963 resultados para McGill nursing model


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L’approche par compétences est de plus en plus choisie pour guider les curriculums universitaires de formation professionnelle. Accordant un intérêt primordial au développement des compétences, les responsables des programmes élaborés selon cette approche doivent déterminer les stratégies pédagogiques qui seront les plus efficaces et qui permettront une participation active de l’étudiant. Depuis plus de 30 années (Cameron et Mitchell, 1993; Wellard et Bethune, 1996), le journal d’apprentissage favorise la construction des savoirs en pratique clinique et le développement de la pensée réflexive, une compétence nécessaire à la pratique des infirmières qui s’inspirent d’une vision spécifique de la discipline, comme celle du modèle de McGill (Kravitz et Frey, 1989; Thorpe, 2003). Malgré cela, les études sur les perceptions d’étudiants relativement au journal d’apprentissage sont rares, et ce, surtout au Canada (Epp, 2008). Il importe de s’intéresser aux perceptions d’étudiants afin d’atteindre l’efficacité optimale de l’outil. Le but de cette étude était d’explorer les perceptions d’étudiants au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de l’utilisation du journal d’apprentissage. Elle a été réalisée auprès d’étudiants de 2e et 3e année, selon un devis de type qualitatif exploratoire. Les participants (n=52) ont rempli un formulaire constitué d’une mise en situation comprenant 5 questions ouvertes. L’analyse des données a fait émerger trois thèmes principaux de l’utilisation du journal soit : un outil personnel, un outil de communication et un outil d’apprentissage de la pratique. Des recommandations pour la formation et la recherche sont formulées.


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Cette étude vise à comprendre et à expliquer la résilience des familles endeuillées par le suicide d’un adolescent . Lorsque le suicide d’un adolescent survient, comme il s’agit d’une mort violente, inattendue, auto-infligée et qu’elle ne s’inscrit pas dans l’ordre normal de la vie, la famille est confrontée à une situation de crise qui nécessite, de sa part, une mobilisation importante d’énergie. On remarque que, malgré cette épreuve, la plupart des familles continuent à fonctionner. Le concept de résilience familiale qui fait référence à la capacité d’une famille de rebondir face à une situation de crise peut expliquer ce phénomène. C’est pourquoi le but de cette étude a été de proposer une théorie du processus de résilience à partir de ce que vivent les familles endeuillées par le suicide de leur adolescent. Le modèle McGill en soins infirmiers constitue la toile de fond théorique compte tenu de sa vision familiale, de sa croyance dans les forces de la famille et de l’importance du rôle de collaboration des infirmières. Pour atteindre le but de notre étude, une approche par théorisation ancrée, inspirée de la vision straussienne, a été choisie. L’échantillonnage théorique a été constitué de données obtenues à l’aide : d’entrevues semi structurées (13) avec les membres de sept familles rencontrés soit de façon individuelle, en couple ou en groupe (n=17 participants); de documents personnels remis par les participants (journal intime, homélie …); d’un questionnaire sociodémographique; et de notes de terrain. Une analyse comparative continue des données à travers une triple codification a permis de proposer une théorisation en profondeur du processus de résilience familiale suite au suicide d’un adolescent. Les principaux résultats indiquent que, dans un premier temps, la famille est confrontée à un cataclysme engendré par le suicide lui-même et influencé par le contexte familial, le contexte social et les émotions vécues. S’ensuit une période de naufrage plus ou moins importante compte tenu des bouées de sauvetage présentes au sein et dans l’entourage des familles. La présence de ces bouées intra et extrafamiliales permet un rebondissement plus ou moins rapide des familles. Par la suite, différentes actions intra et extrafamiliales permettent aux familles d’émerger malgré cette blessure indélébile, c’est-à-dire apprendre et grandir à travers cette expérience. L’analyse a également permis de dégager quatre types de résilience familiale selon que le rebondissement est rapide ou tardif et que l’émergence est continue ou non, soit le processus de résilience des familles énergiques centrifuge et centripète, de la famille stupéfaite, de la famille combattante et de la famille tenace. Cette étude permet d’approfondir la compréhension du vécu des familles endeuillées par le suicide d’un adolescent et d’aider les professionnels de la santé à mieux adapter leurs interventions en fonction des besoins des familles, des bouées de sauvetage présentes et des actions susceptibles de favoriser leur émergence.


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Cette recherche, traitera de la perception qu’ont les infirmières, œuvrant en milieu pédiatrique, de leur apport dans le processus de consentement aux soins et des enjeux éthique qui en découlent. L’analyse de leurs commentaires, fait voir une extension de la définition, plus classique, du concept même de consentement, pour y inclure la dimension d’un processus enclenché et poursuivi dans le dialogue et la né-gociation; un consentement sans cesse à répéter, à renégocier. Les participantes ne parlaient guère d’autonomie mais parlent surtout de ce consen-tement aux actes de soins, actes individuels, voire routiniers. Le but recherché par l’infirmière est moins une permission donnée par le patient pour que le soignant fasse son travail en toute immunité sur le plan légal, qu’une collaboration pour permettre une cogestion de la maladie. Très souvent, les infirmières discutent de l’importance qu’a pour elles le travail d’équipe, comme la façon logique de concevoir leur travail. Il devient logique aussi d’étendre aux parents et à l’enfant la participation à l’équipe thérapeutique. Ce n’est pas dire que tout se passe sans heurt. L’enfant peut s’opposer, ou le parent. Les conflits de valeurs surgissent: conflits et détresse morale suscités chez l’infirmière par la confrontation à des croyances et des valeurs culturelles et reli-gieuses différentes de celles auxquelles l’infirmière adhèrerait plus facilement. Mais souvent, l’infirmière fait montre d’une grande sensibilité culturelle et religieuse; et il lui arrive de faire appel à des collègues qui pourraient, plus qu’elle, connaître les sys-tèmes de valeurs qui posent question. Nous nous sommes servi d’un ensemble de référents interprétatifs initiaux à titre d’un cadre conceptuel intégrant des notions tirées du modèle de soins infirmiers de Corbin et Strauss, ainsi que de la perspective proposée par l’interactionnisme symbo-lique.


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Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient’s affects with pressure sores it’s because of deficiency in care. According to the law, all nursing interventions should be performed according to scientific and evidence and the nurse’s assistants are responsible for how they perform. The aim of this study was to examine how much knowledge the nurses assistants in community care services has about preventing, predicting and locate riskfactors for pressure sores and if they get the right education. Methods: A questionnaire based on 20 questions was maid and used for this purpose. Out of 99 persons the questionnaires was answered bye 65 nurses assistants working in community care service in a small town in Sweden. Results: The results shown that the nurses assistants don’t use risk assessment scales in attempt to identify patients vulnerable to pressure sores and they are not well associated with the riskfactors. The study even shows that they have little knowledge in how to prevent pressure sores from appearing. The nursing model are some times out of date and the nurses assistants personal view attends to decide witch care they will perform instead of scientific and evidenced based nursing.


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Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, realizado com pacientes acamados, visando compreender a experiência da pessoa dependente da enfermagem para o banho no leito e desenvolver um modelo teórico representativo dessa experiência. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico o Interacionismo Simbólico e, como referencial metodológico, a Grounded Theory. Dos resultados emergiu o fenômeno - aprendendo a avaliar a vida e a enfermagem, ao tornar-se dependente de seus cuidados para o banho no leito. Isso possibilitou identificar a categoria central - propondo um modelo assistencial de enfermagem para o banho no leito, na perspectiva do processo avaliativo do paciente, que contrapõe a evolução técnico-científica relativa ao procedimento.


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Introduction The purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate the impact of an educational intervention, comprising an innovative model of clinical decisionmaking and educational delivery strategy for facilitating nursing students‘ learning and development of competence in paediatric physical assessment practices. Background of the study Nursing students have an undergraduate education that aims to produce graduates of a generalist nature who demonstrate entry level competence for providing nursing care in a variety of health settings. Consistent with population morbidity and health care roles, paediatric nursing concepts typically form a comparatively small part of undergraduate curricula and students‘ exposure to paediatric physical assessment concepts and principles are brief. However, the nursing shortage has changed traditional nursing employment patterns and new graduates form the majority of the recruitment pool for paediatric nursing speciality staff. Paediatric nursing is a popular career choice for graduates and anecdotal evidence suggests that nursing students who select a clinical placement in their final year intend to seek employment in paediatrics upon graduation. Although concepts of paediatric nursing are included within undergraduate curriculum, students‘ ability to develop the required habits of mind to practice in what is still regarded as a speciality area of practice is somewhat limited. One of the areas of practice where this particularly impacts is in paediatric nursing physical assessment. Physical assessment is a fundamental component of nursing practice and competence in this area of practice is central to nursing students‘ development of clinical capability for practice as a registered nurse. Timely recognition of physiologic deterioration of patients is a key outcome of nurses‘ competent use of physical assessment strategies, regardless of the practice context. In paediatric nursing contexts children‘s physical assessment practices must specifically accommodate the child‘s different physiological composition, function and pattern of clinical deterioration (Hockenberry & Barrera, 2007). Thus, to effectively manage physical assessment of patients within the paediatric practice setting nursing students need to integrate paediatric nursing theory into their practice. This requires significant information processing and it is in this process where students are frequently challenged. The provision of rules or models can guide practice and assist novice-level nurses to develop their capabilities (Benner, 1984; Benner, Hooper-Kyriakidis & Stannard, 1999). Nursing practice models are cognitive tools that represent simplified patterns of expert analysis employing concepts that suit the limited reasoning of the inexperienced, and can represent the =rules‘ referred to by Benner (1984). Without a practice model of physical assessment students are likely to be uncertain about how to proceed with data collection, the interpretation of paediatric clinical findings and the appraisal of findings. These circumstances can result in ad hoc and unreliable nursing physical assessment that forms a poor basis for nursing decisions. The educational intervention developed as part of this study sought to resolve this problem and support nursing students‘ development of competence in paediatric physical assessment. Methods This study utilised the Context Input Process Product (CIPP) Model by Stufflebeam (2004) as the theoretical framework that underpinned the research design and evaluation methodology. Each of the four elements in the CIPP model were utilised to guide discrete stages of this study. The Context element informed design of the clinical decision-making process, the Paediatric Nursing Physical Assessment model. The Input element was utilised in appraising relevant literature, identifying an appropriate instructional methodology to facilitate learning and educational intervention delivery to undergraduate nursing students, and development of program content (the CD-ROM kit). Study One employed the Process element and used expert panel approaches to review and refine instructional methods, identifying potential barriers to obtaining an effective evaluation outcome. The Product element guided design and implementation of Study Two, which was conducted in two phases. Phase One employed a quasiexperimental between-subjects methodology to evaluate the impact of the educational intervention on nursing students‘ clinical performance and selfappraisal of practices in paediatric physical assessment. Phase Two employed a thematic analysis and explored the experiences and perspectives of a sample subgroup of nursing students who used the PNPA CD-ROM kit as preparation for paediatric clinical placement. Results Results from the Process review in Study One indicated that the prototype CDROM kit containing the PNPA model met the predetermined benchmarks for face validity and the impact evaluation instrumentation had adequate content validity in comparison with predetermined benchmarks. In the first phase of Study Two the educational intervention did not result in statistically significant differences in measures of student performance or self-appraisal of practice. However, in Phase Two qualitative commentary from students, and from the expert panel who reviewed the prototype CD-ROM kit (Study One, Phase One), strongly endorsed the quality of the intervention and its potential for supporting learning. This raises questions regarding transfer of learning and it is likely that, within this study, several factors have influenced students‘ transfer of learning from the educational intervention to the clinical practice environment, where outcomes were measured. Conclusion In summary, the educational intervention employed in this study provides insights into the potential e-learning approaches offer for delivering authentic learning experiences to undergraduate nursing students. Findings in this study raise important questions regarding possible pedagogical influences on learning outcomes, issues within the transfer of theory to practice and factors that may have influenced findings within the context of this study. This study makes a unique contribution to nursing education, specifically with respect to progressing an understanding of the challenges faced in employing instructive methods to impact upon nursing students‘ development of competence. The important contribution transfer of learning processes make to students‘ transition into the professional practice context and to their development of competence within the context of speciality practice is also highlighted. This study contributes to a greater awareness of the complexity of translating theoretical learning at undergraduate level into clinical practice, particularly within speciality contexts.


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Specialised support for student nurses making the transition to graduate nurse can be crucial to successful and smooth adjustment, and can create a path to positive and stable career experiences. This paper describes an enhanced model of final year nursing student placements which was trialled in 2006 at the Queensland University of Technology. The model involved collaboration with two major urban health services and resources were developed to support effective transition experiences. Ninety-two students, including 29 trial participants and 63 non-trial participants were assessed on preparedness for professional practice, before and after the trial semester. Results indicated an increase in preparedness across the entire sample, but students participating in the trial did not differ significantly in overall preparedness change from those who did not participate. Higher baseline preparedness in the trial group highlighted the possibility that proactive students who choose enrichment experiences tend to be likelier to gain benefit from such options than those who do not. Qualitative findings from focus groups conducted with 12 transition group students highlighted that one of the main beneficial aspects of the experience for students was the sense of belonging to a team that understood their learning needs and could work constructively with them.


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Patients undergoing radiation therapy for cancer face a series of challenges that require support from a multidisciplinary team which includes radiation oncology nurses. However, the specific contribution of nursing, and the models of care that best support the delivery of nursing interventions in the radiotherapy setting, is not well described. In this case study, the Interaction Model of Client Health Behaviour and the associated principles of person-centred care were incorporated into a new model of care that was implemented in one radiation oncology setting in Brisbane, Australia. The new model of care was operationalised through a Primary Nursing/Collaborative Practice framework. To evaluate the impact of the new model for patients and health professionals, multiple sources of data were collected from patients and clinical staff prior to, during, and 18 months following introduction of the practice redesign. One cohort of patients and clinical staff completed surveys incorporating measures of key outcomes immediately prior to implementation of the model, while a second cohort of patients and clinical staff completed these same surveys 18 months following introduction of the model. In-depth interviews were also conducted with nursing, medical and allied health staff throughout the implementation phase to obtain a more comprehensive account of the processes and outcomes associated with implementing such a model. From the patients’ perspectives, this study demonstrated that, although adverse effects of radiotherapy continue to affect patient well-being, patients continue to be satisfied with nursing care in this specialty, and that they generally reported high levels of functioning despite undergoing a curative course of radiotherapy. From the health professionals’ perspective, there was evidence of attitudinal change by nursing staff within the radiotherapy department which reflected a greater understanding and appreciation of a more person-centred approach to care. Importantly, this case study has also confirmed that a range of factors need to be considered when redesigning nursing practice in the radiotherapy setting, as the challenges associated with changing traditional practices, ensuring multidisciplinary approaches to care, and resourcing a new model were experienced. The findings from this study suggest that the move from a relatively functional approach to a person-centred approach in the radiotherapy setting has contributed to some improvements in the provision of individualised and coordinated patient care. However, this study has also highlighted that primary nursing may be limited in its approach as a framework for patient care unless it is supported by a whole team approach, an appropriate supportive governance model, and sufficient resourcing. Introducing such a model thus requires effective education, preparation and ongoing support for the whole team. The challenges of providing care in the context of complex interdisciplinary relationships have been highlighted by this study. Aspects of this study may assist in planning further nursing interventions for patients undergoing radiotherapy for cancer, and continue to enhance the contribution of the radiation oncology nurse to improved patient outcomes.


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Aim: In this paper we discuss the use of the Precede-Proceed model when investigating health promotion options for breast cancer survivors. Background: Adherence to recommended health behaviors can optimize well-being after cancer treatment. Guided by the Precede-Proceed approach, we studied the behaviors of breast cancer survivors in our health service area. Data sources: The interview data from the cohort of breast cancer survivors are used in this paper to illustrate the use of Precede-Proceed in this nursing research context. Interview data were collected from June to December 2009. We also searched Medline, CINAHL, PsychInfo and PsychExtra up to 2010 for relevant literature in English to interrogate the data from other theoretical perspectives. Discussion: The Precede-Proceed model is theoretically-complex. The deductive analytic process guided by the model usefully explained some of the health behaviors of cancer survivors, although it could not explicate many other findings. A complementary inductive approach to the analysis and subsequent interpretation by way of Uncertainty in Illness Theory and other psychosocial perspectives provided a comprehensive account of the qualitative data that resulted in contextually-relevant recommendations for nursing practice. Implications for nursing: Nursing researchers using Precede-Proceed should maintain theoretical flexibility when interpreting qualitative data. Perspectives not embedded in the model might need to be considered to ensure that the data are analyzed in a contextually-relevant way. Conclusion: Precede-Proceed provides a robust framework for nursing researchers investigating health promotion in cancer survivors; however additional theoretical lenses to those embedded in the model can enhance data interpretation.


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This is a study of the academic numeracy of nursing students. This study develops a theoretical model for the design and delivery of university courses in academic numeracy. The following objectives are addressed: 1. To investigate nursing students' current knowledge of academic numeracy; 2. To investigate how nursing students’ knowledge and skills in academic numeracy can be enhanced using a developmental psychology framework; and 3. To utilise data derived from meeting objectives 1 and 2 to develop a theoretical model to embed academic numeracy in university programs. This study draws from Valsiner’s Human Development Theory (Valsiner, 1997, 2007). It is a quasi-experimental intervention case study (Faltis, 1997) and takes a multimethod approach using pre- and post-tests; observation notes; and semi-structured teaching sessions to document a series of microgenetic studies of student numeracy. Each microgenetic study is centered on the lived experience of students becoming more numerate. The method for this section is based on Vygotsky’s double stimulation (Valsiner, 2000a; 2007). Data collection includes interviews on students’ past experience with mathematics; their present feelings and experiences and how these present feelings and experiences are transformed. The findings from this study have provided evidence that the course developed for nursing students, underpinned by an appropriate framework, does improve academic numeracy. More specifically, students improved their content knowledge of and confidence in mathematics in areas that were directly related to their degree. The study used Valsiner’s microgenetic approach to development to trace the course as it was being taught and two students’ personal academic numeracy journeys. It highlighted particularly troublesome concepts, then outlined scaffolding and pathways used to develop understanding. This approach to academic numeracy development was summarised into a four-faceted model at the university, program, course and individual level. This model can be applied successfully to similar contexts. Thus the thesis advances both theory and practice in this under-researched and under-theorised area.


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AIMS: To test a model that delineates advanced practice nursing from the practice profile of other nursing roles and titles. BACKGROUND: There is extensive literature on advanced practice reporting the importance of this level of nursing to contemporary health service and patient outcomes. Literature also reports confusion and ambiguity associated with advanced practice nursing. Several countries have regulation and delineation for the nurse practitioner, but there is less clarity in definition and service focus of other advanced practice nursing roles. DESIGN: A statewide survey. METHODS: Using the modified Strong Model of Advanced Practice Role Delineation tool, a survey was conducted in 2009 with a random sample of registered nurses/midwives from government facilities in Queensland, Australia. Analysis of variance compared total and subscale scores across groups according to grade. Linear, stepwise multiple regression analysis examined factors influencing advanced practice nursing activities across all domains. RESULTS: There were important differences according to grade in mean scores for total activities in all domains of advanced practice nursing. Nurses working in advanced practice roles (excluding nurse practitioners) performed more activities across most advanced practice domains. Regression analysis indicated that working in clinical advanced practice nursing roles with higher levels of education were strong predictors of advanced practice activities overall. CONCLUSION: Essential and appropriate use of advanced practice nurses requires clarity in defining roles and practice levels. This research delineated nursing work according to grade and level of practice, further validating the tool for the Queensland context and providing operational information for assigning innovative nursing service.


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Self-efficacy has two cognitive components, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations, and their influence on behavior change is synergistic. Efficacy expectation is effected by four main sources of information provided by direct and indirect experiences. The four sources of information are performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and self-appraisal. How to measure and develop interventions is an important issue at present. This article clearly analyzes the relationship between variables of the self-efficacy model and explains the implementation of self-efficacy enhancing interventions and instruments in order to test the model. Through the process of the use of theory and feasibility in clinical practice, it is expected that professional medical care personnel should firstly familiarize themselves with the self-efficiency model and concept, and then flexibly promote it in professional fields clinical practice, chronic disease care and health promotion.


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Background It is often believed that by ensuring the ongoing completion of competency documents and life-long learning in nursing practice guarantees quality patient care. This is probably true in most cases where it provides reassurances that the nursing team is maintaining a safe “generalised” level of practice. However, competency does not always promise quality performance. There are a number of studies that have reported differences in what practitioners know and what they actually do despite being deemed competent. Aim The aim of this study was to assess whether our current competency documentation is fit for purpose and to ascertain whether performance assessment needs to be a key component in determining competence. Method 15 nurses within a General ICU who had been on the unit <4 years agreed to participate in this project. Using participant observation and assessing performance against key indicators of the Benner Novice to Expert5 model the participants were supported and assessed over the course of a ‘normal’ nursing shift. Results The results were surprising both positively and negatively. First, the nurses felt more empowered in their clinical decision making skills; second, it identified individual learning needs and milestones in educational development. There were some key challenges identified which included 5 nurses over estimating their level of competence, practice was still very much focused on task acquisition and skill and surprisingly some nurses still felt dominated by the other health professionals within the unit. Conclusion We found that the capacity and capabilities of our nursing workforce needs continual ongoing support especially if we want to move our staff from capable task-doer to competent performers. Using the key novice to expert indicators identified the way forward for us in how we assess performance and competence in practice particularly where promotion to higher grades is based on existing documentation.


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Background: Health care organizations world wide are faced with the need to develop and implement strategic organizational plans to meet the challenges of modern health care. There is a need for models for developing, implementing and evaluating strategic plans that engage practitioners, and make a measurable difference to the patients that they serve. This article describes the development of such a model to underpin a strategy for nursing and midwifery in an acute hospital trust. An integrated model: The processes for strategy development (values clarification, critical companionship and focus groups) are discussed, together with the development of processes for implementation, based upon a modification of the PARIHS (Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services) conceptual framework. Finally, the methods for evaluating the strategy (a pre-test/post-test approach measuring the quality of nursing care, the degree to which the organization supports professional nursing care, the leadership styles of ward managers, and patient satisfaction with care) are described. Conclusion: The model is offered as one that may be of use to others who wish to develop an integrated approach to strategic change; an approach in which the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic plans are informed by the core values of nurses and midwives.