890 resultados para Managed Care Programs


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This research study was conducted as a descriptive study of prenatal care experiences of women enrolled in public and private managed care programs. The study's aim was to describe the demographic characteristics of the women in the study and to analyze and compare their prenatal care experiences. ^ The objective of this study was to examine the research question: Do pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care receive the same level of care as women enrolled in other Managed Care Programs in Harris County, Texas? ^ The study population was a convenience sample of pregnant women enrolled in managed care programs who presented to one of the two hospital study sites for delivery of their infant. The study utilized a self administered survey to measure adequacy and content of prenatal care received by the women during this pregnancy. Adequacy of prenatal care utilization was determined based on the Kessner Index criteria of timing of initiation of care and number of visits. Content of care was measured by the number of different medical services the women reported they had received and the number of health information topics the women reported on which they had received information. Demographic characteristics were described with univariate and bivariate statistics of frequencies and cross tabulations. Associations were evaluated using measures of linear correlations. ^ Results from the study showed there is an association between enrollment in Medicaid Managed Care (public) and prenatal care received compared to women enrolled in other Managed Care Programs (private). The results were derived from statistical tests on data the postpartum women gave when they completed the self-administered survey. Provider type was a moderate predictor of quality and quantity of prenatal care. The results also indicate that in the study population, minority ethnicity, income and lower educational status were associated with intermediate and inadequate prenatal care. ^


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Das Patientenklassifikationssystem AP-DRG wurde im Juli 2001 in einem Zürcher Spital und im Jahr 2002 in den Waadtländer Spitälern und in einem zweiten Zürcher Spital eingeführt. Die AP-DRGs (All Patients Diagnosis Related Groups) sind in erster Linie ein nützliches Messinstrument für die Finanzierung, die Planung und das Management der Spitäler, aber sie kÃnnen sich auch als ernorm hilfreich erweisen für die Risikoeinschätzung sowie für Managed-Care-Programme.<Managed Care> [Article original en français] AP-DRG, quel intérêt pour le Managed Care? / L. Schenker. Introduits depuis juillet 2001 dans un hôpital zurichois et en 2002 dans les hôpitaux vaudois et dans un deuxième hôpital zurichois, les APDRG (All Patient Diagnosis Related Groups) sont avant tout un instrument de mesure utile pour le financement, la planification et la gestion des hôpitaux mais ils peuvent se révéler extrêmement utiles pour l évaluation des risques ainsi que pour les programmes de Managed Care. <ManagedCareInfo.net>


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Shipping list no.: 99-0117-P.


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The Department on Human Services (DHS) carefully considered how to transition Medicaid services to managed care while creating stability for both members and providers.


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In Iowa, the Managed Care Ombudsman Program was established to advocate for the rights and wishes of IA Health Link members who live or receive care in a health care facility, assisted living program or elder group home, as well as members enrolled in one of the seven home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver programs: AIDS/HIV, Brain Injury, Childrenâs Mental Health, Elderly, Health and Disability, Intellectual &/or Physical Disability. All services provided by the Managed Care Ombudsman Program are confidential and free of charge.


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Objective. This research study had two goals: (1) to describe resource consumption patterns for Medi-Cal children with cystic fibrosis, and (2) to explore the feasibility from a rate design perspective of developing specialized managed care plans for such a special needs population.^ Background. Children with special health care needs (CSHN) comprise about 2% of the California Medicaid pediatric population. CSHN have rare but serious health problems, such as cystic fibrosis. Medicaid programs, including Medi-Cal, are enrolling more and more beneficiaries in managed care to control costs. CSHN, however, do not fit the wellness model underlying most managed care plans. Child health advocates believe that both efficiency and quality will suffer if CSHN are removed from regionalized special care centers and scattered among general purpose plans. They believe that CSHN should be "carved out" from enrollment in general plans. One alternative is the Specialized Managed Care Plan, tailored for CSHN.^ Methods. The study population consisted of children under age 21 with CF who were eligible for Medi-Cal and California Children's Services program (CCS) during 1991. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Medicaid Tape-to-Tape data were analyzed as part of a California Children's Hospital Association (CCHA) project.^ Results. Mean Medi-Cal expenditures per month enrolled were $2,302 for 457 CF children, compared to about \$1,270 for all 47,000 CCS special needs children and roughly $60 for almost 2.6 million ``regular needs'' children. For CF children, inpatient care (80\%) and outpatient drugs (9\%) were the major cost drivers, with {\it all\/} outpatient visits comprising only 2\% of expenditures. About one-third of CF children were eligible due to AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). Age group explained about 17\% of all expenditure variation. Regression analysis was used to select the best capitation rate structure (rate cells by age and eligibility group). Sensitivity analysis estimated moderate financial risk for a statewide plan (360 enrollees), but severe risk for single county implementation due to small numbers of children.^ Conclusions. Study results support the carve out of CSHN due to unique expenditure patterns. The Specialized Managed Care Plan concept appears feasible from a rate design perspective given sufficient enrollees. ^


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Shipping list no. 96-320-P.


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Managed Care, physicians' behavior, primary practice, efficiency, econometric analysis


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the patient with a stroke in home treatment, investigating physical capacity, mental status and anthropometric analysis. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Fortaleza/CE, from January to April of 2010. Sixty-one individuals monitored by a home care program of three tertiary hospitals were investigated, through interviews and the application of scales. The majority of individuals encountered were female (59%), elderly, bedridden, with a low educational level, a history of other stroke, a high degree of dependence for basic (73.8%) and instrumental (80.3 %) activities of daily living, and a low cognitive level (95.1%). Individuals also presented with tracheostomy, gastric feeding and urinary catheter, difficulty hearing, speaking, chewing, swallowing, and those making daily use of various medications. It was concluded that home care by nurses is an alternative for care of those individuals with a stroke.