999 resultados para Mass-fractal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A sample series of silica sonogels was prepared using different water-tetraethoxysilane molar ratio (r(w)) in the gelation step of the process in order to obtain aerogels with different bulk densities after the supercritical drying. The samples were analyzed by means of small-angle x-ray-scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen-adsorption techniques. Wet sonogels exhibit mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D increasing from similar to2.1 to similar to2.4 and mass-fractal correlation length xi diminishing from similar to13 nm to similar to2 nm, as r(w) is changed in the nominal range from 66 to 6. The process of obtaining aerogels from sonogels and heat treatment at 500degreesC, in general, increases the mass-fractal dimension D, diminishes the characteristic length xi of the fractal structure, and shortens the fractal range at the micropore side for the formation of a secondary structured particle, apparently evolved from the original wet structure at a high resolution level. The overall mass-fractal dimension D of aerogels was evaluated as similar to2.4 and similar to2.5, as determined from SAXS and from pore-size distribution by nitrogen adsorption, respectively. The fine structure of the secondary particle developed in the obtaining of aerogels could be described as a surface-mass fractal, with the correlated surface and mass-fractal dimensions decreasing from similar to2.4 to similar to2.0 and from similar to2.7 to similar to2.5, respectively, as the aerogel bulk density increases from 0.25 (r(w)=66) up to 0.91 g/cm(3) (r(w)=6).


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Low density silica sonogels were prepared from acid sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane. Wet gels were studied by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC tests were carried out under a heating rate of 2 degrees C/min from -120 degrees C up to 30 degrees C. Aerogels were obtained by CO(2) supercritical extraction and characterized by nitrogen adsorption and SAXS. The DSC thermogram displays two distinct endothermic peaks. The first, a broad peak extending from about -80 degrees C up to practically 0 degrees C, was associated to the melting of ice nanocrystals with a crystal size distribution with pore diameter ranging from 1 or 2 nm up to about 60 nm, as estimated from Thomson's equation. The second, a sharp peak with onset temperature close to 0 degrees C, was attributed to the melting of macroscopic crystals. The DSC incremental nanopore volume distribution is in reasonable agreement with the incremental pore volume distribution of the aerogel as determined from nitrogen adsorption. No macroporosity was detected by nitrogen adsorption, probably because the adsorption method applies stress on the sample during measurement, leading to a underestimation of pore volume, or because often positive curvature of the solid surface is in aerogels, making the nitrogen condensation more difficult. According to the SAXS results, the solid network of the wet gels behaves as a mass fractal structure with mass fractal dimension D=2.20 +/- 0.01 in a characteristic length scale below xi=7.9 +/- 0.1 nm. The mass fractal characteristics of the wet gels have also been probed from DSC data by means of an earlier applied modeling for generation of a mass fractal from the incremental pore volume distribution curves. The results are shown to be in interesting agreement with the results from SAXS.


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Silica gels were preparated from fixed proportion mixtures of tetraethoxysilane, water and hydrocloric acid, using either ultrasound stimulation (US) or conventional method (CO) in the hydrolysis step of the process. Wet gets were obtained with the same silica volume concentration and density. According to small-angle X-ray scattering, the structure of the wet gels can be described as mass fractal structures with mass fractal dimension D = 2.20 in a length scale xi = 7.9 nm, in the case of wet gels US, and D = 2.26 in a length scale 6.9 nm, in the case of wet gels CO. The mass fractal characteristics of the wet gels US and CO account for the different structures evolved in the drying of the gels US and CO in the obtaining of xerogels and aerogels. The pore structure of the dried gels was studied by nitrogen adsorption as a function of the temperature. Aerogels (US and CO) present high porosity with pore size distribution (PSD) curves in the mesopore region while xerogels (US and CO) present minor porosity with PSD curves mainly in the micropore region. The dried gels US (aerogels and xerogels) generally present pore volume and specific surface area greater than the dried gels CO. The mass fractal structure of the aerogels has been studied from an approach based on the PSD curves exclusively. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Wet silica gels with similar to 1.4 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 90 vol.% liquid phase were prepared from the sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with different additions of dimethylformamide (DMF). Aerogels were obtained by CO2 supercritical extraction. The samples were studied mainly by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. Wet gels exhibit a mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D increasing from 2.23 to 2.35 and characteristic length xi decreasing from similar to 9.4 nm to similar to 5.1 nm, as the DMF/TEOS molar ratio is increased from 0 to 4. The supercritical process apparently eliminates some porosity, shortening the fractality domain in the mesopore region and developing an apparent surface/mass fractal (with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.6 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3) in the micropore region. The fundamental role of the DMF addition on the structure of the aerogels is to diminish the porosity and the pore mean size, without, however, modify substantially the specific surface area and the average size of the silica particle of the solid network. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In a recent investigation, Landsat TM and ETM+ data were used to simulate different resolutions of remotely-sensed images (from 30 to 1100 m) and to analyze the effect of resolution on a range of landscape metrics associated with spatial patterns of forest fragmentation in Chapare, Bolivia since the mid-1980s. Whereas most metrics were found to be highly dependent on pixel size, several fractal metrics (DLFD, MPFD, and AWMPFD) were apparently independent of image resolution, in contradiction with a sizeable body of literature indicating that fractal dimensions of natural objects depend strongly on image characteristics. The present re-analysis of the Chapare images, using two alternative algorithms routinely used for the evaluation of fractal dimensions, shows that the values of the box-counting and information fractal dimensions are systematically larger, sometimes by as much as 85%, than the "fractal" indices DLFD, MPFD, and AWMFD for the same images. In addition, the geometrical fractal features of the forest and non-forest patches in the Chapare region strongly depend on the resolution of images used in the analysis. The largest dependency on resolution occurs for the box-counting fractal dimension in the case of the non-forest patches in 1993, where the difference between the 30 and I 100 m-resolution images corresponds to 24% of the full theoretical range (1.0 to 2.0) of the mass fractal dimension. The observation that the indices DLFD, MPFD, and AWMPFD, unlike the classical fractal dimensions, appear relatively unaffected by resolution in the case of the Chapare images seems due essentially to the fact that these indices are based on a heuristic, "non-geometric" approach to fractals. Because of their lack of a foundation in fractal geometry, nothing guarantees that these indices will be resolution-independent in general. (C) 2006 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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运用土壤颗粒质量分形模型计算松嫩平原低平地安达试区植被分布区和碱斑区样点土壤颗粒的分形维数,并建立分形维数与土壤颗粒不同粒级间的回归关系,以探讨土地碱化后土壤粒径分布的分形特征及其与土壤物理性状的关系。结果表明:安达试区土壤颗粒分形维数较高,平均分别仅有48.7×10-5cm/s(Pit A)和4.30×10-6cm/s(Pit B),反映了该区土壤细颗粒含量高、土壤大孔隙数量少、土壤饱和导水率低的特征;土壤颗粒分形维数与黏粒含量呈对数正相关关系,而与粉粒和砂粒含量相关性不显著,说明在安达试区,影响土壤颗粒分形维数的主要因素是黏粒含量;羊草地土壤颗粒分形维数在土壤垂直剖面上的变异较大,说明植被生长促进了土壤质地的变异;碱斑地土壤颗粒分形维数明显大于羊草地,细颗粒含量高,饱和导水率低,说明碱斑的形成恶化了土壤物理性质;土壤颗粒分形维数可以反映安达市土壤物理性质的好坏,能作为土壤退化和生态环境恶化的评价指标。研究结果可为安达市以及松嫩平原盐碱地生态环境的修复和治理提供科学依据。


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R Winter, D Le Messurier, CM Martin; Cryst Rev 12 (2006) 3 Sponsorship: EPSRC, CCLRC, Pilkington


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Silica wet gels were prepared from acid sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and additions of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)-water solution. Aerogels were obtained from supercritical CO(2) extraction. The samples were studied by thermal gravimetric (TG) analysis, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and nitrogen adsorption. The structure of wet gels can be described as a mass fractal with dimension D equal to 2.0 on the whole length scale experimentally probed by SAXS, from similar to 0.3 to similar to 15 nm. Pure and low-PVA-addition wet gels exhibit an upper cutoff accounting for a finite characteristic length xi of the mass fractal structure. Additions , of PVA increase without modifying D, which was attributed to a steric effect of the polymer in the structure. The pore volume fraction of the aerogels diminishes typically about 11% with respect to that of the wet gels, although nitrogen adsorption could be underestimating some porosity. The pore size distribution of the aerogels is shifted toward the mesopore region with the additions of PVA, in a straight relationship with the increase of xi in the wet gels. The thermal stability of the pore size distribution of the aerogels was studied up to 1000 degrees C.


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Sonohydrolysis of mixtures of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) with different TMOS/(TMOS + TEOS) molar ratio R was carried out to obtain similar to 2.0 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 86%-volume liquid phase wet gels. Aerogels were obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction in autoclave. The samples were analyzed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. The structure of the wet gels can be described as a mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D similar to 2.2 and characteristic length increasing from similar to 4.6 nm for pure TEOS to similar to 6.4 nm for pure TMOS. A fraction of the porosity is eliminated with the supercritical process. The fundamental role of the TMOS/(TMOS + TEOS) molar ratio on the structure of the aerogels is to increase the porosity and the pore mean size as R changes from pure TEOS to pure TMOS. The supercritical process increases the mass fractal dimension and shortens the fractality domain in the mesopore region. A secondary structure appearing in the micropore region of the aerogels can be described as a mass/surface fractal structure with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.6 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silica sonogels with different porosities were prepared by acid sono-hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane. Wet sonogels were studied using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC shows a broad thermal peak below the normal water melting point associated with the melting of confined ice nanocrystals, or nanoporosity. The nanopore size distribution was determined from the Gibbs-Thomson equation. As the porosity is increased, a second sharp DSC thermal peak with onset temperature at the water melting point is apparent, which was associated with the melting of ice macrocrystals, or macroporosity. The DSC result could be causing misinterpretation of the macroporosity because water may not be exactly confined in very feeble silica network regions in sonogels with high porosity. The structure of the wet gels can be described fairly well as mutually self-similar mass fractal structures with characteristic length. increasing from similar to 1.8 to similar to 5.4 nm and mass fractal dimension D diminishing discretely from similar to 2.6 to similar to 2.3 as the porosity increases in the range studied. More specifically, such a structure could be described using a two-parameter correlation function gamma(r) similar to r(D-3) exp(-r/xi), which is limited at larger scale by the cut-off distance xi but without a well-defined small scale cut-off distance, at least up to the maximum angular domain probed using SAXS in the present study.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)