981 resultados para Manning, Tim
There are many well-known examples of proteins with low sequence similarity, adopting the same structural fold. This aspect of sequence-structure relationship has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically, however with limited success. Most of the studies consider remote homology or ``sequence conservation'' as the basis for their understanding. Recently ``interaction energy'' based network formalism (Protein Energy Networks (PENs)) was developed to understand the determinants of protein structures. In this paper we have used these PENs to investigate the common non-covalent interactions and their collective features which stabilize the TIM barrel fold. We have also developed a method of aligning PENs in order to understand the spatial conservation of interactions in the fold. We have identified key common interactions responsible for the conservation of the TIM fold, despite high sequence dissimilarity. For instance, the central beta barrel of the TIM fold is stabilized by long-range high energy electrostatic interactions and low-energy contiguous vdW interactions in certain families. The other interfaces like the helix-sheet or the helix-helix seem to be devoid of any high energy conserved interactions. Conserved interactions in the loop regions around the catalytic site of the TIM fold have also been identified, pointing out their significance in both structural and functional evolution. Based on these investigations, we have developed a novel network based phylogenetic analysis for remote homologues, which can perform better than sequence based phylogeny. Such an analysis is more meaningful from both structural and functional evolutionary perspective. We believe that the information obtained through the ``interaction conservation'' viewpoint and the subsequently developed method of structure network alignment, can shed new light in the fields of fold organization and de novo computational protein design.
Background: Computational protein design is a rapidly maturing field within structural biology, with the goal of designing proteins with custom structures and functions. Such proteins could find widespread medical and industrial applications. Here, we have adapted algorithms from the Rosetta software suite to design much larger proteins, based on ideal geometric and topological criteria. Furthermore, we have developed techniques to incorporate symmetry into designed structures. For our first design attempt, we targeted the (alpha/beta)(8) TIM barrel scaffold. We gained novel insights into TIM barrel folding mechanisms from studying natural TIM barrel structures, and from analyzing previous TIM barrel design attempts. Methods: Computational protein design and analysis was performed using the Rosetta software suite and custom scripts. Genes encoding all designed proteins were synthesized and cloned on the pET20-b vector. Standard circular dichroism and gel chromatographic experiments were performed to determine protein biophysical characteristics. 1D NMR and 2D HSQC experiments were performed to determine protein structural characteristics. Results: Extensive protein design simulations coupled with ab initio modeling yielded several all-atom models of ideal, 4-fold symmetric TIM barrels. Four such models were experimentally characterized. The best designed structure (Symmetrin-1) contained a polar, histidine-rich pore, forming an extensive hydrogen bonding network. Symmetrin-1 was easily expressed and readily soluble. It showed circular dichroism spectra characteristic of well-folded alpha/beta proteins. Temperature melting experiments revealed cooperative and reversible unfolding, with a T-m of 44 degrees C and a Gibbs free energy of unfolding (Delta G degrees) of 8.0 kJ/mol. Urea denaturing experiments confirmed these observations, revealing a C-m of 1.6 M and a Delta G degrees of 8.3 kJ/mol. Symmetrin-1 adopted a monomeric conformation, with an apparent molecular weight of 32.12 kDa, and displayed well resolved 1D-NMR spectra. However, the HSQC spectrum revealed somewhat molten characteristics. Conclusions: Despite the detection of molten characteristics, the creation of a soluble, cooperatively folding protein represents an advancement over previous attempts at TIM barrel design. Strategies to further improve Symmetrin-1 are elaborated. Our techniques may be used to create other large, internally symmetric proteins.
目的 探讨蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 (Giardialamblia)磷酸丙糖异构酶基因种内差异。方法 提取虫体总DNA ,对所有虫株磷酸丙糖异构酶 (tim)基因部分片段进行PCR扩增。测定序列后 ,用简约法和NJ法构建系统树进行系统发育分析。结果 共有 12 4个位点存在变异 (占所有测定序列中的 2 3% ) ,且大多数为发生在密码子的同义突变。两种构树方法所得二树的分枝结构相似 ,均将受试的 16株蓝氏贾第虫分为明显的两组。结论 宿主及地理因素对蓝氏贾第虫群体的遗传多样性影响不大。在DNA分子进化水平上 ,自然选择的影响十分显著。可将tim基因作为蓝氏贾第虫群体遗传结构一个十分有效的遗传标记。
本发明涉及蓝藻TIM上的一个特异抑制靶位点及其应用,属生物技术领域。该抑制靶位点位于蓝藻TIM Loop-6的铰链区,为蓝藻Synechocystis sp.TIM氨基酸编号为准的半胱氨酸位点-Cys176。该抑制靶位点可作为在设计水华抑制剂中的应用。
利用3′2 RACE 和5′2 RACE 技术, 从腐生型眼虫长变胞藻( Astasia longa) 克隆了磷酸丙糖异构酶 ( TIM) 的两个同工酶cDNA 全序列。分析表明: 它们分别编码定位于细胞质的胞质型TIM (cTIM) 和定位于质 体的质体型TIM (p TIM) ; 后者的N 端具有引导该酶定位到质体中去的典型“前导序列”。根据这些事实我们推 测腐生型眼虫A . longa 质体中可能存在功能性的TIM , 并进一步认为该质体可能不只是一般意义上的“叶绿体 退化的残迹”, 而仍是一种至少有TIM 参与其代谢活动的功能性细胞器[动物学报50 (3) : 414 - 419 , 2004 ] 。
为了探讨来源于不同地理位置贾第虫分离株之间的遗传学关系, 采用tim 基因扩增、限制性酶切和 DNA 序列分析方法对来自我国(C1、C2、、CH2、CH3)、柬埔寨(CAM )、澳大利亚(A 1、A 2) 和美国(BP、CDC) 共9 株 蓝氏贾第虫的基因型进行了分析比较。结果表明,A 1、A 2 和CAM 属第1 型(WB) ; CH2 和CH3 属第2 型(JH) ; C1、 C2、BP 和CDC 属第3 型(GS)。本实验结果提示, 虫株间遗传学关系并非由地理位置的远近所决定。来源于同一地 理位置的虫株其遗传学特性可有很大的差异。相反, 来源于地理位置相隔很远的虫株其遗传学特性却可极为相近。 贾第虫分离株基因型的确定可为本虫分子系统进化和分子流行病学研究提供重要资料。
The genes encoding triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) in three species of Microcystis (M. aeruginosa, M. viridis and M. wesenbergii) were investigated. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction indicated that they were transcribed in the cells. Analyses showed that their DNA and deduced amino acid sequences were highly conserved between all the three species, only a single nonsynonymous substitution was seen at position 31, from an Asp in M. aeruginosa and M. viridis to Glu in M. wesenbergii. Sequence alignment of these with 12 other known cyanobacterial TIM sequences showed that all the cyanobacterial TIMs had a very high level of amino acid identity (over 50% between each two). Comparison of the cyanobacterial TIMs with other reported TIMs (from diverse lineages of the three Domains) showed that they possessed common active-site residues and sequence motifs. All cyanobacterial TIMs have two common cysteine residues (Cys127 and Cys176), and the Cys176 is almost cyanobacteria-specific with only one exception in Streptomyces coelicolor. Both secondary structure alignment and comparative modelling of Synechocystis sp. TIM showed that Cys176 was located at the hinge region of the flexible loop-6 and might therefore be critical to the movement of TIM's loop-6, which is important to the function of the enzyme. Thus, the cyanobacterial TIM-specific Cys176 may be a potential site for the discovery of suitable drugs against cyanobacteria, and such drugs may have utility in controlling water blooms due to cyanobacteria.
糖酵解作为细胞的重要的基本代谢途径广泛存在于各类生物中。但参与该途径的tim基因/酶和整个途径在细胞中的区室定位情况在一些处在关键进化地位的藻类中还存在许多未知或争议。本文首先对参与该途径的一个重要酶――磷酸丙糖异构酶(TIM)在两种不同营养方式的眼虫上进行了鉴定和序列结构分析,并结合了包括绿藻、红藻和动基体类等在内的其它生物的数据进行了分子系统分析;其次,对该途径在绿藻类的衣藻细胞中的区室定位情况进行了研究,并对该特殊的区室定位途径的进化进行了探讨。得到了如下结果和结论: 1)通过3’与5’-RACE实验,在光合型眼虫Euglena gracilis和Euglena intermedia和腐生型眼虫Astasia longa中各获得了一长一短两个TIM的全长cDNA序列,同时通过基因组DNA-PCR和序列搜索,还获得了两种绿藻和红藻的tim基因序列。前导序列分析显示眼虫的两个cDNA分别编码定位到胞质的cTIM和定位到叶绿体的cpTIM或质体的pTIM。腐生眼虫A. longa的pTIM与光合型眼虫E. gracilis的cpTIM高度相似,其前导序列也具有眼虫典型的核编码叶绿体蛋白质的典型特征;两类不同营养型眼虫的成熟TIM间的同源性达91.6%,并且具有其它TIM所共有的活性中心氨基酸和保守的序列motifs。这表明A. longa的pTIM确实是定位于质体、具有生物活性的cpTIM的同工酶,并提示A. longa的质体还具有与TIM相关的代谢功能(例如脂肪酸的合成),而不仅仅是一个叶绿体的“残迹”。 TIM的序列比对和分子系统分析结果显示:眼虫类和红藻类的TIM共有一个由两个氨基酸组成的插入;更重要的是,眼虫类TIM既没有与被认为与它共祖的动基体类的TIM聚在一起,又没有与被认为为其提供叶绿体(经二次内共生)的绿藻的TIM聚在一起,而是与红藻TIM聚为一枝。这提示眼虫与红藻间在进化历史上可能曾经有过基因交流。 2)采用生物信息学手段结合分子生物学实验,对衣藻基因组和转录组中参与糖酵解相关基因/酶进行了鉴定、定位预测和表达水平分析,结果表明:与其它极大多数的真核生物不同,衣藻细胞质中不具有完整的糖酵解途径,尽管该途径的后三步主要发生在胞质中,但前七步则是发生在叶绿体中的。 分子系统分析表明衣藻叶绿体中参与前6步和细胞质中参与最后2步的糖酵解酶都是胞质型起源,其中参与第4步的FBA更像是由很早时期的胞质型基因重复而来的;而第7步的PGK是由内共生形成叶绿体的蓝细菌的水平基因转移而来。这表明衣藻胞质中所缺少的糖酵解酶是一种次生性丢失的结果,而非原始的特征;其叶绿体中的糖酵解步骤应该是由于原有胞质型糖酵解酶的基因重复之后重新定位或者直接重新定位到叶绿体中,以及内共生产生叶绿体时由蓝细菌的水平基因转移所致。
Suganami, H., C.A.W.Manning and the Study of International Relations, Review of International Studies (2001), 27 : 091-107 RAE2008