386 resultados para Magneto-reológicos


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La presente tesis revisa y analiza algunos aspectos fundamentales relativos al comportamiento de los sensores basados en resonadores piezoeléctricos TSM (Thickness Shear Mode), así como la aplicación de los mismos al estudio y caracterización de dos medios viscoelásticos de gran interés: los fluidos magnetoreológicos y los biofilms microbianos. El funcionamiento de estos sensores está basado en la medida de sus propiedades resonantes, las cuales varían al entrar en contacto con el material que se quiere analizar. Se ha realizado un análisis multifrecuencial, trabajando en varios modos de resonancia del transductor, en algunas aplicaciones incluso de forma simultánea (excitación pulsada). Se han revisado fenómenos como la presencia de microcontactos en la superficie del sensor y la resonancia de capas viscoelásticas de espesor finito, que pueden afectar a los sensores de cuarzo de manera contraria a lo que predice la teoría convencional (Sauerbrey y Kanazawa), pudiéndonos llevar a incrementos positivos de la frecuencia de resonancia. Además, se ha estudiado el efecto de una deposición no uniforme sobre el resonador piezoeléctrico. Para ello se han medido deposiciones de poliuretano, modelándose la respuesta del resonador con estas deposiciones mediante FEM. El modelo numérico permite estudiar el comportamiento del resonador al modificar distintas variables geométricas (espesor, superficie, no uniformidad y zona de deposición) de la capa depositada. Se ha demostrado que para espesores de entre un cuarto y media longitud de onda aproximadamente, una capa viscoelástica no uniforme sobre la superficie del sensor, amplifica el incremento positivo del desplazamiento de la frecuencia de resonancia en relación con una capa uniforme. Se ha analizado también el patrón geométrico de la sensibilidad del sensor, siendo también no uniforme sobre su superficie. Se han aplicado sensores TSM para estudiar los cambios viscoelásticos que se producen en varios fluidos magneto-reológicos (FMR) al aplicarles distintos esfuerzos de cizalla controlados por un reómetro. Se ha podido ver que existe una relación directa entre diversos parámetros reológicos obtenidos con el reómetro (fuerza normal, G’, G’’, velocidad de deformación, esfuerzo de cizalla…) y los parámetros acústicos, caracterizándose los FMR tanto en ausencia de campo magnético, como con campo magnético aplicado a distintas intensidades. Se han estudiado las ventajas que aporta esta técnica de medida sobre la técnica basada en un reómetro comercial, destacando que se consigue caracterizar con mayor detalle algunos aspectos relevantes del fluido como son la deposición de partículas (estabilidad del fluido), el proceso de ruptura de las estructuras formadas en los FMR tanto en presencia como en ausencia de campo magnético y la rigidez de los microcontactos que aparecen entre partículas y superficies. También se han utilizado sensores de cuarzo para monitorear en tiempo real la formación de biofilms de Staphylococcus epidermidis y Eschericia coli sobre los propios resonadores de cristal de cuarzo sin ningún tipo de recubrimiento, realizándose ensayos con cepas que presentan distinta capacidad de producir biofilm. Se mostró que, una vez que se ha producido una primera adhesión homogénea de las bacterias al sustrato, podemos considerar el biofilm como una capa semi-infinita, de la cual el sensor de cuarzo refleja las propiedades viscoelásticas de la región inmediatamente contigua al resonador, no siendo sensible a lo que sucede en estratos superiores del biofilm. Los experimentos han permitido caracterizar el módulo de rigidez complejo de los biofilms a varias frecuencias, mostrándose que el parámetro característico que indica la adhesión de un biofilm tanto en el caso de S. epidermidis como de E. coli, es el incremento de G’ (relacionado con la elasticidad o rigidez de la capa), el cual viene ligado a un incremento de la frecuencia de resonancia del sensor. ABSTRACT This thesis reviews and analyzes some key aspects of the behavior of sensors based on piezoelectric resonators TSM (Thickness Shear Mode) and their applications to the study and characterization in two viscoelastic media of great interest: magnetorheological fluids and microbial biofilms. The operation of these sensors is based on the analysis of their resonant properties that vary in contact with the material to be analyzed. We have made a multi-frequency analysis, working in several modes of resonance of the transducer, in some applications even simultaneously (by impulse excitation). We reviewed some phenomena as the presence of micro-contacts on the sensor surface and the resonance of viscoelastic layers of finite thickness, which can affect quartz sensors contrary to the conventional theory predictions (Sauerbrey and Kanazawa), leading to positive resonant frequency shifts. In addition, we studied the effect of non-uniform deposition on the piezoelectric resonator. Polyurethane stools have been measured, being the resonator response to these depositions modeled by FEM. The numerical model allows studying the behavior of the resonator when different geometric variables (thickness, surface non-uniformity and deposition zone) of the deposited layer are modified. It has been shown that for thicknesses between a quarter and a half of a wavelength approximately, non-uniform deposits on the sensor surface amplify the positive increase of the resonance frequency displacement compared to a uniform layer. The geometric pattern of the sensor sensitivity was also analyzed, being also non-uniform over its surface. TSM sensors have been applied to study the viscoelastic changes occurring in various magneto-rheological fluids (FMR) when subjected to different controlled shear stresses driven by a rheometer. It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between various rheological parameters obtained with the rheometer (normal force, G', G'', stress, shear rate ...) and the acoustic parameters, being the FMR characterized both in the absence of magnetic field, and when the magnetic field was applied at different intensities. We have studied the advantages of this technique over the characterization methods based on commercial rheometers, noting that TSM sensors are more sensitive to some relevant aspects of the fluid as the deposition of particles (fluid stability), the breaking process of the structures formed in the FMR both in the presence and absence of magnetic field, and the rigidity of the micro-contacts appearing between particles and surfaces. TSM sensors have also been used to monitor in real time the formation of biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli on the quartz crystal resonators themselves without any coating, performing tests with strains having different ability to produce biofilm. It was shown that, once a first homogeneous adhesion of bacteria was produced on the substrate, the biofilm can be considered as a semi-infinite layer and the quartz sensor reflects only the viscoelastic properties of the region immediately adjacent to the resonator, not being sensitive to what is happening in upper layers of the biofilm. The experiments allow the evaluation of the biofilm complex stiffness module at various frequencies, showing that the characteristic parameter that indicates the adhesion of a biofilm for the case of both S. epidermidis and E. coli, is an increased G' (related to the elasticity or stiffness of the layer), which is linked to an increase in the resonance frequency of the sensor.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements of NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) reveal the low-energy spin dispersion, including a magnetic-field interval in which the two-magnon continuum is within k(B)T of the ground state, allowing a continuum of excitations over a range of k states, rather than only the k=0 single-magnon excitations. This produces a novel Y shape in the frequency-field EPR spectrum measured at T >= 1.5 K. Since the interchain coupling J(perpendicular to)< k(B)T, this shape can be reproduced by a single S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with a strong easy-plane single-ion anisotropy. Importantly, the combination of experiment and modeling we report herein demonstrates a powerful approach to probing spin dispersion in a wide range of interacting magnetic systems without the stringent sample requirements and complications associated with inelastic scattering experiments.


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Cortical activity associated with voluntary movement is shifted from medial to lateral premotor areas in Parkinson's disease. This occurs bilaterally, even for unilateral movements. We have used both EEG and MEG to further investigate medial and lateral premotor activity in patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease, in whom basal ganglia impairment is most pronounced in one hemisphere. The CNV, recorded from 21 scalp positions in a Go/NoGo task, was maximal over central medial regions in control subjects. For hemi-Parkinson's disease subjects, activity was shifted more frontally, reduced in the midline and lateralised towards the side of greatest basal ganglia impairment. With 143 channel whole-scalp magneto encephalography (MEG) we are further examining asymmetries in supplementary motor/premotor cortical activity prior to self-paced voluntary movement. In preliminary results, one hemi-Parkinson's disease patient with predominantly left-side symptoms showed strong medial activity consistent with a dominant source in the left supplementary motor area (SMA). Three patients showed little medial activity, but early bilateral sources within lateral premotor cortex. Results suggest greater involvement of lateral premotor rather than the SMA prior to movement in Parkinson's disease and provide evidence for asymmetric function of the SMA in hemi- Parkinson's disease, with reduced activity on the side of greatest basal ganglia deficit.


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Magneto-electro-elastic structures are built from materials that provide them the ability to convert in an interchangeable way, magnetic, electric and mechanical forms of energy. This characteristic can therefore provide an adaptive behaviour to a general configuration elastic structure, being commonly used in association with any type of composite material in an embedded or surface mounted mode, or by considering the usage of multiphase materials that enable achieving different magneto-electro-elastic properties. In a first stage of this work, a few cases studies will be considered to enable the validation of the model considered and the influence of the coupling characteristics of this type of adaptive structures. After that we consider the application of a recent computational intelligence technique, the differential evolution, in a deflection profile minimization problem. Studies on the influence of optimization parameters associated to the problem considered will be performed as well as the adoption of an adaptive scheme for the perturbation factor. Results are also compared with those obtained using an enhanced particle swarm optimization technique. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil Estruturas


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We investigate the spontaneous emission rate of a two-level quantum emitter near a graphene-coated substrate under the influence of an external magnetic field or strain induced pseudo-magnetic field. We demonstrate that the application of the magnetic field can substantially increase or decrease the decay rate. We show that a suppression as large as 99$\%$ in the Purcell factor is achieved even for moderate magnetic fields. The emitter's lifetime is a discontinuous function of $|{\bf B}|$, which is a direct consequence of the occurrence of discrete Landau levels in graphene. We demonstrate that, in the near-field regime, the magnetic field enables an unprecedented control of the decay pathways into which the photon/polariton can be emitted. Our findings strongly suggest that a magnetic field could act as an efficient agent for on-demand, active control of light-matter interactions in graphene at the quantum level.


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In this paper, a phenomenologically motivated magneto-mechanically coupled finite strain elastic framework for simulating the curing process of polymers in the presence of a magnetic load is proposed. This approach is in line with previous works by Hossain and co-workers on finite strain curing modelling framework for the purely mechanical polymer curing (Hossain et al., 2009b). The proposed thermodynamically consistent approach is independent of any particular free energy function that may be used for the fully-cured magneto-sensitive polymer modelling, i.e. any phenomenological or micromechanical-inspired free energy can be inserted into the main modelling framework. For the fabrication of magneto-sensitive polymers, micron-size ferromagnetic particles are mixed with the liquid matrix material in the uncured stage. The particles align in a preferred direction with the application of a magnetic field during the curing process. The polymer curing process is a complex (visco) elastic process that transforms a fluid to a solid with time. Such transformation process is modelled by an appropriate constitutive relation which takes into account the temporal evolution of the material parameters appearing in a particular energy function. For demonstration in this work, a frequently used energy function is chosen, i.e. the classical Mooney-Rivlin free energy enhanced by coupling terms. Several representative numerical examples are demonstrated that prove the capability of our approach to correctly capture common features in polymers undergoing curing processes in the presence of a magneto-mechanical coupled load.


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A study of the magneto-optical (MO) spectral response of Co nanoparticles embedded in MgO as a function of their size and concentration in the spectral range from 1.4 to 4.3 eV is presented. The nanoparticle layers were obtained by sputtering at different deposition temperatures. Transmission electron microscopy measurements show that the nanoparticles have a complex structure which consists of a crystalline core having a hexagonal close-packed structure and an amorphous crust. Using an effective-medium approximation we have obtained the MO constants of the Co nanoparticles. These MO constants are different from those of continuous Co layers and depend on the size of the crystalline core. We associate these changes with the size effect of the intraband contribution to the MO constants, related to a reduction of the relaxation time of the electrons into the nanoparticles.


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In this study, we have performed magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) measurement on epitaxial La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films containing artificial interfaces created by laser-patterning the SrTiO3 substrate. The observed increase of the resistivity and of the high-field magnetoresistance when measuring the films across the interface arrays are related to the reduction of the magnetization of the interfaces with respect to the rest of the film. As observed by the local MOKE probe, the structural disorder in the manganite film induced by the underlying patterned substrate leads to a large spin disorder responsible for a strong high-field susceptibility of the resistance.


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We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field


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We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field


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Magneto-active polymers are a class of smart materials commonly manufactured by mixing micron-sized iron particles in a rubber-like matrix. When cured in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field, the iron particles arrange themselves into chain-like structures that lend an overall anisotropy to the material. It has been observed through electron micrographs and X-ray tomographs that these chains are not always perfect in structure, and may have dispersion due to the conditions present during manufacturing or some undesirable material properties. We model the response of these materials to coupled magneto-mechanical loading in this paper using a probability based structure tensor that accounts for this imperfect anisotropy. The response of the matrix material is decoupled from the chain phase, though still being connected through kinematic constraints. The latter is based on the definition of a 'chain deformation gradient' and a 'chain magnetic field'. We conclude with numerical examples that demonstrate the effect of chain dispersion on the response of the material to magnetoelastic loading.


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This paper deals with a phenomenologically motivated magneto-viscoelastic coupled finite strain framework for simulating the curing process of polymers under the application of a coupled magneto-mechanical road. Magneto-sensitive polymers are prepared by mixing micron-sized ferromagnetic particles in uncured polymers. Application of a magnetic field during the curing process causes the particles to align and form chain-like structures lending an overall anisotropy to the material. The polymer curing is a viscoelastic complex process where a transformation from fluid. to solid occurs in the course of time. During curing, volume shrinkage also occurs due to the packing of polymer chains by chemical reactions. Such reactions impart a continuous change of magneto-mechanical properties that can be modelled by an appropriate constitutive relation where the temporal evolution of material parameters is considered. To model the shrinkage during curing, a magnetic-induction-dependent approach is proposed which is based on a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient into a mechanical and a magnetic-induction-dependent volume shrinkage part. The proposed model obeys the relevant laws of thermodynamics. Numerical examples, based on a generalised Mooney-Rivlin energy function, are presented to demonstrate the model capacity in the case of a magneto-viscoelastically coupled load.