997 resultados para Masonry structure
This paper shows the results of an experimental analysis on the bell tower of “Chiesa della Maddalena” (Mola di Bari, Italy), to better understand the structural behavior of slender masonry structures. The research aims to calibrate a numerical model by means of the Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) method. In this way realistic conclusions about the dynamic behavior of the structure are obtained. The choice of using an OMA derives from the necessity to know the modal parameters of a structure with a non-destructive testing, especially in case of cultural-historical value structures. Therefore by means of an easy and accurate process, it is possible to acquire in-situ environmental vibrations. The data collected are very important to estimate the mode shapes, the natural frequencies and the damping ratios of the structure. To analyze the data obtained from the monitoring, the Peak Picking method has been applied to the Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) of the signals in order to identify the values of the effective natural frequencies and damping factors of the structure. The main frequencies and the damping ratios have been determined from measurements at some relevant locations. The responses have been then extrapolated and extended to the entire tower through a 3-D Finite Element Model. In this way, knowing the modes of vibration, it has been possible to understand the overall dynamic behavior of the structure.
The paper addresses certain issues pertaining to the technology of lime-stabilised steam-cured blocks used for masonry construction. Properties of lime-stabilised steam-cured blocks using expansive soils and tank bed soils have been examined. Influence of parameters like steam curing period, lime content and fly ash content on wet strength of blocks is studied. Steam curing of lime stabilised blocks at 80degreesC for about 20 hours at atmospheric pressure leads to considerably higher strengths when compared with curing under wet cloth at ambient temperatures. Clay-fly ash fractions of the mix control the optimum lime content yielding maximum strength. Long-term strength behaviour of steam-cured blocks has been monitored. The results indicate a favourable lime-clay ratio for stable long-term strength. A small-scale steam cured block production system has been designed and implemented to construct a load bearing masonry structure, thus demonstrating the potential of steam-cured block as a material for masonry construction.
Predicting damage to masonry structures due to tunnelling-induced ground movements remains a challenge for practising design engineers. Useful simplified procedures exist, but more detailed analysis has the potential to improve these procedures. This paper considers the use of finite element modelling, including non-linear constitutive laws for the soil and the structure, to simulate damage to a simple masonry structure subjected to tunnelling in sand. The numerical model is validated through comparison with the results of a series of centrifuge tests and used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of building weight and masonry damage on the structural response. Results show a direct correlation between the weight of the structure, normalised to the relative stiffness between the structure and the soil, and the modification of the settlement profile. By including a cracking model for the masonry, the reduction in structural stiffness caused by progressive masonry damage is also proven to affect the building deflection.
Eurocode 8 representing a new generation of structural design codes in Europe defines requirements for the design of buildings against earthquake action. In Central and Western Europe, the newly defined earthquake zones and corresponding design ground acceleration values, will lead in many cases to earthquake actions which are remarkably higher than those defined so far by the design codes used until now in Central Europe. In many cases, the weak points of masonry structures during an earthquake are the corner regions of the walls. Loading of masonry walls by earthquake action leads in most cases to high shear forces. The corresponding bending moment in such a wall typically causes a significant increase of the eccentricity of the normal force in the critical wall cross section. This in turn leads ultimately to a reduction of the size of the compression zone in unreinforced walls and a high concentration of normal stresses and shear stresses in the corner regions. Corner-Gap-Elements, consisting of a bearing beam located underneath the wall and made of a sufficiently strong material (such as reinforced concrete), reduce the effect of the eccentricity of the normal force and thus restricts the pinching effect of the compression zone. In fact, the deformation can be concentrated in the joint below the bearing beam. According to the principles of the Capacity Design philosophy, the masonry itself is protected from high stresses as a potential cause of brittle failure. Shaking table tests at the NTU Athens Earthquake Engineering Laboratory have proven the effectiveness of the Corner-Gap-Element. The following presentation will cover the evaluation of various experimental results as well as a numerical modeling of the observed phenomena.
The stone masonry walls are present in many buildings and historical monuments, with undeniable asset value, but also in old buildings housing both in Portugal and in Europe. Most of these buildings in masonry are in certain cases in a high state of degradation needing urgent intervention. This requires the identification of deficiencies and the application of appropriate intervention techniques. One of the possible techniques for structural consolidation works of stone masonry walls is the injection of fluid mortars currently called grouts. The choice of grouts is very important with regard in particular to their chemical and physical properties. In this study, carried out under the Master of Chemical Engineering, two types of lime-based grouts were used, in order to evaluate and compare their chemical resistance due to the crystallization of soluble salts. One of the grouts is a pre-dosed blend commercially available, Mape-Antique I from company Mapei (CA), and the second grout is a mixture prepared in the laboratory (LB), comprising metakaolin, cement, hydrated lime, water and superplasticizer. With the purpose of evaluating the action of sulphates on these grouts, a series of samples underwent several wetting-drying cycles using two different temperatures, 20 °C and 50 °C. During the experiment it was determined the change of weight and compressive strength in the analyzed grouts, as well as the sulphate ion concentration and pH of the solution in which the samples were dipped. The commercial grout (CA) apparently has a greater chemical resistance to sulphates. However grout LB showed to have positive results in some parameters.
Ein großer Teil der Schäden wie auch der Verluste an Gesundheit und Leben im Erdbebenfall hat mit dem frühzeitigen Versagen von Mauerwerksbauten zu tun. Unbewehrtes Mauerwerk, wie es in vielen Ländern üblich ist, weist naturgemäß einen begrenzten Erdbebenwiderstand auf, da Zugspannungen und Zugkräfte nicht wie bei Stahlbeton- oder Stahlbauten aufgenommen werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurde bereits mit verschiedenen Methoden versucht, die Tragfähigkeit von Mauerwerk im Erdbebenfall zu verbessern. Modernes Mauerwerk kann auch als bewehrtes oder eingefasstes Mauerwerk hergestellt werden. Bei bewehrtem Mauerwerk kann durch die Bewehrung der Widerstand bei Beanspruchung als Scheibe wie als Platte verbessert werden, während durch Einfassung mit Stahlbetonelementen in erster Linie die Scheibentragfähigkeit sowie die Verbindung zu angrenzenden Bauteilen verbessert wird. Eine andere interessante Möglichkeit ist das Aufbringen textiler Mauerwerksverstärkungen oder von hochfesten Lamellen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein ganz anderer Weg beschritten, indem weiche Fugen Spannungsspitzen reduzieren sowie eine höhere Verformbarkeit gewährleiten. Dies ist im Erdbebenfall sehr hilfreich, da die Widerstandfähigkeit eines Bauwerks oder Bauteils letztlich von der Energieaufnahmefähigkeit, also dem Produkt aus Tragfähigkeit und Verformbarkeit bestimmt wird. Wenn also gleichzeitig durch die weichen Fugen keine Schwächung oder sogar eine Tragfähigkeitserhöhung stattfindet, kann der Erdbebenwiderstand gesteigert werden. Im Kern der Dissertation steht die Entwicklung der Baukonstruktion einer Mauerwerkstruktur mit einer neuartigen Ausbildung der Mauerwerksfugen, nämlich Elastomerlager und Epoxydharzkleber anstatt üblichem Dünnbettmörtel. Das Elastomerlager wird zwischen die Steinschichten einer Mauerwerkswand eingefügt und damit verklebt. Die Auswirkung dieses Ansatzes auf das Verhalten der Mauerwerkstruktur wird unter dynamischer und quasi-statischer Last numerisch und experimentell untersucht und dargestellt.
Esta tesis se enmarca en el ámbito de la Historia de la Construcción, se estudia la Catedral de Ávila desde un punto de vista técnico, necesario para completar la visión que de esta catedral se tenía. La interpretación de la documentación de archivo, que se encontraba dispersa e inconexa, ha permitido realizar una cronología revisada y completa de las campañas constructivas para el conjunto de la Catedral, desde el siglo XI al XXI. Mediante el análisis de los Contratos de Obra e Informes, se ha puesto de relieve conocimientos de técnicas constructivas medievales. Se plantean dos hipótesis para el orden en el proceso constructivo. En la zona del Cimorro, en relación con la supresión de la tribuna, colocación de los arbotantes y construcción de la fortificación y triple almenado. En el cuerpo de las naves, referida a la posible existencia de una tribuna, colocación del sistema de contrarresto que vemos actualmente y misión del arco entibo del coro. Se ha analizado la estabilidad estructural de la Catedral bajo el marco teórico del Análisis Límite para Estructuras de Fábrica, utilizando la restitución gráfica procedente del levantamiento topográfico realizado. Estos análisis han servido como comprobación de las hipótesis planteadas, por realizarse tanto para la situación actual como para las diferentes campañas constructivas propuestas. Se ha comprobado la validez de las reglas geométricas tradicionales para el análisis de la estructuras de fábrica en los elementos principales de la estructura gótica. Esta tesis incrementa el conocimiento de la historia mecánica del edificio interpretando el funcionamiento mecánico de sus arbotantes, proyectados de forma atípica, y la colocación de los arcos entibo y codales para conseguir la estabilidad del conjunto. La tesis cuenta con un anexo que recopila una extensa documentación gráfica: planimetría, iconografía y fotografía histórica; la trascripción inédita del Contrato de obra para la Capilla de San Segundo y un anexo de cálculo de la zona del Cimorro y del Cuerpo de Naves. This thesis aims to the field of Construction History. The Cathedral of Ávila is studied from a technical point of view, which was necessary to complete the existing knowledge about this Cathedral. The interpretation of archive documentation, which was disperse and unconnected before this work, has allowed the proposal of a revised and complete chronology of the diverse building stages of the Cathedral, dating from the XI century to the XXI century. The analysis of work contracts and of reports has revealed knowledge of medieval construction techniques. Two hypotheses are presented about the order in the construction process. The first hypothesis concerning the destruction of the tribune, the placing of the flying buttress and the building of the fortification and triple system of battlement in the area of the “Cimorro”. The second hypothesis regarding the naves: the possible existence of a tribune, the placing of the system of counterthrust, which can currently be seen, and the function of the “entibo” arch in the choir. The Structural Stability of the Cathedral has been analysed within the theoretical Framework of Limit Analysis to Masonry Structure, by using of the drawing proceeding from our lifting topographical. These analyses have proven the presented hypotheses, since they have been applied to the current situation as well as to the several building stage proposed in the chronology. The validity of the traditional geometric rules for the analysis of the masonry structure in the core elements of Gothic structures has been verified. This thesis increases the knowledge of the mechanical history of the building by interpreting the mechanical working of the flying buttress in an atypical arrangement and the placing of the “entibo” arch and “codal” arch in order to obtain the stability of the monument. The thesis incorporates supplementary material which can be categorized in three groups: 1) extensive graphic documentation (planning, iconography and history photography); 2) the hitherto unknown transcription of the “CONTRATO DE OBRA PARA LA CAPILLA DE SAN SEGUNDO”; 3) an appendix of Analysis of Calculation for the “Cimorro” and the naves.
The paper presents the analysis of an important historical building: the Saint James Theater in the city of Corfù (Greece) actually used as the Municipality House. The building, located in the center of the city, is made of carves stones and is characterized by a stocky shape and by the presence of wooden floors. The study deals with the structural identification of such structure through the analysis of its ambient vibrations recorded by means of accelerometers with high accuracy. A full dynamic testing was developed using ambient vibrations to identify the main modal parameters and to make a non-destructive characterization of this building. The results of these dynamic tests are compared with the modal analysis of a complex finite element (FE) simulation of the structure. This analysis may present several problems and uncertainties for this stocky building. Due to the presence of wooden floors, the local modes can be highly excited and, as a consequence, the evaluation of the structural modal parameters presents some difficulties.
Analytical methods provide a global context from which to understand the dynamics of stone spires, but computational and experimental methods are useful to predict more specific behavior of multiple block structures. In this paper, the spire of St. Mary Magdalene church in Waltham-on-the-Wolds, UK, which was damaged in the 2008 Lincolnshire Earthquake, is used as a case study. Both a physical model and a discrete element computational model of the spire were created and used to investigate collapse under constant horizontal acceleration, impulse base motion, and earthquake ground motion. Results indicate that the global behavior compares well with analytical modeling, but local block displacements evident in DEM and experimental results also reduce the stability of the structure. In this context, the observed damage to St. Mary Magdalene church is evaluated and discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Excavation works in urban areas require a preliminary risk damage assessment. In historical cities, the prediction of building response to settlements is necessary to reduce the risk of damage of the architectural heritage. The current method used to predict the building damage due to ground deformations is the Limiting Tensile Strain Method (LTSM). In this approach the building is modelled as an elastic beam subjected to imposed Greenfield settlements and the induced tensile strains are compared with a limit value for the material. These assumptions can lead to a non realistic evaluation of the damage. In this paper, the possibility to apply a settlement risk assessment derived from the seismic vulnerability approach is considered. The parameters that influence the structural response to settlements can be defined through numerical analyses which take into account the nonlinear behaviour of masonry and the soil-structure interaction. The effects of factors like material quality, geometry of the structure, amount of openings, type of foundation or the actual state of preservation can be included in a global vulnerability index, which should indicate the building susceptibility to damage by differential settlements of a given magnitude. Vulnerability curves will represent the expected damage of each vulnerability class of building as a function of the settlement.
Settlements due to underground construction represent a risk for the architectural heritage, especially in The Netherlands, because of the combination of soft soil, fragile pile foundation and brittle, un-reinforced masonry façade. Modelling of soil-structure interaction is fundamental to assess the risk of building damage due to tunnelling. This paper presents results of finite element analyses carried out with different models for a simple masonry wall. Focus is paid on the comparison between coupled, uncoupled and semi-coupled analyses, in which the soil-structure interaction is represented in different ways. In particular, the implementation of a soil-structure interface model in the numerical analyses is analysed, in order to asses its validity. The aim of the research project is the development of a damage classification system for different building typologies.
In this paper, the transverse rocking mechanism of a barrel vaulted structure subjected to horizontal cyclic loads is analysed by means of experimental tests on full scale model and by means of non-linear FE analyses. The study is part of an ongoing experimental and theoretical research program, developed by the University of Brescia, concerning the seismic behaviour of ancient masonry buildings. The scope of the paper is to provide some evidence of the rocking mechanism experienced by barrel vaulted structures under horizontal loading. The understanding of the behaviour of these structural systems is necessary for their seismic vulnerability assessment, as well as for the correct design of possible strengthening techniques. A numeric FE model was validated through comparison with the experimental results and it was used to verify the efficiency of two common strengthening solutions: the technique of the overlaying reinforced concrete slab and the technique of the thin spandrel walls. Experimental and numeric results will be discussed in the paper.
Externally bonding of FRP composites is an effective technique for retrofitting historical masonry arch structures. A major failure mode in such strengthened structures is the debonding of FRP from the masonry. The bond behaviour between FRP and masonry thus plays a crucial role in these structures. Major challenges exist in the finite element modelling of such structures, such as modelling of mixed Mode-I and Mode-II bond behaviour between the FRP and the curved masonry substrate, modelling of existing damages in the masonry arches, consideration of loading history in the unstrengthened and strengthened structure etc. This paper presents a rigorous FE model for simulating FRP strengthened masonry arch structures. A detailed solid model was developed for simulating the masonry and a mixed-mode interface model was used for simulating the FRP-to-masonry bond behaviour. The model produces results in very close agreement with test results.
Masonry arch bridges are one of the oldest forms of bridge construction and have been around for thousands of years. Brick and stone arch bridges have proven to be highly durable as most of them have remained serviceable after hundreds of years. In contrast, many bridges built of modern materials have required extensive repair and strengthening after being in service for a relatively short part of their design life. This paper describes the structural monitoring of a novel flexible concrete arch known as: FlexiArchTM. This is a bridge system that can be transported as a flat-pack system to form an arch in-situ by the use of a flexible polymeric membrane. The system has been developed under a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and Macrete Ltd. Tievenameena Bridge in Northern Ireland was a replacement bridge for the Northern Ireland Roads Service and was monitored under different axle loadings using a range of sensors including discrete fiber optic Bragg gratings to measure the change in strain in the arch ring under live loading. This paper discusses the results of a laboratory model study carried out at QUB. A scaled arch system was loaded with a simulated moving axle. Various techniques were used to monitor the arch under the moving axle load with particular emphasis on the interaction of the arch ring and engineered backfill.