919 resultados para Maximal ratio combiner
Performance of Cognitive Radio Networks with Maximal Ratio Combining over Correlated Rayleigh Fading
Exact and closed-form expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration are presented for equal gain combining and maximal ratio combining schemes, assuming an arbitrary number of independent branches in a Rayleigh environment. The analytical results are thoroughly validated by simulation.
The analysis of energy detector systems is a well studied topic in the literature: numerous models have been derived describing the behaviour of single and multiple antenna architectures operating in a variety of radio environments. However, in many cases of interest, these models are not in a closed form and so their evaluation requires the use of numerical methods. In general, these are computationally expensive, which can cause difficulties in certain scenarios, such as in the optimisation of device parameters on low cost hardware. The problem becomes acute in situations where the signal to noise ratio is small and reliable detection is to be ensured or where the number of samples of the received signal is large. Furthermore, due to the analytic complexity of the models, further insight into the behaviour of various system parameters of interest is not readily apparent. In this thesis, an approximation based approach is taken towards the analysis of such systems. By focusing on the situations where exact analyses become complicated, and making a small number of astute simplifications to the underlying mathematical models, it is possible to derive novel, accurate and compact descriptions of system behaviour. Approximations are derived for the analysis of energy detectors with single and multiple antennae operating on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and independent and identically distributed Rayleigh, Nakagami-m and Rice channels; in the multiple antenna case, approximations are derived for systems with maximal ratio combiner (MRC), equal gain combiner (EGC) and square law combiner (SLC) diversity. In each case, error bounds are derived describing the maximum error resulting from the use of the approximations. In addition, it is demonstrated that the derived approximations require fewer computations of simple functions than any of the exact models available in the literature. Consequently, the regions of applicability of the approximations directly complement the regions of applicability of the available exact models. Further novel approximations for other system parameters of interest, such as sample complexity, minimum detectable signal to noise ratio and diversity gain, are also derived. In the course of the analysis, a novel theorem describing the convergence of the chi square, noncentral chi square and gamma distributions towards the normal distribution is derived. The theorem describes a tight upper bound on the error resulting from the application of the central limit theorem to random variables of the aforementioned distributions and gives a much better description of the resulting error than existing Berry-Esseen type bounds. A second novel theorem, providing an upper bound on the maximum error resulting from the use of the central limit theorem to approximate the noncentral chi square distribution where the noncentrality parameter is a multiple of the number of degrees of freedom, is also derived.
Consider L independent and identically distributed exponential random variables (r.vs) X-1, X-2 ,..., X-L and positive scalars b(1), b(2) ,..., b(L). In this letter, we present the probability density function (pdf), cumulative distribution function and the Laplace transform of the pdf of the composite r.v Z = (Sigma(L)(j=1) X-j)(2) / (Sigma(L)(j=1) b(j)X(j)). We show that the r.v Z appears in various communication systems such as i) maximal ratio combining of signals received over multiple channels with mismatched noise variances, ii)M-ary phase-shift keying with spatial diversity and imperfect channel estimation, and iii) coded multi-carrier code-division multiple access reception affected by an unknown narrow-band interference, and the statistics of the r.v Z derived here enable us to carry out the performance analysis of such systems in closed-form.
This paper presents a systematic measurement campaign of diversity reception techniques for use in multiple-antenna wearable systems operating at 868 MHz. The experiments were performed using six time-synchronized bodyworn receivers and considered mobile off-body communications in an anechoic chamber, open office area and a hallway. The cross-correlation coefficient between the signal fading measured by bodyworn receivers was dependent upon the local environment and typically below 0.7. All received signal envelopes were combined in post-processing to study the potential benefits of implementing receiver diversity based upon selection combination, equal-gain and maximal-ratio combining. It is shown that, in an open office area, the 5.7 dB diversity gain obtained using a dual-branch bodyworn maximal-ratio diversity system may be further improved to 11.1 dB if a six-branch system was used. First-and second-order theoretical equations for diversity reception techniques operating in Nakagami fading conditions were used to model the postdetection combined envelopes. Maximum likelihood estimates of the Nakagami-parameter suggest that the fading conditions encountered in this study were generally less severe than Rayleigh. The paper also describes an algorithm that may be used to simulate the measured output of an M-branch diversity combiner operating in independent and identically-distributed Nakagami fading environments.
For the first time in the open literature we present a full characterization of the performance of receiver diversity for the on-body channels found in body area networks. The study involved three commonly encountered diversity combining schemes: selection combination (SC), maximal ratio combining (MRC) and equal gain combining (EGC). Measurements were conducted for both stationary and mobile user scenarios in an anechoic chamber and open office area environment. Achievable diversity gain for various on-body dual branch diversity receivers, consisting of horizontal and vertical spatially separated antennas, was found to be dependent upon transmitter-receive array separation, user state and level of multipath contribution from the local environment. The maximum diversity gain (6.4 dB) was observed for a horizontal two branch MRC combiner while the transmitter and receiver were on opposite sides of the body, and the user was mobile in the open office area. A novel statistical characterization of the fading experienced in on-body diversity channels is also performed using purposely derived first and second order diversity statistics for combiners operating in Nakagami fading.
Multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) is a very promising candidate for the multiple access scheme in fourth generation wireless communi- cation systems. During asynchronous transmission, multiple access interference (MAI) is a major challenge for MC-CDMA systems and significantly affects their performance. The main objectives of this thesis are to analyze the MAI in asyn- chronous MC-CDMA, and to develop robust techniques to reduce the MAI effect. Focus is first on the statistical analysis of MAI in asynchronous MC-CDMA. A new statistical model of MAI is developed. In the new model, the derivation of MAI can be applied to different distributions of timing offset, and the MAI power is modelled as a Gamma distributed random variable. By applying the new statistical model of MAI, a new computer simulation model is proposed. This model is based on the modelling of a multiuser system as a single user system followed by an additive noise component representing the MAI, which enables the new simulation model to significantly reduce the computation load during computer simulations. MAI reduction using slow frequency hopping (SFH) technique is the topic of the second part of the thesis. Two subsystems are considered. The first sub- system involves subcarrier frequency hopping as a group, which is referred to as GSFH/MC-CDMA. In the second subsystem, the condition of group hopping is dropped, resulting in a more general system, namely individual subcarrier frequency hopping MC-CDMA (ISFH/MC-CDMA). This research found that with the introduction of SFH, both of GSFH/MC-CDMA and ISFH/MC-CDMA sys- tems generate less MAI power than the basic MC-CDMA system during asyn- chronous transmission. Because of this, both SFH systems are shown to outper- form MC-CDMA in terms of BER. This improvement, however, is at the expense of spectral widening. In the third part of this thesis, base station polarization diversity, as another MAI reduction technique, is introduced to asynchronous MC-CDMA. The com- bined system is referred to as Pol/MC-CDMA. In this part a new optimum com- bining technique namely maximal signal-to-MAI ratio combining (MSMAIRC) is proposed to combine the signals in two base station antennas. With the applica- tion of MSMAIRC and in the absents of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), the resulting signal-to-MAI ratio (SMAIR) is not only maximized but also in- dependent of cross polarization discrimination (XPD) and antenna angle. In the case when AWGN is present, the performance of MSMAIRC is still affected by the XPD and antenna angle, but to a much lesser degree than the traditional maximal ratio combining (MRC). Furthermore, this research found that the BER performance for Pol/MC-CDMA can be further improved by changing the angle between the two receiving antennas. Hence the optimum antenna angles for both MSMAIRC and MRC are derived and their effects on the BER performance are compared. With the derived optimum antenna angle, the Pol/MC-CDMA system is able to obtain the lowest BER for a given XPD.
In this paper, an analysis of radio channel characteristics for single- and multiple-antenna bodyworn systems for use in body-to-body communications is presented. The work was based on an extensive measurement campaign conducted at 2.45 GHz representative of an indoor sweep and search scenario for fire and rescue personnel. Using maximum-likelihood estimation in conjunction with the Akaike information criterion (AIC), five candidate probability distributions were investigated and from these the kappa - mu distribution was found to best describe small-scale fading observed in the body-to-body channels. Additional channel parameters such as autocorrelation and the cross-correlation coefficient between fading signal envelopes were also analyzed. Low cross correlation and small differences in mean signal levels between potential dual-branch diversity receivers suggested that the prospect of successfully implementing diversity in this type application is extremely good. Moreover, using selection combination, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining, up to 8.69-dB diversity gain can be made available when four spatially separated antennas are used at the receiver. Additional improvements in the combined envelopes through lower level crossing rates and fade durations at low signal levels were also observed.
A combined antennas and propagation study has been undertaken with a view to directly improving link conditions for wireless body area networks. Using tissue-equivalent numerical and experimental phantoms representative of muscle tissue at 2.45 GHz, we show that the node to node [S-21] path gain performance of a new wearable integrated antenna (WIA) is up to 9 dB better than a conventional compact Printed-F antenna, both of which are suitable for integration with wireless node circuitry. Overall, the WIA performed extremely well with a measured radiation efficiency of 38% and an impedance bandwidth of 24%. Further benefits were also obtained using spatial diversity, with the WIA providing up to 7.7 dB of diversity gain for maximal ratio combining. The results also show that correlation was lower for a multipath environment leading to higher diversity gain. Furthermore, a diversity implementation with the new antenna gave up to 18 dB better performance in terms of mean power level and there was a significant improvement in level crossing rates and average fade durations when moving from a single-branch to a two-branch diversity system.
We propose the inverse Gaussian distribution, as a less complex alternative to the classical log-normal model, to describe turbulence-induced fading in free-space optical (FSO) systems operating in weak turbulence conditions and/or in the presence of aperture averaging effects. By conducting goodness of fit tests, we define the range of values of the scintillation index for various multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) FSO configurations, where the two distributions approximate each other with a certain significance level. Furthermore, the bit error rate performance of two typical MIMO FSO systems is investigated over the new turbulence model; an intensity-modulation/direct detection MIMO FSO system with Q-ary pulse position modulation that employs repetition coding at the transmitter and equal gain combining at the receiver, and a heterodyne MIMO FSO system with differential phase-shift keying and maximal ratio combining at the receiver. Finally, numerical results are presented that validate the theoretical analysis and provide useful insights into the implications of the model parameters on the overall system performance. © 2011 IEEE.
We propose transmit antenna selection (TAS) in decode-and-forward (DF) relaying as an effective approach to reduce the interference in underlay spectrum sharing networks with multiple primary users (PUs) and multiple antennas at the secondary users (SUs). We compare two distinct protocols: 1) TAS with receiver maximal-ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and 2) TAS with receiver selection combining (TAS/SC). For each protocol, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic outage probability with independent Nakagami-m fading in the primary and secondary networks. Our results are valid for two scenarios related to the maximum SU transmit power, i.e., P, and the peak PU interference temperature, i.e., Q. When P is proportional to Q, our results confirm that TAS/MRC and TAS/SC relaying achieve the same full diversity gain. As such, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) advantage of TAS/MRC relaying relative to TAS/SC relaying is characterized as a simple ratio of their respective SNR gains. When P is independent of Q, we find that an outage floor is obtained in the large P regime where the SU transmit power is constrained by a fixed value of Q. This outage floor is accurately characterized by our exact and asymptotic results.
In this paper, we propose a multiuser cognitive relay network, where multiple secondary sources communicate with a secondary destination through the assistance of a secondary relay in the presence of secondary direct links and multiple primary receivers. We consider the two relaying protocols of amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF), and take into account the availability of direct links from the secondary sources to the secondary destination. With this in mind, we propose an optimal solution for cognitive multiuser scheduling by selecting the optimal secondary source, which maximizes the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the secondary destination using maximal ratio combining. This is done by taking into account both the direct link and the relay link in the multiuser selection criterion. For both AF and DF relaying protocols, we first derive closed-form expressions for the outage probability and then provide the asymptotic outage probability, which determines the diversity behavior of the multiuser cognitive relay network. Finally, this paper is corroborated by representative numerical examples.
In this paper, we investigate the potential improvement in signal reliability for indoor off-body communications when using spatial diversity at the base station. In particular, we utilize two hypothetical indoor base stations operating at 5.8 GHz each featuring four antennas which are spaced at either half- or one-wavelength apart. Three on-body locations are considered along with four types of user movement. The cross-correlation between the received signal envelopes observed at each base station antenna element was calculated and found to be always less than 0.5. Selection, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining of the received signal has shown that the greatest improvement is obtained when the user is mobile, with a maximum diversity gain of 11.34 dB achievable when using a four branch receiver. To model the fading envelope obtained at the output of the virtual combiners, we use diversity specific, theoretical probability density functions for multi-branch receivers operating in Nakagami-m fading channels. It is shown that these equations provide an excellent fit to the measured channel data.
In this paper, an analysis of spatial diversity and small-scale fading characteristics for body-to-bodycommunications is presented. The measurements were made at 2.45 GHz in an urban environment with uncontrolled pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The virtual array of four distributed receive antennas where situated on the centralchest, central waist, left waist and left wrist of the user’s body. Combining of the received signal measured at each ofthe antennas in the virtual array has shown that an average diversity gain of up to 11.8 dB can be achieved when usingfour distributed antennas and a maximal ratio combining scheme. To model the small-scale fading characteristics obtained at the output of the virtual combiners, we use diversity specific, theoretical probability density functions for multi-branch receivers operating in Nakagami-m fading channels. It is shown that these equations provide an excellent fit to the measured channel data.