atingiram o critério estabelecido em todas as refeições, com exceção do lanche da tarde. Inferiu-se a efetividade de ambos os treinos na instalação de comportamentos de auto-observação do repertório alimentar, entretanto foram modestos os resultados referentes ao autocontrole, sugerindo a necessidade de outras estratégias comportamentais, como treino de autocontrole, para a manutenção dos resultados do tratamento da obesidade. Discutiu-se sobre a complexidade do tratamento desta condição de saúde e a necessidade de uma visão ampla de tratamento que atue em outros contextos, além do foco na doença.
Background. Diabetes places a significant burden on the health care system. Reduction in blood glucose levels (HbA1c) reduces the risk of complications; however, little is known about the impact of disease management programs on medical costs for patients with diabetes. In 2001, economic costs associated with diabetes totaled $100 billion, and indirect costs totaled $54 billion. ^ Objective. To compare outcomes of nurse case management by treatment algorithms with conventional primary care for glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients in a low-income Mexican American community-based setting, and to compare the cost effectiveness of the two programs. Patient compliance was also assessed. ^ Research design and methods. An observational group-comparison to evaluate a treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes management was implemented at three out-patient health facilities in San Antonio, Texas. All eligible type 2 diabetic patients attending the clinics during 1994–1996 became part of the study. Data were obtained from the study database, medical records, hospital accounting, and pharmacy cost lists, and entered into a computerized database. Three groups were compared: a Community Clinic Nurse Case Manager (CC-TA) following treatment algorithms, a University Clinic Nurse Case Manager (UC-TA) following treatment algorithms, and Primary Care Physicians (PCP) following conventional care practices at a Family Practice Clinic. The algorithms provided a disease management model specifically for hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and microalbuminuria that progressively moved the patient toward ideal goals through adjustments in medication, self-monitoring of blood glucose, meal planning, and reinforcement of diet and exercise. Cost effectiveness of hemoglobin AI, final endpoints was compared. ^ Results. There were 358 patients analyzed: 106 patients in CC-TA, 170 patients in UC-TA, and 82 patients in PCP groups. Change in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was the primary outcome measured. HbA1c results were presented at baseline, 6 and 12 months for CC-TA (10.4%, 7.1%, 7.3%), UC-TA (10.5%, 7.1%, 7.2%), and PCP (10.0%, 8.5%, 8.7%). Mean patient compliance was 81%. Levels of cost effectiveness were significantly different between clinics. ^ Conclusion. Nurse case management with treatment algorithms significantly improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, and was more cost effective. ^
Includes index.
Objective. To compare the nutritional value of meals provided by companies participating in the Workers` Meal Program in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the nutritional recommendations and guidelines established by the Ministry of Health for the Brazilian population. Methods. The 72 companies studied were grouped according to economic sector (industrial, services, or commerce), size (micro, small, medium, or large), meal preparation modality (prepared on-site by the company itself, on-site by a hired caterer, or off-site by a hired caterer), and supervision by a dietitian (yes or no). The per capita amount of food was determined based on the lunch, dinner, and supper menus for three days. The nutritional value of the meals was defined by the amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, total fat, polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, cholesterol, and fruits and vegetables. Results. Most of the menus were deficient in the number of fruits and vegetables (63.9%) and amount of polyunsaturated fat (83.3%), but high in total fat (47.2%) and cholesterol (62.5%). Group 2, composed of mostly medium and large companies, supervised by a dietician, belonging to the industrial and/or service sectors, and using a hired caterer, on averaged served meals with higher calorie content (P < 0.001), higher percentage of polyunsaturated fat (P < 0.001), more cholesterol (P = 0.015), and more fruits and vegetables (P < 0.001) than Group 1, which was composed of micro and small companies from the commercial sector, that prepare the meals themselves on-site, and are not supervised by a dietitian. Regarding the nutrition guidelines set for the Brazilian population, Group 2 meals were better in terms of fruit and vegetable servings (P < 0.001). Group I meals were better in terms of cholesterol content (P = 0.05). Conclusions. More specific action is required targeting company officers and managers in charge of food and nutrition services, especially in companies without dietitian supervision.