915 resultados para Marsh, Moira
Humic substances (HS) from salt marsh soils were characterized and the relationships among HS composition and some geochemical factors were analysed. For this, three salt marshes with the same vegetation cover (Juncus maritimus), but with different geochemical characteristics, were selected. The qualitative characterization of the soil humic acids and fulvic acids was carried out by elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and VACP/MAS (13)C NMR spectroscopy. HS from salt marsh soils under sea rush (Juncus maritimus) displayed some shared characteristics such as low degree of humification, low aromatic content and high proportion of labile compounds, mainly polysaccharides and proteins. However, although the three salt marsh soils under study were covered by the same type of vegetation, the HS showed some important differences. HS composition was found to be determined not only by the nature of the original organic material, but also by environmental factors such as soil texture, redox conditions and tidal influence. In general. an increase in the humification process appeared to be related to aerobic conditions and predominance of sand in the mineral fraction of the soil, while the preservation of labile organic compounds may be associated with low redox potential values and fine soil texture. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Studies were conducted at sites in south-cast Queensland, Australia, to investigate the effect of habitat modification for mosquito control on the distribution of eggshells of the salt marsh mosquito, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse). Modifications were mainly tunnelling, but an Open Marsh Water Management (OMWM) site and a grid-ditched site were also included. There were two separate experimental designs: one was data collected Before and After (BA) modification and the other was for other sites with a Treatment and Control (TC) experimental design. For the BA data, there were significant reductions in eggshells after modification. Eggshells were generally fewer after modification in areas which were close to unrestricted tidal flushing. A sandy substrate and vegetation changes which resulted in reduced Sporobolus virginicus or mixed Sporobolus and Sarcocornia quinqueflora also contributed to the effect. In the TC experiment, there was no effect of modification at the tunnelled site, eggshells were fewer at the OMWM site, but there were more eggshells at the grid-ditched site. There was some general indication that recent oviposition activity was reduced in sites that had been modified, evidenced by a relatively small proportion of young (dark coloured) eggshells.
Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) is one of the most exposed large mammals in South America. To aid in the conservation management of the species, nine polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and tested on up to 50 animals, showing 3-12 alleles and expected heterozygosity values varying from 0.69 to 0.89. These markers should be of considerable utility in future population and ecological genetics studies of this species. The marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) is the biggest South American species of deer. Originally distributed across a large part of South America, stretching from the south bank of the Amazon river to northern Argentina, significant wild populations are now restricted to the Pantanal, swamplands that cover about 40% of southwest Brazil. The marsh deer is listed as Vulnerable on the Red List of the IUCN. Three populations of the species from three areas in the Parana River basin (between the states of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul) were recently studied by observing protein polymorphism at 17 loci (Oliveira et al. 2005). Now we are presenting data about isolation of microsatellite markers to improve the results regarding population structure.
210Pb and 210Po concentration in fish tissues from Peníscola marsh were analyzed, being this area a radioactive naturally enhanced marsh located in the East coast of Spain. Results showed that 210Po accumulation in tissues could reach values ranging from 28±8 Bq kg-1 in muscle of Cyprinus carpio, to 8558±6378 Bq kg-1 in gut content of Chelon labrosus. On the other hand, 210Pb concentrations ranged from 8±4 Bq kg-1 in muscle of Cyprinus carpio, to 475±481 Bq kg-1 in gut content of Chelon labrosus. Bioaccumulation pattern is generally 210Po&210Pb, except in spine, where more 210Pb than 210Po is accumulated. When comparing our samples to those collected as blanks, individuals from Peníscola marsh showed an enrichment in 210Po and 210Pb in their tissues compared to the blanks. Bioaccumulation factors showed that feeding is the major input route of 210Pb and 210Po into the fish body. Highest values of 210Pb and 210Po concentration in tissues were found on Chelon labrosus and Carassius auratus, being Cyprinus carpio the species with the lowest average values of 210Pb and 210Po accumulation.
The genus Johnsonius Marsh includes five species, most of them known from Costa Rica and one known from Venezuela, Peru and Costa Rica. Two of these species and two new species were recently collected in Atlantic rain forest. Description of the new species, illustrations of some morphological characters, a key for identification of all known species and the new geographic records are presented.
The water-frog L-E system, widespread in Western Europe, comprises the pool frog Pelophylax lessonae and the hybridogenetic edible frog P. esculentus, which originated from hybridization between pool frogs and marsh frogs (P. ridibundus). In P. esculentus, the lessonae (L) genome is eliminated during meiosis and has to be gained anew each generation from a P. lessonae partner, while the ridibundus (R') genome is transmitted clonally. It therefore accumulates deleterious mutations, so that R'R' offspring from P. esculentus x P. esculentus crosses are normally unviable. This system is now threatened by invasive P. ridibundus (RR) imported from Eastern Europe and the Balkans. We investigated the genetic interactions between invasive marsh frogs and native water frogs in a Swiss wetland area, and used genetic data collected in the field to validate several components of a recently postulated mechanism of species replacement. We identified neo-ridibundus individuals derived from crosses between invasive ridibundus and native esculentus, as well as newly arisen hybridogenetic esculentus lineages stemming from crosses between invasive ridibundus (RR) and native lessonae (LL). As their ridibundus genomes are likely to carry less deleterious mutations, such lineages are expected to produce viable ridibundus offspring, contributing to species replacement. However, such crosses with invasive ridibundus only occurred at a limited scale; moreover, RR x LL crosses did not induce any introgression from the ridibundus to the lessonae genome. We did not find any ridibundus stemming from crosses between ancient esculentus lineages. Despite several decades of presence on the site, introduced ridibundus individuals only represent 15% of sampled frogs, and their spatial distribution seems shaped by specific ecological requirements rather than history of colonization. We therefore expect the three taxa to coexist stably in this area.
The Marsh Rainbow Arch Bridge is a patented bridge design by James Barney Marsh, a graduate of Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (now Iowa State University). Around the turn of the 20th Century, reinforced concrete was introduced in Iowa as an important new bridge construction material. Marsh used the new technology to encased steel truss arches in concrete to produce a sturdy yet esthetic arch bridge. This booklet touches on the important aspects of Marsh's life, business and industrial contributions.
This is Special Report no. 43 that studies habitat changes and the affects on marsh birds. It covers the history of vegetation and birds of two marshes, Little Wall and Goose Lake, in Iowa for a 5-year period beginning in 1958 at the culmination of a series of drought years in central Iowa.
Variations in water volume in small depressions in Mediterranean salt marshes in Girona (Spain) are described and the potential causes for these variations analysed. Although the basins appear to be endorrheic, groundwater circulation is intense, as estimated from the difference between water volume observed and that expected from the balance precipitation / evaporation. The rate of variation in volume (VR = AV / VAt) may be used to estimate groundwater supply ('circulation'), since direct measurements of this parameter are impossible. Volume.conductivity figures can also be used to estimate the quantity of circulation, and to investigate the origin of water supplied to the system. The relationships between variations in the volume of water in the basins and the main causes of flooding are also analysed. Sea storms, rainfall levels and strong, dry northerly winds are suggested as the main causes of the variations in the volumes of basins. The relative importance assigned to these factors has changed, following the recent regulation of freshwater flows entering the system
Modelos matemáticos são úteis para estimar o impacto das infestantes nas culturas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: elucidar a interação de Solanum nigrum (ervamoira ou maria-pretinha) com o tomateiro no sistema de sementeira direta e transplantado; e avaliar o impacto de diferentes densidades de infestação e períodos de tempo de competição na quantidade de frutos do tomateiro. Entre os anos 1991 e 2001, foram conduzidos cinco experimentos em campo na região tomaticultora de Portugal. Os experimentos seguiram o método aditivo, mantendo-se constante a densidade da cultura, enquanto o número de ervas-moiras variou entre 0 e 6 plantas m-2. Outro fator avaliado foi o período de convivência da infestante na cultura, incluindo os períodos do transplante/semeadura e o início da floração até a colheita. Os resultados de perda de produção foram ajustados aos modelos linear e hiperbólico. O comportamento das perdas de produção nas densidades mais baixas de erva-moira é do tipo linear. A erva-moira é uma espécie muito competitiva em relação ao tomateiro tanto quando a cultura é semeada quanto quando é transplantada. As perdas de produção foram maiores quando a cultura foi semeada, em comparação com a transplantada.
Letter (unsigned) to R.A. Lucas suggesting that the mapping of the marsh be put off until after the next meeting. The rest of the letter deals with licenses, Nov. 29, 1882.
Memo about the Point Pelee Marsh in which the writer [S.D. Woodruff] states that a considerable portion of this marsh is a Government Naval Reserve which the South Essex Gun Club has leased from the Dominion Government for a period of 21 years. The club is comprised of several men who have applied for and act of incorporation by the Long Point and Turkey Point Companies, n.d.