997 resultados para Marginal upland environments


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Climate controls upland habitats, soils and their associated ecosystem services; therefore, understanding possible changes in upland climatic conditions can provide a rapid assessment of climatic vulnerability over the next century. We used 3 different climatic indices that were optimised to fit the upland area classified by the EU as a Severely Disadvantaged Area (SDA) 1961–1990. Upland areas within the SDA covered all altitudinal ranges, whereas the maximum altitude of lowland areas outside of the SDA was ca. 300 m. In general, the climatic index based on the ratio between annual accumulated temperature (as a measure of growing season length) and annual precipitation predicted 96% of the SDA mapped area, which was slightly better than those indices based on annual or seasonal water deficit. Overall, all climatic indices showed that upland environments were exposed to some degree of change by 2071–2100 under UKCIP02 climate projections for high and low emissions scenarios. The projected area declined by 13 to 51% across 3 indices for the low emissions scenario and by 24 to 84% for the high emissions scenario. Mean altitude of the upland area increased by +11 to +86 m for the low scenario and +21 to +178 m for the high scenario. Low altitude areas in eastern and southern Great Britain were most vulnerable to change. These projected climatic changes are likely to affect upland habitat composition, long-term soil carbon storage and wider ecosystem service provision, although it is not yet possible to determine the rate at which this might occur.


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Abandonment of farming systems on upland areas in southwest Britain during the Late Bronze Age – some 3000 years ago – is widely considered a ‘classic’ demonstration of the impact of deteriorating climate on the vulnerability of populations in such marginal environments. Here we test the hypothesis
that climate change drove the abandonment of upland areas by developing new chronologies for humanactivity on upland areas during the Bronze Age across southwest Britain (Dartmoor, Exmoor and Bodmin Moor). We find Bronze Age activity in these areas spanned 3900–2950 calendar years ago with abandonment by 2900 calendar years ago. Holocene Irish bog and lake oak tree populations provide evidence of major shifts in hydroclimate across western Britain and Ireland, coincident with ice rafted debris layers recognized in North Atlantic marine sediments, indicating significant changes in the latitude and intensity of zonal atmospheric circulation across the region. We observe abandonment of
upland areas in southwest Britain coinciding with a sustained period of extreme wet conditions that commenced 3100 calendar years ago. Our results are consistent with the view that climate change increased the vulnerability of these early farming communities and led to a less intensive use of such marginal environments across Britain.


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One of the main objectives of the mid-Atlantic transect is to improve dating resolution of sequences and unconfonnity surfaces. Dinoflagellate cysts from two Ocean Drilling Program boreholes, the onshore Leg 174AX Ocean View Site and Leg 174A continental shelf Site 1071, are used to provide age estimates for sequences and unconfonnities fonned on the New Jersey continental margin during the Miocene epoch. Despite the occasional lack of dinocysts in barren and oxidized sections, dinocyst biochronology still offers greater age control than that provided by other microfossils in marginal marine environments. An early Miocene to late Miocene chronology based on ages detennined for the two study sites is presented. In addition, .palynofacies are used to unravel the systems tract character of the Miocene sequences and provide insight into the effects of taphonomy and preservation of palynomorphs in marginal marine and shelf environments under different ~ea level conditions. More precise placement of maximum flooding surfaces is possible through the identification of condensed sections and palynofacies shifts can also reveal subaerially exposed sections and surfaces not apparent in seismic or lithological analyses. The problems with the application of the pollen record in the interpretation of Miocene climate are also discussed. Palynomorphs provide evidence for a second-order lowering of sea level during the Miocene, onto which higher order sea level fluctuations are super-imposed. Correlation of sequences and unconfonnities is attempted between onshore boreholes and from the onshore Ocean View borehole to offshore Site 1071.


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This study on the Mio–Pliocene ostracod successions of southeast Australia outlines several faunal events indicative of climate warming and/or increased rainfall events. Ostracod faunas associated with a late Late Miocene sea level rise event suggest that the climate of this time in southeast Australia was similar to, or slightly warmer than that of present day southeast Australia. However, it was probably wetter and significantly warmer than immediately preceding (mid Late Miocene) palaeoclimatic conditions within the region. Evidence for a change to wetter and warmer conditions during the late Late Miocene is seen in the appearance of various extant euryhaline and semi-thermophilic ostracod species in coastal ostracod faunas. The appearance of euryhaline species, which are mostly absent from older shallow marine Cenozoic strata of the Bass Strait hinterland, suggests a major influx of fresh water into coastal marine settings, which contributed to the initial phase of development of the southeast Australian late Neogene barrier coastline and associated marginal marine palaeoenvironments.

During the time interval latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene, and during the early Late Pliocene, two subsequent global sea level rise events are also preserved in the southeast Australian coastal plain. Many of the species present in ostracod faunas associated with these two events are the same as in older local late Late Miocene faunas. In earliest (?) Pliocene faunas, there is minor evidence for the reappearance of semi-thermophilic ostracods. Faunas of early Late Pliocene age often exhibit a conspicuous faunal dominance by, or large abundance of euryhaline species, indicating the particularly strong influence of fresh water influxes into coastal marine palaeoenvironments. This may reflect the presence of especially wet local temperate palaeoclimatic conditions during a time of equable global climates.

Succeeding estuarine, lagoonal and coastal embayment ostracod faunas of late Late Pliocene age are associated with marginal marine sediments that are interbedded with coastal dune aeolianites. This suggests an overall seaward retreat of marginal marine environments that was initiated by a major global sea level fall linked to the onset of cooler Late Pliocene and Quaternary global climates.


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The broad-scale distribution of fossils within Victoria is controlled by general global patterns in the biological evolution of life on Earth, the local development and environmental evolution of habitats, and the occurrence of geological processes conducive to the preservation of fossil floras and faunas. Early Palaeozoic fossils are mostly marine in origin because of the predominance of marine sedimentary rocks in Victoria and because life on land was not significant during most of this time interval. Middle Palaeozoic sequences have both terrestrial and marine fossil records. Within Victoria, marine rocks are only very minor components of strata deposited during the late Palaeozoic, so that few marine fossils are known from this time period. A similar situation existed during most of the Mesozoic except towards the end of this era when marine conditions began to prevail in the Bass Strait region. During long intervals in the Cainozoic, large areas of Victoria were flooded by shallow-marine seas, particularly in the southern basins of Bass Strait, as well as in the northwest of the State (Murray Basin). Cainozoic sediments contain an extraordinary range of animal and plant fossils. During the Quaternary, the landscape of Victoria became, and continues to be, dominated by continental environments including, at times, extensive freshwater lake systems. Fossil floras and faunas from sediments deposited in these lake systems and from other continental sediments, as well as from Quaternary sediments deposited in marginal marine environments, collectively record a history of rapid fluctuations in climate and sea level.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a estrutura da assembléia de macroinvertebrados bentônicos no médio rio Xingu, estimando a produção secundária anual. Dois ambientes no setor do médio rio Xingu foram estudados, um lêntico (lago da Ilha Grande) e o canal principal. No lago foram realizadas coletas nos habitats marginal e profundo, utilizando amostrador tipo core e uma draga Ekiman-Birge; já nos habitats de corredeira e remanso no canal principal, os organismos foram coletados com uma rede tipo surber e core. As coletas ocorerram durante 12 meses abrangendo o período de cheia (janeiro a maio) e da seca (junho a dezembro) local. Foram coletados um total de 23.432 indivíduos da macrofauna bentônica, referentes a 43 táxons, 8 classes e 4 filos. Os insetos e gastrópodes corresponderam, respectivamente, a 47% e 36% do total de exemplares capturados. A maior diversidade de táxons foi registrada para os ambientes de corredeiras. O ambiente de remanso do rio por sua vez foi muito similar em riqueza de espécies, ao ambiente marginal do lago. A densidade média no período de seca foi de 1.605,75 ind.m-2, e no período da cheia de 894,43 ind.m-2. Leptophlebiidae, Hydropsychidae e Chironomidae, com 29,0%, 21,4% e 13,1%, respectivamente contribuíram com a maior abundância no ambiente de rio. Já para o lago, os Chironomidae (34,6%) Oligochaeta (23,2%), Chaoboridade (14,7%) e Nematoda (14,5%) contribuíram com a maior proporção da densidade. As diferenças encontradas nas assembléias de macroinvertebrados entre habitats foram relacionadas a diferenças de oxigênio dissolvido e nutrientes. Os ambientes de corredeira foram os mais diferenciados de todos os habitats estudados.


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Twenty-three core catcher samples from Site 1166 (Hole 1166A) in Prydz Bay were analyzed for their palynomorph content, with the aims of determining the ages of the sequence penetrated, providing information on the vegetation of the Antarctic continent at this time, and determining the environments under which deposition occurred. Dinocysts, pollen and spores, and foraminiferal test linings were recovered from most samples in the interval from 142.5 to 362.03 meters below seafloor (mbsf). The interval from 142.5 to 258.72 mbsf yielded palynomorphs indicative of a middle-late Eocene age, equivalent to the lower-middle Nothofagidites asperus Zone of the Gippsland Basin of southeastern Australia. The Prydz Bay sequence represents the first well-dated section of this age from East Antarctica. Dinocysts belonging to the widespread "Transantarctic Flora" give a more confident late Eocene age for the interval 142.5-220.5 mbsf. The uppermost two cores within this interval, namely, those from 142.5 and 148.36 mbsf, show significantly higher frequencies of dinocysts than the cores below and suggest that an open marine environment prevailed at the time of deposition. The spore and pollen component may reflect a vegetation akin to the modern rainforest scrubs of Tasmania and New Zealand. Below 267 mbsf, sparse microfloras, mainly of spores and pollen, are equated with the Phyllocladidites mawsonii Zone of southeastern Australia, which is of Turonian to possibly Santonian age. Fluvial to marginal marine environments of deposition are suggested. The parent vegetation from this interval is here described as "Austral Conifer Woodland." The same Late Cretaceous microflora occurs in two of the cores above the postulated unconformity at 267 mbsf. In the core at 249.42 mbsf, the Late Cretaceous spores and pollen are uncontaminated by any Tertiary forms, suggesting that a clast of this older material has been sampled; such a clast may reflect transport by ice during the Eocene. At 258.72 mbsf, Late Cretaceous spores and pollen appear to have been recycled into the Eocene sediments.


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Fossil manganese nodules and encrustations from seamount' and basin' localities in the Transdanubian Central Mountains of Hungary are lithologically, mineralogically and chemically similar to some modern marine ferromanganese oxide deposits, and show no evidence of postdepositional changes other than cementation. Five groups of deposits were encountered: Fe/Mn nodules, encrusted shells, pavements, stains, and Fe oxide encrusted intraclasts, the first three of which are specific to the 'seamount' environment and the last to the basins'. Optical and electron microprobe investigation of the samples shows them to exhibit many similarities with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits, and that many of the nodules are surrounded by a halo of dispersed ferromanganese oxides, strongly suggesting that they continued to accrete metals through the pore waters of unlithified sediments for a period after burial. By contrast, pavements which appear to have grown on hardgrounds at the sea floor show little or no evidence of derivation of metals from underlying sediments. Geochemical investigations on the deposits show the seamount' varieties to be closer in composition to most modern nodules and crusts than the basin' varieties, and that the latter are essentially manganese and trace-element-poor ferruginous deposits. Nevertheless, all can be more or less compositionally equated with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits forming in marginal Atlantic environments, which would be in accord with the proposed depositional environment of the Transdanubian Central Mountains based on other evidence.


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'Social capital' refers to the relationships of trust, communication, and cooperation that facilitate collective action in a community. It is particularly relevant to soil conservation in developing countries, which requires collective efforts to raise awareness of soil degradation, provide effective training in soil conservation practices, and implement soil conservation measures on individual farms. The Landcare Program in the Southern Philippines promotes simple conservation practices in upland environments through establishing and supporting community landcare groups and municipal landcare associations, thus augmenting the social capital of farmers in these locations. An evaluation of the Landcare Program in Barangay Ned, South Cotabato, based on a survey of 313 farm households and case studies of nine landcare groups, shows that, despite extreme isolation and difficult working conditions, farmers responded by rapidly forming landcare groups and a landcare association, and adopting contour barriers on their maize farms. They utilized the bonding social capital inhering in their local communities to build stocks of bridging social capital, linking them to information, training and resources from outside their immediate locality. A logistic regression model of the factors affecting adoption of contour barriers shows that farmers who had undergone the practical, farmer-based training provided by the Landcare Program, and who were members of a landcare group, were significantly more likely to adopt conservation measures. These results confirm the value of investing in social capital to promote soil conservation. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In recent years, temporal fluctuations in the abundance of C. d. davisiana have been used frequently as a highresolution stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental tool. The modern ecology and morphologic variation (temporal and geographic) of this radiolarian species is evaluated to ascertain its potential stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance. Statistics were obtained on the width and height of all C. d. davisiana segments from Pleistocene populations of differing ages from the Northern Hemisphere (Labrador Sea and Iceland-Faeroe Ridge) and Southern Hemisphere (Namibian shelf and Meteor Rise). Results reveal that segment height variations between and within populations are more conservative than segment width. The mean sizes of the thorax and first abdominal segment have distinguishable differences between C. d. davisiana found in the North and South Atlantic. All populations have no significant difference in first abdominal segment width, however, mean heights of this segment differ greatly between populations of the North and South Atlantic. Second abdominal segment sizes show no clear population grouping. Size differences in post-cephalic segment size of these populations would appear to be related to some isolation of gene pools and possibly unknown paleoenvironmental factors. Temporal changes in the postcephalic size of C. d. davisiana may be used to: (1) identify temporally equivalent peaks in abundance of the species in a given region, (2) possibly evaluate the degree of mixing of water'masses between regions, and (3) trace the initial spread of the species from its area of origin. Cleve's 1887 plankton samples, between Greenland and Spitzsbergen, were studied and used in conjunction with other data to make the following conclusions on the modern ecology of C. d. davisiana in the Arctic and Greenland-Norwegian Seas. (1) It is presently absent in surface water plankton samples, (2) it currently lives at depths below 500 m, where it is rare, (3) it does not live in the upper 200 m under Arctic ice but is rare at greater depths, (4) it is absent in the upper 200 m near permanent Greenland Sea ice where normal oceanic salinity prevails, and (5) it is most common in deep marginal fjord environments which may serve as a refuge for the species during interglacial periods. In the Atlantic Ocean, the abundance of C. d. davisiana does not exceed 1% of the assemblage between the Subtropical Convergence of each hemisphere. In the Norwegian and Labrador Seas the species may occasionally be in the range of 1-5% of the modern radiolarian assemblage and never more than 5% in the southern high latitudes. Apparently only in the modern Sea of Okhotsk, does the species presently occur in high abundance. We concur with Morley and Hays (1983) that increased abundances are likely caused by the development of a strong low-salinity surface layer associated with seasonal sea ice melting and a strong temperature minimum above warmer and higher salinity intermediate waters. Similar conditions were frequent during the Pleistocene in the high latitudes and its modern scarcity outside the Sea of Okhotsk must be related to the absence of the presently unique conditions in the latter region.


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Power systems have been suffering huge changes mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation and to the operation in competitive environments. Virtual power players can aggregate a diversity of players, namely generators and consumers, and a diversity of energy resources, including electricity generation based on several technologies, storage and demand response. Resource management gains an increasing relevance in this competitive context, while demand side active role provides managers with increased demand elasticity. This makes demand response use more interesting and flexible, giving rise to a wide range of new opportunities.This paper proposes a methodology for managing demand response programs in the scope of virtual power players. The proposed method is based on the calculation of locational marginal prices (LMP). The evaluation of the impact of using demand response specific programs on the LMP value supports the manager decision concerning demand response use. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32 bus network with intensive use of distributed generation.


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Este estudo visou analisar os efeitos da variação do nível hidrométrico na estrutura do fitoplâncton do Rio Paranapanema e de uma lagoa marginal na zona de desembocadura no Reservatório de Jurumirim (SP). As amostragens foram realizadas em duas estações em cada ambiente de julho/2004 a julho/2005. Os maiores valores de riqueza e diversidade foram encontrados na estiagem, enquanto que as maiores densidade e biovolume foram registradas na cheia. A espécie Cryptomonas brasiliensis Castro, C. Bicudo & D. Bicudo (R - estrategista) foi constante ao longo de todo o estudo, sendo dominante, principalmente, no final da estiagem e na enchente, quando os eventos de distúrbios foram mais freqüentes. As diatomáceas foram predominantes quanto à biomassa, representadas, principalmente, por Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsem e suas variedades. Conclui-se que, o volume de água acumulada no reservatório à jusante não permite que o pulso hidrológico ocasione um distúrbio que resulte em elevado aumento da diversidade nos ambientes estudados, após a enchente.


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OBJETIVOS: Com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos de mudanças na integridade ambiental sobre os indivíduos da comunidade de Odonata da sub-bacia do rio Borecaia, testamos a hipótese de que a riqueza de Anisoptera seria afetada positivamente pela remoção da vegetação; por outro lado, a riqueza Zygoptera seria prejudicada em virtude de suas necessidades ecofisiológicas; MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 10 riachos de ordens similares, seis classificados como preservados e quatro como alterados. Riachos classificados como preservados apresentaram valores do Índice valores de Integridade Habitat (HII) acima de 0.70 e mata continua nas duas margens com uma largura mínima de 70 metros. Cada ponto foi amostrado três vezes em dias diferentes. O efeito de remoção de vegetação sobre a riqueza foi avaliada utilizando Jackknife de primeira ordem; RESULTADOS: A diminuição da integridade física (mensurada com o IIH) dos córregos não exerceu efeito significativo sobre a riqueza estimada para a Ordem Odonata. Porém, a riqueza estimada de Anisoptera apresentou uma relação inversa com a integridade (r2 = 0.485; p = 0.025), mostrando que com o aumento da integridade houve uma redução na sua riqueza de espécies; DISCUSSÃO: Como um padrão geral, Anisoptera apresenta maiores valores de riqueza em locais alterados; por outro lado, Zygoptera apresenta maiores valores em preservados. Devido suas restrições ecofisiologicas Odonata apresentou uma grande variação na sua composição e riqueza de espécie entre os dois tipos de ambientes, isso reforça o potencial da ordem em estudos de monitoramento ambiental e também mostra que Zygoptera será mais afetada pelas transformações de habitat. No entanto, futuros estudos incluindo mais amostras e diferentes córregos são necessários para confirmar este padrão sendo uma linha de pesquisa interessante para trabalhos futuros.


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The objective of this study was to identify and characterize homogeneous environments based on the probability of drought/wet occurrence in the central-northern Brazil, considering Rondonia, Mato Grosso, Goias and Tocantins States. The drought index denominated the moisture anomaly Z-index (Z-index) was used. The input climate data for the drought index was generated by the regional climate model RegCM3 for the period from 1975 to 1989. As result of cluster analysis, it was identified 13 homogeneous environments. These environments were characterized based on the probability of drought/wet, relative density of drought/wet occurrence, annual rainfall variability and probability of drought occurrence during the rainy season (October to March). The Mato Grosso State had the highest number of homogeneous environments and the environment 11, located at southwest of this State had the highest probability of drought occurrence, 9%. The environment 10, located at the extreme east of Goias State, showed the lowest median for the total annual rainfall. The climatic event with the highest probability of occurrence in the study area is close to normal or normality moisture.