998 resultados para Magnetic exchange


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Two new neutral copper-azido polymers [Cu-3(N-3)(6)(tmen)(2)](n)(1)and [Cu-6(N-3)(12)(deen)(2)](n) (2) [tmen = N,N,N, N-tetramethylethylenediamine and deen = N,N-diethylethylenediamine] have been synthesized by using lower molar equivalents of the chelating diamine ligands with Cu(NO3)(2)center dot 3H(2)O and an excess of NaN3. The single crystal X-ray structure shows that in the basic unit of the 1D complex 1, the three Cu-II ions are linked by double end-on azido bridges with Cu-N-EO-Cu angles on both sides of the magnetic exchange critical angle of 108 degrees. Complex 2 is a 3D framework of a basic u-6 cluster. Cryomagnetic susceptibility measurements over a wide range of temperature exhibit dominant ferromagnetic behavior in both the complexes. Density functional theory calculations (B3LYP functional) have been performed on the trinuclear unit to provide a qualitative theoretical interpretation of the overall ferromagnetic behavior shown by the complex 1.


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Based on a single ion model, Hamiltonian of the simplest form about magnetocrystalline anisotropy for Tb3+ ion was solved by using the numerical method. The relation between the stabilization energy, crystal field coefficient B-2(0) and the magnetic exchange interaction was studied as temperature approaches to 0 K. The results show that the stabilization energy contributed by Tb3+ is linear with crystal field coefficient B-2(0) approximately, but it is insensitive to the change of magnetic exchange interaction for the strong magnetic substances such as TbCo5, Tb2Co17 and Tb2Fe14B compounds.


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The dissertation entitled "Tuning of magnetic exchange interactions between organic radicals through bond and space" comprises eight chapters. In the initial part of chapter 1, an overview of organic radicals and their applications were discussed and in the latter part motivation and objective of thesis was described. As the EPR spectroscopy is a necessary tool to study organic radicals, the basic principles of EPR spectroscopy were discussed in chapter 2. rnAntiferromagnetically coupled species can be considered as a source of interacting bosons. Consequently, such biradicals can serve as molecular models of a gas of magnetic excitations which can be used for quantum computing or quantum information processing. Notably, initial small triplet state population in weakly AF coupled biradicals can be switched into larger in the presence of applied magnetic field. Such biradical systems are promising molecular models for studying the phenomena of magnetic field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the solid state. To observe such phenomena it is very important to control the intra- as well as inter-molecular magnetic exchange interactions. Chapters 3 to 5 deals with the tuning of intra- and inter-molecular exchange interactions utilizing different approaches. Some of which include changing the length of π-spacer, introduction of functional groups, metal complex formation with diamagnetic metal ion, variation of radical moieties etc. During this study I came across two very interesting molecules 2,7-TMPNO and BPNO, which exist in semi-quinoid form and exhibits characteristic of the biradical and quinoid form simultaneously. The 2,7-TMPNO possesses the singlet-triplet energy gap of ΔEST = –1185 K. So it is nearly unrealistic to observe the magnetic field induced spin switching. So we studied the spin switching of this molecule by photo-excitation which was discussed in chapter 6. The structural similarity of BPNO with Tschitschibabin’s HC allowed us to dig the discrepancies related to ground state of Tschitschibabin’s hydrocarbon(Discussed in chapter 7). Finally, in chapter 8 the synthesis and characterization of a neutral paramagnetic HBC derivative (HBCNO) is discussed. The magneto liquid crystalline properties of HBCNO were studied by DSC and EPR spectroscopy.rn


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The chromium chalcogenide spinels, MCr2X4 (M = Zn, Cd, Hg; X = O, S, Se), have been the subject of considerable interest in recent years. In each case the crystal structure is that of a normal spinel with the chromium ions exclusively occupying the octahedral (B) sites, so that when diamagnetic ions are located at the tetrahedral (A) sites the only magnetic interactions present are those between B-site ions. Despite such apparently simple circumstances a rich variety of magnetic behaviour is exhibited. For the oxides the ground state spin configurations are antiferromagnetic whilst for the selenides ferromagnetic interactions dominate and several authors have drawn attention to the fact that the nature of the dominant interaction is a function of the nearest neighbour chromium - chromium separation. However, at least two of the compounds exhibit spiral structures and it has been proved difficult to account for the various spin configurations within a unified theory of the magnetic interactions involved. More recently, the possibility of formulating a simplified interpretation of the magnetic interactions has been provided by the discovery that the crystal struture of spinels does not always conform to the centrosymmetrical symmetry Fd3m that has been conventionally assumed. The deviation from this symmetry is associated with small < 111> displacements of the octahedrally coordinated metal ions and the structures so obtained are more correctly referred to the non-centrosymmetrical space group F43m. In the present study, therefore, extensive X-ray diffraction data have been collected from four chromium chalcogenide specimens and used to refine the corresponding structural parameters assuming F43m symmetry and also with conventional symmetry. The diffracted intensities from three of the compounds concerned cannot be satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of conventional symmetry and new locations have been found for the chromium ions in these cases. It is shown, however, that these displacements in chromium positions only partially resolve the difficulties in interpreting the magnetic behaviour. A re-examination of the magnetic data from different authors indicates much greater uncertainty in their measurements than they had claimed. By taking this into consideration it is shown that a unified theory of magnetic behaviour for the chromium chalcogenide spinels is a real possibility.


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Engineering at the molecular level is one of the most exciting new developments for the generation of functional materials. However, the concept of designing polynuclear extended structures from bottom up is still not mature. Although progress has been made with secondary building units (SBUs) in metal organic frameworks (MOFs), the control seems to be just an illusion when it comes to bridging ligands such as the azide ion. When we say that the azido ligand is versatile in its bridging capabilities, what we mean is that it would be difficult to predict or control its bridging properties. However, this kind of serendipity is not always bad news. For example, scientists have shown that the azido ligand can mediate magnetic exchanges between paramagnetic metals in a predictable fashion (usually depending upon the bonding geometries). Therefore, it is a well-respected ligand in polynuclear assemblies. Serendipitous assemblies offer new magnetic structures that we may not otherwise even think about synthesizing. The azido ligand forms a variety of complexes with copper(II) using different blocking amines or pyridine based ligands. Its structural nature changes upon changing the substitution on amine, as well as the amount of blocking ligand. In principle, if we take any of these complexes and provide more coordination sites to the bridging azido ligands by removing a fraction of the blocking ligands, we can get new complexes with intricate structural networks and therefore different magnetic properties with the same components as used for the parent complex. In this Account, we mainly discuss the development of a number of new topological and magnetic exchange systems synthesized using this concept. Not all of these new complexes can be grouped according to their basic building structures or even by the ratio of the metal to blocking ligand. Therefore, we divided the discussion by the nuclearity of the basic building structures. Some of the complexes with the same nuclearities have very similar or even almost identical basic structures. However, the way these building units are joined together (by the azido bridges) to form the overall extended structures differ almost in every case. The complexes having the Cu-6 core are particularly interesting from a structural point of view. Although they have almost identical basic structures, some of them are extended in three dimensions, but two of them are extended in two dimensions by two different bridging networks. In the complexes having linear Cu-4 basic units, we find that using similar ligands does not always give the same bridging networks even within the basic building structures. These complexes have also enriched the field of molecular magnetism. One of the complexes with a Cu-3 building unit has provided us with the opportunity to study the competing behavior of two different kinds of magnetic exchange mechanism (ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic) acting simultaneously between two metal ions. Through density functional theory calculations, we showed how they work independently and their additive nature to produce the overall effect. The exciting methodology for the generation of copper(II) polyclusters presented in this Account will provide the opportunity to explore analogous serendipitous assembly of diverse structures with interesting magnetic behavior using other transition metal ions having more than one unpaired electrons.


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Two heterometallic chain coordination polymers with the chemical formula {[Cu2Mn2L2(CH3OH)(H2O)] center dot 0.5CH(3)OH center dot 0.5CH(3)CH(2)OH}(n) (1) and {[Cu2Co2L2(H2O)(2)] center dot H2O}(n) (2) have been synthesized and characterized by IR, UV spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray structural analysis, where H4L = 2-hydroxy-3-[(E)-({2-[(2-hydroxybetizoyl)amino]ethyl}imino)methyl] benzoic acid. Magnetic measurements showed that the two compounds exhibit antiferromagnetic coupling exchange interactions, and satisfactory fittings to the observed magnetic susceptibility data were obtained by assuming a linear four-spin arrangement with two isotropic magnetic exchange interactions.


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A chain coordination polymer with the chemical formula {[Cu4L2(H2O)] (.) H2O)(n), has been synthesized by the assembly reaction of K(2)CuL(.)1.5H(2)O and Cu(OAC)(2)(H2O)-H-. with a 1:1 mole ratio in methanol., where H4L=2-hydroxy-3-[(E)-({2-[(2-hydroxybenzoyl)imino]ethyl I imino)methyl] benzoic acid, OAC(-) = CH3COO-. The crystal structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, the compound has chain molecular structure formed by dissymmetrical tetranuclear units. The magnetic measurements showed that Cu-Cu of the complex exhibit antiferromagnetic interactions, and satisfactory fittings to the observed magnetic susceptibility data were obtained by assuming a binuclear system, and further using molecular field approximation to deal with magnetic exchange interactions between binuclear systems.


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Three new oxides Sm2SrCo2O7, Sm2BaCo2O7 and Gd2SrCo2O7 have been synthesized successfully by solid state reaction mathod. The X-Ray diffraction spectra show that they are all isostructural with Sr3Ti2O7, and Ln(2)SrCo(2)O(7)(Ln=Sm,Gd) crystallized in tetragonal system, Sm2BaCo2O7 in orthrhombic system. The Co-O bonds in CoO2 planes of Ln(2)SrCo(2)O(7) are shorter than those of LnSrCoO(4)(Ln=Sm, Gd), and so their delectrons are more delocalized and their electrical resistivities are smaller. The electrical resistivities versus temperature in the range 300 similar to 1100K showed that the five brides show the characters of weakly localized systems. In the lower temperature range, the magnetic behaviors of Gd2SrCo2O7 and GdSrCoO4 fit Curie-Weiss law well, and the magnetic exchange reaction in CoO2 sublattices of Gd2SrCo2O7 is ferromagnetic, but that of GdSrCoO4 is antiferromagnetic. The other three oxides with Sm3+ showed complex magnetic behaviors which is perhaps related with the complexity of Sm3+.


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This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Acta Physica Polonica A. The Version of Record is available online at http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/118/a118z2p31.pdf


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1. Triarylamminium radical-cation complexes. The detailed study of manganese, copper and nickel metal-radical complexes with triarylamminium ligands was conducted. Stable, neutral and pseudo-octahedral coordination monometallic complexes with simple monodentate 2,2`-bipyridine ligand containing a redox-active N,N`-(4,4`-dimethoxydiphenyl-amino) substituent were synthesized and fully characterized. The one-electron oxidation process and formation of persistent radical-cation complexes was observed by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical measurements. Evans method measurements were performed with radical-cation complexes generated by chemical one-electron oxidation with NOPF6 in acetonitrile. The experimental results indicate ferromagnetic coupling between metal and triarylamminium cation in manganese (II) complex and antiferromagnetic coupling in nickel (II) complex. This data is supported by DFT calculations which also lend weight to the  spin polarization mechanism as an operative model for magnetic exchange coupling. Neutral bimetallic complexes with a new ditopic ligand were synthesized and fully characterized, including magnetic and electrochemical studies. Chemical oxidation of these precursor complexes did not generate radical-cations, but dicationic complexes, which was confirmed by UV-vis and EPR-experiments, as well as varied temperature magnetic measurements. DFT calculations for radical-cation complexes are included. A synthetic pathway for polytopic ligand with multiple redox-active triarylamine sites was developed. The structure of the ligand is presumably suitable for -spin polarization exchange model and allows for production of polymetallic complexes having high spin ground states. 2. Base-catalyzed hydrosilylation. A simple reductive base-catalyzed hydrosilation of aldehydes and ketones was adapted to the use of the cheap, safe, and non-toxic polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) instead of the common PhSiH3 and (EtO)3SiH, which present significant cost and safety concerns, respectively. The conversion of silane into pentacoordinate silicate species upon addition of a base was studied in details for the cases of phenyl silane and PMHS and is believed to be essential for the hydrosilylation process. We discovered that nucleophiles (a base or fluoride-anion) induced the rearrangement of PMHS and TMDS into light silanes: MeSiH3 and Me2SiH2, respectively. The reductive properties of PMHS under basic conditions can be attributed to the formation of methyl silane and its conversion into a silicate species. A procedure for the generation of methyl silane and its use in further efficient reductions of aldehydes and ketones has been developed. The protocol was extended to the selective reduction of esters and tertiary amides into alcohols and aldimines into amines with good isolated yields and reduction of heterocyclic compounds was attempted.


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The magnetic properties and interactions between transition metal (TM) impurities and clusters in low-dimensional metallic hosts are studied using a first principles theoretical method. In the first part of this work, the effect of magnetic order in 3d-5d systems is addressed from the perspective of its influence on the enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). In the second part, the possibility of using external electric fields (EFs) to control the magnetic properties and interactions between nanoparticles deposited at noble metal surfaces is investigated. The influence of 3d composition and magnetic order on the spin polarization of the substrate and its consequences on the MAE are analyzed for the case of 3d impurities in one- and two-dimensional polarizable hosts. It is shown that the MAE and easy- axis of monoatomic free standing 3d-Pt wires is mainly determined by the atomic spin-orbit (SO) coupling contributions. The competition between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) order in FePtn wires is studied in detail for n=1-4 as a function of the relative position between Fe atoms. Our results show an oscillatory behavior of the magnetic polarization of Pt atoms as a function of their distance from the magnetic impurities, which can be correlated to a long-ranged magnetic coupling of the Fe atoms. Exceptionally large variations of the induced spin and orbital moments at the Pt atoms are found as a function of concentration and magnetic order. Along with a violation of the third Hund’s rule at the Fe sites, these variations result in a non trivial behavior of the MAE. In the case of TM impurities and dimers at the Cu(111), the effects of surface charging and applied EFs on the magnetic properties and substrate-mediated magnetic interactions have been investigated. The modifications of the surface electronic structure, impurity local moments and magnetic exchange coupling as a result of the EF-induced metallic screening and charge rearrangements are analysed. In a first study, the properties of surface substitutional Co and Fe impurities are investigated as a function of the external charge per surface atom q. At large inter-impurity distances the effective magnetic exchange coupling ∆E between impurities shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the distance which are not significantly affected by the considered values of q. For distances r < 10 Å, important modifications in the magnitude of ∆E, involving changes from FM to AF coupling, are found depending non-monotonously on the value and polarity of q. The interaction energies are analysed from a local perspective. In a second study, the interplay between external EF effects, internal magnetic order and substrate-mediated magnetic coupling has been investigated for Mn dimers on Cu(111). Our calculations show that EF (∼ 1eV/Å) can induce a switching from AF to FM ground-state magnetic order within single Mn dimers. The relative coupling between a pair of dimers also shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the inter-dimer distance. Their effective magnetic exchange interaction is found to depend significantly on the magnetic order within the Mn dimers and on their relative orientation on the surface. The dependence of the substrate-mediated interaction on the magnetic state of the dimers is qualitatively explained in terms of the differences in the scattering of surface electrons. At short inter-dimer distances, the ground-state configuration is determined by an interplay between exchange interactions and EF effects. These results demonstrate that external surface charging and applied EFs offer remarkable possibilities of manipulating the sign and strength of the magnetic coupling of surface supported nanoparticles.


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A new tetranuclear complex, [Cu4L4](ClO4)4·2H2O (1), has been synthesized from the self-assembly of copper(II) perchlorate and the tridentate Schiff base ligand (2E,3E)-3-(2-aminopropylimino) butan-2-one oxime (HL). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal that complex 1 consists of a Cu4(NO)4 core where the four copper(II) centers having square pyramidal environment are arranged in a distorted tetrahedral geometry. They are linked together by a rare bridging mode (μ3-η1,η2,η1) of oximato ligands. Analysis of magnetic susceptibility data indicates moderate antiferromagnetic (J1 = −48 cm−1, J2 = −40 cm−1 and J3 = −52 cm−1) exchange interaction through σ-superexchange pathways (in-plane bridging) of the oxime group. Theoretical calculations based on DFT technique have been used to obtain the energy states of different spin configurations and estimate the coupling constants and to understand the exact magnetic exchange pathways.


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A tetranuclear Cu(II) complex [Cu4L4(H2O)4](ClO4)4 has been synthesized using the terdentate Schiff base 2-(pyridine-2-yliminomethyl)-phenol (HL) (the condensation product of salicylaldehyde and 2-aminopyridine) and copper perchlorate. Chemical characterizations such as IR and UV/Vis of the complex have been carried out. A single-crystal diffraction study shows that the complex contains a nearly planar tetranuclear core containing four copper atoms, which occupy four equivalent five-coordinate sites with a square pyramidal environment. Magnetic measurements have been carried out over the temperature range 2–300K and with 100Oe field strengths. Analysis of magnetic susceptibility data indicates a strong antiferromagnetic (J1=−638cm−1) exchange interaction between diphenoxo-bridged Cu(II) centers and a moderate antiferromagnetic (J2=−34cm−1) interaction between N–C–N bridged Cu(II) centers. Magnetic exchange interactions (J’s) are also discussed on the basis of a computational study using DFT methodology. The spin density distribution (singlet ground state) is calculated to visualize the effect of delocalization of spin density through bridging groups.