4 resultados para Makerspaces


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Content-creation spaces, or ‘makerspaces’, are an emerging phenomenon in public libraries worldwide. This study investigated the current state of makerspaces in Australian public libraries. Qualitative interviews with three information professionals formed the data collection. Thematic analysis of interviews addressed two research questions: What are the issues and challenges of creating makerspaces within Australian public libraries? How can they be addressed? Findings revealed the substantive benefits of these spaces, including enhanced community engagement, development of a new form of library as ‘third place’, and transforming the library's image from that of a place where works are consumed to that of a place where works are created. Additionally the study highlighted significant challenges to creating these spaces, including budgetary constraints, resistance to change within organisations and proving the relevance of such spaces within a library context. The study provides suggestions for overcoming these obstacles and provides areas for further research in the area, including larger studies across a broader geographic area and further investigation and follow-up into upcoming programs within existing makerspaces.


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Individualization of design is often necessary particularly when designing with people with disabilities. Maker communities, with their flexible Do-It-Yourself (DIY) practices, offer potential to support individualized and cost-effective product design. However, efforts to adapt DIY practices in designing with people with disabilities tend to face difficulties with regard to continuous commitment, infrastructure provision and proper guidance. We carried out interviews with diverse stakeholders in the disability services sector and carried out observations of local makerspaces to understand their current practices and potential for future collaborations. We found that makerspace participants face difficulties in terms of infrastructure provision and proper guidance whereas Disability Service Organizations face difficulties in continuous expertise. We suggest that artful infrastructuring to blend the best of both approaches offers potential to create a sustainable community that can design individualized technologies to support people with disabilities.


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This review examines recent literature on the public library as a creative place and the ways in which socio-cultural impact is being measured in assessments of cultural value. Inputs such as funding and staffing are frequently measured against outputs such as visitor numbers and lending frequencies, but qualitative measures (outcomes and impacts) are minimal in the literature because of the lack of persuasive evaluative frameworks and the difficulty of designing and facilitating the evaluations at local and national levels. Nevertheless, when combined with data about outputs and outcomes, the impact on individuals and their communities can be measured effectively and reported persuasively (Poll 2012, p.124). This contextual review provides an overview of current thinking about public libraries and creative spaces with particular attention paid to the rise of so-called makerspaces and Fab Labs. This includes discussion on the types of creative activities that are occurring in the public library context, and an outline of the rhetoric and reality of the public library as a community space. These outlines are reconsidered in a discussion of the evaluative frameworks that have been employed by libraries in the past, followed by an account of some prominent creative spaces that have been formally evaluated. The existence of creative spaces in public libraries is in a state of constant flux, and the development and redevelopment of evaluative frameworks will ensure that published reports will continue to appear throughout 2015 and beyond. This review provides a brief snapshot of the state of the field as it is in the first quarter of 2015.


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Bei dem Konzept Makerspace handelt es sich um ein niedrigschwelliges Angebot, das für alle Besucher Anreize, Ideen und Unterstützung bieten kann. Durch den Faktor des gemeinsamen Lernens werden soziale Grenzen überbrückt und neue Netzwerke gebildet, implizites Wissen wird ausgetauscht und Lernen neu erfahren. Der Makerspace bietet eine Bühne, um eigene Erfahrungen auszutauschen, Wissen an Interessierte weiterzugeben oder gemeinschaftlich an einem kreativen Projekt zu arbeiten. Als Ort des Lernens und der Information, aber auch als Treffpunkt bieten öffentliche Bibliotheken einen idealen Rahmen für ein entsprechendes Angebot. Das modulare Makerspace-Konzept ermöglicht ihnen, die Angebote ganz nach ihren Bedürfnissen und Ansprüchen auszurichten. Vorhandene Medienbestände können in die Makerspace-Aktivitäten eingebunden werden. Makerspaces sind vielversprechende Zukunftsmodelle kollektiver Erfahrungsräume und bieten Platz für eine inklusive Lernwerkstatt für die Gemeinschaft. Aufgrund der vorliegenden Analyse empfiehlt das Projektteam für die Stadtbibliothek Göttingen mit dem Koffermodul zu starten, um die Teilnehmer und Mitarbeiter nicht zu überfordern. Die räumlichen Gegebenheiten lassen aber in einem späteren Stadium auch die Module Schrank und Raum zu. Diese Erweiterungen sollten von der Nutzung und der Nachfrage abhängig gemacht werden.