978 resultados para Matrix Material


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The mechanism of ductile damage caused by secondary void damage in the matrix around primary voids is studied by large strain, finite element analysis. A cylinder embedding an initially spherical void, a plane stress cell with a circular void and plane strain cell with a cylindrical or a flat void are analysed under different loading conditions. Secondary voids of smaller scale size nucleate in the strain hardening matrix, according to the requirements of some stress/strain criteria. Their growth and coalescence, handled by the empty element technique, demonstrate distinct mechanisms of damage as circumstances change. The macroscopic stress-strain curves are decomposed and illustrated in the form of the deviatoric and the volumetric parts. Concerning the stress response and the void growth prediction, comparisons are made between the present numerical results and those of previous authors. It is shown that loading condition, void growth history and void shape effect incorporated with the interaction between two generations of voids should be accounted for besides the void volume fraction.


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Furthermore, the compressed flow driven by the piston is discussed. The consistent solution of gasdynamical equations including solar gravity is obtained for the unsteady and two-dimensional configuration, which is applied to the region between the piston and shock wave. This solution may satisfy the jump conditions of shock wave, which separates the region of compressed flow and quiet corona.


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For metal-matrix composites (MMCs), interfacial debonding between the ductile matrix and the reinforcing hard inclusions is an important failure mode. A fundamental approach to improving the properties of MMCs is to optimize their microstructure to achieve maximum strength and toughness. Here, we investigate the flow stress of a MMC with a nanoscale microstructure similar to that of bone. Such a 'biomorphous' MMC would be made of staggered hard and slender nanoparticles embedded in a ductile matrix. We show that the large aspect ratio and the nanometer size of inclusions in the biomorphous MMC lead to significantly improved properties with increased tolerance of interfacial damage. In this case, the partially debonded inclusions continue to carry mechanical load transferred via longitudinal shearing of the matrix material between neighboring inclusions. The larger the inclusion aspect ratio, the larger is the flow stress and work hardening rate for the composite. Increasing the volume concentration of inclusion also makes the biomorphous MMC more tolerant of interfacial damage.


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The influences of I,article size on the mechanical properties of the particulate metal matrix composite;are obviously displayed in the experimental observations. However, the phenomenon can not be predicted directly using the conventional elastic-plastic theory. It is because that no length scale parameters are involved in the conventional theory. In the present research, using the strain gradient plasticity theory, a systematic research of the particle size effect in the particulate metal matrix composite is carried out. The roles of many composite factors, such as: the particle size, the Young's modulus of the particle, the particle aspect ratio and volume fraction, as well as the plastic strain hardening exponent of the matrix material, are studied in detail. In order to obtain a general understanding for the composite behavior, two kinds of particle shapes, ellipsoid and cylinder, are considered to check the strength dependence of the smooth or non-smooth particle surface. Finally, the prediction results will be applied to the several experiments about the ceramic particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites. The material length scale parameter is predicted.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Shipboard examination of volcanic and sedimentary strata at Site 786 suggested that at least four types of breccias are present: flow-top breccias, associated with cooling and breakup on the upper surface of lava flows; autobreccias, formed by in-situ alteration at the base of flows; fault-gouge breccias; and true sedimentary breccias derived from weathering and erosion of underlying flows. It is virtually impossible to assess the origin of breccia matrix by textural and mineralogical analyses alone. However, it is fundamental for our understanding of breccia provenance to determine the source component of the matrix material. Whether the matrix is uniquely clastderived can be determined by geochemical fingerprinting. Trace elements that are immobile during weathering and alteration do not change their relative abundances. A contribution to the matrix from any source with an immobile trace element signature different from that of the clasts would appear as a perturbation of the trace element signature of the matrix. Trace element analysis of bulk samples from clasts and matrix material in individual breccia units was undertaken in a fashion similar to that used by Brimhall and Dietrich (1987, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90070-6) in analyzing soil provenance: (1) to help distinguish between sedimentary and volcanic breccias, (2) to determine the degree of mixing and depth of erosion in sedimentary breccias, and (3) to analyze the local provenance of the individual breccia components (matrix and clasts). The following elements were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF): Rb, Sr, Ba, U, Zr, Cu, Zn, Ti, Cr, and V. Of these elements, Zr and Ti probably exhibit truly immobile behavior (Humphris and Thompson, 1978, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(78)90222-3 ). The remaining elements are useful as a reference for the extent of compositional change during the formation of matrix material (Brimhall and Dietrich, 1987, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90070-6).


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La presente Tesis proporciona una gran cantidad de información con respecto al uso de un nuevo y avanzado material polimérico (con base de poliolefina) especialmente adecuada para ser usada en forma de fibras como adición en el hormigón. Se han empleado fibras de aproximadamente 1 mm de diámetro, longitudes entre 48 y 60 mm y una superficie corrugada. Las prometedoras propiedades de este material (baja densidad, bajo coste, buen comportamiento resistente y gran estabilidad química) justifican el interés en desarrollar el esfuerzo de investigación requerido para demostrar las ventajas de su uso en aplicaciones prácticas. La mayor parte de la investigación se ha realizado usando hormigón autocompactante como matriz, ya que este material es óptimo para el relleno de los encofrados del hormigón, aunque también se ha empleado hormigón normal vibrado con el fin de comparar algunas propiedades. Además, el importante desarrollo del hormigón reforzado con fibras en los últimos años, tanto en investigación como en aplicaciones prácticas, también es muestra del gran interés que los resultados y consideraciones de diseño que esta Tesis pueden tener. El material compuesto resultante, Hormigón Reforzado con Fibras de Poliolefina (HRFP o PFRC por sus siglas inglesas) ha sido exhaustivamente ensayado y estudiado en muchos aspectos. Los resultados permiten establecer cómo conseguidos los objetivos buscados: -Se han cuantificado las propiedades mecánicas del PFRC con el fin de demostrar su buen comportamiento en la fase fisurada de elementos estructurales sometidos a tensiones de tracción. -Contrastar los resultados obtenidos con las bases propuestas en la normativa existente y evaluar las posibilidades para el uso del PFRC con fin estructural para sustituir el armado tradicional con barras de acero corrugado para determinadas aplicaciones. -Se han desarrollado herramientas de cálculo con el fin de evaluar la capacidad del PFRC para sustituir al hormigón armado con las barras habituales de acero. -En base a la gran cantidad de ensayos experimentales y a alguna aplicación real en la construcción, se han podido establecer recomendaciones y consejos de diseño para que elementos de este material puedan ser proyectados y construidos con total fiabilidad. Se presentan, además, resultados prometedores en una nueva línea de trabajo en el campo del hormigón reforzado con fibras combinando dos tipologías de fibras. Se combinaron fibras de poliolefina con fibras de acero como refuerzo del mismo hormigón autocompactante detectándose sinergias que podrían ser la base del uso futuro de esta tecnología de hormigón. This thesis provides a significant amount of information on the use of a new advanced polymer (polyolefin-based) especially suitable in the form of fibres to be added to concrete. At the time of writing, there is a noteworthy lack of research and knowledge about use as a randomly distributed element to reinforce concrete. Fibres with an approximate 1 mm diameter, length of 48-60 mm, an embossed surface and improved mechanical properties are employed. The promising properties of the polyolefin material (low density, inexpensive, and with good strength behaviour and high chemical stability) justify the research effort involved and demonstrate the advantages for practical purposes. While most of the research has used self-compacting concrete, given that this type of matrix material is optimum in filling the concrete formwork, for comparison purposes standard vibration compacted mixes have also been used. In addition, the interest in fibre-reinforced concrete technology, in both research and application, support the significant interest in the results and considerations provided by the thesis. The resulting composite material, polyolefin fibre reinforced concrete (PFRC) has been extensively tested and studied. The results have allowed the following objectives to be met: -Assessment of the mechanical properties of PFRC in order to demonstrate the good performance in the post-cracking strength for structural elements subjected to tensile stresses. -- Assessment of the results in contrast with the existing structural codes, regulations and test methods. The evaluation of the potential of PFRC to meet the requirements and replace traditional steel-bar reinforcement applications. -Development of numerical tools designed to evaluate the capability of PFRC to substitute, either partially or totally, standard steel reinforcing bars either alone or in conjunction with steel fibres. -Provision, based on the large amount of experimental work and real applications, of a series of guidelines and recommendations for the practical and reliable design and use of PFRC. Furthermore, the thesis also reports promising results about an innovative line in the field of fibre-reinforced concrete: the design of a fibre cocktail to reinforce the concrete by using two types of fibres simultaneously. Polyolefin fibres were combined with steel fibres in self-compacting concrete, identifying synergies that could serve as the base in the future use of fibre-reinforced concrete technology.


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The ideal dermal matrix should be able to provide the right biological and physical environment to ensure homogenous cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) distribution, as well as the right size and morphology of the neo-tissue required. Four natural and synthetic 3D matrices were evaluated in vitro as dermal matrices, namely (1) equine collagen foam, TissuFleece®, (2) acellular dermal replacement, Alloderm®, (3) knitted poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (10:90)–poly(-caprolactone) (PLGA–PCL) mesh, (4) chitosan scaffold. Human dermal fibroblasts were cultured on the specimens over 3 weeks. Cell morphology, distribution and viability were assessed by electron microscopy, histology and confocal laser microscopy. Metabolic activity and DNA synthesis were analysed via MTS metabolic assay and [3H]-thymidine uptake, while ECM protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. TissuFleece®, Alloderm® and PLGA–PCL mesh supported cell attachment, proliferation and neo-tissue formation. However, TissuFleece® contracted to 10% of the original size while Alloderm® supported cell proliferation predominantly on the surface of the material. PLGA–PCL mesh promoted more homogenous cell distribution and tissue formation. Chitosan scaffolds did not support cell attachment and proliferation. These results demonstrated that physical characteristics including porosity and mechanical stability to withstand cell contraction forces are important in determining the success of a dermal matrix material.


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In standard laboratory consolidation tests, only the fraction of soil passing through a particular size of the sieve, called the matrix material, is used. This size is usually restricted to 1/10 of the height of the consolidation ring. Particles larger than this size that are removed before the test may consist of gravel, fragments of rock, or other coarse materials. Hence, it is not possible to estimate the compressibility and permeability of the total material based on the compressibility and permeability behavior obtained from laboratory consolidation tests on the matrix material. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to estimate the compressibility and permeability behavior of the total material based on the compressibility and permeability behavior of the matrix material. The results indicate that the presence of coarse particles will reduce the compressibility of the soil in proportion to the coarse fraction present in the whole soil and will not affect the permeability of the soil for the range investigated. If the coarse fraction exceeds the Limiting percentage, the void ratio-vertical effective stress path will also start to deviate from the predicted path. An expression has been developed to estimate approximately the deviating pressure, and it is found to depend on the soil type as well as the percent clay fraction.


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In this work, novel Y2Si2O7/ZrO 2 composites were developed for structural and coating applications by taking advantage of their unique properties, such as good damage tolerance, tunable mechanical properties, and superior wear resistance. The γ-Y 2Si2O7/ZrO2 composites showed improved mechanical properties compared to the γ-Y2Si 2O7 matrix material, that is, the Young's modulus was enhanced from 155 to 188 GPa (121%) and the flexural strength from 135 to 254 MPa (181%); when the amount of ZrO2 was increased from 0 to 50 vol%, the γ-Y2Si2O7/ZrO2 composites also presented relatively high facture toughness (>1.7 MPa·m 1/2), but this exhibited an inverse relationship with the ZrO 2 content. The composition-mechanical property-tribology relationships of the Y2Si2O7/ZrO2 composites were elucidated. The wear resistance of the composites is not only influenced by the applied load, hardness, strength, toughness, and rigidity but also effectively depends on micromechanical stability properties of the microstructures. The easy growth of subcritical microcracks in Y 2Si2O7 grains and at grain boundaries significantly contributes to the macroscopic fracture toughness, but promotes the pull-out of individual grains, thus resulting in a lack of correlation between the wear rate and the macroscopic fracture toughness of the composites.


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Dry sliding wear behavior of die-cast ADC12 aluminum alloy composites reinforced with short alumina fibers were investigated by using a pin-on-disk wear tester. The Al2O3 fibers were 4 mu m in diameter and were present in volume fractions (T-f)ranging from 0.03 to 0.26, The length of the fiber varied from 40 to 200 mu m. Disks of aluminum-alumina composites were rubbed against a pin of nitrided stainless steel SUS440B with a load of 10 N at a sliding velocity of 0.1 m/s. The unreinforced ADC 12 aluminum alloy and their composites containing low volume fractions of alumina (V-f approximate to 0.05) showed a sliding-distance-dependent transition from severe to mild wear. However, composites containing high volume fractions of alumina ( V-f > 0.05) exhibited only mild wear for all sliding distances. The duration of occurrence of the severe wear regime and the wear rate both decrease with increasing volume fraction. In MMCs the wear rate in the mild wear regime decreases with increase in volume fraction: reaching a minimum value at V-f = 0.09 Beyond V-f = 0.09 the wear rate increasesmarginally. On the other hand, the wear rate of the counterface (steel pin) was found to increase moderately with increase in V-f. From the analysis of wear data and detailed examination of (a) worn surfaces, (b) their cross-sections and (c) wear debris, two modes of wear mechanisms have been identified to be operative, in these materials and these are: (i) adhesive wear in the case of unreinforced matrix material and in MMCs with low Vf and (ii) abrasive wear in the case of MMCs with high V-f. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The constitutive flow behavior of a metal matrix composite (MMC) with 2124 aluminum containing 20 vol pct silicon carbide particulates under hot-working conditions in the temperature range of 300 °C to 550 °C and strain-rate range of 0.001 to 1 s-1 has been studied using hot compression testing. Processing maps depicting the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation given by [2m/(m + 1)] (wherem is the strain-rate sensitivity of flow stress) with temperature and strain rate have been established for the MMC as well as for the matrix material. The maps have been interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model (DMM). [3] The MMC exhibited a domain of superplasticity in the temperature range of 450 °C to 550 °C and at strain rates less than 0.1 s-1. At 500 °C and 1 s-1 strain rate, the MMC undergoes dynamic recrystallization (DRX), resulting in a reconstitution of microstructure. In comparison with the map for the matrix material, the DRX domain occurred at a strain rate higher by three orders of magnitude. At temperatures lower than 400 °C, the MMC exhibited dynamic recovery, while at 550 °C and 1 s-1, cracking occurred at the prior particle boundaries (representing surfaces of the initial powder particles). The optimum temperature and strain-rate combination for billet conditioning of the MMC is 500 °C and 1 s-1, while secondary metalworking may be done in the super- plasticity domain. The MMC undergoes microstructural instability at temperatures lower than 400 °C and strain rates higher than 0.1 s-1.


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The effect of the inclusion of ceramic particles in polythene material on the response to erosion due to impingement by sand particles at three angles is investigated. It is seen that erosion resistance varies with ceramic inclusions. The work also considers the limitations posed by the system in adopting weight change measurements as a measure to follow erosive wear owing to the softer nature of the matrix material. Consequently, the investigation looks at two other experimental parameter, that can readily be measured to quantify erosion. Of the two approaches. the advantages of following wear through measuring linear dimension of the resulting crater is stressed in this work. The study also highlights the problems associated in assessing the depth of the crater as a parameter to express the extent of erosion owing to the phenomenon of material flow suggested and schematically illustrated in the work. Corroborative evidence for this flow behaviour through scanning electron microscopic studies is presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs) are typically difficult to machine due to their highly heterogeneous and anisotropic nature and the presence of two phases (fiber and matrix) with vastly different strengths and stiffnesses. Typical machining damage mechanisms in FRPs include series of brittle fractures (especially for thermosets) due to shearing and cracking of matrix material, fiber pull-outs, burring, fuzzing, fiber-matrix debonding, etc. With the aim of understanding the influence of the pronounced heterogeneity and anisotropy observed in FRPs, ``Idealized'' Carbon FRP (I-CFRP) plates were prepared using epoxy resin with embedded equispaced tows of carbon fibers. Orthogonal cutting of these I-CFRPs was carried out, and the chip formation characteristics, cutting force signals and strain distributions obtained during machining were analyzed using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. In addition, the same procedure was repeated on Uni-Directional CFRPs (UD-CFRPs). Chip formation mechanisms in FRPs were found to depend on the depth of cut and fiber orientation with pure epoxy showing a pronounced ``size effect.'' Experimental results indicate that in-situ full field strain measurements from DIC coupled with force measurements using dynamometry provide an adequate measure of anisotropy and heterogeneity during orthogonal cutting.


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In this paper, the dynamic shear strength of a unidirectional C/A356.0 composite and A356.0 alloy, respectively, are measured with a split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB) technique. The results indicate that the carbon fibers make very little contribution to the enhancement of the shear strength of the matrix material. The microscopic inspections on the fracture surface of the composite show a multi-scale zigzag feature. This implies that there is a complicated shear failure mechanism in the unidirectional carbon/aluminum composite.