89 resultados para Mammuthus
In this paper, a synopsis on the already known data, and the study of further specimens either new (*) or hither to undescribed are presented. The specimens dealt with have been collected at the Condeixa travertines; in the Tagus terraces near Carregado(*) and at Foz do Enxarrique(*); in the mousterian, about 31000 BP infilling from the Figueira Brava cave(*); and at Algar de Joao Ramos(*). Some specimens are ascribed to Elephas antiquus, the best represented form. Material from Figueira Brava cave and Algar de João Ramos is ascribed to Mammuthus primigenius, a species recognized here for the first time in Portugal.
Els mamuts han sigut els mamífers més grans que hi ha hagut a terra ferma, i han esdevingut una icona de la prehistòria. També són un paradigma de les extincions. Últimament, la possibilitat d'analitzar el genoma d'espècies extingides ha obert una nova porta per estudiar els mecanismes que porten a l'extinció. Un equip de recerca, internacional i multidisciplinari, ha analitzat i comparat el genoma de diversos mamut llanuts ( Mammuthus primigenius ). Segons l'estudi, publicat a Current Biology, la pèrdua de diversitat genètica va ser clau per a la seva extinció.
Pollen, plant macrofossil, loss-on-ignition and radiocarbon analyses of a 1.4-m section in thermokarst topography from Faddeyevskiy Island (75°20'N, 143°50'E, 30 m elevation) provides new information on Late Pleistocene interstadial environmental history of this high Arctic region. Conventional radiocarbon dates (25,700 ± 1000, 32,780 ± 500, 35,200 ± 650 yr BP) and two AMS dates (29,950 ± 660 and 42,990 ± 1280 yr BP) indicate that the deposits accumulated during the Kargian (Boutellier) interval. Numerous mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) remains that have been collected in vicinity of the site in this study were radio-carbon dated to 36,700-18,500 yr BP. Rare bison (Bison priscus) bones were dated to 32,200 ± 600 and 33,100 ± 320 yr BP. Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Artemisia pollen dominate the spectra with some Ranunculaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Rosaceae, and Asteraceae. The pollen spectra reflect steppe-like (tundra-steppe) vegetation, which was dominant on the exposed shelf of the Arctic Ocean. Numerous Carex macrofossils suggest that the summer climate was at least 2°C warmer than today. The productivity of the local vegetation during the Kargian interstadial was high enough to feed the population of grazing mammals.