778 resultados para Management methodology
The paper presents an innovative approach to modelling the causal relationships of human errors in rail crack incidents (RCI) from a managerial perspective. A Bayesian belief network is developed to model RCI by considering the human errors of designers, manufactures, operators and maintainers (DMOM) and the causal relationships involved. A set of dependent variables whose combinations express the relevant functions performed by each DMOM participant is used to model the causal relationships. A total of 14 RCI on Hong Kong’s mass transit railway (MTR) from 2008 to 2011 are used to illustrate the application of the model. Bayesian inference is used to conduct an importance analysis to assess the impact of the participants’ errors. Sensitivity analysis is then employed to gauge the effect the increased probability of occurrence of human errors on RCI. Finally, strategies for human error identification and mitigation of RCI are proposed. The identification of ability of maintainer in the case study as the most important factor influencing the probability of RCI implies the priority need to strengthen the maintenance management of the MTR system and that improving the inspection ability of the maintainer is likely to be an effective strategy for RCI risk mitigation.
Con la creciente popularidad de las soluciones de IT como factor clave para aumentar la competitividad y la creación de valor para las empresas, la necesidad de invertir en proyectos de IT se incrementa considerablemente. La limitación de los recursos como un obstáculo para invertir ha obligado a las empresas a buscar metodologías para seleccionar y priorizar proyectos, asegurándose de que las decisiones que se toman son aquellas que van alineadas con las estrategias corporativas para asegurar la creación de valor y la maximización de los beneficios. Esta tesis proporciona los fundamentos para la implementación del Portafolio de dirección de Proyectos de IT (IT PPM) como una metodología eficaz para la gestión de proyectos basados en IT, y una herramienta para proporcionar criterios claros para los directores ejecutivos para la toma de decisiones. El documento proporciona la información acerca de cómo implementar el IT PPM en siete pasos, el análisis de los procesos y las funciones necesarias para su ejecución exitosa. Además, proporciona diferentes métodos y criterios para la selección y priorización de proyectos. Después de la parte teórica donde se describe el IT PPM, la tesis aporta un análisis del estudio de caso de una empresa farmacéutica. La empresa ya cuenta con un departamento de gestión de proyectos, pero se encontró la necesidad de implementar el IT PPM debido a su amplia cobertura de procesos End-to-End en Proyectos de IT, y la manera de asegurar la maximización de los beneficios. Con la investigación teórica y el análisis del estudio de caso, la tesis concluye con una definición práctica de un modelo aproximado IT PPM como una recomendación para su implementación en el Departamento de Gestión de Proyectos.
A felelős vállalatirányítás egyik stratégiai jelentőségű tényezője a vállalati szintű kockázatkezelés, mely napjaink egyik legnagyobb kihívást jelentő területe a vállalatvezetés számára. A hatékony vállalati kockázatkezelés nem valósulhat meg kizárólag az általános, nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalomban megfogalmazott kockázatkezelési alapelvek követése mentén, a kockázatkezelési rendszer kialakítása során figyelembe kell venni mind az iparági, mind az adott vállalatra jellemző sajátosságokat. Mindez különösen fontos egy olyan speciális tevékenységet folytató vállalatnál, mint a villamosenergia-ipari átviteli rendszerirányító társaság (transmission system operator, TSO). A cikkben a magyar villamosenergia-ipari átviteli rendszerirányító társasággal együttműködésben készített kutatás keretében előálló olyan komplex elméleti és gyakorlati keretrendszert mutatnak be a szerzők, mely alapján az átviteli rendszerirányító társaság számára kialakítottak egy új, területenként egységes kockázatkezelési módszertant (fókuszban a kockázatok azonosításának és számszerűsítésének módszertani lépéseivel), mely alkalmas a vállalati szintű kockázati kitettség meghatározására. _______ This study handles one of today’s most challenging areas of enterprise management: the development and introduction of an integrated and efficient risk management system. For companies operating in specific network industries with a dominant market share and a key role in the national economy, such as electricity TSO’s, risk management is of stressed importance. The study introduces an innovative, mathematically and statistically grounded as well as economically reasoned management approach for the identification, individual effect calculation and summation of risk factors. Every building block is customized for the organizational structure and operating environment of the TSO. While the identification phase guarantees all-inclusivity, the calculation phase incorporates expert techniques and Monte Carlo simulation and the summation phase presents an expected combined distribution and value effect of risks on the company’s profit lines based on the previously undiscovered correlations between individual risk factors.
This research document is motivated by the need for a systemic, efficient quality improvement methodology at universities. There exists no methodology designed for a total quality management (TQM) program in a university. The main objective of this study is to develop a TQM Methodology that enables a university to efficiently develop an integral total quality improvement (TQM) Plan. ^ Current research focuses on the need of improving the quality of universities, the study of the perceived best quality universities, and the measurement of the quality of universities through rankings. There is no evidence of research on how to plan for an integral quality improvement initiative for the university as a whole, which is the main contribution of this study. ^ This research is built on various reference TQM models and criteria provided by ISO 9000, Baldrige and Six Sigma; and educational accreditation criteria found in ABET and SACS. The TQM methodology is proposed by following a seven-step metamethodology. The proposed methodology guides the user to develop a TQM plan in five sequential phases: initiation, assessment, analysis, preparation and acceptance. Each phase defines for the user its purpose, key activities, input requirements, controls, deliverables, and tools to use. The application of quality concepts in education and higher education is particular; since there are unique factors in education which ought to be considered. These factors shape the quality dimensions in a university and are the main inputs to the methodology. ^ The proposed TQM Methodology is used to guide the user to collect and transform appropriate inputs to a holistic TQM Plan, ready to be implemented by the university. Different input data will lead to a unique TQM plan for the specific university at the time. It may not necessarily transform the university into a world-class institution, but aims to strive for stakeholder-oriented improvements, leading to a better alignment with its mission and total quality advancement. ^ The proposed TQM methodology is validated in three steps. First, it is verified by going through a test activity as part of the meta-methodology. Secondly, the methodology is applied to a case university to develop a TQM plan. Lastly, the methodology and the TQM plan both are verified by an expert group consisting of TQM specialists and university administrators. The proposed TQM methodology is applicable to any university at all levels of advancement, regardless of changes in its long-term vision and short-term needs. It helps to assure the quality of a TQM plan, while making the process more systemic, efficient, and cost effective. This research establishes a framework with a solid foundation for extending the proposed TQM methodology into other industries. ^
Program management serves as an overall vehicle for the transformation effort. It aims to support the implementation of the decided strategy in order to achieve the expected benefits in a business transformation initiative. A program is defined as a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available when managing them individually . A project on the other hand, is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects tend to have definite start and finish points, with the aim of delivering a predetermined output, giving them relatively clear development paths from initiation to delivery. Programs, on the contrary, exist to create value by enriching the management of projects in isolation. Programs typically have a more strategic vision of the desired end goal, but no clearly defined path to get there. Therefore, program management is expected to deal with the uncertainty surrounding the achievement of the vision, whereas projects work best where the outputs can be well defined.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to summarise a successfully defended doctoral thesis. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the scope, and main issues raised in the thesis so that readers undertaking studies in the same or connected areas may be aware of current contributions to the topic. The secondary aims are to frame the completed thesis in the context of doctoral-level research in project management as well as offer ideas for further investigation which would serve to extend scientific knowledge on the topic. Design/methodology/approach – Research reported in this paper is based on a quantitative study using inferential statistics aimed at better understanding the actual and potential usage of earned value management (EVM) as applied to external projects under contract. Theories uncovered during the literature review were hypothesized and tested using experiential data collected from 145 EVM practitioners with direct experience on one or more external projects under contract that applied the methodology. Findings – The results of this research suggest that EVM is an effective project management methodology. The principles of EVM were shown to be significant positive predictors of project success on contracted efforts and to be a relatively greater positive predictor of project success when using fixed-price versus cost-plus (CP) type contracts. Moreover, EVM's work-breakdown structure (WBS) utility was shown to positively contribute to the formation of project contracts. The contribution was not significantly different between fixed-price and CP contracted projects, with exceptions in the areas of schedule planning and payment planning. EVM's “S” curve benefited the administration of project contracts. The contribution of the S-curve was not significantly different between fixed-price and CP contracted projects. Furthermore, EVM metrics were shown to also be important contributors to the administration of project contracts. The relative contribution of EVM metrics to projects under fixed-price versus CP contracts was not significantly different, with one exception in the area of evaluating and processing payment requests. Practical implications – These results have important implications for project practitioners, EVM advocates, as well as corporate and governmental policy makers. EVM should be considered for all projects – not only for its positive contribution to project contract development and administration, for its contribution to project success as well, regardless of contract type. Contract type should not be the sole determining factor in the decision whether or not to use EVM. More particularly, the more fixed the contracted project cost, the more the principles of EVM explain the success of the project. The use of EVM mechanics should also be used in all projects regardless of contract type. Payment planning using a WBS should be emphasized in fixed-price contracts using EVM in order to help mitigate performance risk. Schedule planning using a WBS should be emphasized in CP contracts using EVM in order to help mitigate financial risk. Similarly, EVM metrics should be emphasized in fixed-price contracts in evaluating and processing payment requests. Originality/value – This paper provides a summary of cutting-edge research work and a link to the published thesis that researchers can use to help them understand how the research methodology was applied as well as how it can be extended.
It is widely acknowledged that a company's ability to aquire market share, and hence its profitability, is very closely linked to the speed with which it can produce a new design. Indeed, a study by the U.K. Department of Trade and Industry has shown that the critical factor which determines profitability is the timely delivery of the new product. Late entry to market or high production costs dramatically reduce profits whilst an overrun on development cost has little significant effect. This paper describes a method which aims to assist the designer in producing higher performance turbomachinery designs more quickly by accelerating the process by which they are produced. The adopted approach combines an enhanced version of the 'Signposting' design process management methodology with industry-standard analysis codes and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It has been specifically configured to enable process-wide iteration, near instantaneous generation of guidance data for the designer and fully automatic data handling. A successful laboratory experiment based on the design of a large High Pressure Steam Turbine is described and this leads on to current work which incorporates the extension of the proven concept to a full industrial application for the design of Aeroengine Compressors with Rolls-Royce plc.
In future power systems, in the smart grid and microgrids operation paradigms, consumers can be seen as an energy resource with decentralized and autonomous decisions in the energy management. It is expected that each consumer will manage not only the loads, but also small generation units, heating systems, storage systems, and electric vehicles. Each consumer can participate in different demand response events promoted by system operators or aggregation entities. This paper proposes an innovative method to manage the appliances on a house during a demand response event. The main contribution of this work is to include time constraints in resources management, and the context evaluation in order to ensure the required comfort levels. The dynamic resources management methodology allows a better resources’ management in a demand response event, mainly the ones of long duration, by changing the priorities of loads during the event. A case study with two scenarios is presented considering a demand response with 30 min duration, and another with 240 min (4 h). In both simulations, the demand response event proposes the power consumption reduction during the event. A total of 18 loads are used, including real and virtual ones, controlled by the presented house management system.
Este documento constitui-se em uma dissertação de mestrado, requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão Empresaria e Pública. Este estudo procura mostrar que a adoção dessa nova tecnologia através de projetos de implantação de sistema de ERP não só mudam processos administrativos como também produtos, serviços e estruturas organizacionais e que a sua implantação se constitui em um grande projeto que envolve um número considerável de recursos e tempo das organizações. Este estudo procurar mostrar também que os impactos que tais projetos trazem, são mais fortemente sentidos ou não pela organização de acordo com uma série de fatores, entre eles, a resistência à mudança e o quanto a organização está preparada para enfrentar essas mudanças, o medo da perda do emprego pela adoção de uma nova tecnologia, problemas com a falta de comunicação das mudanças, questões relacionadas à cultura organizacional vigente, a falta de envolvimento da alta administração, entre outras. Para gerenciar todas essas variáveis, as organizações modernas adotam técnicas para garantir o sucesso da implantação dessas novas tecnologias. o estudo aqui proposto tem como objetivo determinar até que ponto a utilização de metodologias e de técnicas de Project Management é o suficiente para que esses projetos alcancem o sucesso esperado pelas organizações. A quantidade de variáveis que influenciam o resultado de um projeto são muitas e cada uma delas possui um papel importante que deve ser avaliado. As conclusões desta pesquisa demonstram que o sucesso de um projeto nem sempre se resume a atingir os objetivos inicialmente propostos, relativos ao cumprimento do prazo, escopo e custo de um projeto, conforme define a metodologia de Project Management. Outros aspectos considerados por essa metodologia, se melhor ou pior aplicados, também contribuem para o sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto de implantação de um sistema de ERP sendo o seu fracasso traduzido ou não, no cumprimento do prazo, do escopo inicialmente previsto ou no custo inicialmente calculado. Outros aspectos que não apenas a aplicação correta da metodologia de Project Management contribuem para os resultados alcançados pelo projeto.
In this paper we focus on the selection of safeguards in a fuzzy risk analysis and management methodology for information systems (IS). Assets are connected by dependency relationships, and a failure of one asset may affect other assets. After computing impact and risk indicators associated with previously identified threats, we identify and apply safeguards to reduce risks in the IS by minimizing the transmission probabilities of failures throughout the asset network. However, as safeguards have associated costs, the aim is to select the safeguards that minimize costs while keeping the risk within acceptable levels. To do this, we propose a dynamic programming-based method that incorporates simulated annealing to tackle optimizations problems.
Energy efficiency and user comfort have recently become priorities in the Facility Management (FM) sector. This has resulted in the use of innovative building components, such as thermal solar panels, heat pumps, etc., as they have potential to provide better performance, energy savings and increased user comfort. However, as the complexity of components increases, the requirement for maintenance management also increases. The standard routine for building maintenance is inspection which results in repairs or replacement when a fault is found. This routine leads to unnecessary inspections which have a cost with respect to downtime of a component and work hours. This research proposes an alternative routine: performing building maintenance at the point in time when the component is degrading and requires maintenance, thus reducing the frequency of unnecessary inspections. This thesis demonstrates that statistical techniques can be used as part of a maintenance management methodology to invoke maintenance before failure occurs. The proposed FM process is presented through a scenario utilising current Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology and innovative contractual and organisational models. This FM scenario supports a Degradation based Maintenance (DbM) scheduling methodology, implemented using two statistical techniques, Particle Filters (PFs) and Gaussian Processes (GPs). DbM consists of extracting and tracking a degradation metric for a component. Limits for the degradation metric are identified based on one of a number of proposed processes. These processes determine the limits based on the maturity of the historical information available. DbM is implemented for three case study components: a heat exchanger; a heat pump; and a set of bearings. The identified degradation points for each case study, from a PF, a GP and a hybrid (PF and GP combined) DbM implementation are assessed against known degradation points. The GP implementations are successful for all components. For the PF implementations, the results presented in this thesis find that the extracted metrics and limits identify degradation occurrences accurately for components which are in continuous operation. For components which have seasonal operational periods, the PF may wrongly identify degradation. The GP performs more robustly than the PF, but the PF, on average, results in fewer false positives. The hybrid implementations, which are a combination of GP and PF results, are successful for 2 of 3 case studies and are not affected by seasonal data. Overall, DbM is effectively applied for the three case study components. The accuracy of the implementations is dependant on the relationships modelled by the PF and GP, and on the type and quantity of data available. This novel maintenance process can improve equipment performance and reduce energy wastage from BSCs operation.
This deliverable (D1.4) is an intermediate document, expressly included to inform the first project review about RAGE’s methodology of software asset creation and management. The final version of the methodology description (D1.1) will be delivered in Month 29. The document explains how the RAGE project defines, develops, distributes and maintains a series of applied gaming software assets that it aims to make available. It describes a high-level methodology and infrastructure that are needed to support the work in the project as well as after the project has ended.
Algebuckina Waterhole exists as a permanent waterhole near a north-south dirt road and an old trainline on the Oodnadatta Track - lines that once opened up the arid lands of central South Australia but are now bypassed. It also exists as the final and largest freshwater waterhole at the end of the Neales River system. It is a critical biodiversity site, a cultural place and a working environment. It is seen to need a resilient management plan that encompasses diverse interests and impacts. Its managers sense that the theories and practices emerging out of landscape disciplinary systems may be of help. Work-in-progress research towards a management methodology are presented through posing scenarios on how landscape thinking and design, informed by an emergent textual and visual lexicon for water landscapes, can intersect with scientific fieldwork to produce useful and transferable outcomes for Algebuckina.
Acidentes do trabalho podem comprometer a competitividade das empresas e até a sua sobrevivência, pois elevam os custos, reduzem a produtividade devido à baixa disponibilidade de pessoal e clima organizacional, além de poderem afetar a imagem da organização perante a sociedade. Geram grandes problemas para as pessoas (acidentados) e seus familiares, assim como para o país. No Brasil, as estatísticas oficiais de acidentes de trabalho apontam números elevados, mesmo considerando que ocorre subnotificação. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar, implantar e avaliar um processo de gestão de comportamento seguro, ferramenta voltada para prevenção de acidentes, em uma indústria de cosmético. Para tal elaboração, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica (sobre legislação brasileira, acidente do trabalho, prevenção, gestão do comportamento seguro, cultura de segurança e sistema de gestão de segurança e saúde ocupacional), entrevistas com lideranças e trabalhadores, treinamentos e reuniões de acompanhamento (coaching), inspeções nos postos de trabalho, auditoria de observações comportamentais e consulta a registros da empresa para avaliação do envolvimento dos gestores e trabalhadores. Verificou-se uma redução de 40% do número de acidentes no primeiro ano e redução de 79% dos acidentes até o segundo ano, além da melhoria da postura prevencionista de gestores e trabalhadores. Espera-se que esta dissertação possa ajudar e incentivar organizações a implantarem a metodologia de gestão do comportamento seguro, assim como estudantes e pesquisadores a fazerem testes, ajustes e adaptações para melhorar a performance de segurança dessas organizações, reduzindo os acidentes de trabalho e as agruras e sofrimentos que eles impõem para a classe trabalhadora.