247 resultados para Masks
During this outbreak of swine influenza, many people have questions regarding the best way to protect themselves from becoming ill with the virus and, if you are ill, how to prevent spread of the disease to others.
Climate change affects the rate of insect invasions as well as the abundance, distribution and impacts of such invasions on a global scale. Among the principal analytical approaches to predicting and understanding future impacts of biological invasions are Species Distribution Models (SDMs), typically in the form of correlative Ecological Niche Models (ENMs). An underlying assumption of ENMs is that species-environment relationships remain preserved during extrapolations in space and time, although this is widely criticised. The semi-mechanistic modelling platform, CLIMEX, employs a top-down approach using species ecophysiological traits and is able to avoid some of the issues of extrapolation, making it highly applicable to investigating biological invasions in the context of climate change. The tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) comprise some of the most successful invasive species and serious economic pests around the world. Here we project 12 tephritid species CLIMEX models into future climate scenarios to examine overall patterns of climate suitability and forecast potential distributional changes for this group. We further compare the aggregate response of the group against species-specific responses. We then consider additional drivers of biological invasions to examine how invasion potential is influenced by climate, fruit production and trade indices. Considering the group of tephritid species examined here, climate change is predicted to decrease global climate suitability and to shift the cumulative distribution poleward. However, when examining species-level patterns, the predominant directionality of range shifts for 11 of the 12 species is eastward. Most notably, management will need to consider regional changes in fruit fly species invasion potential where high fruit production, trade indices and predicted distributions of these flies overlap.
This paper illustrates the opportunities afforded by the adoption of postcolonial discourse in development geography, drawing specifically on issues of transnationalism, hybridity and inbetweeness. The utility of such notions and associated approaches is illustrated by the authors' current research on the migration of young, second generation and foreign-born 'Bajan-Brits' to the small Caribbean island nation of Barbados, the homeland of their parents. Focussing on issues of 'race' and gender, the paper examines the experiences of return migration among this cohort from an interpretative perspective framed within postcolonial discourse. It argues that notwithstanding the considerable sociocultural problems of adjustment encountered, these Bajan-Brit 'returnees' may be seen as occupying positions of relative economic privilege. Theirs is a liminal space derived by virtue of having been born and/or raised in the UK and being of the black 'race'. Accordingly, they are demonstrated to be both advantaged and disadvantaged; both transnational and national; and black but, in some senses, symbolically white.
Facially wounded soldiers of the First World War were, despite progress in plastic surgery, a particularly uncomfortable presence in war and post-war societies. Their self-perception and relationships with others are indicative of political, social, and emotional issues. Their treatment was not on a par with that of other veterans. In some instances, masks and attachments were used to cover the damaged features. They protected both the victim and the onlooker (i.e. society). This article analyses the practical and symbolic functions of masks in France and Great Britain. Drawing upon both artistic representations and historical documents, I argue that ultimately, what is perceived as an alien object is not the mask but the face behind it, and therewith the uncomfortable memory of the war itself.
Parylenes are poly(p-xylylene) polymers that are widely used as moisture barriers and in biomedicine because of their good biocompatibility. We have investigated MeV ion beam lithography using 16O+ ions for writing defined patterns in Parylene-C, which is evaluated as a coating material for the Cochlear Implant (CI) electrode array, a neuroprosthesis to treat some forms of deafness. Parylene-C and -F on silicon and glass substrates as well as 50 μm thick PTFE were irradiated to different fluences (1×1013-1×10161×1013-1×1016 1 MeV 16O+ ions cm−2) through aperture masks under high vacuum and a low pressure (<10−3 mbar) oxygen atmosphere. Biocompatibility of the irradiated and unirradiated surfaces was tested by cell-counting to determine the proliferation of murine spiral ganglion cells. The results reveal that an oxygen ion beam can be used to pattern Parylene-C and -F without using a liquid solvent developer in a similar manner to PTFE but with a ∼25× smaller removal rate. Biocompatibility tests showed no difference in cell adhesion between irradiated and unirradiated areas or ion fluence dependence. Coating the Parylene surface with an adhesion-promoting protein mixture had a much greater effect on cell proliferation.
El principal objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación de la eficiencia de filtros y máscaras destinados a la protección de los trabajadores contra partículas sólidas respirables. Se ha diseñado un dispositivo que simula los ciclos respiratorios del ser humano de forma automática. Filtros y máscaras se ensayan en el interior de una cámara, en una atmósfera controlada, y se introducen partículas de polvo en suspensión en su interior. Las partículas de polvo pasan a través de los filtros y se toma una muestra en vía húmeda. Se toma una muestra de polvo después de pasar por los filtros y se compara con la inicial, en una forma cualitativa y cuantitativa, mediante gravimetría y difracción laser. Analizados los resultados, se ha observado una variabilidad significativa en la eficiencia de máscaras y filtros pertenecientes a una misma categoría, por lo que se han sugerido recomendaciones a la normativa actual.
Video Quality Assessment needs to correspond to human perception. Pixel-based metrics (PSNR or MSE) fail in many circumstances for not taking into account the spatio-temporal property of human's visual perception. In this paper we propose a new pixel-weighted method to improve video quality metrics for artifacts evaluation. The method applies a psychovisual model based on motion, level of detail, pixel location and the appearance of human faces, which approximate the quality to the human eye's response. Subjective tests were developed to adjust the psychovisual model for demonstrating the noticeable improvement of an algorithm when weighting the pixels according to the factors analyzed instead of treating them equally. The analysis developed demonstrates the necessity of models adapted to the specific visualization of contents and the model presents an advance in quality to be applied over sequences when a determined artifact is analyzed.
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