1000 resultados para Magnetically ordered material


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Specific heat, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, linear thermal expansion (LTE), and high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction investigations of single crystals Fe(1+y) Te (0.06 <= y <= 0.15) reveal a splitting of a single, first-order transition for y <= 0.11 into two transitions for y >= 0.13. Most strikingly, all measurements on identical samples Fe(1.13)Te consistently indicate that, upon cooling, the magnetic transition at T(N) precedes the first-order structural transition at a lower temperature T(s). The structural transition in turn coincides with a change in the character of the magnetic structure. The LTE measurements along the crystallographic c axis display a small distortion close to T(N) due to a lattice striction as a consequence of magnetic ordering, and a much larger change at T(s). The lattice symmetry changes, however, only below T(s) as indicated by powder x-ray diffraction. This behavior is in stark contrast to the sequence in which the phase transitions occur in Fe pnictides.


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Pt nanocontacts, like those formed in mechanically controlled break junctions, are shown to develop spontaneous local magnetic order. Our density functional calculations predict that a robust local magnetic order exists in the atoms presenting low coordination, i.e., those forming the atom-sized neck. We thus find that the electronic transport can be spin polarized, although the net value of the conductance still agrees with available experimental information. Experimental implications of the formation of this new type of nanomagnet are discussed.


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Hydrogenated bulk Zn1-xCoxO samples were synthesized via standard solid-state reaction route with Co molar concentrations up to 15 at.%. Magnetic characterization demonstrates a room temperature ferromagnetic behavior associated to a paramagnetic Curie-Weiss component. Detailed microstructural analysis was carried out to exclude the presence of extrinsic sources of ferromagnetism. The magnetization increases linearly as a function of Co concentration. Hall measurements reveal an insulating character for the whole set of samples. In this context, the defect mediated magnetic coupling between the Co atoms under the scope of the bound magnetic polarons model is used to interpret the observed room temperature ferromagnetism. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanostructured ZnFe2O4 ferrites with different grain sizes were prepared by high energy ball milling for various milling times. Both the average grain size and the root mean square strain were estimated from the x-ray diffraction line broadening. The lattice parameter initially decreases slightly with milling and it increases with further milling. The magnetization is found to increase as the grain size decreases and its large value is attributed to the cation inversion associated with grain size reduction. The Fe-57 Mossbauer spectra were recorded at 300 K and 77 K for the samples with grain sizes of 22 and 11 nm. There is no evidence for the presence of the Fe2+ charge state. At 77 K the Mossbauer spectra consist of a magnetically ordered component along with a doublet due to the superparamagnetic behaviour of small crystalline grains with the superparamagnetic component decreasing with grain size reduction. At 4.2 K the sample with 11 nm grain size displays a magnetically blocked state as revealed by the Mossbauer spectrum. The Mossbauer spectrum of this sample recorded at 10 K in an external magnetic field of 6 T applied parallel to the direction of gamma rays clearly shows ferrimagnetic ordering of the sample. Also, the sample exhibits spin canting with a large canting angle, maybe due to a spin-glass-like surface layer or grain boundary anisotropies in the material.


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L'aimant organique NIT-2Py a été caractérisé expérimentalement et ses propriétés ont été simulées numériquement à partir de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Le magnétisme dans ce matériau provient de la présence d'un électron non apparié sur chaque molécule qui a ainsi un moment magnétique non nul. Ceci a été confirmé par des simulations sur une molécule isolée. Les molécules de NIT-2Py cristallisent dans le groupe d'espace P21/c avec huit molécules par maille élémentaire pour former la structure cristalline Alpha étudiée dans ce document. Le moment effectif de la susceptibilité et l'entropie magnétique totale montre que ce matériau est un système de spins 1/2 avec un spin par molécule. Les mesures de chaleur spécifique ont mis en évidence la présence de deux phases magnétiques ordonnées à basse température qui sont séparées par un plateau en aimantation. Une première phase est observée à des champs magnétiques inférieurs à 2.2 T et a une température de transition de 1.32 K en champ nul. Les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique et d'aimantation ont permis d'établir que cette phase ordonnée est antiferromagnétique. Ceci est confirmé par les simulations numériques. La deuxième phase est induite par le champ magnétique avec une température de transition de 0.53 K à 6 T. L'information disponible sur cette phase est limitée et l'étude du système à l'extérieur des phases ordonnées en donne une meilleure compréhension. Un modèle de spins S=1/2 isolés et de dimères S=0 isolés reproduit bien les mesures d'aimantation et de chaleur spécifique au-dessus de 3 K. L'application d'un champ magnétique réduit l'écart d'énergie entre le singulet et le triplet du dimère jusqu'au croisement qui se produit à 6 T. La phase induite émerge précisément à ce croisement et on spécule l'existence d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein des états triplets.


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We report a single-step chemical synthesis of iron oxide hollow nanospheres with 9.3 nm in diameter. The sample presents a narrow particle diameter distribution and chemical homogeneity. The hollow nature of the particles is confirmed by HRTEM and HAADF STEM analysis. Electron and x-ray diffraction show that the outer material component is constituted by 2 nm ferrite crystals. Mossbauer data provide further evidence for the formation of iron oxide with high structural disorder, magnetically ordered at 4.2 K and superparamagnetism at room temperature. An unusual magnetic behavior under an applied field is reported, which can be explained by the large fraction of atoms existing at both inner and outer surfaces.


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Gadolinium iron garnet was milled in a high energy ball mill to study its magnetic properties in the nanocrystalline regime. XRD reveals the decomposition of the garnet phase into Gd-orthoferrite and Gd2O3 on milling. The variation of saturation magnetization and coercivity with milling is attributed to a possible shift in the compensation temperature on grain size reduction and an increase in the orthoferrite content. The Mössbauer spectrum at 16 K is characteristic of the magnetically ordered state corresponding to GdIG, GdFeO3 and α-Fe2O3 whereas at room temperature it is a superparamagnetic doublet.


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The real-space recursion method and unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation have been applied to calculate the density of states of various Co perovskite, CeCoO3, SrCoO3 and Sr1-xCexCoO3. We have studied the magnetically ordered states of these Co perovskites in an enlarged double cell, and find its various magnetic structures due to the occupancy of 3d band and its interaction with neighboring Co ions. In this study, we have studied the p-d hybridization of the three Co perovskites, we find t(2g) electrons are localized and the flat e(g) band is responsible for the itinerant behavior, and although the rare earth elements itself contribute little to the DOS at the Fermi energy, the DOS at Fermi energy and the magnetic moment changed consequently because of different valence of Co ions in these compounds and p-d hybridization effect is very important. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Acta Physica Polonica A. The Version of Record is available online at http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/118/a118z2p31.pdf


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It is well known that after the removal of the template many porous aluminophosphates and related materials are very sensitive to water.' Depending on the type of structure, reversible or irreversible phase transitions, loss of crystallinity and changes in the coordination of some framework A1 upon rehydration are observed. For example, solid-state NMR shows that the rehydration of SAPO-5 leads to the formation of octahedral Al. Subsequent dehydration restores the initial tetrahedral coordination of Al. Template-free SAPO-37 becomes totally amorphous to X-rays after exposure to water and stays so after subsequent thermal treatment^.,,^ In contrast, Barthomeuf and co-workers have shown recently, that, on hydration, template-free SAPO-34, an analogue of chabasite, shows the opening of some Si-0-A1 bonds, the effect being reversible upon dehydrati~n.T~h e hydrated distorted structure was found to be stable for months with no further modifications and the ordered material could be regenerated by removal of water. Here we wish to report that the structure of template-free SAPO-40 undergoes a similar reversible modification.


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K-(BETS)2FeBr4 is a quasi-2D charge transfer organic metal with interesting electronic and magnetic properties. It undergoes a transition to an antiferromagnetic (AF) state at ambient pressure at the Neel temperature (T^^) = 2.5 K, as well as to a superconducting (SC) state at 1.1 K [1]. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity shows a small decrease at T;v indicating the resistivity drops as a result of the onset of the ordering of Fe'*''" spins. A sharp drop in the resistivity at 1.1 K is due to its superconducting transition. The temperature dependence of the susceptibility indicates an antiferromagnetic spin structure with the easy axis parallel to the a-axis. The specific heat at zero-field shows a large peak at about 2.4 K, which corresponds to the antiferromagnetic transition temperature (Tat) and no anomaly is observed around the superconducting transition temperature (1.1 K) demonstrating that the magnetically ordered state is not destroyed by the appearance of another phase transition (the superconducting transition) in the 7r-electron layers [1], [2]. This work presents an investigation of how the low frequency electromagnetic response is affected by the antiferromagnetic and superconducting states, as well as the onset of strong correlation. The location of the easy axis of three samples was determined and polarized thermal reflectance measurements of these «-(BETS)2FeBr4 samples oriented with their vertical axis along the a- and c axes were then carried out using a *He refrigerator cryostat and a Martin-Puplett type polarizing interferometer at various temperatures (T = 0.5 K, 1.4 K. 1.9 K, 2.8 K) above and below the superconducting state and/or antiferromagnetic state. Comparison of the SC state to the normal state along the o- and c-axes indicates a rising thermal reflectance at low frequencies (below 10 cm"' ) which may be a manifestation of the superconducting energy gap. A dip-Hke feature is detected at low frequencies (below 15 cm"') in the thermal reflectance plots which probe the antiferromagnetic state along the two axes, and may be due to the opening of a gap in the excitation spectrum as a result of the antiferromagnetism. In another set of experiments, thermal reflectance measurements carried out along the a- and c-axes at higher temperatures (10 K-80 K) show that the reflectivity decreases with increasing temperature to 60 K (the coherence temperature) above which it increases again. Comparison of the thermal reflectance plots along the a- and c-axes at higher temperatures reveals an anisotropy between these two axes. The Hagen-Rubens thermal reflectance plots corresponding to an average over the ac-plane were calculated using experimental hterature resistivity values. Comparison of the Hagen-Rubens plots with the experimental thermal reflectance along the a- and c-axes indicates that both exhibit the general trend of a decrease in thermal reflectance with increasing frequency, however the calculated Hagen-Rubens thermal reflectance at different temperatures is much lower than the experimental curves.


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We report on experimental studies of the Kondo physics and the development of non-Fermi-liquid scaling in UCu(4+x)Al(8-x) family. We studied 7 different compounds with compositions between x = 0 and 2. We measured electrical transport (down to 65 mK) and thermoelectric power (down to 1.8 K) as a function of temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and/or magnetic field. Compounds with Cu content below x = 1.25 exhibit long-range antiferromagnetic order at low temperatures. Magnetic order is suppressed with increasing Cu content and our data indicate a possible quantum critical point at x(cr) approximate to 1.15. For compounds with higher Cu content, non-Fermi-liquid behavior is observed. Non-Fermi-liquid scaling is inferred from electrical resistivity results for the x = 1.25 and 1.5 compounds. For compounds with even higher Cu content, a sharp kink occurs in the resistivity data at low temperatures, and this may be indicative of another quantum critical point that occurs at higher Cu compositions. For the magnetically ordered compounds, hydrostatic pressure is found to increase the Neel temperature, which can be understood in terms of the Kondo physics. For the non-magnetic compounds, application of a magnetic field promotes a tendency toward Fermi-liquid behavior. Thermoelectric power was analyzed using a two-band Lorentzian model, and the results indicate one fairly narrow band (10 meV and below) and a second broad band (around hundred meV). The results imply that there are two relevant energy scales that need to be considered for the physics in this family of compounds. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In certain Mott-insulating dimerized antiferromagnets, triplet excitations of the paramagnetic phase display both three-particle and four-particle interactions. When such a magnet undergoes a quantum phase transition into a magnetically ordered state, the three-particle interaction becomes part of the critical theory provided that the lattice ordering wave vector is zero. One microscopic example is the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet on the square lattice, for which deviations from O(3) universality have been reported in numerical studies. Using both symmetry arguments and microscopic calculations, we show that a nontrivial cubic term arises in the relevant order-parameter quantum field theory, and we assess its consequences using a combination of analytical and numerical methods. We also present finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo data for the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet which complement recently published results. The data can be consistently interpreted in terms of critical exponents identical to that of the standard O(3) universality class, but with anomalously large corrections to scaling. We argue that the cubic interaction of critical triplons, although irrelevant in two spatial dimensions, is responsible for the leading corrections to scaling due to its small scaling dimension.


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Er3+ ions were added to the PbTiO3 network using the polymeric precursor method to characterize the order-disorder transformation found in this material by means of experimental and theoretical approach. The disordered and ordered material structures were studied by photoluminescence measurements, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and U-V-visible spectroscopy. The Er3+ ions served as a marker to identify the structural short-range order beginning in the PbTiO3 matrix. From photoluminescence results it was concluded that disordered PbTiO3 powders have a certain short range order in the network that are undetected by XRD measurements. The electronic structures were calculated by the ab initio periodic method in DFT level with the non-local B3LYP hybrid approximation for the Ti atom site interpretation using density of states (DOS) results. This analysis enabled understanding that Ti atom sphere coordination can create possible states for radioactive return and trap of electron-holes pair. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The low-temperature states of bosonic fluids exhibit fundamental quantum effects at the macroscopic scale: the best-known examples are Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity, which have been tested experimentally in a variety of different systems. When bosons interact, disorder can destroy condensation, leading to a 'Bose glass'. This phase has been very elusive in experiments owing to the absence of any broken symmetry and to the simultaneous absence of a finite energy gap in the spectrum. Here we report the observation of a Bose glass of field-induced magnetic quasiparticles in a doped quantum magnet (bromine-doped dichloro-tetrakis-thiourea-nickel, DTN). The physics of DTN in a magnetic field is equivalent to that of a lattice gas of bosons in the grand canonical ensemble; bromine doping introduces disorder into the hopping and interaction strength of the bosons, leading to their localization into a Bose glass down to zero field, where it becomes an incompressible Mott glass. The transition from the Bose glass (corresponding to a gapless spin liquid) to the Bose-Einstein condensate (corresponding to a magnetically ordered phase) is marked by a universal exponent that governs the scaling of the critical temperature with the applied field, in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Our study represents a quantitative experimental account of the universal features of disordered bosons in the grand canonical ensemble.