993 resultados para Maize Zea-mays


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Genetically modified foods are a major concern around the world due to the lack of information concerning their safety and health effects. This work evaluates differences, at the proteomic level, between two types of crop samples: transgenic (MON810 event with the Cry1Ab gene, which confers resistance to insects) and non-transgenic maize flour commercialized in Brazil. The 2-D DIGE technique revealed 99 differentially expressed spots, which were collected in 2-D PAGE gels and identified via mass spectrometry (nESI-QTOF MS/MS). The abundance of protein differences between the transgenic and non-transgenic samples could arise from genetic modification or as a result of an environmental influence pertaining to the commercial sample. The major functional category of proteins identified was related to disease/defense and, although differences were observed between samples, no toxins or allergenic proteins were found.


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The functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions is an important tool for uses as diverse as assessment of the stress-related sensitivity of different plant cultivars and characterization of soil structure. Two of the most pervasive sources of stress are soil resistance to root penetration (SR) and matric potential (psi). However, the assessment of these sources of stress on physiological processes in different soils can be complicated by other sources of stress and by the strong relation between SR and psi in a soil. A multivariate boundary line approach was assessed as a means of reducing these cornplications. The effects of SR and psi stress conditions on plant responses were examined under growth chamber conditions. Maize plants (Zea mays L.) were grown in soils at different water contents and having different structures arising from variation in texture, organic carbon content and soil compaction. Measurements of carbon exchange (CE), leaf transpiration (ILT), plant transpiration (PT), leaf area (LA), leaf + shoot dry weight (LSDW), root total length (RTL), root surface area (RSA) and root dry weight (RDW) were determined after plants reached the 12-leaf stage. The LT, PT and LA were described as a function of SR and psi with a double S-shaped function using the multivariate boundary line approach. The CE and LSDW were described by the combination of an S-shaped function for SR and a linear function for psi. The root parameters were described by a single S-shaped function for SR. The sensitivity to SR and psi depended on the plant parameter. Values of PT, LA and LSDW were most sensitive to SR. Among those parameters exhibiting a significant response to psi, PT was most sensitive. The boundary line approach was found to be a useful tool to describe the functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ability to predict leaf area and leaf area index is crucial in crop simulation models that predict crop growth and yield. Previous studies have shown existing methods of predicting leaf area to be inadequate when applied to a broad range of cultivars with different numbers of leaves. The objectives of the study were to (i) develop generalised methods of modelling individual and total plant leaf area, and leaf senescence, that do not require constants that are specific to environments and/or genotypes, (ii) re-examine the base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for calculation of thermal time for leaf senescence, and (iii) assess the method of calculation of individual leaf area from leaf length and leaf width in experimental work. Five cultivars of maize differing widely in maturity and adaptation were planted in October 1994 in south-eastern Queensland, and grown under non-limiting conditions of water and plant nutrient supplies. Additional data for maize plants with low total leaf number (12-17) grown at Katumani Research Centre, Kenya, were included to extend the range in the total leaf number per plant. The equation for the modified (slightly skewed) bell curve could be generalised for modelling individual leaf area, as all coefficients in it were related to total leaf number. Use of coefficients for individual genotypes can be avoided, and individual and total plant leaf area can be calculated from total leaf number. A single, logistic equation, relying on maximum plant leaf area and thermal time from emergence, was developed to predict leaf senescence. The base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for calculation of thermal time for leaf senescence were 8, 34, and 40 degrees C, and apply for the whole crop-cycle when used in modelling of leaf senescence. Thus, the modelling of leaf production and senescence is simplified, improved, and generalised. Consequently, the modelling of leaf area index (LAI) and variables that rely on LAI will be improved. For experimental purposes, we found that the calculation of leaf area from leaf length and leaf width remains appropriate, though the relationship differed slightly from previously published equations.


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Survey of ear flies (Diptera, Ulidiidae) in maize (Zea mays L.) and a new record of Euxesta mazorca Steyskalin Brazil. Species of Euxesta (Diptera, Ulidiidae), known as silk flies or ear flies, are becoming increasingly important as maize insect pests in South America, although very little is known about them in Brazil. The larvae of some species of this genus initially damage female reproductive tissues, and then the developing kernels on the ear. As a result of feeding, fermentation and associated odors cause complete loss of the grain because it is no longer fit for human or livestock consumption. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the incidence of Euxesta spp. in Brazilian maize fields and to determine the most prevalent species using two different hydrolyzed protein foods attractants, BioAnastrepha® (hydrolyzed maize protein) and Torula, placed inside McPhail traps. The two species identified were E. eluta Loew and E. mazorca Steyskal, the latter being a new record from Brazil. Between the two species, E. eluta was the more abundant in maize fields. Both attractants were efficient in capturing the two species. However, BioAnastrepha® captured significantly more insects than Torula.


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A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to study the effect of fertilizer application methods and inter and intra-row weed-crop competition durations on density and biomass of different weeds and growth, grain yield and yield components of maize. The experimental treatments comprised of two fertilizer application methods (side placement and below seed placement) and inter and intra-row weed-crop competition durations each for 15, 30, 45, and 60 days after emergence, as well as through the crop growing period. Fertilizer application method didn't affect weed density, biomass, and grain yield of maize. Below seed fertilizer placement generally resulted in less mean weed dry weight and more crop leaf area index, growth rate, grain weight per cob and 1000 grain weight. Minimum number of weeds and dry weight were recorded in inter-row or intra-row weed-crop competition for 15 DAE. Number of cobs per plant, grain weight per cob, 1000 grain weight and grain yield decreased with an increase in both inter-row and intra-row weed-crop competition durations. Maximum mean grain yield of 6.35 and 6.33 tha-1 were recorded in inter-row and intra-row weed competition for 15 DAE, respectively.


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Dense molecular genetic maps are used for an efficient quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and in the marker-assisted selection programs. A dense genetic map was generated with 139 microsatellite markers using 256 F2 plants generated by the crossing of two tropical maize inbred lines (L-02-03D and L-20-01F). This map presented 1,858.61 cM in length, where 10 linkage groups were found spanned, with an average interval of 13.47 cM between adjacent markers. Seventy seven percent of the maize genetic mapping bins were covered, which means an increase of 14% coverage in relation to the previous tropical maize maps. The results provide a more detailed and informative genetic map in a tropical maize population representing the first step to make possible the studies of genetic architecture to identify and map QTL and estimate their effects on the variation of quantitative traits, thus allowing the manipulation and use in tropical maize breeding programs.


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Six brachytic maize varieties were crossed in a diallel mating scheme. Both varieties and crosses were grown hydroponically in a greenhouse, in randomized complete blocks with three replications in two seasons. Four brachytic double cross hybrids were used as checks. Twenty-eight days after planting, data for eight traits were taken for weights of the total plant (TPW), top plant (TOW), total roots (TRW), seminal roots (SRW), and nodal roots (NRW) and number of total roots (TRN), seminal roots (SRN), and nodal roots (NRN). Ten plants were measured in each plot and all the analyses were accomplished with plot means. In the diallel cross the top plant contributed 57.6% of the total plant weight, for seminal roots 15.4%, and for nodal roots 27.0%. Root number distribution was 36.7% seminal roots and 63.3% nodal roots. Approximately the same ratios were observed in the checks. The average heterosis effects were nonsignificant for all traits; the other components of heterosis (variety and specific heterosis) also were not important sources of variation in young plants. The overall results suggest that nonadditive gene action is not an important source of variation for the plant and root system of young plants. The positive correlation coefficients for combinations of traits indicated that they are under the control of a polygenic system


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In mammals, hexokinase (HK) is strategically located at the outer membrane of mitochondria bound to the porin protein. The mitochondrial HK is a crucial modulator of apoptosis and reactive oxygen species generation. In plants, these properties related to HK are unknown. In order to better understand the physiological role of non-cytosolic hexokinase (NC-HK) in plants, we developed a purification strategy here described. Crude extract of 400 g of maize roots (230 mg protein) contained a specific activity of 0.042 µmol G6P min-1 mg PTN-1. After solubilization with detergent two fractions were obtained by DEAE column chromatography, NC-HK 1 (specific activity = 3.6 µmol G6P min-1 mg PTN-1 and protein recovered = 0.7 mg) and NC-HK 2. A major purification (yield = 500-fold) was obtained after passage of NC-HK 1 through the hydrophobic phenyl-Sepharose column. The total amount of protein and activity recovered were 0.04 and 18%, respectively. The NC-HK 1 binds to the hydrophobic phenyl-Sepharose matrix, as observed for rat brain HK. Mild chymotrypsin digestion did not affect adsorption of NC-HK 1 to the hydrophobic column as it does for rat HK I. In contrast to mammal mitochondrial HK, glucose-6-phosphate, clotrimazole or thiopental did not dissociate NC-HK from maize (Zea mays) or rice (Oryza sativa) mitochondrial membranes. These data show that the interaction between maize or rice NC-HK to mitochondria differs from that reported in mammals, where the mitochondrial enzyme can be displaced by modulators or pharmacological agents known to interfere with the enzyme binding properties with the mitochondrial porin protein.


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AbstractMaize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded by high temperatures, exposure to light and presence of oxygen. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the moisture and type of drying applied to grains on the level of carotenoids in yellow maize. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (2 × 4 factorial), two levels of initial moisture at the harvest (22 and 19%) and three types of drying (in the sun; in the shade and in a dryer) and control (no drying). The samples of grains after drying with 12% of final moisture were analyzed by concentration of total carotenoids, carotenes (α-carotene + β-carotene), monohydroxilated carotenoids (β-cryptoxanthin), and xanthophylls (lutein + zeaxanthin). Initial moisture, type of drying and the interaction between moisture versus drying influence (p≤0.05) the levels of carotenoids in grains. This is the first report about the drying conditions and harvest’s initial moisture as influence on the profile and content of carotenoids in maize grains. Based on the results, this work suggested that the harvest be carried out preferably when the grains present 22% humidity, with drying in a dryer or in shade for further use or storage.


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A series of experiments was completed to investigate the impact of addition of enzymes at ensiling on in vitro rumen degradation of maize silage. Two commercial products, Depot 40 (D, Biocatalysts Ltd., Pontypridd, UK) and Liquicell 2500 (L, Specialty Enzymes and Biochemicals, Fresno, CA, USA), were used. In experiment 1, the pH optima over a pH range 4.0-6.8 and the stability of D and L under changing pH (4.0, 5.6, 6.8) and temperature (15 and 39 degreesC) conditions were determined. In experiment 2, D and L were applied at three levels to whole crop maize at ensiling, using triplicate 0.5 kg capacity laboratory minisilos. A completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of treatments was used. One set of treatments was stored at room temperature, whereas another set was stored at 40 degreesC during the first 3 weeks of fermentation, and then stored at room temperature. Silages were opened after 120 days. Results from experiment I indicated that the xylanase activity of both products showed an optimal pH of about 5.6, but the response differed according to the enzyme, whereas the endoglucanase activity was inversely related to pH. Both products retained at least 70% of their xylanase activity after 48 h incubation at 15 or 39 degreesC. In experiment 2, enzymes reduced (P < 0.05) silage pH, regardless of storage temperature and enzyme level. Depol 40 reduced (P < 0.05) the starch contents of the silages, due to its high alpha-amylase activity. This effect was more noticeable in the silages stored at room temperature. Addition of L reduced (P < 0.05) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents. In vitro rumen degradation, assessed using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT), showed that L increased (P < 0.05) the initial 6 h gas production (GP) and organic matter degradability (OMD), but did not affect (P > 0.05) the final extent of OMD, indicating that this preparation acted on the rumen degradable material. In contrast, silages treated with D had reduced (P < 0.05) rates of gas production and OMD. These enzymes, regardless of ensiling temperature, can be effective in improving the nutritive quality of maize silage when applied at ensiling. However, the biochemical properties of enzymes (i.e., enzymic activities, optimum pH) may have a crucial role in dictating the nature of the responses. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study was carried out to determine the influence of fibrolytic enzymes derived from mesophilic or thermophilic fungal sources, added at ensiling, on time-course fermentation characteristics and in vitro rumen degradation of maize silage. The mesophilic enzyme was a commercial product derived from Trichodenna reesei (L), whereas the thermophilic enzyme was a crude extract produced from Thermoascus aurantiacus (Ta) in this laboratory. The fungus was cultured using maize cobs as a carbon source. The resulting fermentation extract was deionised to remove sugars and characterised for its protein concentration, main and side enzymic activities, optimal pH, protein molecular mass and isoelectric point. In an additional study, both enzymes were added to maize forage (333.5 g DM/kg, 70.0, 469.8, 227.1 and 307.5 g/kg DM of CP, NDF, ADF and starch, respectively) at two levels each, normalized according to xylanase activity, and ensiled in 0.5 kg capacity laboratory minisilos. Duplicate silos were opened at 2, 4, 8, 15, and 60 days after ensiling, and analysed for chemical characteristics. Silages from 60 days were bulked and in vitro gas production (GP) and organic matter degradability (OMD) profiles evaluated using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT), in a completely randomised design. The crude enzyme extract contained mainly xylanase and endoglucanase activities, with very low levels of exoglucanase, which probably limited hydrolysis of filter paper. The extract contained three major protein bands of between 29 and 55 kDa, with mainly acidic isoelectric points. Ensiling maize with enzymes lowered (P < 0.05) the final silage pH, with this effect being observed throughout the ensiling process. All enzyme treatments reduced (P < 0.05) ADF contents. Treatments including Ta produced more gas (P < 0.05) than the controls after 24 h incubation in vitro, whereas end point gas production at 96 h was not affected. Addition of Ta increased (P < 0.01) OMD after 12 h (410 and 416 g/kg versus 373 g/kg), whereas both L and Ta increased (P < 0.05) OMD after 24 h. Addition of enzymes from mesophilic or thermophilic sources to maize forage at ensiling increased the rate of acidification of the silages and improved in vitro degradation kinetics, suggesting an improvement in the nutritive quality. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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A completely randomised study was completed to examine the influence of fibrolytic enzymes derived from psychrophilic, (F), mesophilic, (L) or thermophilic (Ta) sources, applied at ensiling, on the chemical characteristics and in vitro rumen fermentation of maize silage, assessed using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT). Treatments, all in triplicate, consisted of untreated maize forage or treated with preparations F, L, Ta or a mixture (1: 1, v/v) of F and L (FL), at two levels each, and ensiled for 210 days in plastic mini-silos. Addition of enzymes L decreased (P < 0.05) silage pH relative to the control, whereas enzyme Ta tended (P < 0.10) to reduce it. Preparations F, L and Ta tended to reduce (P < 0.10) the fibre contents of the silages, with effects being attributable to a decrease in the cellulose fraction. Starch contents were reduced (P < 0.05) in the treatments including enzyme F. End-point (96 h) gas production (GP) values did not differ among treatments, suggesting that enzymes did not change the total amount of fermentable substrate. However, consistent with the decrease in starch contents, adding enzyme F reduced (P < 0.05) GP at most incubation times. Addition of enzymes increased (P < 0.05) the initial (6 h) organic matter degradation (OMD) levels in all but one treatment (F), with increases of 14, 19, and 26% for preparations L, Ta, and FL, respectively, averaged across levels. Furthermore, the addition of enzymes increased (P < 0.05) the soluble OM losses, however, these increases did not fully account for the initial increase in OMD. The latter suggests that enzymes increased solubility and also altered silage structure, making it more amenable to degradation by ruminal microorganisms. As a result of the increase in OMD, without a concomitant increase in GP, the fermentation efficiency was greatly increased (P < 0.05) in enzyme treatments. Addition of enzymes to maize at ensiling, particularly those from the mesophilic and thermophilic sources used here, have the potential to increase the initial rate of silage OMD. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A field trial was carried out in Brazil in March 2002 with the aim to evaluate the effects of different timing and extension of weedy period on maize productivity. The hybrid Pioneer 30K75 was sowed under 7 t ha(-1) mulching promoted by glyphosate spraying. The treatments were divided in two groups: In the first group, weeds were maintained since the maize sowing until different periods in the crop cycle: 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 150 days (harvesting time). In the second group, the maize crop was kept weed free for the same periods of the first group. Weed control was done through hand hoeing. A complete randomized blocks experimental design with five replications was used for plots distribution in the field. Nonlinear regression model was used to study the effects of weedy or weedfree periods on maize productivity. Weed community included 13 families and 31 species. Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Euphorbiaceae were the most abundant families. Results showed that under no tillage condition with 7 t ha-1 mulching at sowing time, the maize crop could cohabit with weed community for 54 days without any yield lost. on the other hand, if the crop was kept weed free for 27 days, the weed interference was not enable to reduce maize production. According to these results one weed control measure between 27 and 54 days after crop emergence could be enough to avoid any reduction in maize productivity.


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Maize seeds developed at different portions of the ear of two hybrids (one, a large seeded, and the other a small seeded hybrid) were compared as to physical positions, morphological, and physiological characteristics viewing to gain information to be used during seed conditioning. The number of positions in the ear were 10, starting at the proximal and ending at the distal end. For the sake of simplification, the data were combined to refer to seeds of the proximal, the central and the distal sectors of an ear. Measurements made of the seeds as to shape (length, width, and thickness) and as to size (1,000 seeds weight) indicated that the round seeds growing at the distal sector are significantly smaller (mainly when thickness is considered) and lighter than those growing at the proximal sector. on the other hand, determinations of the physiological quality indicated that the round-proximal and the central seeds are equivalent and both significantly superior to the round-distal ones, Considering these significant differences as to size, shape, and physiological quality, a proposition of suppressing part of the round-distal from the totallity of the round seeds during the operations of seed conditioning is made.


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