993 resultados para Matta-Clark, Gordon, 1943-1978


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This dissertation seeks to map out a route in sculptural production and artistic modernism, through the questioning of some of the different ways of approaching the concept of sculpture and architecture that were explored during the twentieth century. Based on the concepts of sculpture, architecture and space — which are proposed as a complementary perspectives to the analysis of our study object — a reflection is develop, in which explores the tension between a sculptural model and an architectural model. This research aims to identify and understand some presences of architectural expression in Modern sculpture. In this context, we will see that this has influenced other movements to the present day, but also a result of a historical situation. The relationship between sculpture and architecture has taken different forms and functions over time and the means of technological and industrial production were seen as a way of transformation of twentieth-century art. The first part of this dissertation focuses on several Modernism definition proposals. The second part presents the first vanguards proposals, and the transformations in the way of understanding sculpture. In the third part, the most current trends, which provide a reference for resolving the tension between the listed models, are addressed. Going against the linear evolution of reading, this paper proposes an interpretation that is based on the identification from a processing of the sculpture conception


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Gordon Matta-Clark es el origen de la presente investigación. Su obra, de total actualidad, ha ido ganando interés entre la comunidad de arquitectos, si bien su dimensión teórica se ha visto a menudo eclipsada por el poderoso atractivo de sus aberturas, cortes y extracciones. Son muchos los investigadores que detectan una carencia en el estudio de su corpus de pensamiento desde el campo de la crítica arquitectónica a la que está inevitablemente vinculado, a pesar de haber puesto en marcha una potente maquinaria de criticismo. Se constata a su vez la problemática existente al construir dialécticas entre la obra de Gordon Matta-Clark y el ámbito de la práctica arquitectónica. Surgen áreas forzadas de reflexión al elevar ambas esferas al mismo plano, achacado a un desconocimiento de las motivaciones críticas e históricas del proyecto del arquitecto. Aparece de modo recurrente un intento por establecer una dialéctica que, sin embargo, es relegada constantemente a una colección de notas al pie de página: Rem Koolhaas es sesgadamente mencionado por la crítica como el digno continuador accidental de las teorías de Gordon Matta-Clark. Se inicia así la construcción de una dialéctica que permanece aún sin resolver. Rem Koolhaas, en una entrevista en la que vierte su opinión sobre Gordon Matta-Clark, lo considera el precursor accidental de su ‘estrategia de vacío’, reconociendo en su trabajo procesos de adición a través de eliminación como método de creación de espacio arquitectónico. Una visión incisiva que desdeña su faceta de artista destructor destacando su habilidad para inocular el vacío mediante el empleo de herramientas de adición a través de eliminación. Estas premisas dan lugar de forma automática a la hipótesis de partida: la formalización de una investigación que llene ese vacío estableciendo un fuego cruzado entre ambos arquitectos, los cuales comparten de manera fortuita época y escenarios. El discurso de Rem Koolhaas iluminará el pensamiento de Gordon Matta-Clark vinculando sus respectivas plataformas de producción teórica, construyendo un espacio metafórico común en torno a la palabra y la imagen, herramientas que ambos manejan con habilidad y fluidez. Las propuestas del grupo Anarchitecture y las Art Cards o recortes anárquicos de soliloquios mattaclarkianos encuentran su réplica en el diccionario de términos e imágenes “Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large”, descrito por Rem Koolhaas como una acumulación de palabras e imágenes que ilumina la condición de la arquitectura actual. La investigación establece una profusa asociación de ideas, imágenes y parlamentos que navegan en el universo referencial de Rem Koolhaas aportando una nueva visión sobre la dimensión crítica de Gordon Matta-Clark. Una visión poliédrica alrededor de cinco conceptos clave y un glosario de estrategias de proyecto que abren nuevos umbrales en los que la adición a través de la eliminación se repite hasta la saciedad transformado en mantra arquitectónico. ABSTRACT The present research finds its origins in Gordon Matta-Clark. His work, still relevant today, has been gaining interest within the community of architects, although its theoretical dimension has often been overshadowed by the powerful attraction of his openings, cuts and extractions. Many researchers detect a lack in the study of his body of thought from the field of architectural criticism to which he is inevitably associated, despite having launched a powerful machinery of criticism. It is noted at the same time the problem appeared when different dialectics between the work of Gordon Matta-Clark and the field of architectural practice are established. Forced areas of thought emerge when both fields are observed from the same point of view, derived from a lack of knowledge of the critical and historical motivations of the architect project. An attempt to establish a dialectical relationship with another architect appears recurrently in different books and writings. However it is steadily consigned to a collection of insignificant footnotes: the critics mention Rem Koolhaas as the worthy accidental successor of the theories of Gordon Matta-Clark. The construction of a dialectic that remains unresolved begins at this point. Gordon Matta-Clark is considered by Rem Koolhaas the accidental predecessor of his ‘strategy of emptiness’ -in an interview in which he pours his opinion on him- recognizing processes of addition through elimination in the work of Matta-Clark as a method of building architectural space. Rem Koolhaas rejects his role as destructor artist highlighting his ability to inoculate the emptiness by using addition tools through elimination. These premises lead us automatically to the hypothesis of the research: the formalization of research that will fill the emptiness by setting a crossfire between both architects, who share by chance the same scenarios and time. The discourse given by Rem Koolhaas illuminates Gordon Matta-Clark´s thought by linking their respective theoretical work platforms, building a common metaphorical space around word and image as tools managed by both of them with expertise and fluency. The Anarchitecture proposals and the Art Cards -anarchic cuts of Matta-Clark´s thought- find its counterpart in the dictionary of terms and images included in “Small, Medium, Large, Extra- Large”, described by Rem Koolhaas as an accumulation of words and images that illuminates the condition of architecture today. The research provides a wide range of associations of ideas, images and discussions around the universe of references of Rem Koolhaas, offering a new insight into the critical dimension of the work of Gordon Matta-Clark. A multifaceted vision around five key concepts and a glossary of project strategies that opens up new thresholds in which addition through elimination is repeated endlessly becoming an architectural mantra.


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Me gustaría comenzar por agradecer a mi director Josu Larrañaga Altuna no solo su asistencia, guía y soporte para completar esta tesis, sino también el profundo respeto mostrado a la hora de plantear su ejecución en simbiosis con mi paulatino desarrollo vital como artista. Estoy en deuda con mi tutor en Estados Unidos, Leo Costello, por la generosidad mostrada al acogerme durante dos años como investigadora invitada en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de Rice University en Houston, durante los cuales iluminó algunos de los temas que han sido fundamentales para establecer las raíces históricas de la presente investigación. El estímulo y la calurosa acogida ofrecidos por la académica Fabiola López- Duran, Geoff Winnngahan y Annick Dekiouk que hicieron de Houston mi casa, integrándome en ese mundo donde los tejidos artísticos profesionales y académicos se entrelazan ha sido invaluable, así como la beca otorgada por la comisión Fulbright de España y la aceptación en el International Studio and Curatorial Program de Nueva York (ISCP) quienes hicieron posible la aventura americana. Gracias a esta, descubrí como una revelación a Robert Overby, esencial para el rumbo que tomó posteriormente la investigación. José Luis Corazón Ardura y Elisabeth Cummins Muñoz me aportaron el despertar a la conciencia de palabra justa sin renunciar a la esencia poética. Espero que esta tesis refleje las inestimables aportaciones que recibí de cada uno de ellos. Por otra parte me gustaría agradecer a mis galeristas Kerry Inman y Pilar Serra su apoyo a la hora de compatibilizar la vida académica con la artística. A mi hija Mariana por ofrecerme la maravillosa experiencia de descubrir paulatinamente el mundo juntas a través del lenguaje y sus diferentes idiomas. Y finalmente, mi más profundo reconocimiento a mi marido Alexandre, por creer en mí ciegamente, desde el principio y por encima de todas las cosas, mostrando su apoyo incondicional y constante en el tiempo. Porque su extraordinario valor me ha permitido seguir mis sueños y sobre todo por ofrecerme todas esas vidas posibles que no había osado soñar...


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A pesquisa surgiu a partir de investigações e experiências próprias com a escuta, a produção de sonoridades, a criação de ambientes e a realização de derivas intersensoriais. A articulação se dá segundo uma perspectiva transdisciplinar e em relação a alguns trabalhos artísticos e textuais especialmente significativos. A construção do sensorial e das subjetividades e suas possibilidades de transformação e emancipação, através de uma arte vinculada à vida, são questões centrais. Os conceitos de fabulação, linhas, cartografias e desterritorializações desenvolvidos por Deleuze, a ecosofia de Félix Guattari e a noção de corpos vibráteis em Suely Rolnik são fundamentais, assim como as observações de Lygia Clark e Hélio Oiticica a respeito de suas próprias experiências. Estudos históricos e culturais dos sentidos, como os de Constance Classen e David Howes, além de observações de teóricos distintos como Karl Marx, Walter Benjamin, Michel Serres e Jacques Ranciére auxiliam a traçar um panorama inicial do constructo sensorial no Ocidente moderno e contemporâneo. Questões relativas a som, silêncio e ruído levaram à utilização de conceitos como escuta e ressonância em um sentido ampliado, que não se restringe a fenômenos sonoros ou físicos. A articulação entre escuta, intersensorialidade, imaginação e memória contribuiu para o desenvolvimento inicial do conceito de terceiro som aqui presente. A percepção do texto como ativador de sensações e devaneios, as relações entre conceito e concreto e o relato não-realista de acontecimentos levaram às ficções experimentadas. O ato da deriva relaciona-se ao desregramento de todos sentidos e implica a vivência de margens, desvios e extremos, fronteiras em dissolução, diásporas nos interstícios. Poéticas e políticas da alteridade, da diferença e do estranhamento fazem-se presentes em experiências de um ambiente-vivo, paisagem-corpo-outro. Tais questões atravessam meus trabalhos, que são realizados de diferentes maneiras, em cartografias e rituais que podem incluir sons, textos, desenhos, objetos, fotografia, vídeos, vestimentas, ações, situações, etc. A abordagem das questões presentes se dá através de algumas passagens por escritores como Rimbaud, Borges e Italo Calvino; teóricos de diferentes áreas, como Guy Brett, Douglas Kahn, De Certeau, Michel Onfray, James J.Gibson e Donna Haraway; e trabalhos e textos de diversos artistas fundamentais, como Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Allan Kaprow, George Maciunas e o Fluxus, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Gordon-Matta-Clark, Robert Smithson, Bill Viola, Cildo Meireles e Lygia Pape, entre outros


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My essay for the Waterwheel project entitled “Wheel of fortune: re-gifting art-life” will examine the Waterwheel project from the point of view of gift economies and discuss the benefits and sustainability of this model for collaboration and cooperation. This essay builds upon the history of gift economies, focusing on the gift as a mode of collaboration and platform for exchange. The alchemical notion of the gift that Gordon Matta- Clark café “FOOD” offers will be discussed as a precursor to the transformation of relations evident in the workshop series organized by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi. In particular, this essay will emphasize the way transformation has been used to rethink the gift as modeling of collaboration and re-imagining of the ties between research creation and social activism. From these discussions the context and ethos by which to understand the aims of the Waterwheel project will be addressed.


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Tese dout., Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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La estimación e interpretación de la estructura a plazo de la tasas de interés es de gran relevancia porque permite realizar pronósticos, es fundamental para la toma de decisiones de política monetaria y fiscal, es esencial en la administración de riesgos y es insumo para la valoración de diferentes activos financieros. Por estas razones, es necesario entender que puede provocar un movimiento en la estructura a plazo. En este trabajo se estiman un modelo afín exponencial de tres factores aplicado a los rendimientos de los títulos en pesos de deuda pública colombianos. Los factores estimados son la tasa corta, la media de largo plazo de la tasa corta y la volatilidad de la tasa corta. La estimación se realiza para el periodo enero 2010 a mayo de 2015 y se realiza un análisis de correlaciones entre los tres factores. Posterior a esto, con los factores estimados se realiza una regresión para identificar la importancia que tiene cada uno de estos en el comportamiento de las tasas de los títulos de deuda pública colombiana para diferentes plazos al vencimiento. Finalmente, se estima la estructura a plazo de las tasas de interés para Colombia y se identifica la relación de los factores estimados con los encontrados por Litterman y Scheinkman [1991] correspondientes al nivel, pendiente y curvatura.


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Worker populations are potentially exposed to multiple chemical substances simultaneously during the performance of routine tasks. The acute health effects from exposure to toxic concentrations of these substances are usually well-described. However, very little is known about the long-term health effects of chronic low dose exposure to all except a few chemical substances. A mortality study was performed on a population of workers employed at a butyl rubber manufacturing plant in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the period 1943-1978, with special emphasis on potential exposure to methyl chloride.^ The study population was enumerated using company records. The mortality experience among the population was evaluated by comparing the number of observed deaths (total and cause-specific) to the expected number of deaths, based on the U.S. general age, race, sex specific rates. An internal comparison population was assembled to address the issue of lack of comparability when the U.S. rates are used to calculate expected deaths in an employed population.^ There were 18% fewer total observed deaths compared to the expected when the U.S. death rates were used to obtain the expected. Deaths from specific causes were also less than expected except when numbers of observed and expected deaths were small. Similar results were obtained when the population was characterized by intensity and duration of potential exposure to methyl chloride. When the internal comparison population was utilized to evaluate overall mortality of the study population, the relative risk was about 1.2.^ The study results were discussed and conclusions drawn in light of certain limitations of the methodology and study population size. ^


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This annotated list was produced with funds made available through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IV, Equal Educational Opportunity.


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March 1978.


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There is abundant empirical evidence on the negative relationship between welfare effort and poverty. However, poverty indicators traditionally used have been representative of the monetary approach, excluding its multidimensional reality from the analysis. Using three regression techniques for the period 1990-2010 and controlling for demographic and cyclical factors, this paper examines the relationship between social spending per capita —as the indicator of welfare effort— and poverty in up to 21 countries of the region. The proportion of the population with an income below its national basic basket of goods and services (PM1) and the proportion of population with an income below 50% of the median income per capita (PM2) were the two poverty indicators considered from the monetarist approach to measure poverty. From the capability approach the proportion of the population with food inadequacy (PC1) and the proportion of the population without access to improved water sources or sanitation facilities (PC2) were used. The fi ndings confi rm that social spending is actually useful to explain changes in poverty (PM1, PC1 and PC2), as there is a high negative and signifi cant correlation between the variables before and after controlling for demographic and cyclical factors. In two regression techniques, social spending per capita did not show a negative relationship with the PM2. Countries with greater welfare effort for the period 1990-2010 were not necessarily those with the lowest level of poverty. Ultimately social spending per capita was more useful to explain changes in poverty from the capability approach.


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L’alchimie, science de la manipulation des influences spirituelles par une métallurgie sacrée, et la pataphysique, esthétique pseudo-scientifique associant l'ésotérisme à l'humour, sont les deux principaux fondements idéologiques qui unissent Marcel Duchamp et Roberto Matta. Tandis que Duchamp s'intéresse déjà à l'ésotérisme dès 1910, soit près d'une vingtaine d'années avant sa rencontre avec Matta. Ce dernier aborde, dans sa production, des thèmes propres à la littérature alchimique, soit les opérations occultes, les états merveilleux de la matière et les appareils de laboratoire. De plus, les écrivains symbolistes et pseudo-scientifiques, lus par Duchamp, puis par Matta, influencent l'humour pataphysique, teinté d'ésotérisme, qui s'exprime dans la production de ces deux artistes. Ainsi, Les Célibataires, vingt ans plus tard, est une huile sur toile, réalisée en 1943, par Roberto Matta, qui représente un paysage cosmique, composé d'astres et de trous noirs, de trois alambics et d'une grande machine noire. Dans cette œuvre, Matta réinterprète très librement certains éléments du Grand verre, une peinture sur verre de Marcel Duchamp, laissée inachevée en 1923. Le présent mémoire de maîtrise étudie l'influence de l'alchimie et de l'iconographie duchampienne sur Les Célibataires, vingt ans plus tard. Dans un premier temps, cette étude vise à mettre en exergue et à examiner les influences alchimiques et pataphysiques dans l'œuvre de Matta. Dans un deuxième temps, notre mémoire vise à démontrer comment l'œuvre de Matta s'intègre dans le projet surréaliste de création d'un mythe nouveau, dans la continuité du projet duchampien.