90 resultados para Maytenus ilicifolia
Maytenus ilicifolia é uma planta sul americana apresenta várias propriedades medicinais, entre elas, a ação antioxidante. OBJETIVO: Por meio de um modelo original de ototoxicidade induzida pela cisplatina, verificar uma possível ação otoprotetora do extrato aquoso desta planta. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo clínico e experimental com cobaias fêmeas, albinas divididas em 5 grupos: 9 animais recebendo somente 3 doses de 7,5mg/kg/d do protocolo de cisplatina, 4 animais somente com o extrato, 10 animais com cisplatina e 1g/kg/d de extrato por 8 dias, 5 animais com cisplatina e 3g/kg/d do extrato por 8 dias e 5 animais recebendo extrato por 3 semanas e cisplatina na última semana. Os exames foram emissões otoacústica por produtos de distorção, potencial de tronco encefálico pré e após administração de cisplatina e, microscopia eletrônica de varredura. RESULTADOS: Os animais que receberam a cisplatina com o extrato, independente da dose, obtiveram alterações em todos os testes, com lesões na região basal na microscopia eletrônica. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do efeito antioxidante da Maytenus ilicifolia, ela não foi suficiente para bloquear o efeito ototóxico da cisplatina.
Maytenus ilicifolia (Celastraceae) is a native plant of South America and popularly known as "espinheira-santa". The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of extracts and isolated compounds from this plant. The antioxidant activity of the crude and semipurified extracts and isolated compounds was evaluated through DPPH-radical and phosphomolybdenum-complex assays. By both methods, the ethyl-acetate fraction demonstrated better antioxidant capacity compared with vitamin C and trolox. In the compounds, the higher the number of hydroxyls, the greater the antioxidant activity. In addition, stereochemistry influenced antioxidant activity, i.e., compounds with 2R,3R showed greater activity than those with 2R,3S.
This work is focused on the chemical distribution of volatile and semi-volatile compounds of 18 native populations of Maytenus ilicifolia collected all over Brazil. The extracts of bulk samples (30 plants) of each population were obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction technique, and analyzed by GC/MS. The quantification of compounds (phytol, squalene, vitamin E, limonene, stigmasterol, friedelan-3-ol, friedelin, fridelan-3-one, palmitic acid and geranyl acetate) showed significant variations within the different populations, which could be related tom microclimate characteristics.
The hydroalcoholic extracts prepared from standard leaves of Maytenus ilicifolia and commercial samples of espinheira-santa were evaluated qualitatively (fingerprinting) and quantitatively. In this paper, fingerprinting chromatogram coupled with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is described for the metabolomic analysis of standard and commercial espinheira-santa samples. The epicatechin standard was used as an external standard for the development and validation of a quantitative method for the analysis in herbal medicines using a photo diode array detector. This method has been applied for quantification of epicatechin in commercialized herbal medicines sold as espinheira-santa in Brazil and in the standard sample of M. ilicifolia.
Visando a obtenção de triterpenos quinonametídeos em concentração apreciável protocolo para o desenvolvimento de culturas de células de M. ilicifolia foi estabelecido. Estudos visando observar a influência da luminosidade sobre o crescimento das culturas mantidas nas mesmas condições de temperatura e umidade, além da avaliação da influência de diferentes tipos de frascos, que variavam em altura, sobre o crescimento e acúmulo desses metabólitos, foram realizados. O acúmulo desses metabólitos com comprovada atividade biológica se mostrou 100 e 3 vezes maior para a 22beta-hidroximaitenina e maitenina, respectivamente, no sistema in vitro quando comparada à planta in natura. Isto demonstra que o sistema in vitro pode se constituir em uma excelente ferramenta para a produção, em maior escala, destes metabólitos bioativos.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a fenologia reprodutiva em uma população natural de Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek na Floresta Ombrófila Mista (Floresta com Araucária). O acompanhamento fenológico foi realizado de abril de 2003 a março de 2005, em 78 indivíduos adultos marcados. As intensidades dos eventos floração (antese) e frutificação foram estimadas utilizando a escala de Fournier. A população apresentou comportamento sazonal. As correlações entre temperatura, comprimento do dia e florescimento foram significativas. Dois morfos florais, um pistilado e outro estaminado, foram identificados e, junto com os resultados dos padrões fenológicos, é sugerido o caráter dióico na espécie.
Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: a) determinar o número cromossômico de diferentes populações de M. ilicifolia ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul; b) estimar viabilidade do pólen e o índice meiótico; c) estudar o comportamento meiótico; d) caracterizar sementes desta espécie quanto ao peso e analisar a produção de sementes por fruto.
Maytenus ilicifolia is an important plant with potential on cancer treatment and has been largely used in Brazil and other countries. We have evaluated the crude ethanolic extract of M. ilicifolia as a potential antioxidant source using an assay based on the bleaching of the radical monocation 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS(center dot+)) and by HOCl scavenger capacity. Trolox and uric acid were used as positive controls. The results indicated M. ilicifolia root bark as a great source of antioxidants based on its potential as scavenger of radicals. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pristimerin has been shown to be cytotoxic to several cancer cell lines. In the present work, the cytotoxicity of pristimerin was evaluated in human tumor cell lines and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). This work also examined the effects of pristimerin (0.4; 0.8 and 1.7 mu M) in HL-60 cells, after 6, 12 and 24 h of exposure. Pristimerin reduced the number of viable cells and increased number of non-viable cells in a concentration-dependent manner by tripan blue test showing morphological changes consistent with apoptosis. Nevertheless, pristimerin was not selective to cancer cells, since it inhibited PBMC proliferation with an IC50 of 0.88 PM. DNA synthesis inhibition assessed by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation in HL-60 cells was 70% and 83% for the concentrations of 0.4 and 0.8 mu M, respectively. Pristimerin (10 and 20 mu M) was not able to inhibit topoisomerase 1. In AO/EB (acridine orange/ethidium bromide) staining, all tested concentrations reduced the number of HL-60 viable cells, with the occurrence of necrosis and apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner, results in agreement with trypan blue exclusion findings. The analysis of membrane integrity and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation by flow cytometry in the presence of pristimerin indicated that treated cells underwent apoptosis. The present data point to the importance of pristimerin as representative of an emerging class of potential anticancer chemicals, exhibiting an antiproliferative effect by inhibiting DNA synthesis and triggering apoptosis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aqueous infusions of Brazilian Maytenus leaves are used as beverages, foodstuffs, and phytomedicines. Previously, we isolated two new flavonoid tetrasaccharides from the infusion of Maytenus aquifolium leaves that showed antiulcer activity. In this investigation a new flavonoid tetrasaccharide, kaempferol-3-O-alpha -L-rhamnopyranosyl (1-6)-O-[alpha -L-arabinopyranosyl (1 -->3)-O-alpha -L-rhamnopyranosyl (1-2)]-O-beta -D-galactopyranoside (3), was isolated, together with kaempferol tri- and disaccharides and quercetin trisaccharides from the aqueous infusion of Maytenus ilicifolia leaves. All structures were elucidated by ES-MS and NMR spectroscopic methods. The quantitative analysis of the flavonoid glycosides from Maytenus ilicifolia and M. aquifolium has been performed by HPLC.