968 resultados para Matrix effect


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Doxorubicin is an antineoplasic agent active against sarcoma pulmonary metastasis, but its clinical use is hampered by its myelotoxicity and its cumulative cardiotoxicity, when administered systemically. This limitation may be circumvented using the isolated lung perfusion (ILP) approach, wherein a therapeutic agent is infused locoregionally after vascular isolation of the lung. The influence of the mode of infusion (anterograde (AG): through the pulmonary artery (PA); retrograde (RG): through the pulmonary vein (PV)) on doxorubicin pharmacokinetics and lung distribution was unknown. Therefore, a simple, rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method has been developed to quantify doxorubicin in four different biological matrices (infusion effluent, serum, tissues with low or high levels of doxorubicin). The related compound daunorubicin was used as internal standard (I.S.). Following a single-step protein precipitation of 500 microl samples with 250 microl acetone and 50 microl zinc sulfate 70% aqueous solution, the obtained supernatant was evaporated to dryness at 60 degrees C for exactly 45 min under a stream of nitrogen and the solid residue was solubilized in 200 microl of purified water. A 100 microl-volume was subjected to HPLC analysis onto a Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18 AB column equipped with a guard column (Nucleosil 100-5 microm C(6)H(5) (phenyl) end-capped) using a gradient elution of acetonitrile and 1-heptanesulfonic acid 0.2% pH 4: 15/85 at 0 min-->50/50 at 20 min-->100/0 at 22 min-->15/85 at 24 min-->15/85 at 26 min, delivered at 1 ml/min. The analytes were detected by fluorescence detection with excitation and emission wavelength set at 480 and 550 nm, respectively. The calibration curves were linear over the range of 2-1000 ng/ml for effluent and plasma matrices, and 0.1 microg/g-750 microg/g for tissues matrices. The method is precise with inter-day and intra-day relative standard deviation within 0.5 and 6.7% and accurate with inter-day and intra-day deviations between -5.4 and +7.7%. The in vitro stability in all matrices and in processed samples has been studied at -80 degrees C for 1 month, and at 4 degrees C for 48 h, respectively. During initial studies, heparin used as anticoagulant was found to profoundly influence the measurements of doxorubicin in effluents collected from animals under ILP. Moreover, the strong matrix effect observed with tissues samples indicate that it is mandatory to prepare doxorubicin calibration standard samples in biological matrices which would reflect at best the composition of samples to be analyzed. This method was successfully applied in animal studies for the analysis of effluent, serum and tissue samples collected from pigs and rats undergoing ILP.


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Butyltin (BTs) quantification in environmental matrices can be affected by interfering species found primarily in complex matrices,such as sediment and biota tissues. This study investigated matrix effects in analytical procedures for butyltin (TBT,DBT and MBT) quantification and speciation in sediments and in two fish tissues (gill and liver) by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (GC-PFPD) analysis. Unlike sediment samples,tissues exhibited a significant matrix effect,thus,the quantification should be made by curve over matrix to avoid quantification errors and loss of analytical accuracy. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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In order to evaluate the effect of chaotropic agents on proteoglycan and non-collagenous proteins, chicken xiphoid cartilage was treated with guanidine-HCI and MgCl2 in different concentrations (1M to 5M), and different periods of time (12, 24, 48 and 72hr). The maximum yield of uronic acid was obtained with 3M MgCl2 (73.3 per cent). Concentrations of 4M and 5M of MgCl2 showed that much less uronic acid was removed, 55.3 per cent and 38.1 respectively. Extraction with 3M MgCl2 and 3M guanidine-HCl resulted better efficiency when performed for 48 hr. Analysis by SDS-PAGE of the extracts obtained with guanidine-HCl and MgCl, in different concentrations pointed out that most components are equally removed with the two solvents, showing that the extraction with MgCl2 is an alternative assay to remove non-collagenous proteins from extracellular matrix.


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An exhaustive classification of matrix effects occurring when a sample preparation is performed prior to liquid-chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analyses was proposed. A total of eight different situations were identified allowing the recognition of the matrix effect typology via the calculation of four recovery values. A set of 198 compounds was used to evaluate matrix effects after solid phase extraction (SPE) from plasma or urine samples prior to LC-ESI-MS analysis. Matrix effect identification was achieved for all compounds and classified through an organization chart. Only 17% of the tested compounds did not present significant matrix effects.


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An evaluation of the pesticides extracted from the soil matrix was conducted using a citrate-buffered solid phase dispersion sample preparation method (QuEChERS). The identification and quantitation of pesticide compounds was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Because of the occurrence of the matrix effect in 87% of the analyzed pesticides, the quantification was performed using matrix-matched calibration. The method's quantification limits were between 0.01 and 0.5 mg kg-1. Repeatability and intermediate precision, expressed as a relative standard deviation percentage, were less than 20%. The recoveries in general ranged between 62% and 99%, with a relative standard deviation < 20%. All the responses were linear, with a correlation coefficient (r) ≥0.99.


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The influence of the sample matrix in the CC-electron-capture detection analysis of the pesticides dimethoate, diazinon, chlorothalonil.. parathion methyl and fenitrothion in fruits samples has been studied. Experiments have been carried out where the pesticide responses in standard solutions prepared in selected solvent were compared with their response when present in apple, mango, papaya, banana, pineapple and melon extracts. The presence of matrix effects (MEs) and their extent were shown to be simultaneously influenced by several factors (matrix concentration, matrix type, pesticide concentration, analytical range). Pronounced MEs were observed particularly for dimethoate and diazinon in all matrices tested; in lower concentrations, all pesticides presented significant ME. The other pesticides presented variable ME. Higher ME enhancement was detected at lower pesticide concentration levels of and/or at higher matrix concentration solutions. The ME detected for fenitrothion, in the analytical range evaluated, were dependent on matrix type. For each pesticide, solvent and matrix-matched calibrations were compared for all fruit samples, and it could be concluded that quantitation based on standard solutions prepared in blank matrix extract (matrix-matched calibration) should be used to compensate the MEs and to obtain more accurate results for the pesticides studied.


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A performance trial was conducted with broiler chicks to Study the effect of phytase (PHY) supplementation in diets formulated With reduced AME, Ca, and P. The nutrient digestibility was determined during the 14- to 21-d and 28- to 35-d periods. The treatments consisted of 3 diets (NC1, NC2. NC3) differing ill nutrient content and each diet with Or without supplemental PHY (NC1, 0 oi 500; NC2, 0 or 750; NC3, 0 or 1,000 U of PHY/kg feed) and I positive control diet (PC). Compared with the PC diet. negative control diets (NC) resulted in lower AME and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility for some amino acids. Phytase Supplementation of the NC diets increased AME. apparent ileal amino acid digestibility, and apparent ileal crude protein digestibility. Phytase addition also increased mineral absorption in 2 1 - and 35-d-old broilers fed NC diets. Reduced nutrient digestibility appears to be I factor in the weight gain and feed intake results. Reducing Ca and P content reduced feed intake in a stepwise fashion in the NC diets. Phytase increased feed intake and generally improved nutrient digestibility, which resulted in an increase in digestible nutrient intake. Averaged across NC diets. PHY improved body weight. Bone-breaking strength was the most consistent predictor of Ca and P reduction. All NC diets had significantly lower bone-breaking strength than the PC. Phytase supplementation of the NC diets gave bone-breaking strengths that were comparable to the PC. Diets with PHY had the highest bioeconomic index.


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Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry is frequently used for the quantification of many classes of substances, including alkylphenols. Alkylphenol polyethoxylates are nonionic surfactants used in a wide variety of industrial and consumer applications. Alkylphenol polyethoxylates can degrade to alkylphenols, which are endocrine disruptors. In analytical validation procedures, the most common parameters studied are the detection and quantification limits, linearity, and recovery; however, the matrix effects are sometimes neglected. Although some investigators have evaluated matrix effects, there is no consensus on how to evaluate them during method validation. In this study, the matrix effects of alkylphenol polyethoxylates (nonylphenol monoethoxylate, nonylphenol diethoxylate, octylphenol monoethoxylate, octylphenol diethoxylate) and alkylphenols (nonylphenol and octylphenol) were studied using solid phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. For alkylphenol polyethoxylates, the matrix effects ranged from 16 to 4692%, whereas for alkylphenols (nonylphenol and octylphenol), the effects were insignificant. Therefore, constructing an analytical curve in the matrix for alkylphenol polyethoxylates is essential. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A multiresidue method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 31 emerging contaminants (pharmaceutical compounds, hormones, personal care products, biocides and flame retardants) in aquatic plants. Analytes were extracted by ultrasound assisted-matrix solid phase dispersion (UA-MSPD) and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after sylilation. The method was validated for different aquatic plants (Typha angustifolia, Arundo donax and Lemna minor) and a semiaquatic cultivated plant (Oryza sativa) with good recoveries at concentrations of 100 and 25 ng g-1 wet weight, ranging from 70 to 120 %, and low method detection limits (0.3 to 2.2 ng g-1 wet weight). A significant difference of the chromatographic response was observed for some compounds in neat solvent versus matrix extracts and therefore quantification was carried out using matrix-matched standards in order to overcome this matrix effect. Aquatic plants taken from rivers located at three Spanish regions were analyzed and the compounds detected were parabens, bisphenol A, benzophenone-3, cyfluthrin and cypermethrin. The levels found ranged from 6 to 25 ng g-1 wet weight except for cypermethrin that was detected at 235 ng g-1 wet weight in Oryza sativa samples.


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A QuEChERS method has been developed for the determination of 14 organochlorine pesticides in 14 soils from different Portuguese regions with wide range composition. The extracts were analysed by GC-ECD (where GC-ECD is gas chromatography-electron-capture detector) and confirmed by GC-MS/MS (where MS/MS is tandem mass spectrometry). The organic matter content is a key factor in the process efficiency. An optimization was carried out according to soils organic carbon level, divided in two groups: HS (organic carbon>2.3%) and LS (organic carbon<2.3%). Themethod was validated through linearity, recovery, precision and accuracy studies. The quantification was carried out using a matrixmatched calibration to minimize the existence of the matrix effect. Acceptable recoveries were obtained (70–120%) with a relative standard deviation of ≤16% for the three levels of contamination. The ranges of the limits of detection and of the limits of quantification in soils HS were from 3.42 to 23.77 μg kg−1 and from 11.41 to 79.23 μg kg−1, respectively. For LS soils, the limits of detection ranged from 6.11 to 14.78 μg kg−1 and the limits of quantification from 20.37 to 49.27 μg kg−1. In the 14 collected soil samples only one showed a residue of dieldrin (45.36 μg kg−1) above the limit of quantification. This methodology combines the advantages of QuEChERS, GC-ECD detection and GC-MS/MS confirmation producing a very rapid, sensitive and reliable procedure which can be applied in routine analytical laboratories.


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A produção de vinho é uma actividade de elevada importância ao nível económico, ambiental e social. Como tal, a protecção da vinha e/ou da uva através da utilização de pesticidas assume um papel fundamental nesta actividade, permitindo um aumento no rendimento da produção. No entanto, a transferência destes compostos da uva para o vinho é inevitável, ocorrendo, na maioria dos casos, em quantidades reduzidas. Apesar de, geralmente, a quantidade de pesticidas que pode ser transferida para o vinho não apresentar problemas relevantes para a saúde pública, o desenvolvimento de metodologias que permitam garantir um controlo rigoroso da qualidade do vinho é de elevada importância. O controlo deste produto, assim como de qualquer produto alimentar, não deve ser de certa forma virtual, levando a uma desconfiança crescente do consumidor. Ao longo deste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois métodos para a determinação de pesticidas em diferentes tipos de vinhos, por SPME-GC-MS/MS. O primeiro método desenvolvido visa a determinação de 8 pesticidas organofosforados e o segundo método permite a determinação de 7 pesticidas, 4 organoclorados e 3 dicarboximidas. Foram estudadas quatro matrizes diferentes: vinho branco do Douro, vinho tinto do Douro, vinho branco do Porto e vinho tinto do Porto. As metodologias adoptadas permitiram a obtenção de bons resultados, apesar das condições adoptadas não serem as mais vantajosas para alguns dos compostos estudados. Dada a complexidade das matrizes, a detecção por espectrometria de massa mostrou ser fundamental para a identificação inequívoca de cada um dos pesticidas. Verificaram-se, de um modo geral, bons resultados ao nível da linearidade, para as gamas de concentrações escolhidas, para os dois métodos. Obtiveram-se também bons resultados para os limites de detecção e quantificação, cujos valores se situam abaixo dos limites máximos de resíduos para as uvas, impostos pela regulamentação europeia, para a maioria dos compostos. No caso dos organofosforados, os limites de detecção variam entre 0,05 μg/L e 13,00 μg/L para os pesticidas clorpirifos-metilo e metidatião, respectivamente. Os limites de quantificação variam entre 0,18 μg/L e 43,32 μg/L, também para os pesticidas clorpirifos-metilo e metidatião. No que se refere ao método para os pesticidas organoclorados e dicarboximidas, foram calculados vários limites de detecção para cada composto, em cada matriz estudada, a partir das rectas de calibração diárias, resultando num conjunto de valores com variações significativas entre cada um, para o mesmo pesticida e na mesma matriz. No entanto, apenas os limites de quantificação foram validados, recorrendo-se aos estudos de repetibilidade e precisão intermédia. Obtiveram-se os seguintes limites de quantificação: captana 52,10 μg/L; clortalonil 20,95 μg/L; dicofol 4,37 μg/L; folpete 93,60 μg/L; iprodiona 274,70 μg/L; procimidona 76,04 μg/L e vinclozolina 10,03 μg/L. Os pesticidas metidatião e captana apresentam-se como os compostos mais problemáticos, uma vez que os limites de quantificação obtidos não permitem a garantia do cumprimento dos limites máximos de resíduos regulamentados. Demonstra-se também que, apesar do efeito de matriz ser significativo na determinação de todos os compostos analisados, o mesmo pode ser atenuado, procedendo-se às calibrações nas respectivas matrizes. Observaram-se variações significativas ao nível da resposta do equipamento ao longo do tempo, quer pela alteração das condições operatórias, quer pela decomposição de alguns compostos ao longo do tempo. Este efeito, evidenciado nos estudos das precisões intermédias e repetibilidades, levou à adopção de um método de validação diferente para a determinação de pesticidas organoclorados e dicarboximidas, recorrendo-se então a calibrações diárias e sequências de trabalho mais pequenas.


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A procura de piscinas para a prática de atividades desportivas, recreativas e/ou terapêuticas tem sofrido um aumento gradual ao longo do tempo. No entanto, nas piscinas existem vários perigos associados à sua utilização. Relativamente aos perigos químicos, a utilização de desinfetantes à base de cloro, bromo ou compostos derivados vai, por um lado, inativar microrganismos patogénicos mas, por outro, dar origem a subprodutos ao reagir com compostos orgânicos presentes na água. Os trihalometanos são um exemplo de subprodutos que se podem formar e, entre os compostos principais, estão o clorofórmio (TCM), bromodiclorometano (BDCM), clorodibromometano (CDBM) e bromofórmio (TBM). Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia analítica para a determinação de trihalometanos em água e ar de piscinas e a sua aplicação a um conjunto de amostras. Para a análise dos compostos, foi utilizada a microextração em fase sólida no espaço de cabeça (HS-SPME) com posterior quantificação dos compostos por cromatografia gasosa com detetor de captura eletrónica (GC-ECD). Foi realizada uma otimização das condições de extração dos compostos em estudo em amostras de água, através da realização de dois planeamentos experimentais. As condições ótimas são assim obtidas para uma temperatura de extração de 45ºC, um tempo de extração de 25 min e um tempo de dessorção de 5 min. Foram analisadas amostras de águas de piscina cedidas pelo Centro de Estudos de Águas, sendo avaliada a aplicação da técnica HS-SPME e o efeito de matriz. O modo como se manuseiam as soluções que contêm os compostos em estudo influencia os resultados devido ao facto destes serem bastante voláteis. Concluiu-se também que existe efeito de matriz, logo a concentração das amostras deverá ser determinada através do método de adição de padrão. A caraterização da água de piscinas interiores permitiu conhecer a concentração de trihalometanos (THMs). Foram obtidas concentrações de TCM entre 4,5 e 406,5 μg/L sendo que apenas 4 das 27 amostras analisadas ultrapassam o valor limite imposto pelo Decreto-Lei nº306/2007 (100 μg/L) no que diz respeito a águas de consumo humano e que é normalmente utilizado como valor indicativo para a qualidade das águas de piscina. Relativamente à concentração obtida no ar de uma piscina interior, foi detetada uma concentração média de 224 μg/m3 de TCM, valor muito abaixo dos 10000 μg/m3 impostos pelo Decreto-lei nº24/2012, como valor limite para exposição profissional a agentes químicos.


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The potential and applicability of UHPSFC-MS/MS for anti-doping screening in urine samples were tested for the first time. For this purpose, a group of 110 doping agents with diverse physicochemical properties was analyzed using two separation techniques, namely UHPLC-MS/MS and UHPSFC-MS/MS in both ESI+ and ESI- modes. The two approaches were compared in terms of selectivity, sensitivity, linearity and matrix effects. As expected, very diverse retentions and selectivities were obtained in UHPLC and UHPSFC, proving a good complementarity of these analytical strategies. In both conditions, acceptable peak shapes and MS detection capabilities were obtained within 7min analysis time, enabling the application of these two methods for screening purposes. Method sensitivity was found comparable for 46% of tested compounds, while higher sensitivity was observed for 21% of tested compounds in UHPLC-MS/MS and for 32% in UHPSFC-MS/MS. The latter demonstrated a lower susceptibility to matrix effects, which were mostly observed as signal suppression. In the case of UHPLC-MS/MS, more serious matrix effects were observed, leading typically to signal enhancement and the matrix effect was also concentration dependent, i.e., more significant matrix effects occurred at the lowest concentrations.


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Colistin is a last resort's antibacterial treatment in critically ill patients with multi-drug resistant Gram-negative infections. As appropriate colistin exposure is the key for maximizing efficacy while minimizing toxicity, individualized dosing optimization guided by therapeutic drug monitoring is a top clinical priority. Objective of the present work was to develop a rapid and robust HPLC-MS/MS assay for quantification of colistin plasma concentrations. This novel methodology validated according to international standards simultaneously quantifies the microbiologically active compounds colistin A and B, plus the pro-drug colistin methanesulfonate (colistimethate, CMS). 96-well micro-Elution SPE on Oasis Hydrophilic-Lipophilic-Balanced (HLB) followed by direct analysis by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) with Ethylene Bridged Hybrid - BEH - Amide phase column coupled to tandem mass spectrometry allows a high-throughput with no significant matrix effect. The technique is highly sensitive (limit of quantification 0.014 and 0.006μg/mL for colistin A and B), precise (intra-/inter-assay CV 0.6-8.4%) and accurate (intra-/inter-assay deviation from nominal concentrations -4.4 to +6.3%) over the clinically relevant analytical range 0.05-20μg/mL. Colistin A and B in plasma and whole blood samples are reliably quantified over 48h at room temperature and at +4°C (<6% deviation from nominal values) and after three freeze-thaw cycles. Colistimethate acidic hydrolysis (1M H2SO4) to colistin A and B in plasma was completed in vitro after 15min of sonication while the pro-drug hydrolyzed spontaneously in plasma ex vivo after 4h at room temperature: this information is of utmost importance for interpretation of analytical results. Quantification is precise and accurate when using serum, citrated or EDTA plasma as biological matrix, while use of heparin plasma is not appropriate. This new analytical technique providing optimized quantification in real-life conditions of the microbiologically active compounds colistin A and B offers a highly efficient tool for routine therapeutic drug monitoring aimed at individualizing drug dosing against life-threatening infections.