896 resultados para Marxist philosophy


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Aquest TFG analitza el valor revolucionari que el filòsof francès Louis Althusser atorga a l'obra de Karl Marx, posant especial èmfasi en la caracterització del marxisme com una ciència objectiva, els criteris per abastir un veritable coneixement i les crítiques althusserianes a les corrents 'humanistes' del marxisme. El treball també ofereix una aproximació a l'adequació de l'obra d'Althusser com a eina per caracteritzar i recolzar el moviments de reacció ciutadana desenvolupats dins el context de la crisi econòmica de finals de la primera dècada del segle XXI.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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The assumptions of Marxist philosophy helps us understand the inherent contradictions of the historical process. The category mode of production is understood as the means and the ends for which mankind produces and reproduces reality objectively and subjectively. The temporal evolution of the mode of production has spurred antagonistic social classes, which are the world capitalist bourgeoisie and proletariat. At the rise of the current mode of production each class produced a pedagogy according to your interests. The proposal of the workers is centered on unity between teaching and non-alienated labor, enabling the development of human potential and building a new social order. The last historical period was marked by the implementation of the neoliberal agenda to reduce social spending and market liberalization. The educational reforms of the state of São Paulo followed the same goals. From the program São Paulo Faz Escola, São Paulo School Curriculum was introduced in the State of São Paulo, which integrates several documents. The Student Notebook, separated by discipline and delivered bimonthly to students of public schools, is one of those publications. Specifically, the physics notebook brings a content with no depth, where theories are presented by minimizing the mathematical formalism for a broad education that meets the needs for dynamize the economy


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El ejercicio filosófico de raíz marxista en Chile tiene un capítulo escrito por los intelectuales comunistas de la década del 60 del siglo XX. Uno de ellos, Sergio Vuskovic, se abocó a discutir con las tesis althusserianas que identificaron la teorización de Marx como un antihumanismo teórico. Para oponerse a tal perspectiva, Vuskovic realiza una operación teórica al interior de la obra de Marx con el objetivo de afirmar la categoría de sujeto, así como la interna relación entre ejercicio teórico y praxis socio-histórica.


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This paper critically examines the liberation theology of José Porfirio Miranda, as expressed in his Marx and the Bible (1971), with a focus on the central idea (and subtitle) of this work: the “Critique of the Philosophy of Oppression.” Miranda’s critique is examined via certain key tropes such as “power,” “justice,” and “freedom,” both in the context of late twentieth-century Latin American society, and in the state of the “post-Christian” and “post-Marxist” world more generally, vis-à-vis contemporary liberal justice theory. Close examination of the potentialities, paradoxes and subtle evasions in Miranda’s critique leads not to the conclusion that Miranda does not go far enough in his application of Christian principles to justice theory.


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During the last decade Castoriadis’ questioning has become a reference point in contemporary social theory. In this article I examine some of the key notions in Castoriadis’ work and explore how he strives to develop a theory on the irreducible creativity in the radical imagination of the individual and in the institution of the social-historical sphere. Firstly, I briefly discuss his conception of modern capitalism as bureaucratic capitalism, a view initiated by his criticism of the USSR regime. The following break up with Marxist theory and his psychoanalytic interests empowered him to criticize Lacan and read Freud in an imaginative, though unorthodox, fashion. I argue that this critical enterprise assisted greatly Castoriadis in his conception of the radical imaginary and in his unveiling of the political aspects of psychoanalysis. On the issue of the radical imaginary and its methodological repercussions, I’m focusing mainly on the radical imagination of the subject and its importance in the transition from the ‘‘psychic’’ to the ‘‘subject’’. Taking up the notion of “Being” as a starting point, I examine the notion of autonomy, seeking its roots in the ancient Greek world. By looking at notions such as “praxis”, “doing”, “project” and “elucidation”, I show how Castoriadis sought to redefine revolution as a means for social and individual autonomy. Finally I attempt to clarify the meaning of “democracy” and “democratic society” in the context of the social imaginary and its creations, the social imaginary significations.


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Despite his significance in early modern Germany, where he was well-known as a political and moral philosopher, jurist, lay-theologian, social and educational reformer, Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) is little known in the world of Anglophone scholarship. 1 Unlike those of his mentor, Samuel Pufendorf, none of Thomasius's works was translated into English, when, at the end of the seventeenth century, English thinkers were searching for a final settlement to the religious question. None has been translated since. Moreover, while Thomasius has been subject to increasing scholarly attention in Germany since the 1970s, where he has been treated largely as a representative of the "early Enlightenment," there is very little secondary literature on him in English. 2 Things are however beginning to change in this regard, with recent research already giving rise to important new Anglophone books and essays. 3 Knud Haakonssen's article on [End Page 595] Thomasius for the new Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy might well be a straw in the wind


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Over the last 50 years a new research area, science education research, has arisen and undergone singular development worldwide. In the specific case of Brazil, research in science education first appeared systematically 40 years ago, as a consequence of an overall renovation in the field of science education. This evolution was also related to the political events taking place in the country. We will use the theoretical work of Rene Kaes on the development of groups and institutions as a basis for our discussion of the most important aspects that have helped the area of science education research develop into an institution and kept it operating as such. The growth of this area of research can be divided into three phases: The first was related to its beginning and early configurations; the second consisted of a process of consolidation of this institution; and the third consists of more recent developments, characterised by a multiplicity of research lines and corresponding challenges to be faced. In particular, we will analyse the special contributions to this study gleaned from the field known as the history and philosophy of science.


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In 1966 the Brazilian physicist Klaus Tausk (b. 1927) circulated a preprint from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, criticizing Adriana Daneri, Angelo Loinger, and Giovanni Maria Prosperi`s theory of 1962 on the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. A heated controversy ensued between two opposing camps within the orthodox interpretation of quantum theory, represented by Leon Rosenfeld and Eugene P. Wigner. The controversy went well beyond the strictly scientific issues, however, reflecting philosophical and political commitments within the context of the Cold War, the relationship between science in developed and Third World countries, the importance of social skills, and personal idiosyncrasies.