968 resultados para Malicious software
This thesis is an exploratory case study that aims to understand the attitudes affecting adoption of mobile self-services. This study used a demo mobile self-service that could be used by consumers for making address changes. The service was branded with a large and trusted Finnish brand. The theoretical framework that was used consisted of adoption theories of technology, adoption theories of self-service and literature concerning mobile services. The reviewed adoption theories of both technology and self-service had their foundation in IDT or TRA/TPB. Based on the reviewed theories an initial framework was created. The empirical data collection was done through three computer aided group interview sessions with a total of 32 respondents. The data analysis started from the premises of the initial framework. Based on the empirical data the framework was constantly reviewed and altered and the data recoded accordingly. The result of this thesis was a list of attitudinal factors that affect the adoption of a mobile self-service either positively or negatively. The factors that were found to affect the attitudes towards adoption of mobile self-services positively were: that the service was time & place independent and saved time. Most respondents, but not all, also had a positive attitude towards adoption due to ease of use and being mentally compatible with the service. Factors that affected adoption negatively were lack of technical compatibility, perceived risk for high costs and risk for malicious software. The identified factors were triangulated in respect to existing literature and general attitudes towards mobile services.
Malicious software (malware) have significantly increased in terms of number and effectiveness during the past years. Until 2006, such software were mostly used to disrupt network infrastructures or to show coders’ skills. Nowadays, malware constitute a very important source of economical profit, and are very difficult to detect. Thousands of novel variants are released every day, and modern obfuscation techniques are used to ensure that signature-based anti-malware systems are not able to detect such threats. This tendency has also appeared on mobile devices, with Android being the most targeted platform. To counteract this phenomenon, a lot of approaches have been developed by the scientific community that attempt to increase the resilience of anti-malware systems. Most of these approaches rely on machine learning, and have become very popular also in commercial applications. However, attackers are now knowledgeable about these systems, and have started preparing their countermeasures. This has lead to an arms race between attackers and developers. Novel systems are progressively built to tackle the attacks that get more and more sophisticated. For this reason, a necessity grows for the developers to anticipate the attackers’ moves. This means that defense systems should be built proactively, i.e., by introducing some security design principles in their development. The main goal of this work is showing that such proactive approach can be employed on a number of case studies. To do so, I adopted a global methodology that can be divided in two steps. First, understanding what are the vulnerabilities of current state-of-the-art systems (this anticipates the attacker’s moves). Then, developing novel systems that are robust to these attacks, or suggesting research guidelines with which current systems can be improved. This work presents two main case studies, concerning the detection of PDF and Android malware. The idea is showing that a proactive approach can be applied both on the X86 and mobile world. The contributions provided on this two case studies are multifolded. With respect to PDF files, I first develop novel attacks that can empirically and optimally evade current state-of-the-art detectors. Then, I propose possible solutions with which it is possible to increase the robustness of such detectors against known and novel attacks. With respect to the Android case study, I first show how current signature-based tools and academically developed systems are weak against empirical obfuscation attacks, which can be easily employed without particular knowledge of the targeted systems. Then, I examine a possible strategy to build a machine learning detector that is robust against both empirical obfuscation and optimal attacks. Finally, I will show how proactive approaches can be also employed to develop systems that are not aimed at detecting malware, such as mobile fingerprinting systems. In particular, I propose a methodology to build a powerful mobile fingerprinting system, and examine possible attacks with which users might be able to evade it, thus preserving their privacy. To provide the aforementioned contributions, I co-developed (with the cooperation of the researchers at PRALab and Ruhr-Universität Bochum) various systems: a library to perform optimal attacks against machine learning systems (AdversariaLib), a framework for automatically obfuscating Android applications, a system to the robust detection of Javascript malware inside PDF files (LuxOR), a robust machine learning system to the detection of Android malware, and a system to fingerprint mobile devices. I also contributed to develop Android PRAGuard, a dataset containing a lot of empirical obfuscation attacks against the Android platform. Finally, I entirely developed Slayer NEO, an evolution of a previous system to the detection of PDF malware. The results attained by using the aforementioned tools show that it is possible to proactively build systems that predict possible evasion attacks. This suggests that a proactive approach is crucial to build systems that provide concrete security against general and evasion attacks.
N-gram analysis is an approach that investigates the structure of a program using bytes, characters or text strings. This research uses dynamic analysis to investigate malware detection using a classification approach based on N-gram analysis. A key issue with dynamic analysis is the length of time a program has to be run to ensure a correct classification. The motivation for this research is to find the optimum subset of operational codes (opcodes) that make the best indicators of malware and to determine how long a program has to be monitored to ensure an accurate support vector machine (SVM) classification of benign and malicious software. The experiments within this study represent programs as opcode density histograms gained through dynamic analysis for different program run periods. A SVM is used as the program classifier to determine the ability of different program run lengths to correctly determine the presence of malicious software. The findings show that malware can be detected with different program run lengths using a small number of opcodes
N-gram analysis is an approach that investigates the structure of a program using bytes, characters or text strings. This research uses dynamic analysis to investigate malware detection using a classification approach based on N-gram analysis. The motivation for this research is to find a subset of Ngram features that makes a robust indicator of malware. The experiments within this paper represent programs as N-gram density histograms, gained through dynamic analysis. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used as the program classifier to determine the ability of N-grams to correctly determine the presence of malicious software. The preliminary findings show that an N-gram size N=3 and N=4 present the best avenues for further analysis.
The research presented, investigates the optimal set of operational codes (opcodes) that create a robust indicator of malicious software (malware) and also determines a program’s execution duration for accurate classification of benign and malicious software. The features extracted from the dataset are opcode density histograms, extracted during the program execution. The classifier used is a support vector machine and is configured to select those features to produce the optimal classification of malware over different program run lengths. The findings demonstrate that malware can be detected using dynamic analysis with relatively few opcodes.
Malware has become a major threat in the last years due to the ease of spread through the Internet. Malware detection has become difficult with the use of compression, polymorphic methods and techniques to detect and disable security software. Those and other obfuscation techniques pose a problem for detection and classification schemes that analyze malware behavior. In this paper we propose a distributed architecture to improve malware collection using different honeypot technologies to increase the variety of malware collected. We also present a daemon tool developed to grab malware distributed through spam and a pre-classification technique that uses antivirus technology to separate malware in generic classes. © 2009 SPIE.
Given the exponential growth in the spread of the virus world wide web (Internet) and its increasing complexity, it is necessary to adopt more complex systems for the extraction of malware finger-prints (malware fingerprints - malicious software; is the name given to extracting unique information leading to identification of the virus, equivalent to humans, the fingerprint). The architecture and protocol proposed here aim to achieve more efficient fingerprints, using techniques that make a single fingerprint enough to compromise an entire group of viruses. This efficiency is given by the use of a hybrid approach of extracting fingerprints, taking into account the analysis of the code and the behavior of the sample, so called viruses. The main targets of this proposed system are Polymorphics and Metamorphics Malwares, given the difficulty in creating fingerprints that identify an entire family from these viruses. This difficulty is created by the use of techniques that have as their main objective compromise analysis by experts. The parameters chosen for the behavioral analysis are: File System; Records Windows; RAM Dump and API calls. As for the analysis of the code, the objective is to create, in binary virus, divisions in blocks, where it is possible to extract hashes. This technique considers the instruction there and its neighborhood, characterized as being accurate. In short, with this information is intended to predict and draw a profile of action of the virus and then create a fingerprint based on the degree of kinship between them (threshold), whose goal is to increase the ability to detect viruses that do not make part of the same family
It is our goal within this project to develop a powerful electronic system capable to claim, with high certainty, that a malicious software is running (or not) along with the workstations’ normal activity. The new product will be based on measurement of the supply current taken by a workstation from the grid. Unique technique is proposed within these proceedings that analyses the supply current to produce information about the state of the workstation and to generate information of the presence of malicious software running along with the rightful applications. The testing is based on comparison of the behavior of a fault-free workstation (established i advance) and the behavior of the potentially faulty device.
Recent advances in the massively parallel computational abilities of graphical processing units (GPUs) have increased their use for general purpose computation, as companies look to take advantage of big data processing techniques. This has given rise to the potential for malicious software targeting GPUs, which is of interest to forensic investigators examining the operation of software. The ability to carry out reverse-engineering of software is of great importance within the security and forensics elds, particularly when investigating malicious software or carrying out forensic analysis following a successful security breach. Due to the complexity of the Nvidia CUDA (Compute Uni ed Device Architecture) framework, it is not clear how best to approach the reverse engineering of a piece of CUDA software. We carry out a review of the di erent binary output formats which may be encountered from the CUDA compiler, and their implications on reverse engineering. We then demonstrate the process of carrying out disassembly of an example CUDA application, to establish the various techniques available to forensic investigators carrying out black-box disassembly and reverse engineering of CUDA binaries. We show that the Nvidia compiler, using default settings, leaks useful information. Finally, we demonstrate techniques to better protect intellectual property in CUDA algorithm implementations from reverse engineering.
Ensuring the security of computers is a non-trivial task, with many techniques used by malicious users to compromise these systems. In recent years a new threat has emerged in the form of networks of hijacked zombie machines used to perform complex distributed attacks such as denial of service and to obtain sensitive data such as password information. These zombie machines are said to be infected with a dasiahotpsila - a malicious piece of software which is installed on a host machine and is controlled by a remote attacker, termed the dasiabotmaster of a botnetpsila. In this work, we use the biologically inspired dendritic cell algorithm (DCA) to detect the existence of a single hot on a compromised host machine. The DCA is an immune-inspired algorithm based on an abstract model of the behaviour of the dendritic cells of the human body. The basis of anomaly detection performed by the DCA is facilitated using the correlation of behavioural attributes such as keylogging and packet flooding behaviour. The results of the application of the DCA to the detection of a single hot show that the algorithm is a successful technique for the detection of such malicious software without responding to normally running programs.
Malicious users try to compromise systems using new techniques. One of the recent techniques used by the attacker is to perform complex distributed attacks such as denial of service and to obtain sensitive data such as password information. These compromised machines are said to be infected with malicious software termed a “bot”. In this paper, we investigate the correlation of behavioural attributes such as keylogging and packet flooding behaviour to detect the existence of a single bot on a compromised machine by applying (1) Spearman’s rank correlation (SRC) algorithm and (2) the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA). We also compare the output results generated from these two methods to the detection of a single bot. The results show that the DCA has a better performance in detecting malicious activities.
Smartphones are steadily gaining popularity, creating new application areas as their capabilities increase in terms of computational power, sensors and communication. Emerging new features of mobile devices give opportunity to new threats. Android is one of the newer operating systems targeting smartphones. While being based on a Linux kernel, Android has unique properties and specific limitations due to its mobile nature. This makes it harder to detect and react upon malware attacks if using conventional techniques. In this paper, we propose an Android Application Sandbox (AASandbox) which is able to perform both static and dynamic analysis on Android programs to automatically detect suspicious applications. Static analysis scans the software for malicious patterns without installing it. Dynamic analysis executes the application in a fully isolated environment, i.e. sandbox, which intervenes and logs low-level interactions with the system for further analysis. Both the sandbox and the detection algorithms can be deployed in the cloud, providing a fast and distributed detection of suspicious software in a mobile software store akin to Google's Android Market. Additionally, AASandbox might be used to improve the efficiency of classical anti-virus applications available for the Android operating system.
In the last decade, smartphones have gained widespread usage. Since the advent of online application stores, hundreds of thousands of applications have become instantly available to millions of smart-phone users. Within the Android ecosystem, application security is governed by digital signatures and a list of coarse-grained permissions. However, this mechanism is not fine-grained enough to provide the user with a sufficient means of control of the applications' activities. Abuse of highly sensible private information such as phone numbers without users' notice is the result. We show that there is a high frequency of privacy leaks even among widely popular applications. Together with the fact that the majority of the users are not proficient in computer security, this presents a challenge to the engineers developing security solutions for the platform. Our contribution is twofold: first, we propose a service which is able to assess Android Market applications via static analysis and provide detailed, but readable reports to the user. Second, we describe a means to mitigate security and privacy threats by automated reverse-engineering and refactoring binary application packages according to the users' security preferences.
Os Sistemas de Detecção e Prevenção de Intrusão (Intrusion Detection Systems – IDS e Intrusion Prevention Systems - IPS) são ferramentas bastante conhecidas e bem consagradas no mundo da segurança da informação. Porém, a falta de integração com os equipamentos de rede como switches e roteadores acaba limitando a atuação destas ferramentas e exige um bom dimensionamento de recursos de hardware como processamento, memória e interfaces de rede de alta velocidade, utilizados para implementá-las. Diante de diversas limitações deparadas por pesquisadores e administradores de redes, surgiu o conceito de Rede Definida por Software (Software Defined Network – SDN), que ao separar os planos de controle e de dados, permite adaptar o funcionamento da rede de acordo com as necessidades de cada um. Desta forma, devido à padronização e flexibilidade propostas pelas SDNs, e das limitações apresentadas dos IPSs, esta dissertação de mestrado propõe o IPSFlow, um framework que utiliza uma rede baseada na arquitetura SDN e o protocolo OpenFlow para a criação de um IPS com ampla cobertura e que permite bloquear um tráfego caracterizado pelos IDS(s) como malicioso no equipamento mais próximo da origem. Para validar o framework, experimentos no ambiente virtual Mininet foram realizados utilizando-se o Snort como IDS para analisar tráfego de varredura (scan) gerado pelo Nmap de um host ao outro. Os resultados coletados apresentam que o IPSFlow funcionou conforme planejado ao efetuar o bloqueio de 85% do tráfego de varredura.
One of the most undervalued problems by smartphone users is the security of data on their mobile devices. Today smartphones and tablets are used to send messages and photos and especially to stay connected with social networks, forums and other platforms. These devices contain a lot of private information like passwords, phone numbers, private photos, emails, etc. and an attacker may choose to steal or destroy this information. The main topic of this thesis is the security of the applications present on the most popular stores (App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android) and of their mechanisms for the management of security. The analysis is focused on how the architecture of the two systems protects users from threats and highlights the real presence of malware and spyware in their respective application stores. The work described in subsequent chapters explains the study of the behavior of 50 Android applications and 50 iOS applications performed using network analysis software. Furthermore, this thesis presents some statistics about malware and spyware present on the respective stores and the permissions they require. At the end the reader will be able to understand how to recognize malicious applications and which of the two systems is more suitable for him. This is how this thesis is structured. The first chapter introduces the security mechanisms of the Android and iOS platform architectures and the security mechanisms of their respective application stores. The Second chapter explains the work done, what, why and how we have chosen the tools needed to complete our analysis. The third chapter discusses about the execution of tests, the protocol followed and the approach to assess the “level of danger” of each application that has been checked. The fourth chapter explains the results of the tests and introduces some statistics on the presence of malicious applications on Play Store and App Store. The fifth chapter is devoted to the study of the users, what they think about and how they might avoid malicious applications. The sixth chapter seeks to establish, following our methodology, what application store is safer. In the end, the seventh chapter concludes the thesis.