985 resultados para Maternal obesity


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Obesity and its sequelae may prove to be the greatest threat to human lifestyle and health in the developed world this century. The so called obesity epidemic has seen the incidence of obesity and overweight almost double in Western societies and the trend is mirrored in nations that are transitioning to first world economies. There is no doubt that much of the rise in obesity can be attributed to lifestyle factors such as the excess consumption of energy-dense foods and the decline in physical activity. However, the ‘fetal origins’hypothesis, first proposed by Barker and colleagues and elaborated by several groups over the past 15 years to be termed the ‘Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease’ (DOHaD), provides an alternative explanation for the rising rates of obesity. The DOHaD hypothesis states that exposure to an unfavourable environment during development (either in utero or in the early postnatal period) programmes changes in fetal or neonatal development such that the individual is then at greater risk of developing adulthood disease. This chapter discusses the effects of maternal obesity on fetal development and birth outcomes as well as the manner in which DOHaD may contribute to the obesity epidemic.


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Obesity is a major public health crisis, with 1.6 billion adults worldwide being classified as overweight or obese in 2014. Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of women who are overweight or obese at the time of conception is increasing. Obesity during pregnancy is associated with the development of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. The developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis proposes that perturbations during critical stages of development can result in adverse fetal changes, which leads to an increased risk of developing diseases in adulthood. Of particular concern, children born to obese mothers are at a greater risk of developing cardiometabolic disease. One subset of the population who are predisposed to developing obesity are children born small for gestational age, which occurs in 10% of pregnancies worldwide. Epidemiological studies report that these growth restricted children have an increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Importantly during pregnancy, growth restricted females have a higher risk of developing cardiometabolic disease, indicating that they may have an exacerbated phenotype if they are also overweight or obese. Thus the development of early pregnancy interventions targeted to obese mothers may prevent their children from developing cardiometabolic disease in adulthood. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Obesity in our childbearing population has increased to epidemic proportions in developed countries; efforts to address this issue need to focus on prevention. The Health in Preconception, Pregnancy and Postbirth (HIPPP) Collaborative - a group of researchers, practitioners, policymakers and end-users - was formed to take up the challenge to address this issue as a partnership. Application of systems thinking, participatory systems modelling and group model building was used to establish research questions aiming to optimise periconception lifestyle, weight and health. Our goal was to reduce the burden of maternal obesity through systems change.


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This study aimed to evaluate whether maternal obesity leads to the onset of diabetes in adult Wistar rats offspring. MSG solution neonatally administration induced obesity in rats (F(1)MSG group, n = 30); and saline solution was also administrated to control rats (F1CON group, n = 13). In 3rd month of age, both control and MS G groups were mated for offspring (generation FA named as F2CON, n = 28 and F(2)MSG groups, n = 15; and so both generations were studied until 7th month of life. Lee Index was measured for experimental obesity validation from 5th to 7th month. Glycemia was weekly determined during pregnancy and monthly from 3rd to 7th month. In the end of experimental period all rats were submitted to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), with estimation of total area under the curve (AUC); and insulin tolerance test (ITT). Rats were then anesthetized and killed. Data were statistically analyzed with significance level of p < 0.05. Lee Index has confirmed obesity in all MSG rats. Glycemic levels comparisons between generations showed significant maternal interference in control and MSG groups. OGTT analysis showed higher glycemia in obese rats (F(1)MSG) and their offspring (F(2)MSG) as compared to their respective controls; and MSG groups increased AUC from OGTT. As regards ITT, F(2)MSG showed higher glycemia at 30 and 120 min, suggesting a delay of insulin action decreasing. Although glucose intolerance and insulin resistance clinical conditions represent as a factors for type 2 Diabetes mellitus development, this experimental model proposal was not efficient to induce type 2 Diabetes mellitus, but for obesity developing, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in successive generations of rats. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: To analyze the association between maternal obesity and postnatal infectious complications in high-risk pregnancies. Methods: Prospective study from August 2009 through August 2010 with the following inclusion criteria: women up to the 5th postpartum day; age L 18 years; high-risk pregnancy; singleton pregnancy with live fetus at labor onset; delivery at the institution; maternal weight measured on day of delivery. The nutritional status in late pregnancy was assessed by the body mass index (BMI), with the application of the Atalah et al. curve. Patients were graded as underweight, adequate weight, overweight, or obese. Postpartum complications investigated during the hospital stay and 30 days post-discharge were: surgical wound infection and/or secretion, urinary infection, postpartum infection, fever, hospitalization, antibiotic use, and composite morbidity (at least one of the complications mentioned). Results: 374 puerperal women were included, graded according to the final BMI as: underweight (n = 54, 14.4%); adequate weight (n = 126, 33.7%); overweight (n = 105, 28.1%); and obese (n = 89, 23.8%). Maternal obesity was shown to have a significant association with the following postpartum complications: surgical wound infection (16.7%, p = 0.042), urinary infection (9.0%, p = 0.004), antibiotic use (12.3%, p < 0.001), and composite morbidity (25.6%, p = 0.016). By applying the logistic regression model, obesity in late pregnancy was found to be an independent variable regardless of the composite morbidity predicted (OR: 2.09; 95% CI: 1.15-3.80, p = 0.015). Conclusion: Maternal obesity during late pregnancy in high-risk patients is independently associated with postpartum infectious complications, which demonstrates the need for a closer follow-up of maternal weight gain in these pregnancies.


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In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated that beginning in January 1998, flour and other enriched grain products be fortified with 140 μg of folic acid per 100 g of grain to prevent neural tube defects (NTDs) that occur in approximately 1 in 1,000 pregnancies in the United States (U.S.). Although this program has demonstrated important public health effects, it is argued that current fortification levels may not be enough to prevent all folic acid-preventable NTD cases. This study reviews published literature, on folic acid fortification in the U.S. and countries with mandatory folic acid fortification programs reported after 1992 and through January 2008. Published studies are evaluated to determine if the current level of folic acid fortification in the U.S. is adequate to prevent the most common forms of NTDs (spina bifida and anencephaly), particularly among overweight and obese women. ^ Although consistent improvement in blood folate levels of child bearing age women is reported in almost all studies, the RBC folate concentration has not reached the level associated with the most significant reduction of risk for NTDs (906 nmol/L); approximately half of the potentially preventable NTDs are prevented by fortification at the current U.S. level. Furthermore, the blood folate status of women in higher BMI categories (obese or overweight) has not improved as much as among women in lower BMI categories. Therefore, women classified as overweight or obese have not benefited from the preventive effects of folic acid fortification as much as normal or underweight women. ^ To reduce risk of folate preventable NTDs, especially in overweight and obese women, it may be necessary to increase the current level of folic acid fortification. However, further research is required to determine the optimal levels of fortification to achieve this goal without causing adverse health effects in the general population. ^


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Acknowledgements We thank Ms Katie Wilde, Data Management Team, University of Aberdeen and Lynsey Waugh, Information and Services Division of NHS Scotland for their help with data extraction and linkage. Funding sources This work was supported by funding from the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. We also acknowledge support from Tommy’s and the British Heart Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. None of the authors are related to any of the funders


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Maternal obesity is an important aspect of reproductive care. It is the commonest risk factor for maternal mortality in developed countries and is also associated with a wide spectrum of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Maternal obesity may have longer-term implications for the health of the mother and infant, which in turn will have economic implications. Efforts to prevent, manage and treat obesity in pregnancy will be costly, but may pay dividends from reduced future economic costs, and subsequent improvements to maternal and infant health. Decision-makers working in this area of health services should understand whether the problem can be reduced, at what cost; and then, what cost savings and health benefits will accrue in the future from a reduction of the problem.


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Objectives: To examine the association of maternal pregravid body mass index (BMI) and child offspring, all-cause hospitalisations in the first 5 years of life. Methods: Prospective birth cohort study. From 2006 to 2011, 2779 pregnant women (2807 children) were enrolled in the Environments for Healthy Living: Griffith birth cohort study in South-East Queensland, Australia. Hospital delivery record and self-report baseline survey of maternal, household and demographic factors during pregnancy were linked to the Queensland Hospital Admitted Patients Data Collection from 1 November 2006 to 30 June 2012, for child admissions. Maternal pregravid BMI was classified as underweight (<18.5 kg m−2), normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg m−2), overweight (25.0–29.9 kg m−2) or obese (30 kg m−2). Main outcomes were the total number of child hospital admissions and ICD-10-AM diagnostic groupings in the first 5 years of life. Negative binomial regression models were calculated, adjusting for follow-up duration, demographic and health factors. The cohort comprised 8397.9 person years (PYs) follow-up. Results: Children of mothers who were classified as obese had an increased risk of all-cause hospital admissions in the first 5 years of life than the children of mothers with a normal BMI (adjusted rate ratio (RR) =1.48, 95% confidence interval 1.10–1.98). Conditions of the nervous system, infections, metabolic conditions, perinatal conditions, injuries and respiratory conditions were excessive, in both absolute and relative terms, for children of obese mothers, with RRs ranging from 1.3–4.0 (PYs adjusted). Children of mothers who were underweight were 1.8 times more likely to sustain an injury or poisoning than children of normal-weight mothers (PYs adjusted). Conclusion: Results suggest that if the intergenerational impact of maternal obesity (and similarly issues related to underweight) could be addressed, a significant reduction in child health care use, costs and public health burden would be likely.


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1. In the past 30 years the prevalence of obesity and overweight have doubled. It is now estimated that globally over 500 million adults are obese and a further billion adults are overweight. Obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor and some studies suggest that up to 70% of cases of essential hypertension may be attributable, in part, to obesity. Increasingly, evidence supports a view that obesity-related hypertension may be driven by altered hypothalamic signalling, which results in inappropriately high appetite and sympathetic nerve activity to the kidney.

2. In addition to the adult risk factors for obesity and hypertension, the environment encountered in early life may ‘programme’ the development of obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. In particular, maternal obesity or high dietary fat intake in pregnancy may induce changes in fetal growth trajectories and predispose individuals to develop obesity and related sequelae.

3. The mechanisms underlying the programming of obesity-related hypertension are becoming better understood. However, several issues require clarification, particularly with regard to the role of the placenta in transferring fatty acid to the fetal compartment, the impact of placental inflammation and cytokine production in obesity.

4. By understanding which factors are most associated with the development of obesity and hypertension in the offspring, we can focus therapeutic and behavioural interventions to most efficiently reduce the intergenerational propagation of the obesity cycle.


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Children of obese mothers have increased risk of metabolic syndrome as adults. Here we report the effects of a high-fat diet in the absence of maternal obesity at conception on skeletal muscle metabolic and transcriptional profiles of adult male offspring. Female Sprague Dawley rats were fed a diet rich in saturated fat and sucrose [high-fat diet (HFD): 23.5% total fat, 9.83% saturated fat, 20% sucrose wt:wt] or a normal control diet [(CD) 7% total fat, 0.5% saturated fat, 10% sucrose wt:wt] for the 3 wk prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation. Maternal weights were not different at conception; however, HFD-fed dams were 22% heavier than controls during pregnancy. On a normal diet, the male offspring of HFD-fed dams were not heavier than controls but demonstrated features of insulin resistance, including elevated plasma insulin concentration [40.1 ± 2.5 (CD) vs 56.2 ± 6.1 (HFD) mU/L; P = 0.023]. Next-generation mRNA sequencing was used to identify differentially expressed genes in the offspring soleus muscle, and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was used to detect coordinated changes that are characteristic of a biological function. GSEA identified 15 upregulated pathways, including cytokine signaling (P < 0.005), starch and sucrose metabolism (P < 0.017), inflammatory response (P < 0.024), and cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction (P < 0.037). A further 8 pathways were downregulated, including oxidative phosphorylation (P < 0.004), mitochondrial matrix (P < 0.006), and electron transport/uncoupling (P < 0.022). Phosphorylation of the insulin signaling protein kinase B was reduced [2.86 ± 0.63 (CD) vs 1.02 ± 0.27 (HFD); P = 0.027] and mitochondrial complexes I, II, and V protein were downregulated by 50-68% (P < 0.005). On a normal diet, the male offspring of HFD-fed dams did not become obese adults but developed insulin resistance, with transcriptional evidence of muscle cytokine activation, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These data indicate that maternal overnutrition, even in the absence of prepregnancy obesity, can promote metabolic dysregulation and predispose offspring to type 2 diabetes.