987 resultados para Made in USA, branding, IKEA


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Advances in technology, communication, and transportation over the past thirty years have led to tighter linkages and enhanced collaboration across traditional borders between nations, institutions, and cultures. This thesis uses the furniture industry as a lens to examine the impacts of globalization on individual countries and companies as they interact on an international scale. Using global value chain analysis and international trade data, I break down the furniture production process and explore how countries have specialized in particular stages of production to differentiate themselves from competitors and maximize the benefits of global involvement. Through interviews with company representatives and evaluation of branding strategies such as advertisements, webpages, and partnerships, I investigate across four country cases how furniture companies construct strong brands in an effort to stand out as unique to consumers with access to products made around the globe. Branding often serves to highlight distinctiveness and associate companies with national identities, thus revealing that in today’s globalized and interconnected society, local differences and diversity are more significant than ever.


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Este trabalho investiga o sucesso como um processo de construção social, a partir da análise de mais de seiscentas edições da revista Exame ao longo de três décadas. O argumento proposto na pesquisa é que o conceito de sucesso faz parte da cultura do management que, em conjunto com tecnologias administrativas, foi introduzida no País, sobretudo a partir dos anos cinquenta. A perspectiva pós-colonialista adotada permite contextualizar a importação de práticas e princípios gerenciais que compreendem o gerencialismo, a cultura do empreendedorismo e o culto da excelência. Nesse processo, destacamos o papel da mídia na difusão, legitimação e co-produção desse ideário, a partir da descrição do desenvolvimento do conceito de sucesso nos Estados Unidos e de sua reprodução no imaginário social brasileiro. Ressaltando os problemas trazidos por uma definição do sucesso ligada a aspectos extrínsecos e materiais, e reconhecendo que estudos funcionalistas ainda não ofereceram caminhos para ampliar o termo com elementos de ordem subjetiva, propomos que o sucesso seja visto como uma instituição. Por atribuirmos posição central à linguagem no processo de construção social, a base empírica desta pesquisa está fundamentada nas práticas discursivas – mais precisamente, nos repertórios linguísticos – da mídia de negócios, dado seu papel na circulação de conteúdos simbólicos. A análise dos editoriais do período de 1971 a 1998 mostrou três fases da publicação: uma em que ela se promovia; outra em que se legitimava como porta voz das empresas e uma terceira, marcada pela personalização, quando os responsáveis pelo veículo apareciam com toda sua pessoalidade, refletindo um deslocamento do foco da revista, das organizações para os indivíduos – movimento pelo qual a ideia de sucesso também passou. A análise das reportagens demonstrou que o sucesso ganhou relevância nos anos noventa e permitiu traçar um retrato do bem-sucedido segundo a Exame, a saber: como um homem empreendedor e ambicioso, branco, magro e bem aparentado, maduro nos anos setenta e jovem nos noventa, que tem alto cargo, bom salário e empregabilidade, mas vida pessoal conturbada. A análise das capas reforçou essas impressões. Se não encontramos discrepâncias na definição do sucesso ao longo da análise, percebemos a valorização do conceito e também que o sentido assumido para o termo corresponde ao sucesso norte-americano a partir dos anos trinta, relacionado à capacidade do indivíduo de impressionar, mais do que a seu caráter. No contexto brasileiro do fim do século XX, esse sucesso atende demandas de flexibilização do trabalho: cada um é um negócio e precisa se vender. A cultura do management, tão presente na publicação, justifica essa dinâmica com uma visão de mundo que sustenta um sentido do sucesso com repercussões individuais reconhecidamente negativas. Tudo isso evidencia que o Brasil absorveu um sucesso made in USA, adotado e difundido pela revista Exame. Ligado a recompensas objetivas, diante de tantas possibilidades interpretativas, esse sucesso institucionalizado atendeu interesses organizacionais, formando individualidades voltadas para esforços produtivos. Na descrição dessa dinâmica está nossa contribuição para a desnaturalização do sucesso, convidando a configurações inéditas e alternativas para o termo.


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The thesis is an examination of how Japanese popular culture products are remade (rimeiku). Adaptation of manga, anime and television drama, from one format to another, frequently occurs within Japan. The rights to these stories and texts are traded in South Korea and Taiwan. The ‘spin-off’ products form part of the Japanese content industry. When products are distributed and remade across geographical boundaries, they have a multi-dimensional aspect and potentially contribute to an evolving cultural re-engagement between Japan and East Asia. The case studies are the television dramas Akai Giwaku and Winter Sonata and two manga, Hana yori Dango and Janguru Taitei. Except for the television drama Winter Sonata these texts originated in Japan. Each study shows how remaking occurs across geographical borders. The study argues that Japan has been slow to recognise the value of its popular culture through regional and international media trade. Japan is now taking steps to remedy this strategic shortfall to enable the long-term viability of the Japanese content industry. The study includes an examination of how remaking raises legal issues in the appropriation of media content. Unauthorised copying and piracy contributes to loss of financial value. To place the three Japanese cultural products into a historical context, the thesis includes an overview of Japanese copying culture from its early origins through to the present day. The thesis also discusses the Meiji restoration and the post-World War II restructuring that resulted in Japan becoming a regional media powerhouse. The localisation of Japanese media content in South Korea and Taiwan also brings with it significant cultural influences, which may be regarded as contributing to a better understanding of East Asian society in line with the idea of regional ‘harmony’. The study argues that the commercial success of Japanese products beyond Japan is governed by perceptions of the quality of the story and by the cultural frames of the target audience. The thesis draws on audience research to illustrate the loss or reinforcement of national identity as a consequence of cross-cultural trade. The thesis also examines the contribution to Japanese ‘soft power’ (Nye, 2004, p. x). The study concludes with recommendations for the sustainability of the Japanese media industry.


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Background: HIV-1 Pr55gag virus-like particles (VLPs) expressed by baculovirus in insect cells are considered to be a very promising HIV-1 vaccine candidate, as they have been shown to elicit broad cellular immune responses when tested in animals, particularly when used as a boost to DNA or BCG vaccines. However, it is important for the VLPs to retain their structure for them to be fully functional and effective. The medium in which the VLPs are formulated and the temperature at which they are stored are two important factors affecting their stability. FINDINGS We describe the screening of 3 different readily available formulation media (sorbitol, sucrose and trehalose) for their ability to stabilise HIV-1 Pr55gag VLPs during prolonged storage. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was done on VLPs stored at two different concentrations of the media at three different temperatures (4[degree sign]C, --20[degree sign]C and -70[degree sign]C) over different time periods, and the appearance of the VLPs was compared. VLPs stored in 15% trehalose at -70[degree sign]C retained their original appearance the most effectively over a period of 12 months. VLPs stored in 5% trehalose, sorbitol or sucrose were not all intact even after 1 month storage at the temperatures tested. In addition, we showed that VLPs stored under these conditions were able to be frozen and re-thawed twice before showing changes in their appearance. Conclusions Although the inclusion of other analytical tools are essential to validate these preliminary findings, storage in 15% trehalose at -70[degree sign]C for 12 months is most effective in retaining VLP stability.


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During the 1950s and 1960s, when the French couturiers Dior, Balenciaga, Givenchy and Chanel dominated the fashion industry, the Italian community in Brisbane, Australia, was very active in the local industry through retail, dress-making and tailoring. Australia is geographically at the margins of the developed countries and has been dependent on European trends and taste. In the 1950s, communication was based on magazines and especially newsreels and film; each ethnic group dressed as they liked and according to their custom. Moreover, ‘Made in Italy’ was not yet the prestigious concept that revolutionized ready-to-wear design from the 1970s. However, Italian tailors and demi-couturiers brought to Brisbane their trans-national sense of elegance (the Italian style) and the taste in fashion that influenced new generations in England and elsewhere in Europe from the 1950s. They brought quality and workmanship, offering excellence through the use of quality fabrics from prestigious English and Italian brands. These tailors and dress-makers also contributed towards the local industry through passing on the skills that they brought from Italy. This article is based on a project that seeks to understand the connection between fashion, history and place. The area under examination is the Valley, short for Fortitude Valley, an area adjacent to the Brisbane CBD. Fundamental to this connection between place and fashion was the presence of many Italian migrants in the area. Through archival research and oral history, the aim of this ethnographic project is to bring to the fore an untold story about the economic and aesthetic contribution of Italian migrants to Queensland. Central to the understanding of this aesthetic change is the Italian suit. This research is innovative in that it opens a new area of study in Australian fashion history, connected to the history of migrants and their identity.


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[ES] España, al igual que Italia, líder tradicional del sector de granito, ha visto como China, India o Brasil, han escalado posiciones en el ranking de producción y exportación mundial de granito. En un contexto globalizado, es necesario posicionarse frente a estos competidores en los mercados internacionales, y dado que estamos ante un producto genérico que cumple unas condiciones adecuadas de precio y calidad, una forma de identificarlo y diferenciarlo es aportándole valor mediante la creación de una marca. En el trabajo se analiza la utilidad de una estrategia basada en el made in para el caso de Galicia, núcleo fundamental de la industria en España, alternativa que resulta interesante para las empresas consultadas pero cuya puesta en práctica exige la colaboración entre éstas y las instituciones.


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Between 1994 and 1997, 258 tissue and 178 sediment samples were analyzed for chlorpyrifos throughout the coastal United States and the Great Lakes. Subsequently, 95 of the 1997 tissue samples were reanalyzed for endosulfan. Tissue chlorpyrifos concentrations, which exceeded the 90th percentile, were found in coastal regions known to have high agricultural use rates but also strongly correlated with sites near high population. The highest concentrations of endosulfans in contrast, were generally limited to agricultural regions of the country. Detections of chlorpyrifos at several Alaskan sites suggest an atmospheric transport mechanism. Many Great Lakes sites had chlorpyrifos tissue concentrations above the 90th percentile which decreased with increasing distance from the Corn Belt region (Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin) where most agriculturally applied chlorpyrifos is used. Correlation analysis suggests that fluvial discharge is the primary transport pathway on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts for chlorpyrifos but not necessarily for endosulfans. (PDF contains 28 pages)


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Length frequency distributions of the sea bream collected during the period 1953 to 1958 have been analysed. The increase in average sizes of the sea bream with depth suggests a movement to deeper waters with increase in size. By numbers, the sea bream is more abundant between 21 and 30 fathoms than in deeper areas. The recruitment was continuous and regular. There is no sign of entry or progression of a dominant brood throughout the period under study. Length frequency distribution shows three distinct modes. The first mode occurs regularly but does not progress beyond 40cm, recruitment being balanced by natural and fishing mortality. The other two which are not regular are probably the result of fishing outside regular areas. Short sections of “growth” lines which fit into one another when extrapolated, are evident. The larger lines obtained by extrapolation are parallel to one another. These tentative "growth lines" indicate that this species which enters the fishing grounds, when 15 cm or larger in length are exploited by the trawl fishery for a period of three to four years. This species appears to be six months old when it enters the fishing grounds and increases in length by about 37.5 cm in the next 30 months. Later growth slows down. The average size of the specimens sampled continued to get smaller from 1953 till 1957. It is shown that this reduction in size is due to increased fishing effort.


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Results of the first frame survey of the fishing centres on the Mozambican coast of Lake Niassa, held in June 1983, are presented. A total of 41 fishing centres were detected in the area and visited. Through direct enquiries in each centre, an estimated number of 3,380 fishermen and 1,230 fishing boats (of which 25 motorized) was established. The results also provided information on the types and quantities of fishing gear used. A first estimation of the approximate total annual catch in the area gave a figure in the order of 9,100 tons., of which approximately equals 90% is landed during the rainy season. The survey is a part of a research programme on the fishing resources of Lake Niassa and of a project for the collection and organization of fisheries statistics from the artisanal fisheries of the Mozambican side of Lake Niassa.