344 resultados para Manufatura enxuta
A área de manufatura tem durante os últimos cem anos se utilizado de uma série de desenvolvimentos técnicos e organizacionais que lhe permitiu aumentos de eficiência. Considerando que manufatura enxuta e ágil são as modalidades de organização mais atuais em termos de gestão para indústrias de manufatura e que elas tem trazido aumento de competitividade das empresas, buscou-se analisar a sua aplicação no ramo de serviços. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a aplicabilidade dos conceitos de manufatura enxuta e ágil em serviços e mais especificamente no mercado brasileiro de telecomunicações. Optou-se pelas serviços de comunicação de dados corporativos e escolheram-se empresas prestadoras deste tipo de serviço no Brasil. Para se considerar a aplicabilidade destes conceitos buscou-se respostas às seguintes perguntas: • Os conceitos de manufatura enxuta são aplicáveis à indústria de serviços? • Caso os conceitos de manufatura enxuta sejam aplicáveis, quais são sugestões para aplica-los formalmente e estruturadamente na indústria de serviços? • Os conceitos de manufatura ágil são aplicáveis à indústria de serviços? • Caso os conceitos de manufatura ágil sejam aplicáveis, quais são sugestões para aplica-los formalmente e estruturadamente na indústria de serviços? Utilizou-se de três estudos de caso. Através do uso de estudos de caso associados à Técnica de Análise Funcional de Sistemas estruturou-se a pesquisa focando na visão do cliente deste tipo de serviço. A indústria de serviços tem tido um aumento na importância econômica na maioria dos países porém não tem tido a oportunidade de usufruir , ainda que parcialmente, de muitos dos grandes avanços que a indústria de manufatura e processo obtiveram durante sua longa evolução até o estágio atual. Considerando estes fatos é extremamente pertinente prover a indústria de serviços de novos instrumentais para aumentar sua eficiência e eficácia e com isso garantir o aumento da competitividade.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Arguments that lean manufacturing can positively relate with the operational performance of companies have been spreading the literature since the 1990s. However, there is a theoretical and empirical gap on this issue that needs further empirical evidence to validate or refute these arguments to the Brazilian reality. Hence, this research aims to, empirically, verify if the lean manufacturing positively influences the performance of the operations of companies in the Brazilian automotive industry, focusing on the segment of automotive parts and components. Methodologically, we carried out a survey of 75 companies in the mentioned sector. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling, a second-generation multivariate analysis. The main results of this research are: in fact, lean manufacturing positively affects the operational performance of the studied companies, validating the main hypothesis stated in this article, but this relation is just considered weak, although positive; all lean manufacturing practices analyzed were encountered in the reality, especially for the variable continuous improvement, with the highest average and the correlation between the adoption of Kanban and Just in Time; the operational performance construct has some practices/measures identified by the literature, which have not been validated by the studied sector, as innovation (new products) and quality.
The aim of this paper is to verify whether the practices of human resource management have a positive influence on the adoption of lean manufacturing practices in Brazilian companies in the automotive sector. To this aim, we proposed a framework linking these concepts to the proposed research hypothesis. Data collected from 75 companies were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The research demonstrates that human resource management indeed tends to influence the adoption of lean manufacturing practices in a weak-moderate manner.
This work was developed with the aim of explaining the real benefits of using the concept of Lean Manufacturing in a Metallurgical Industry. Through this will highlight the strategies and real gains from the use of this methodology and therefore, the tools of Production Engineering that were used in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing, in order to improve processes in various aspects such as reduced handling, standardization of production, reduced time used in machine setup. Practical methods applied for the purpose of reducing waste become apparent. Also highlighted will be the real difficulties encountered in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing
In today's competitive environment of automakers, it is essential to obtain the highest efficiency of the production process. This paper presents a study in a pre-assembly of brake pipes and fuel of a vehicle where the value stream maps and information (VSM – Value Stream Mapping) were designed in order to improve the process by reducing the Lead Time Production of a product, reducing waste and decrease time between processes. This work can be divided into three stages, the first building the VSM of the initial state, the second VSM of the proposed state and finally the VSM than was actually performed and to present the gains were achieved effectively. The proposed VSM would lead to a gain of 54% in lead time and 61% in processing time, since the VSM implemented had gains of 47% in lead time and 48% in processing time even without major investments as originally proposed. Concluding that even without big investment, using the techniques of lean manufacturing is possible to achieve high levels of process efficiency
The management system based on lean thinking has led to significant changes in the companies that have decided to adopt it. Frequently, those changes do not create a sustainable position coherent with the good results that are obtained. Many are the causes being discussed and analyzed, not only in academia, but also by lean manufacturing institutes and companies. The existing practices related to the managerial information system and the implementation, development, and maintenance of the lean journey may be some of such causes. This dissertation emphasizes whether the changes generated by this type of management are being followed by the managerial information system. The development of such system was in many cases based on mass production, whose principles go against lean manufacturing concepts. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to verify whether the traditional managerial information system can meet the needs of the companies that adopt lean manufacturing principles. Through a case study based on qualitative and exploratory research in an electronic equipment assembling company, the stage of the implementation of lean thinking concepts at the time of the field research was analyzed, as well as whether the metrics, financial and non financial indicators were suitable for lean principles. The aim of such study was to empirically verify if the criticism found in the existing literature was pertinent or not. The data collected through the analysis of the documentation, the interviews with managers and in loco observation was treated through the content analysis method. The main conclusion of the research is that, although the company in question is investing in training and applying lean principles in its production line and in some administrative activities, the current managerial information system does not demonstrate the specific results obtained with lean principles. However, how changes to the managerial information system will be implemented is yet to be determined. Currently, metrics and indicators aligned with lean management are being added to the managerial reports. As more lean tools are employed, mainly with the consolidation of more value streams, the company has already diagnosed the need for new indicators. The main office has started a diagnosis of measurement and control systems in a product line in one of its affiliates with the goal of studying the possibility of applying the so called lean accounting in the future.
O trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar e descrever analiticamente a implementação de práticas de manufatura enxuta pela Pirelli Pneus no seu complexo industrial da América Latina. Além de uma descrição estruturada e ampla dos princípios de produção de Toyota e fundamentos teóricos do Lean thinking, uma ênfase especial será dedicada ao projeto EGR (Especialistas em Gestão da Rotina), como uma ferramenta estratégica para ser usada pela empresa multinacional italiana no futuro próximo, de modo a alcançar um resultado mais eficaz e eficiente na gestão da rotina diária. Este projeto, que representa um componente significativo do Pirelli Manufacturing System (PMS) e, principalmente, voltado para supervisores e gestores de plantas, consiste principalmente em ajudar a empresa a desenvolver a capacidade empresarial para avaliar corretamente o gap potencial existente entre os resultados atuais e os esperados, para tanto entender os desvios, bem como as causas subjacentes, e melhorar continuamente o desempenho da empresa por meio da padronização de processos e redução de desperdicios. Esses objetivos podem ser perseguidos, atuando em dois meios essenciais: habilidades técnicas e comportamentais de liderança para apoiar cada equipe de projeto; uma maior eficácia na gestão de indicadores de desempenho nas diferentes unidades de fábrica, de acordo com KPIs estabelecidos no nível central pelo Head Quarter. Além disso, a investigação será focada na experiência peculiar da planta de Santo André, onde o EGR começou como piloto, com o objetivo de captar as alterações relevantes (no lado organizacional e econômico) que este projeto trouxe para a empresa, através da realização de pesquisa de campo e entrevistas, que são orientados a recolher provas, considerações e opiniões de todos os principais atores envolvidos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The constant search for improvement and survival of the companies makes essential the utilization of cost reduction strategies and resources optimization. This study had as its objective the utilization of Lean Manufacturing tools for the repair process lead time reduction, in a car audio manufacturer. Performing an action research, the major problems were studied, such as the potential causes and the possible improvement activities, using the DMAIC methodology. An action plan was developed for all involved processes and, as a result, the objective was reached by making a direct impact on the customers’ satisfaction and adding a competitive differential for the company
Always seeking the maximum profit under the reduced production time and lower number of failures, companies are increasingly evolving and going after continuous improvement in order to remain competitive in the market. Thus, increasingly there is investment in the management system Lean manufacturing. Lean system is very important, because through it, the maximum value is added in the final product. Being measured by the efficiency and reducing failures to zero. In the studied company, Lean manufacturing system came into effect through the kanban system for purchasing, control and distribution of bulk material used in the assembly of the final product, which are earth-moving machines. It is very important to check the great change made in the company with the implementation of kanban. All inventory management becomes visual, elements are arranged in an organized manner, with addresses in structures, calculated in special boxes and finally, assemblers have the guarantee of an item supply, with the distribution cars located on their assembly area. This study participates effectively assuring the supply. Avoiding any failure on the lack of material, non-compliance of delivery times to the customer and maintenance of over-stock or obsolete inventory, in which case both cause financial loss to the company
The evolution of the practices and strategies of manufacturing management, over the years, has made many companies realign their production systems in order to raise their competitiveness and operational performance. However, in most cases these changes are made in a heterogeneous manner, which ends up leaving the production system without a defined goal, which may end up damaging the managerial strategies of the organization as a whole. Thus, some organizations seek to use techniques and/or successful production practices used by other companies, believing can be able to reproduce the same results. An efficient production system must be fully planned and appropriate to the strategic objectives of the organization. Thus, this paper aims to identify the manufacturing management strategies adopted in paraibanas industries, as well as identify the lean practices used by them. Thus, a qualitative study was conducted, using as methodological basis the multicase study. Were made: direct observations, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires applied to those responsible by the production sector of the participating companies. As a result, it was possible to identify the type of manufacturing management system adopted by companies. Where it was detected that Company A uses a system of Modern Mass Production with focus on productivity and low cost and the Company B is using Lean Manufacturing system focused on quality and diversity. In the two organizations was possible to realize the application of lean practices where the Company what does not use the LM, possessed lean practices in standard extremely mature of utilization.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)