996 resultados para Mass Immunization - organization
Three months after a mass vaccination campaign (coverage: 100%) against measles a random seroepidemiological survey was carried out in students aged 1 to 19 years old in the Municipality of Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro. Blood samples were tested for measles antibodies by enzyme immunosorbent assay (EIA) and negative cases were tested again using hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and plaque reduction neutralization (PRN). Of the 798 samples tested by EIA, 718 (90.2%) were positive for measles antibodies. PRN test was more sensitive than EIA and HI in detecting measles specific antibodies. The total antibody prevalence increased from 90.2% to 93.2% when HI was employed in EIA negative specimens and to 98.9% when PRN was used. After the mass vaccination campaign a marked decrease in measles incidence was observed in the municipality studied, showing the effectiveness of the strategy used for measles control in developing countries.
OBJETIVO: Desenvolver método para planejamento e avaliação de campanhas de vacinação contra a raiva animal. MÉTODOS: O desenvolvimento da metodologia baseou-se em sistemas de informação geográfica para estimar a população e a densidade animal (canina e felina) por setores censitários e subprefeituras do municÃpio de São Paulo, em 2002. O número de postos de vacinação foi estimado para atingir uma dada cobertura vacinal. Foram utilizadas uma base de dados censitários para a população humana, e estimativas para razões cão:habitante e gato:habitante. RESULTADOS: Os números estimados foram de 1.490.500 cães e 226.954 gatos em São Paulo, uma densidade populacional de 1.138,14 animais domiciliados por km². Foram vacinados, na campanha de 2002, 926.462 animais, garantindo uma cobertura vacinal de 54%. O número total estimado de postos no municÃpio para atingir uma cobertura vacinal de 70%, vacinando em média 700 animais por posto foi de 1.729. Estas estimativas foram apresentadas em mapas de densidade animal, segundo setores censitários e subprefeituras. CONCLUSÕES: A metodologia desenvolvida pode ser aplicada de forma sistemática no planejamento e no acompanhamento das campanhas de vacinação contra a raiva, permitindo que sejam identificadas áreas de cobertura vacinal crÃtica.
Background. Rubella vaccination is contraindicated during pregnancy. During mass immunization of women of childbearing age against rubella, women unknowingly pregnant may be vaccinated. To evaluate the effects of rubella vaccination during pregnancy, the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo conducted a follow-up study of pregnant women vaccinated during a rubella campaign in 2001. Methods. Women vaccinated during pregnancy were reported to a national surveillance system. In the state of Sao Paulo, follow-up of vaccinated women included household interviews. Serum samples from vaccinated women were tested for antirubella antibodies to classify susceptibility to rubella infection. Children born to susceptible mothers were tested for evidence of congenital rubella infection and evaluated for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Results. The Sao Paulo State Health Department received 6473 notifications of women vaccinated during pregnancy. Serology performed for 5580 women identified 811 (15%) that were previously susceptible. Incidence of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth among previously susceptible vaccinated women was similar to women with prior immunity. Twenty-seven (4.7%) of 580 newborns tested had evidence of congenital rubella infection; none had congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. Mass rubella vaccination of women of childbearing age was not associated with adverse birth outcomes or congenital rubella syndrome among children born to women vaccinated during pregnancy.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe methods and challenges faced in the health impact assessment of vaccination programs, focusing on the pneumococcal conjugate and rotavirus vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS For this narrative review, we searched for the terms "rotavirus", "pneumococcal", "conjugate vaccine", "vaccination", "program", and "impact" in the databases Medline and LILACS. The search was extended to the grey literature in Google Scholar. No limits were defined for publication year. Original articles on the health impact assessment of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccination programs in Latin America and the Caribbean in English, Spanish or Portuguese were included. RESULTS We identified 207 articles. After removing duplicates and assessing eligibility, we reviewed 33 studies, 25 focusing on rotavirus and eight on pneumococcal vaccination programs. The most frequent studies were ecological, with time series analysis or comparing pre- and post-vaccination periods. The main data sources were: health information systems; population-, sentinel- or laboratory-based surveillance systems; statistics reports; and medical records from one or few health care services. Few studies used primary data. Hospitalization and death were the main outcomes assessed. CONCLUSIONS Over the last years, a significant number of health impact assessments of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccination programs have been conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean. These studies were carried out few years after the programs were implemented, meet the basic methodological requirements and suggest positive health impact. Future assessments should consider methodological issues and challenges arisen in these first studies conducted in the region.
Introduction En juin 2009, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a déclaré l’état de pandémie pour le nouveau virus influenza A(H1N1). Malgré les recommandations des autorités de santé publique, lors de la mise en place de la campagne de vaccination de masse au Québec contre ce virus pandémique, certains groupes de la population ont été plus enclins à être vaccinés que d’autres groupes. Ceci souligne l’importance des déterminants psychosociaux du comportement humain, sujet qui a donné cadre à notre étude. Objectifs Le but de cette étude a été de documenter les attitudes, les connaissances et les influences sociales des parents dont les enfants fréquentent des services de garde éducatifs (SGE) vis-à -vis la vaccination contre la pandémie ainsi que la couverture vaccinale. Méthodologie Un questionnaire auto-administré et anonyme basé sur la théorie des comportements interpersonnels de Triandis a été distribué aux parents d’enfants âgés de 0-59 mois de neuf centres de la petite enfance sur l’île de Montréal. Résultats Le taux de réponse de l’enquête a été de 32,0% (N=185). Le taux de vaccination des enfants s’est retrouvé à 83,4%; ceci représente une couverture plus élevée que la moyenne régionale et nationale. Toutefois, à une question sur l’intention des parents face à une autre pandémie, seuls 46% des parents feraient vacciner leur enfant. Les facteurs les plus significatifs associés à la vaccination de leur enfant ont été les croyances personnelles positives, de bonnes habitudes vaccinales et l’influence des média, tous mesurés par plusieurs indicateurs (RC respectifs de 7,7, 3,1 et 4,2, p<0,05). Conclusion Pour la grippe A(H1N1), plusieurs facteurs contextuels ont joué en faveur des taux de vaccination acceptables chez les enfants. Toutefois, la mise en place d’une campagne de la vaccination par les instances gouvernementales et de santé publique en utilisant divers média pourraient contribuer à un taux de vaccination encore plus élevé en cas d’épidémie ou de pandémie.
Background. Brazil conducted mass immunization of women of childbearing age in 2001 and 2002. Surveillance was initiated for vaccination of women during pregnancy to monitor the effects of rubella vaccination on fetal outcomes. Methods. Women vaccinated while pregnant or prior to conception were reported to the surveillance system. Susceptibility to rubella infection was determined by anti-rubella immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG immunoassays. Susceptible women were observed through delivery. Live-born infants were tested for anti-rubella IgM antibody; IgM-seropositive newborns were tested for viral shedding and observed for 12 months for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Incidence of congenital rubella infection was calculated using data from 7 states. Results. A total of 22 708 cases of rubella vaccination during pregnancy or prior to conception were reported nationwide, 20 536 (90%) of which were from 7 of 27 states in Brazil. Of these, 2332 women were susceptible to rubella infection at vaccination. Sixty-seven (4.1%) of 1647 newborns had rubella IgM antibody (incidence rate, 4.1 congenital infections per 100 susceptible women vaccinated during pregnancy [95% confidence interval, 3.2–5.1]). None of the infants infected with rubella vaccine virus was born with congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. As rubella elimination goals are adopted worldwide, evidence of rubella vaccine safety aids in planning and implementation of mass adult immunization.
The impact of transmission events from patients with shingles (zoster) on the epidemiology of varicella is examined before and after the introduction of mass immunization by using a stochastic mathematical model of transmission dynamics. Reactivation of the virus is shown to damp stochastic fluctuations and move the dynamics toward simple annual oscillations. The force of infection due to zoster cases is estimated by comparison of simulated and observed incidence time series. The presence of infectious zoster cases reduces the tendency for mass immunization to increase varicella incidence at older ages when disease severity is typically greater.
Mass vaccination campaigns against influenza in the elderly have been conducted in Brazil since 1999. A search of the literature on influenza in Brazil indicated that data on disease burden are still scarce and inaccurate. Published data seem to indicate that vaccination has produced some impact in the southern and southeastern regions but not in other regions of Brazil. A discussion of the technical and scientific rationale for mass immunization against influenza is presented and it is argued that the current strategy has not taken into account potential differences in disease occurrence in different areas. It is suggested some epidemiological surveillance actions needed to address major concerns regarding mass influenza vaccination and its impact in Brazil.
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine, among medical students at a public university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the acceptance of the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 vaccine during the 2010 mass immunization campaign and the vaccine safety in this group and, among unvaccinated students, the reasons for refusing vaccination. Of a total of 858 students, 678 (79%) participated in the study. Vaccination coverage was 60.4% among students aged 20 to 39 years (an age group targeted for vaccination) and 43.8% among those who did not belong to this age group. The most frequent adverse reactions to the vaccine were pain at the injection site (8.7%) and fever (7.9%). There were no serious adverse reactions. Among students aged 20 to 39 years, the most common reasons for refusing the vaccine were "lack of time" (42.4%), "fear of adverse reactions" (41.9%), and "difficult access to the vaccine" (11.5%). Other reasons for vaccine refusal were "uncertainties about vaccine safety and efficacy" and "vaccination was not needed". To increase the acceptance of the influenza vaccine, a comprehensive immunization program should be offered to these students.
OBJECTIVES: There is a continuing need to monitor and evaluate the impact of organized screening programmes on cancer incidence and mortality. We report results from a programme assessment conducted within the International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) to understand the characteristics of cervical screening programmes within countries that have established population-based breast cancer screening programmes. METHODS: In 2007-2008, we asked 26 ICSN country representatives to complete a web-based survey that included questions on breast and cervical cancer screening programmes. We summarized information from 16 countries with both types of organized programmes. RESULTS: In 63% of these countries, the organization of the cervical cancer screening programme was similar to that of the breast cancer screening programme in the same country. There were differences in programme characteristics, including year established (1962-2003 cervical; 1986-2002 breast) and ages covered (15-70+ cervical; 40-75+ breast). Adoption of new screening technologies was evident (44% liquid-based Pap tests; 13% human papillomavirus (HPV)-triage tests cervical; 56% digital mammography breast). There was wide variation in participation rates for both programme types (<4-80% cervical; 12-88% breast), and participation rates tended to be higher for cervical (70-80%) than for breast (60-70%) cancer screening programmes. Eleven ICSN member countries had approved the HPV vaccine and five more were considering its use in their organized programmes. CONCLUSION: Overall, there were similarities and differences in the organization of breast and cervical cancer screening programmes among ICSN countries. This assessment can assist established and new screening programmes in understanding the organization and structure of cancer screening programmes.
[Table des matières] 1. Problemstellung. 1.1. Programme in anderen Ländern. 1.2. Situation in der Schweiz. 2. Methodisches Vorgehen. 2.1. Dokumentationsanalyse. 2.2. Experteninterviews. 3. Resultate : Beschreibung der wesentlichen Aktivitäten zur Programmentwicklung. 3.1. Wesentliche Aktivitäten in der Schweiz vor der Einführung des KVG. 3.2. Grundeinstellung zum organisierten Mammographie-Screening. 3.3. Gesetzliche Grundlagen. 3.4. Strukturen im schweizerischen Gesundheitswesen. 3.5. Finanzierung. 3.6. Rollen und Kompetenzen. 3.7. Wirksamkeit. 3.8. Internationale Expertise. 4. Lösungsansätze.
Colorectal cancer is among the three most common and lethal neoplasms in Switzerland (about 4,000 new cases and 1,600 deaths per year, respectively). Several screening modalities are available. The effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening on mortality is established. The implementation of a successful screening intervention shall follow specified phases and conditions, and abide with global principles: pooling and coordinating efforts from all partners, setting goals and priorities, and identifying action plans. A feasibility (pilot) study is needed to verify requirements for quality, effectiveness, efficiency and innocuousness. Endeavours towards implementing a pilot programme for colorectal cancer screening in the Vaud canton (Switzerland) are presented and discussed.
Introducción. La vacunación es el resultado del esfuerzo del hombre por encontrar una protección real contra las enfermedades infecciosas. Es una de las más importantes intervenciones de salud pública sobre estas enfermedades. En una acción conjunta de las naciones del mundo, se creó el Plan Ampliado de Inmunizaciones (PAI) con el fin de alcanzar el control y la erradicación de dichas enfermedades.Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo tomando los datos de todos los niños y niñas menores de 6 años de edad, usuarios del programa de Promoción, Educación y Prevención (PEP) de la ClÃnica Infantil Colsubsidio en Bogotá, Colombia, que asistieron y fueron atendidos en el centro de vacunación de dicha institución entre el 1ro de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2005.Resultados. Se encontró registro de 7.686 menores de 6 años en la base de datos del Centro de Vacunación de la ClÃnica Infantil Colsubsidio. El 65,7% cumplieron con el esquema PAI según la edad, mientras que un 34,2% tenÃa aún el esquema PAI incompleto. Los niños (as) entre los 6 meses y los 2 años de edad con el grupo con el menor número de vacunas aplicadas pertenecientes al esquema PAI (19,8%). De los 30.984 biológicos aplicados, el 87,1% pertenecen al esquema PAI, y el 12,8% restante corresponde a los biológicos complementarios.Conclusiones. Este estudio, preliminar, muestra unas cifras alarmantes en cuanto a cobertura y vacunación, empero promueve la búsqueda de las fallas que existen para que no se esté cumpliendo con el esquema de vacunación PAI, y fortalece aún más el programa de promoción, educación y prevención PEP que se realiza en la red de salud de Colsubsidio.
Background. Rubella vaccination is contraindicated during pregnancy. During mass immunization of women of childbearing age against rubella, women unknowingly pregnant may be vaccinated. To evaluate the effects of rubella vaccination during pregnancy, the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo conducted a follow-up study of pregnant women vaccinated during a rubella campaign in 2001.Methods. Women vaccinated during pregnancy were reported to a national surveillance system. In the state of Sao Paulo, follow-up of vaccinated women included household interviews. Serum samples from vaccinated women were tested for antirubella antibodies to classify susceptibility to rubella infection. Children born to susceptible mothers were tested for evidence of congenital rubella infection and evaluated for signs of congenital rubella syndrome.Results. The Sao Paulo State Health Department received 6473 notifications of women vaccinated during pregnancy. Serology performed for 5580 women identified 811 (15%) that were previously susceptible. Incidence of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth among previously susceptible vaccinated women was similar to women with prior immunity. Twenty-seven (4.7%) of 580 newborns tested had evidence of congenital rubella infection; none had congenital rubella syndrome.Conclusions. Mass rubella vaccination of women of childbearing age was not associated with adverse birth outcomes or congenital rubella syndrome among children born to women vaccinated during pregnancy.