846 resultados para Materiais sustentáveis


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Over 11 million tons of nanomaterials (NMs) have been produced in 2012 and predictions point the increase in production. Despite predictions and extended usage via consumer products and industry, the understanding of the potential impact of these materials on the environment is virtually absent. The main aim of this thesis is to understand how a selected group of nanomaterials (metal based particles) may impact soil invertebrates, with special focus on the mechanisms of response. Since a case-by-case Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of all the emerging contaminants (particularly NMs) is impossible, among others due to time and cost reasons, to gain understanding on the mechanism of action and response is very important to reach a common paradigm. Understanding the modes of action provides predictive characters in cross particle extrapolation. Besides, it also provides insight for the production of new and sustainable materials. Overall, the effects of the selected NMs (Copper and Silver, Titanium and Zirconium oxides) and the respective salt forms, were investigated at the gene expression (using high-throughput tools, microarray and qPCR technology), biochemical (using enzymatic assays for analysis of oxidative stress markers) and organism (survival and reproduction as in OECD test guidelines) levels, this using standard soil species (Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus, Eisenia fetida). Gene expression analysis provided valuable information on the mechanisms affected by each of the NMs. The gene expression profile highlighted a (nano)material signature and the effect of the duration of exposure. The functional analyses integrated with the biochemical and organism data, revealed a good understanding power. The biochemical parameters (oxidative stress related) were distinct across the materials and also influenced by duration of exposure and concentration. The standardized organismal responses differed the least between the various materials. The overall outcome is that, in this context of NMs effect assessment, gene expression and enzymatic assays introduced a very important knowledge gap, which could not had been achieved by the standard organismal effects alone. A reoccurring issue with some metal based NMs is the possible dissolution and subsequent release of ions that then causes toxicity e.g. Cu-NPs or Ag-NPs release Cu2+ or Ag+. The oxidation state of the particles was investigated, although this was not the focus of the thesis. The study of fate, e.g. dissolution of NPs, is also only in its beginning and the appropriate techniques are currently being developed. The results showed a specific nanoparticle effect. The UV exposure with titanium dioxide nanoparticles increased its effect.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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Since the early twenty-first century, the construction sector has been the second largest on the rise in the Brazilian industrial sector, with a growth of 1.4% in 2012, and is likely to remain at this level for a long time. However, unlike decades ago, the industry has been seeking in its manufacturing process, sustainable materials, encompassing in their works the concept of sustainability. Thus, the timber sector seeks to satisfy a market increasingly demanding, innovating techniques and utilization being less aggressive to the environment. The purpose of this study was to produce and evaluate the mechanical strength of the composite cement with the addition of wood residues and slag low oven. Therefore, it was made 42 specimen cement-slag-wood, carried out in two steps. Since at the first, it was varied only the slag particle size, and at the second, through the best result of the previous step, it was varied the wood particles granulometry. The mechanical performance of the composite was evaluated by the results obtained in the compression test and the physical test for determining the density of the material. In the first step of the process can be concluded that the best result was achieved with the use of slag particles retained on the 60 mesh sieve. In the second phase of the study concluded that the best results were achieved with wood particles with the large particles, i.e. particles retained on the 10 mesh sieve. Both in the first and in the second step it can be seen that there has been the influence of the particle size of the waste materials. With the obtained results, could be evaluated that the use of waste for the production of cement-slag-wood composite showed lower performance when compared to the results obtained in studies without the use of waste. However, some applications are feasible to be performed with the use of composite wood-cement-slag


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This work is part of several research related to the plan of design and construction of a sustainable house. The previous researches focused on sustainable materials and it have shown that ceramic material are more interesting to improve the thermal comfort and the reduction of fees and prices of the house, making possible to construct popular home, mainly clay bricks, that have high thermal inertia and low costs, besides the fact that it is easy to find the raw materials in nature and process them. However, a major issue in using clay bricks is that it uses too many energy to be processed during the sintering (burning), a crucial part of the process that assures mechanical resistance. Alternative materials are being proposed by the researchers, as the clay bricks without the sintering mixed with Portland cement, assuring the proper resistance to the brick. Raw materials of cement, however, also need to be thermally processed in rotary kilns, in a process called clinckerization. This research was proposed for comparing the energy used by the two types of bricks and other objectives, in order to determinate which one uses less thermal energy. The intention was to compare the energy used during the sintering of regular clay bricks and the unfired bricks with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% of Portland cement. The paper also investigated and compared the use of electrical and thermal energy of all the bricks to identify how important were the thermal stages (sintering or clinkerization) relatively to the total energy spent. At last, a resumed analysis was performed to identify the possible health damages of the many life cycles of the bricks. The conclusion was that unfired bricks with less than 40% of cement use less thermal energy to be processed. In addition, their carbon dioxides emissions were less dangerous to ... (Complete abastract click electronic access below)


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This work is part of several research related to the plan of design and construction of a sustainable house. The previous researches focused on sustainable materials and it have shown that ceramic material are more interesting to improve the thermal comfort and the reduction of fees and prices of the house, making possible to construct popular home, mainly clay bricks, that have high thermal inertia and low costs, besides the fact that it is easy to find the raw materials in nature and process them. However, a major issue in using clay bricks is that it uses too many energy to be processed during the sintering (burning), a crucial part of the process that assures mechanical resistance. Alternative materials are being proposed by the researchers, as the clay bricks without the sintering mixed with Portland cement, assuring the proper resistance to the brick. Raw materials of cement, however, also need to be thermally processed in rotary kilns, in a process called clinckerization. This research was proposed for comparing the energy used by the two types of bricks and other objectives, in order to determinate which one uses less thermal energy. The intention was to compare the energy used during the sintering of regular clay bricks and the unfired bricks with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% of Portland cement. The paper also investigated and compared the use of electrical and thermal energy of all the bricks to identify how important were the thermal stages (sintering or clinkerization) relatively to the total energy spent. At last, a resumed analysis was performed to identify the possible health damages of the many life cycles of the bricks. The conclusion was that unfired bricks with less than 40% of cement use less thermal energy to be processed. In addition, their carbon dioxides emissions were less dangerous to ... (Complete abastract click electronic access below)


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A consciencialização ambiental vem assumindo um papel preponderante na construção civil. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de materiais sustentáveis e ecológicos é essencial para a satisfação de fabricantes e consumidores, respeitando diversos requisitos: níveis reduzidos de poluição e toxicidade, durabilidade dos materiais, possibilidade de reutilização e/ou reciclagem, a proveniência das matérias-primas e a possibilidade de contaminação do ar no interior dos edifícios. As declarações ambientais de produto (DAP) permitem informar o consumidor do desempenho ambiental dos materiais dos produtos. Assim, ao longo de todo o processo de fabrico são registados os consumos de recursos e emissões ambientais e, através da metodologia de avaliação de ciclo de vida, é quantificada a contribuição resultante para impactes ambientais. Esta dissertação visa analisar os possíveis impactes ambientais no decurso do processo de produção de um pavimento flutuante de cortiça, constituído por cortiça, High Density Fibreboard (HDF) e acabamento de superfície, denominado Artcomfort Floating NPC e elaborar de um relatório de suporte, que servirá de base para a DAP do pavimento Artcomfort Floating NPC do sistema do Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU). Esta dissertação inclui um relatório de fundo, para a avaliação do ciclo de vida do pavimento flutuante Artcomfort Floating NPC da empresa Amorim Revestimentos, que servirá de base para a elaboração da declaração ambiental de produto (DAP) do mesmo. Para tal, recorreu-se ao software SimaPro para análise dos impactes ambientais das várias fases do processo de fabrico do pavimento em estudo, sendo as fases consideradas, a produção da camada base de cortiça aglomerada, camada backing de cortiça aglomerada, montagem da sanduiche, placa pintada, placa acabada e corte e embalagem. A fase que tem maior contribuição para os impactes ambientais do processo de fabrico do produto, em todas as categorias de impacte analisadas, com exceção da depleção dos recursos abióticos sem combustíveis fósseis, foi a fase de montagem da sanduiche.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil - Reabilitação de Edifícios


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Nos últimos anos o consumo de energia elétrica produzida a partir de fontes renováveis tem aumentado significativamente. Este aumento deve-se ao impacto ambiental que recursos como o petróleo, gás, urânio, carvão, entre outros, têm no meio ambiente e que são notáveis no diaa- dia com as alterações climáticas e o aquecimento global. Por sua vez, estes recursos têm um ciclo de vida limitado e a dada altura tornar-se-ão escassos. A preocupação de uma melhoria contínua na redução dos impactos ambientais levou à criação de Normas para uma gestão mais eficiente e sustentável do consumo de energia nos edifícios. Parte da eletricidade vendida pelas empresas de comercialização é produzida através de fontes renováveis, e com a recente publicação do Decreto de Lei nº 153/2014 de 20 outubro de 2014 que regulamenta o autoconsumo, permitindo que também os consumidores possam produzir a sua própria energia nas suas residências para reduzir os custos com a compra de eletricidade. Neste contexto surgiram os edifícios inteligentes. Por edifícios inteligentes entende-se que são edifícios construídos com materiais que os tornam mais eficientes, possuem iluminação e equipamentos elétricos mais eficientes, e têm sistemas de produção de energia que permitem alimentar o próprio edifício, para um consumo mais sustentado. Os sistemas implementados nos edifícios inteligentes visam a monitorização e gestão da energia consumida e produzida para evitar desperdícios de consumo. O trabalho desenvolvido visa o estudo e a implementação de Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA) para prever os consumos de energia elétrica dos edifícios N e I do ISEP/GECAD, bem como a previsão da produção dos seus painéis fotovoltáicos. O estudo feito aos dados de consumo permitiu identificar perfis típicos de consumo ao longo de uma semana e de que forma são influenciados pelo contexto, nomeadamente, com os dias da semana versus fim-de-semana, e com as estações do ano, sendo analisados perfis de consumo de inverno e verão. A produção de energia através de painéis fotovoltaicos foi também analisada para perceber se a produção atual é suficiente para satisfazer as necessidades de consumo dos edifícios. Também foi analisada a possibilidade da produção satisfazer parcialmente as necessidades de consumos específicos, por exemplo, da iluminação dos edifícios, dos seus sistemas de ar condicionado ou dos equipamentos usados.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Vários países têm sofrido um aumento populacional elevado nos últimos anos, em particular os países em vias de desenvolvimento. Deste crescimento populacional decorre um peso adicional sobre os recursos do planeta, em parte resultante da construção de novas habitações. O sector da construção, apesar de ser uma das áreas económicas mais relevantes para o desenvolvimento é também responsável por um grande impacto ambiental em resultado do consumo de recursos e de energia. Os materiais usados na construção consomem recursos naturais e promovem uma utilização energética que por sua vez contribui para a emissão de gases com potencial de aquecimento global. Com a necessidade de construir novas habitações existe também imperiosa responsabilidade de serem adoptados materiais mais sustentáveis, com valores de energia incorporada inferiores usados actualmente, o que se traduzirá num menor impacte no meio ambiente. A vantagem de utilização de recursos naturais renováveis é muito vantajosa para a sustentabilidade do sector da construção. Um desses materiais é a cortiça, e é nela e nas suas aplicações em construção civil o tema em que este trabalho se foca. Tendo em consideração que o sector da construção civil é o sector da actividade humana que consome mais recursos naturais e utiliza mais energia de modo intensivo, o desenvolvimento e uso de materiais mais ecológicos para a construção é um importante vector de sustentabilidade. O impacto que a extracção e posterior transformação das matérias-primas em materiais aptos para serem introduzidos na construção de novas habitações tem de ser analisada em face ao ciclo de vida de cada material. O presente trabalho, analisando o recurso Cortiça e o seu potencial de utilização para a construção enquanto material, torna visível que a mesma pode ser aplicada como solução sustentável para as futuras construções que pela pressão demográfica virão a ser necessárias desenvolver.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The environmental problems generated by construction activity have been widely discussed in Brazil, which has begun to incorporate sustainable building techniques in your ventures. Based on these facts, this work focused on addressing the main characteristics of a sustainable building project. Among them are water conservation, energy efficiency in buildings, managing a construction site with little environmental impact and reuse of materials and construction elements. This work, after the presentation of the main characteristics of a sustainable building project, shows a case study about the implementation of environmental certification LEED Gold level in a large building, located in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. With that, we want to produce a research document about the topic of sustainable buildings


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Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market