996 resultados para Maternal oral hydration


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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of maternal hydration with oral isotonic solution and water on the amniotic fluid (AF) index of women with normohydramnios. Women with a normal AF index and gestational age between 33 and 36 weeks without maternal complications were randomized into three groups [isotonic solution (Gatorade (R)), water, control]. The isotonic solution and water groups were instructed to drink 1.5 L of the respective solution and the control group was instructed to drink 200 mL water over a period of 2 to 4 h. AF index was measured before and after hydration by Doppler ultrasonography. The investigator performing the AF index measurement was blind to the subject's group. Ninety-nine women completed the study without any adverse maternal effects. The median increase in AF index after hydration was significantly greater for the isotonic solution and water groups than for the control group. There was no significant difference between the isotonic solution and water groups. Hydration with isotonic solution and water caused a 10-fold (95% CI: 2.09-49.89) and 6-fold (95% CI: 1.16-30.95) increase in the chance of a 20% increase of AF index, respectively. Maternal hydration with isotonic solution or water increased the AF index in women with normohydramnios.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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As doenças infeciosas distantes de serem um problema do passado têm aumentado drasticamente nestes últimos anos, causando epidemias emergentes, quer de origem bacteriana ou vírica ou de outros tipos de microrganismos. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo uma pesquisa atual bibliográfica sobre o estudo de algumas epidemias bacterianas emergentes do século XXI, como a Tuberculose, Cólera, Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) e Meningite Meningocócica, bem como os seus dados epidemiológicos. A Tuberculose é uma das doenças mais antigas, que apresenta uma elevada taxa de mortalidade e com o passar do tempo tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial. A TB é causada por uma bactéria denominada Mycobacterium tuberculosis que normalmente afeta os pulmões e outros órgãos. O tratamento, a prevenção e o diagnóstico precoce são pontos essenciais, para ter um bom desfecho para o doente. A Cólera tem-se propagado pelo mundo desde o século XX. Esta doença caracteriza-se por uma diarreia aguda grave que é causada pela bactéria Vibrio cholerae. O seu tratamento se for realizado precocemente é tratado facilmente, com apenas hidratação com sais orais. A prevenção é uma medida essencial para ter um bom prognóstico, e evitar surtos emergentes desta infeção. Devido à sua virulência, Staphylococcus aureus é responsável por infeções graves adquiridas em hospital e na comunidade. Na maioria das vezes esta infeção é assintomática, mas pode causar infeções graves até mesmo fatais. Devido às resistências aos antibióticos β-lactâmicos e de outros tipos de antibióticos, e também devido ao aumento do número crescente de quadros infeciosos de MRSA, houve necessidade de novos antibióticos como o linezolide, as cefasloporinas de 5ª geração no combate a estas infeções. As medidas de prevenção são essenciais, visto que se não forem realizadas pode haver progressão da doença. Além de um estudo científico constante dos mecanismos de resistências desta bactéria, ser essencial. A meningite bacteriana é um grave problema de Saúde Pública devido à alta incidência em crianças. A meningite meningocócica é causada pela bactéria Neisseria meningitidis que origina um processo inflamatório das meninges. Há algum tempo atrás a mortalidade era elevada, mas com o advento da antibioterapia reduziu significativamente. As vacinas fizeram com que ocorresse uma mudança bastante significativa na epidemiologia desta patologia, e mais uma vez a prevenção é essencial.


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BACKGROUND: Most studies describing vaginal Candida spp. in pregnancy focus on symptomatic vaginitis, rather than asymptomatic colonisation, and solely utilise microbiological culture. The extent to which asymptomatic vaginal carriage may represent a reservoir for infant oral colonisation has been highly debated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study formed part of the Candida and Staphylococcus Transmission Longitudinal Evaluation (CASTLE) study, in Melbourne, Australia, from 2009 to 2011 and used culture and molecular methods to examine vaginal swabs collected late in the third trimester of pregnancy for Candida spp. Oral swabs from infants were also examined using culture methods. RESULTS: Overall, 80 of 356 (22%) women were positive for Candida spp; the majority being Candida albicans (83%). Candida glabrata and other Candida spp. were also identified, but in much lower numbers. Molecular analysis identified numerous positive samples not detected by culture, including 13 cases of C. albicans. In addition, some positive samples only recorded to genus level by culture were accurately identified as either C. albicans or C. glabrata following molecular analyses. Eighteen infants recorded positive Candida spp. cultures, predominantly C. albicans. However, there were only four (25%) mother/infant dyads where C. albicans was detected. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable data on asymptomatic colonisation rates of Candida spp. within an asymptomatic population of women late in pregnancy. The utilisation of molecular methods improved the rate of detection and provided a more accurate means for identification of non-albicans Candida spp. The low mother/infant colonisation rate suggests that non-maternal sources are likely involved in determining infant oral colonisation status.


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Background. Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is the most common chronic infectious disease of childhood worldwide. Seven of ten American children have one or more decayed or filled primary teeth by age five. ECC prevalence is especially high in lower socio-economic ethnic populations. Commonly recognized as a diet-induced disease, focal etiological factors include cariogenic bacteria, fermentable carbohydrates, and a susceptible newly erupted tooth. Sequencing of breast and/or bottle feeding and introduction of beikost come at a time when children's defense mechanisms and, perhaps maternal direction of children's dietary patterns, are not yet fully developed or mature. To date, most research has examined biological factors, while maternal factors, especially psychosocial ones, have received scant attention. Objective. To examine the association of psychosocial factors in terms of maternal nutrition and oral health knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as social support and self-efficacy (KABS2) in a population of socio-economically disadvantaged infants and young children. A secondary aim was to describe ECC prevalence in this population. Methods. This study examined cross-sectionally the relationship between selected maternal psychosocial variables and ECC in a convenience sample of Mexican-American women and very young children participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in San Antonio, Texas. Mothers were surveyed by use of a criteria- and content-valid, reliable questionnaire, and dental examinations were conducted on 191 children, aged 5 to 47 months old. Results. Thirty-nine percent of the children had ECC. As assessed on a 30-question scale, women in whose children were diagnosed with ECC were found to demonstrate lower Knowledge ( p=0.03), Attitudes (p=0.02), Beliefs (p=0.04), and Social Support (p<0.01) scores, compared to women whose children were found to be caries-free. No differences in Self-Efficacy scores were found between the groups. Conclusions. These data indicate that current etiological model depicting relevant factors associated with ECC in Mexican-American infants and children of low socio-economic status should be broadened to include consideration of maternal psychosocial factors such as nutrition and oral health knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and social support, and that these factors should be considered when planning educational approaches to reduce the occurrence of ECC. ^


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Birth defects are a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. About one in 33 births in the United States is diagnosed with birth defects. Common birth defects include neural tube defects, Down syndrome and oral clefts. The present study focused on oral clefts. ^ Oral clefts refer to the malformation of lip, mouth or both. Birth prevalence of oral clefts in Texas is about 11 per 10,000 births. Etiologically, oral clefts have been classified into two groups, cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL±P) and isolated cleft palate (CP). In spite of their high prevalence and clinical significance, the etiology of oral clefts in humans has not been well understood. Though a number of risk factors have been identified in epidemiological studies, most of them do not explain the majority of the cases. The need to identify novel risk factors associated with oral clefts provided the motivation for this study. The present study focused on maternal exposure to several hazardous air pollutants. A common subgroup of hazardous air pollutants is the volatile organic compounds found in petroleum derivatives. Four important hydrocarbons in this group are benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes (BTEX). ^ The specific aim of this study was to evaluate the association between maternal exposure to environmental levels of BTEX and oral clefts among offspring in Texas for the period 1999-2008. ^ A case-control study design was used to assess if maternal exposure to BTEX increased the risk of oral clefts. The Texas Birth Defects Registry provided data on cases of non-syndromic oral clefts delivered in Texas during the period 1999-2008. Census tract level maternal exposure to BTEX concentrations were obtained from the Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model (HAPEM) developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Unconditional logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between maternal exposure to BTEX levels and risk of oral clefts in offspring. ^ In the selected population, mothers who had high estimated exposure to any of the BTEX compounds were not more likely to deliver an offspring with oral clefts. Future research efforts will focus on additional birth defects and thorough assessment of additional potential confounders.^


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Is oral health becoming a part of the global health culture? Oral health seems to turn out to be part of the global health culture, according to the findings of a thesis-research, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki. The thesis is entitled as “Preadolescents and Their Mothers as Oral Health-Promoting Actors: Non-biologic Determinants of Oral Health among Turkish and Finnish Preadolescents.” The research was supervised by Prof.Murtomaa and led by Dr.A.Basak Cinar. It was conducted as a cross-sectional study of 611 Turkish and 223 Finnish school preadolescents in Istanbul and Helsinki, from the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, aged 10 to 12, based on self-administered and pre-tested health behavior questionnaires for them and their mothers as well as the youth’s oral health records. Clinically assessed dental status (DMFT) and self-reported oral health of Turkish preadolescents was significantly poorer than the Finns`. A similar association occurred for well-being measures (height and weight, self-esteem), but not for school performance. Turkish preadolescents were more dentally anxious and reported lower mean values of toothbrushing self-efficacy and dietary self-efficacy than did Finns. The Turks less frequently reported recommended oral health behaviors (twice daily or more toothbrushing, sweet consumption on 2 days or less/week, decreased between-meal sweet consumption) than did the Finns. Turkish mothers reported less frequently dental health as being above average and recommended oral health behaviors as well as regular dental visits. Their mean values for dental anxiety was higher and self-efficacy on implementation of twice-daily toothbrushing were lower than those of the Finnish. Despite these differences between the Turks and Finns, the associations found in common for all preadolescents, regardless of cultural differences and different oral health care systems, assessed for the first time in a holistic framework, were as follows: There seems to be interrelation between oral health and general-well being (body height-weight measures, school performance, and self-esteem) among preadolescents: • The body height was an explanatory factor for dental health, underlining the possible common life-course factors for dental health and general well-being. • Better school performance, high levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy were interrelated and they contributed to good oral health. • Good school performance was a common predictor for twice-daily toothbrushing. Self-efficacy and maternal modelling have significant role for maintenance and improvement of both oral- and general health- related behaviors. In addition, there is need for integration of self-efficacy based approaches to promote better oral health. • All preadolescents with high levels of self-efficacy were more likely to report more frequent twice-daily toothbrushing and less frequent sweet consumption. • All preadolescents were likely to imitate toothbrushing and sweet consumption behaviors of their mothers. • High levels of self-efficacy contributed to low dental anxiety in various patterns in both groups. As a conclusion: • Many health-detrimental behaviors arise from the school age years and are unlikely to change later. Schools have powerful influences on children’s development and well-being. Therefore, oral health promotion in schools should be integrated into general health promotion, school curricula, and other activities. • Health promotion messages should be reinforced in schools, enabling children and their families to develop lifelong sustainable positive health-related skills (self-esteem, self-efficacy) and behaviors. • Placing more emphasis on behavioral sciences, preventive approaches, and community-based education during undergraduate studies should encourage social responsibility and health-promoting roles among dentists. Attempts to increase general well-being and to reduce oral health inequalities among preadolescents will remain unsuccessful if the individual factors, as well as maternal and societal influences, are not considered by psycho-social holistic approaches.


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Objective To identify measures that most closely relate to hydration in healthy Brahman-cross neonatal calves that experience milk deprivation. Methods In a dry tropical environment, eight neonatal Brahman-cross calves were prevented from suckling for 2–3 days during which measurements were performed twice daily. Results Mean body water, as estimated by the mean urea space, was 74 ± 3% of body weight at full hydration. The mean decrease in hydration was 7.3 ± 1.1% per day. The rate of decrease was more than three-fold higher during the day than at night. At an ambient temperature of 39°C, the decrease in hydration averaged 1.1% hourly. Measures that were most useful in predicting the degree of hydration in both simple and multiple-regression prediction models were body weight, hindleg length, girth, ambient and oral temperatures, eyelid tenting, alertness score and plasma sodium. These parameters are different to those recommended for assessing calves with diarrhoea. Single-measure predictions had a standard error of at least 5%, which reduced to 3–4% if multiple measures were used. Conclusion We conclude that simple assessment of non-suckling Brahman-cross neonatal calves can estimate the severity of dehydration, but the estimates are imprecise. Dehydration in healthy neonatal calves that do not have access to milk can exceed 20% (>15% weight loss) in 1–3 days under tropical conditions and at this point some are unable to recover without clinical intervention.


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Background Expenditure on dental and oral health services in Australia is $3.4 billion AUD annually. This is the sixth highest health cost and accounts for 7 % of total national health expenditure. Approximately 49 % of Australian children aged 6 years have caries experience in their deciduous teeth and this is rising. The aetiology of dental caries involves a complex interplay of individual, behavioural, social, economic, political and environmental conditions, and there is increasing interest in genetic predisposition and epigenetic modification. Methods The Oral Health Sub-study; a cross sectional study of a birth cohort began in November 2012 by examining mothers and their children who were six years old by the time of initiation of the study, which is ongoing. Data from detailed questionnaires of families from birth onwards and data on mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards oral health collected at the time of clinical examination are used. Subjects’ height, weight and mid-waist circumference are taken and Body Mass Index (BMI) computed, using an electronic Bio-Impedance balance. Dental caries experience is scored using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Saliva is collected for physiological measures. Salivary Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) is extracted for genetic studies including epigenetics using the SeqCap Epi Enrichment Kit. Targets of interest are being confirmed by pyrosequencing to identify potential epigenetic markers of caries risk. Discussion This study will examine a wide range of potential determinants for childhood dental caries and evaluate inter-relationships amongst them. The findings will provide an evidence base to plan and implement improved preventive strategies.


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Background: The identification of beverages that promote longer- term fluid retention and maintenance of fluid balance is of real clinical and practical benefit in situations in which free access to fluids is limited or when frequent breaks for urination are not desirable. The postingestion diuretic response is likely to be influenced by several beverage characteristics, including the volume ingested, energy den- sity, electrolyte content, and the presence of diuretic agents. Objective: This study investigated the effects of 13 different com- monly consumed drinks on urine output and fluid balance when ingested in a euhydrated state, with a view to establishing a beverage hydration index (BHI), i.e., the volume of urine produced after drinking expressed relative to a standard treatment (still water) for each beverage. Design: Each subject (n = 72, euhydrated and fasted male subjects) ingested 1 L still water or 1 of 3 other commercially available beverages over a period of 30 min. Urine output was then collected for the subsequent 4 h. The BHI was corrected for the water content of drinks and was calculated as the amount of water retained at 2 h after ingestion relative to that observed after the ingestion of still water. Results: Total urine masses (mean 6 SD) over 4 h were smaller than the still-water control (1337 6 330 g) after an oral rehydration solution (ORS) (1038 6 333 g, P , 0.001), full-fat milk (1052 6 267 g, P , 0.001), and skimmed milk (1049 6 334 g, P , 0.001). Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion. The mean BHI at 2 h was 1.54 6 0.74 for the ORS, 1.50 6 0.58 for full- fat milk, and 1.58 6 0.60 for skimmed milk. Conclusions: BHI may be a useful measure to identify the short- term hydration potential of different beverages when ingested in a euhydrated state.


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We previously found that dried live bacteria of a vaccine strain can be temporarily sensitive to bile acids and suggested that Bile Adsorbing Resins (BAR) can be used in oral vaccine tablets to protect dried bacteria from intestinal bile. Here, we report a quantitative analysis of the ability of BAR to exclude the dye bromophenol blue from penetrating into matrix tablets and also sections of hard capsule shells. Based on this quantitative analysis, we made a fully optimised formulation, comprising 25% w/w of cholestyramine in Vcaps™ HPMC capsules. This gave effectively 100% protection of viability from 4% bile, with 4200-fold more live bacteria recovered from this formulation compared to unprotected dry bacteria. From the image analysis, we found that the filler material or compaction force used had no measurable effect on dye exclusion but did affect the rate of tablet hydration. Increasing the mass fraction of BAR gave more exclusion of dye up to 25% w/w, after which a plateau was reached and no further dye exclusion was seen. More effective dye exclusion was seen with smaller particle sizes (i.e. cholestyramine) and when the BAR was thoroughly dried and disaggregated. Similar results were found when imaging dye penetration into capsule sections or tablets. The predictions of the dye penetration study were tested using capsules filled with dried attenuated Salmonella vaccine plus different BAR types, and the expected protection from bile was found, validating the imaging study. Surprisingly, depending on the capsule shell material, some protection was given by the capsule alone without adding BAR, with Vcaps™ HPMC capsules providing up to 174-fold protection against 1% bile; faster releasing Vcaps Plus™ HPMC capsules and Coni Snap™ gelatin capsules gave less protection.


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Background & aims: This study evaluated the relationship between vitamin A concentration in maternal milk and the characteristics of the donors of a Brazilian human milk bank. Material and methods: A total of 136 donors were selected in 2003-2004 for micronutrient determinations in breast milk and blood, anthropometric measurements and investigation of obstetric, socioeconomic-demographic factors, and life style. Maternal serum/milk samples were obtained for vitamin A, iron, copper, and zinc determinations. Vitamin A concentrations in breast milk and blood were assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Copper, zinc and iron concentrations in breast milk, and copper and zinc concentrations in blood were detected by atomic emission spectrophotometry. Serum ceruloplasmin and serum iron were determined, respectively, by nephelometry and colorimetry. A linear regression model assessed the associations between milk concentrations of vitamin A and maternal factors. Results: Vitamin A in milk presented positive associations with iron in milk (p < 0.001), serum retinol (p = 0.03), maternal work (p = 0.02), maternal age (p = 0.02). and oral contraceptive use (p = 0.01), and a negative association with % body fat (p = 0.01) (R(2) = 0.47). Conclusion: These results suggest that some nutritional, obstetric, and socioeconomic-demographic factors may have an effect on mature breast milk concentrations of vitamin A in apparently healthy Brazilian mothers. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.