796 resultados para Male prisoners


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Research on prisoners is limited and demonstrates a group with disproportionate numbers from disadvantaged backgrounds, known to have a high burden of disease, much of which is diet related. The aim of this study was to gauge the presence of markers of chronic disease, as a basis for food and nutrition policy in prisons. METHODS/SUBJECTS A cross-sectional study design was used with a convenience sample of prisoners in a male 945 bed high secure facility. Face to face interviews with physical measures of height, weight, body fat, waist circumference and blood pressure were collected along with fasting bloods. Data was confirmed with facility records, observations and staff interviews. Full ethics approval was obtained. Results were compared with studies of Australian prisoners and the general population. RESULTS The mean age was 35.5 years (n=120). Prevalence rates were: obesity 14%, diabetes 5%, hypertension 26.7% and smoking 55.8%. Self-report of daily physical activity was 84%, with 51% participating ≥two times daily. Standard food provision was consistent with dietary recommendations, except sodium was high. Where fasting bloods were obtained (n=78) dyslipidaemia was 56.4% with the Metabolic Syndrome present in 26%. CONCLUSIONS Prevalence of diabetes and heart disease risk appear similar to the general population, however obesity was lower and smoking higher. The data provides evidence that markers of chronic disease are present, with this the first study to describe the Metabolic Syndrome in prisoners. Food and nutrition policy in this setting is complex and should address the duty of care issues that exist.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo identificar as representações sociais da ressocialização, por meio da escola, de prisioneiros masculinos de presídios situados no Rio de Janeiro. A legislação brasileira tem, entre seus princípios organizadores, o conceito de ressocialização de prisioneiros, ao estabelecer limites de duração da pena e impedir a pena de morte. Entretanto, ao analisarmos as condições carcerárias existentes neste ideário de ressocialização, verificamos que este ideário não possui e nem produz eficácia. A oferta de educação, para presidiários, ocorreu no Brasil a partir de 1967 e atualmente está em vigor a Lei n 12.433, de 29 de junho de 2011, que estabelece uma correlação entre a educação formal e a remição de pena. A dissertação trata de um breve histórico da educação no sistema penal brasileiro, considerando seus limites e potencialidades. O referencial teórico utilizado foi o da Teoria das Representações Sociais como apresentada por Serge Moscovici (1978) em sua pesquisa original sobre as representações sociais da psicanálise. O referencial teórico adotado permitiu a identificação desta espécie de pensamento social em um grupo de presidiários que frequenta a escola no presídio, priorizando a relação entre escola e ressocialização. Foram entrevistados 80 sujeitos do sexo masculino, em presídios da capital do estado do Rio de Janeiro, com a devida autorização do presídio, da Secretaria de Estado da Educação e com o rigor no cumprimento das normas éticas estabelecidas para pesquisa com humanos, especialmente a garantia de anonimato. A representação de comportamento no presídio resume-se ao conceito de enquadramento, que significa uma série de atitudes e de pensamento que permitem a sobrevivência no interior do presídio. A escola foi compreendida, pelos sujeitos, como instituição também determinada pelo enquadramento. Mesmo a escola tendo sido bem avaliada e apresentando perspectivas de futuro para a ressocialização, os sujeitos consideraram que a família é o principal agente de ressocialização à frente da escola. Consideramos que, para os presidiários, a escola pode representar possibilidades de ressocialização, entretanto deve aprimorar suas atividades para o mundo do trabalho e para a constituição de redes sociais de afinidade, com a família lato sensu dos prisioneiros, para que sua eficácia seja real e potente.


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This article examines the occurrence of fights, assaults, arguments and threats of violence between adult male prisoners in an English category C prison. The self-narratives of 40 men are analysed to investigate whether some prisoners engage in more confrontations than others due to a psychological need to protect their identity. The findings indicate that how an individual understands and constructs their self-narrative can influence their involvement in aggressive behaviour. Implications for interventions attempting to reduce aggression are explored.


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This essay will consider the recording and exhibition of stories from a conflicted past in a contested present; who gets to tell what stories to whom and under what conditions? I will use the case study of the online Prisons Memory Archive (PMA) – a collection of filmed interviews at the locations of the Maze and Long Kesh Prison, which held male prisoners, and Armagh Gaol, which held female prisoners. Both operated during the period of political violence during the last third of the 20th century in the North of Ireland (www.prisonsmemoryarchive.com). As Director of the PMA, I was involved from research through production to exhibition.


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À la base, les jeux de hasard et d’argent (JHA) se révèlent pour la grande majorité des gens une activité ludique agréable. On les associe effectivement aux loisirs, puisqu’ils répondent pratiquement aux mêmes besoins, dont la curiosité, le divertissement, la détente, la socialisation et la reconnaissance (Chevalier, 2003; Chevalier & Papineau, 2007; Paradis & Courteau, 2003). En contrepartie, ils constituent tout de même un risque d’excès. Bien que personne ne soit vraiment à l’abri de la dépendance, les écrits scientifiques montrent que certains groupes se révèlent particulièrement à risque. Avec les personnes qui souffrent de troubles mentaux et toxicomaniaques (Walters, 1997), la population correctionnelle se trouve parmi les individus les plus susceptibles de présenter des problèmes liés au jeu pathologique (Abbott, McKenna, & Giles, 2005; Ashcroft, Daniels, & Hart, 2004; Lahn, 2005). Or, si plusieurs études informent sur les habitudes de jeu précarcérales des hommes condamnés à l’emprisonnement, peu renseignent sur ce qu’il advient de cette pratique à l’intérieur des établissements de détention. Malgré une interdiction formelle des services correctionnels, on reconnaît pourtant la présence des JHA en prison (Abbott et al., 2005; Lahn & Grabosky, 2003; Nixon, Leigh, & Grabosky, 2006; Williams, Royston, & Hagen, 2005; Lahn, 2005). Cependant, la plupart des études se contentent trop souvent de dresser un portrait purement descriptif des types de jeux et des formes de mises. Une meilleure compréhension de cette pratique intra-muros se révèle essentielle, ne serait-ce que si l’on tient compte de la proportion non négligeable de détenus aux prises avec une telle dépendance. Cette thèse entend donc améliorer la compréhension de cette pratique dans les établissements de détention fédéraux du Québec, en se basant sur l’opinion et l’expérience de 51 hommes qui y sont incarcérés. Des entrevues qualitatives en français ont été effectuées avec des détenus québécois de plus de 18 ans, purgeant une peine d’emprisonnement minimale de vingt-quatre mois. Les résultats obtenus suite à des analyses thématiques sont répartis dans trois articles scientifiques. Le premier article décrit le déroulement des JHA intra-muros et analyse l’influence du milieu carcéral sur l’accès à ces activités et leur signification. Contrairement à nos attentes, le règlement interdisant les paris ne s’avère pas un obstacle central à leur pratique. Des éléments liés au contexte correctionnel et à la sentence en restreignent davantage la participation. La disponibilité et les bienfaits habituellement retirés des JHA, comme le plaisir et l’excitation, s’avèrent beaucoup plus limités que ce que ces activités offrent habituellement dans la société libre. Le second article étudie les conséquences potentielles des JHA, de même que la façon dont les détenus y réagissent. À la base, le seul fait que ces activités impliquent obligatoirement un échange d’argent, de biens de valeur ou de services rendus engendre pour tous les joueurs un risque de contracter des dettes. Une analyse dynamique montre que certaines frictions se développent autour des JHA, qui s’expliquent toutefois mieux par les caractéristiques du milieu carcéral. Le dernier article aborde les motifs qui justifient la participation ou non de la population correctionnelle à des JHA durant leur incarcération. Il tient compte des habitudes de jeu au cours des douze mois qui ont précédé la détention, soit des non-joueurs, des joueurs récréatifs et des joueurs problématiques. Pour la plupart des détenus, les JHA servent d’alternative ludique à l’ennui, mais certains les utilisent également dans le but de s’intégrer, voire indirectement de se protéger. Fait encore plus intéressant, malgré la présence de joueurs dépendants parmi les hommes interviewés, aucune des motivations généralement associées au jeu pathologique n’a été rapportée pour justifier la pratique des JHA en prison. En somme, les JHA demeurent généralement sans conséquence dans les établissements de détention québécois, puisque très peu de détenus semblent dépasser leurs limites et s’endetter. Les conflits entourant ces activités apparaissent surtout sous forme de querelles, suite à des doutes sur l’intégrité d’un joueur ou une défaite non assumée. Les événements violents, comme des règlements de compte, faisant suite à des dettes impayées se révèlent exceptionnels. Les résultats de cette thèse montrent également que certains joueurs pathologiques, malgré l’opportunité de s’adonner à des JHA, s’abstiennent ou cessent de miser au cours de leur incarcération. Ces dernières données permettent de réfléchir sur le concept de dépendance et sur les éléments prometteurs pour le traitement des joueurs problématiques incarcérés.


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Background: Previous studies report high prevalence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization among imprisoned populations. However, there are no data on that prevalence in Brazilian correctional institutions.Findings: We tested 302 male prisoners for nasopharyngeal colonization with Staphylococcus aureus from February 2009 through April 2010. The overall isolation rate of S. aureus was 16.5% (50/302). Men who had sex with men, users of inhalatory drugs and those with previous lung or skin diseases were more likely to be colonized with S. aureus. MRSA was isolated from 0.7% of subjects (2/302). The two Community-associated (CA)-MRSA belonged to ST5 but were unrelated based on the PFGE results. Both harbored SCCmec IV, and did not possess the Panton-Valentine Leukocidin gene.Conclusion: We found low prevalence of S. aureus and CA-MRSA among prisoners. MRSA isolates ST5 from two subjects harboured SCCmec IV and presented different PFGE patterns.


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A systematic review of scientific production on Prison Health was conducted, seeking to verify how the subject matter has been dealt with, establishing which is the most exploited focus and identifying possible gaps. The search was carried out in the Virtual Health Library. 1160 articles were located: 1104 on MEDLINE, 19 on LILACS and 37 on SciELO, published from 1993 to 2010. As MEDLINE and LILACS do not show the entire articles, the places, dates and languages of the texts were charted. In-depth analysis was restricted to works which were shown in their entirety and free of charge hosted on SciELO. It revealed that scientific production is present all over the world with a predominantly quantitative approach. It focuses on identifying the socio-demographic profile and health conditions of prisoners, the incidence of tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency and Hepatitis C virus infections. There is a predominance of studies carried out with male prisoners, in comparison with the female sex. It is clear that prisoner health is a public health problem on the rise, which demands research that can orient health policies and strategies.


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Published reports have consistently indicated high prevalence of serologic markers for hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) infection in U.S. incarcerated populations. Quantifying the current and projected burden of HBV and HCV infection and hepatitis-related sequelae in correctional healthcare systems with even modest precision remains elusive, however, because the prevalence and sequelae of HBV and HCV in U.S. incarcerated populations are not well-studied. This dissertation contributes to the assessment of the burden of HBV and HCV infections in U.S. incarcerated populations by addressing some of the deficiencies and gaps in previous research. ^ Objectives of the three dissertation studies were: (1) To investigate selected study-level factors as potential sources of heterogeneity in published HBV seroprevalence estimates in U.S. adult incarcerated populations (1975-2005), using meta-regression techniques; (2) To quantify the potential influence of suboptimal sensitivity of screening tests for antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) on previously reported anti-HCV prevalence estimates in U.S. incarcerated populations (1990-2005), by comparing these estimates to error-adjusted anti-HCV prevalence estimates in these populations; (3) To estimate death rates due to HBV, HCV, chronic liver disease (CLD/cirrhosis), and liver cancer from 1984 through 2003 in male prisoners in custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and to quantify the proportion of CLD/cirrhosis and liver cancer prisoner deaths attributable to HBV and/or HCV. ^ Results were as follows. Although meta-regression analyses were limited by the small body of literature, mean population age and serum collection year appeared to be sources of heterogeneity, respectively, in prevalence estimates of antibodies to HBV antigen (HBsAg+) and any positive HBV marker. Other population characteristics and study methods could not be ruled out as sources of heterogeneity. Anti-HCV prevalence is likely somewhat higher in male and female U.S. incarcerated populations than previously estimated in studies using anti-HCV screening tests alone without the benefit of repeat or additional testing. Death rates due to HBV, HCV, CLD/cirrhosis, and liver cancer from 1984 through 2003 in TDCJ male prisoners exceeded state and national rates. HCV rates appeared to be increasing and disproportionately affecting Hispanics. HCV was implicated in nearly one-third of liver cancer deaths. ^


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Background The introduction of women officers into HM Prison Service raised questions regarding women's ability to perform what had traditionally been a male role. Existing research is inconclusive as to whether female prison officers are as competent as male prison officers, and whether there are gender differences in job performance. This study examined prisoners' perceptions of male and female prison officers' performance. Hypotheses The hypotheses were that overall competence and professionalism ratings would not differ for men and women officers, but that there would be differences in how men and women were perceived to perform their roles. Women were expected to be rated as more communicative, more empathic and less disciplining. Method The Prison Officer Competency Rating Scale (PORS) was designed for this study. Ratings on the PORS for male and female officers were given by 57 adult male prisoners. Results There was no significant difference in prisoners' ratings of overall competence of men and women officers. Of the PORS subscales, there were no gender differences in Discipline and Control, Communication or Empathy, but there was a significant difference in Professionalism, where prisoners rated women as more professional. Conclusion The failure to find any differences between men and women in overall job competence, or on communication, empathy and discipline, as perceived by prisoners, suggests that men and women may be performing their jobs similarly in many respects. Women were rated as more professional, and items contributing to this scale related to respecting privacy and keeping calm in difficult situations, where there may be inherent gender biases. Copyright © 2005 Whurr Publishers Ltd.


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There are limited studies on the adequacy of prisoner diet and food practices, yet understanding these are important to inform food provision and assure duty of care for this group. The aim of this research was to assess the dietary intakes of prisoners to inform food and nutrition policy in this setting. This research used a cross-sectional design with convenience sampling in a 945 bed male high secure prison. Multiple methods were used to assess food available at the group level, including verification of food portion, quality, and practices. A pictorial tool supported the diet history method. Of 276 eligible prisoners, 120 dietary interviews were conducted and verified against prison records, with 106 deemed plausible. The results showed the planned food to be nutritionally adequate, with the exception of vitamin D for older males and long chain fatty acids, with sodium above Upper Limits. The Australian Dietary Targets for chronic disease risk were not achieved. High energy intakes were reported with median 13.8MJ (SE 0.3MJ). Probability estimates of inadequate intake varied with age groups: magnesium 8% (>30 years), 2.9% (<30 years); calcium 6.0% (>70 years), 1.5% (<70 years); folate 3.5%; zinc and iodine 2.7%; and vitamin A 2.3%. Nutrient intakes were greatly impacted by self-funded snacks. Results suggest nutrient intakes nutritionally favourable when compared to males in the community. This study highlights the complexity of food provision in the prison environment, and also poses questions for population level dietary guidance in delivering appropriate nutrients within energy limits.


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TO THE EDITOR: Kinner and colleagues described the high proportion of deaths among recently released prisoners in Australia...


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This research examines how men react to male models in print advertisements. In two experiments, we show that the gender identity of men influences their responses to advertisements featuring a masculine, feminine, or androgynous male model. In addition, we explore the extent to which men feel they will be classified by others as similar to the model as a mechanism for these effects. Specifically, masculine men respond most favorably to masculine models and are negative toward feminine models. In contrast, feminine men prefer feminine models when their private self is salient. Yet in a collective context, they prefer masculine models.These experiments shed light on how gender identity and self-construal influence male evaluations and illustrate the social pressure on men to endorse traditional masculine portrayals. We also present implications for advertising practice.


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This paper explores the way men are represented in present-day advertising. Most gender related studies have concentrated in studying women in advertising and claim that men are still represented as the dominant gender and in more active, independent and functional roles than women. This paper asks whether this still holds for advertising in the beginning of 21st century. Many cultural changes may have broken the earlier stereotypes, for example changes in the family life, attitudes toward various sexual identities, concepts of masculinity and femininity, and changes in cultural style.


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The depiction of drapery (generalised cloth as opposed to clothing) is a well-established convention of Neo-Classical sculpture and is often downplayed by art historians as of purely rhetorical value. It can be argued however that sculpted drapery has served a spectrum of expressive ends, the variety and complexity of which are well illustrated by a study of its use in portrait sculpture. For the Neo-Classical portrait bust, drapery had substantial iconographic and political meaning, signifying the new Enlightenment notions of masculine authority. Within the portrait bust, drapery also served highly strategic aesthetic purposes, alleviating the abruptness of the truncated format and the compromising visual consequences of the “cropped” body. With reference to Joseph Nollekens’ portraits of English statesman Charles James Fox and the author’s own sculptural practice, this paper analyses the Neo-Classical use of drapery to propose that rendered fabric, far from mere stylistic flourish, is a highly charged visual signifier with much scope for exploration in contemporary sculptural practice.