981 resultados para Machado de Assis’s opinion
Durante o ano de 1883, a medição de terras do patrimônio dotal do Conde e da Condessa d'Eu repercutiu de maneira negativa no Senado e provocou uma discussão sobre qual a forma de governo mais barata, se a monarquia vigente ou a república. Machado de Assis fornece sua opinião em uma crônica escrita para a coluna “Balas de Estalo” do jornal carioca Gazeta de Notícias. Servindo-se do pseudônimo de Lélio, analisa o problema de forma divertida e sagaz e sugere uma solução inesperada, utilizando uma frase de Molière para ilustrar seu pensamento. O presente artigo visa demonstrar de que forma uma notícia de jornal leva Machado a retirar versos de uma peça clássica francesa e inseri-los em uma crônica carioca zombeteira, aproximando Lélio, Sosie e a anarquia.
Neste ensaio, o conto O Caso da Vara de Machado de Assis é lido não só como uma história irónica, cuidadosamente estruturada, de conflitos internos versus acções reais, mas também como uma potencial peça dramática que partilha das características da tragédia clássica. As acções das personagens são vencidas pela torrente dos seus pensamentos, medos, crueldades e dramas, conduzindo a narrativa até um desfecho enigmático e sempre adiado. Tal como no drama clássico, n‘O Caso da Vara notamos a predilecção de Machado de Assis por situações universais que revelam a feição trágico-cómica dos comportamentos instituídos, num conto carregado de implicações morais que despertam o leitor para as grandes intenções e ainda maiores cobardias do ser humano.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Acompanha: Da crueldade à duplicidade da alma humana: sequência expandida a partir de clássicos do terror
Machado de Assis (1839-1908) is considered the most important Brazilian writer and a great universal literary figure. Little is know about his medical, personal and family history. He hid his «disease» as much as possible. Machado referred to «strange things» having happened to him in his childhood. He described seizures as «nervous phenomena», «absenses», «my illness». Laet observed a seizure and described it as: «... when Machado approached us and spoke to me in disconnected words. I looked at him in surprise and found his features altered. Knowing that from time to time he had nervous problems,... and only permitted Machado take the Laranjeiras Street car, when I saw that he was completely well». A photographically documented seizure is shown. Alencar wrote, «The preoccupation with health was frequent: either he was having the consequences of a fit or was foreboding one». It is clear that Machado presented localized symptomatic epilepsy with complex partial seizures secondarily generalized of unknown etiology. The seizures which began in infancy or childhood had remission in adolescence and then recurred in his thirties and became more frequent in his later years. His depression got markedly worse with age. In our opinion, the greatest consequence of Machado's epilepsy, was his psychological suffering due to the prejudice of the times. Despite this Machado showed all his genius, which is still actual and universal.
This article analyses how Victor Hugo embodied his heroes and Machado de Assis his anti-heroes. Three Assis´s short stories and three Hugo´s novels are compared: “O caso da Vara” and the chapter “L‟affaire Champmathieu” from the book Les Misérables; “Noite de Almirante” and Les Travailleurs de la Mer; “Um incêndio” and Quatre-Vingt-Treize. These texts present similar situations, but each author shows an outcome that reveals their literary proposal. For this reason, Comparative Literature and Intertext had been used as base of reflection for this article.
To develop recommendations for the diagnosis, management and treatment of lupus nephritis in Brazil. Extensive literature review with a selection of papers based on the strength of scientific evidence and opinion of the Commission on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus members, Brazilian Society of Rheumatology. 1) Renal biopsy should be performed whenever possible and if this procedure is indicated; and, when the procedure is not possible, the treatment should be guided with the inference of histologic class. 2) Ideally, measures and precautions should be implemented before starting treatment, with emphasis on attention to the risk of infection. 3) Risks and benefits of treatment should be shared with the patient and his/her family. 4) The use of hydroxychloroquine (preferably) or chloroquine diphosphate is recommended for all patients (unless contraindicated) during induction and maintenance phases. 5) The evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment should be made with objective criteria of response (complete remission/partial remission/refractoriness). 6) ACE inhibitors and/or ARBs are recommended as antiproteinuric agents for all patients (unless contraindicated). 7) The identification of clinical and/or laboratory signs suggestive of proliferative or membranous glomerulonephritis should indicate an immediate implementation of specific therapy, including steroids and an immunosuppressive agent, even though histological confirmation is not possible. 8) Immunosuppressives must be used during at least 36 months, but these medications can be kept for longer periods. Its discontinuation should only be done when the patient achieve and maintain a sustained and complete remission. 9) Lupus nephritis should be considered as refractory when a full or partial remission is not achieved after 12 months of an appropriate treatment, when a new renal biopsy should be considered to assist in identifying the cause of refractoriness and in the therapeutic decision.
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3) is the most frequent spinocerebellar ataxia, characterized by brainstem, basal ganglia and cerebellar damage. Few magnetic resonance imaging based studies have investigated damage in the cerebral cortex. The objective was to determine whether patients with MJD/SCA3 have cerebral cortex atrophy, to identify regions more susceptible to damage and to look for the clinical and neuropsychological correlates of such lesions. Forty-nine patients with MJD/SCA3 (mean age 47.7 ± 13.0 years, 27 men) and 49 matched healthy controls were enrolled. All subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging scans in a 3 T device, and three-dimensional T1 images were used for volumetric analyses. Measurement of cortical thickness and volume was performed using the FreeSurfer software. Groups were compared using ancova with age, gender and estimated intracranial volume as covariates, and a general linear model was used to assess correlations between atrophy and clinical variables. Mean CAG expansion, Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) score and age at onset were 72.1 ± 4.2, 14.7 ± 7.3 and 37.5 ± 12.5 years, respectively. The main findings were (i) bilateral paracentral cortex atrophy, as well as the caudal middle frontal gyrus, superior and transverse temporal gyri, and lateral occipital cortex in the left hemisphere and supramarginal gyrus in the right hemisphere; (ii) volumetric reduction of basal ganglia and hippocampi; (iii) a significant correlation between SARA and brainstem and precentral gyrus atrophy. Furthermore, some of the affected cortical regions showed significant correlations with neuropsychological data. Patients with MJD/SCA3 have widespread cortical and subcortical atrophy. These structural findings correlate with clinical manifestations of the disease, which support the concept that cognitive/motor impairment and cerebral damage are related in disease.
Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3) is the most frequent spinocerebellar ataxia worldwide and characterized by remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity. MRI-based studies in SCA3 focused in the cerebellum and connections, but little is known about cord damage in the disease and its clinical relevance. To evaluate the spinal cord damage in SCA3 through quantitative analysis of MRI scans. A group of 48 patients with SCA3 and 48 age and gender-matched healthy controls underwent MRI on a 3T scanner. We used T1-weighted 3D images to estimate the cervical spinal cord area (CA) and eccentricity (CE) at three C2/C3 levels based on a semi-automatic image segmentation protocol. The scale for assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA) was employed to quantify disease severity. The two groups-SCA3 and controls-were significantly different regarding CA (49.5 ± 7.3 vs 67.2 ± 6.3 mm(2), p < 0.001) and CE values (0.79 ± 0.06 vs 0.75 ± 0.05, p = 0.005). In addition, CA presented a significant correlation with SARA scores in the patient group (p = 0.010). CE was not associated with SARA scores (p = 0.857). In the multiple variable regression, we found that disease duration was the only variable associated with CA (coefficient = -0.629, p = 0.025). SCA3 is characterized by cervical cord atrophy and antero-posterior flattening. In addition, the spinal cord areas did correlate with disease severity. This suggests that quantitative analyses of the spinal cord MRI might be a useful biomarker in SCA3.
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is the most common autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia and presents great phenotypic variability. MJD presenting with spastic paraparesis was recently described in Japanese patients. We report the case of 41-year-old woman with the phenotype of complicated hereditary spastic paraplegia. Her father died at the age of 56 years due to an undiagnosed progressive neurological disease that presented parkinsonism. She had an expanded allele with 66 CAG repeats and a normal allele with 22 repeats in the gene of MJD. MJD should be considered in the differential diagnosis of autosomal dominant complicated HSP. A patient with the phenotype of complicated HSP and relatives with other clinical features of a neurodegenerative disease should raise the suspicion of MJD.
In the last decade the Sznajd model has been successfully employed in modeling some properties and scale features of both proportional and majority elections. We propose a version of the Sznajd model with a generalized bounded confidence rule-a rule that limits the convincing capability of agents and that is essential to allow coexistence of opinions in the stationary state. With an appropriate choice of parameters it can be reduced to previous models. We solved this model both in a mean-field approach (for an arbitrary number of opinions) and numerically in a Barabaacutesi-Albert network (for three and four opinions), studying the transient and the possible stationary states. We built the phase portrait for the special cases of three and four opinions, defining the attractors and their basins of attraction. Through this analysis, we were able to understand and explain discrepancies between mean-field and simulation results obtained in previous works for the usual Sznajd model with bounded confidence and three opinions. Both the dynamical system approach and our generalized bounded confidence rule are quite general and we think it can be useful to the understanding of other similar models.
The existence of juxtaposed regions of distinct cultures in spite of the fact that people's beliefs have a tendency to become more similar to each other's as the individuals interact repeatedly is a puzzling phenomenon in the social sciences. Here we study an extreme version of the frequency-dependent bias model of social influence in which an individual adopts the opinion shared by the majority of the members of its extended neighborhood, which includes the individual itself. This is a variant of the majority-vote model in which the individual retains its opinion in case there is a tie among the neighbors' opinions. We assume that the individuals are fixed in the sites of a square lattice of linear size L and that they interact with their nearest neighbors only. Within a mean-field framework, we derive the equations of motion for the density of individuals adopting a particular opinion in the single-site and pair approximations. Although the single-site approximation predicts a single opinion domain that takes over the entire lattice, the pair approximation yields a qualitatively correct picture with the coexistence of different opinion domains and a strong dependence on the initial conditions. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations indicate the existence of a rich distribution of opinion domains or clusters, the number of which grows with L(2) whereas the size of the largest cluster grows with ln L(2). The analysis of the sizes of the opinion domains shows that they obey a power-law distribution for not too large sizes but that they are exponentially distributed in the limit of very large clusters. In addition, similarly to other well-known social influence model-Axelrod's model-we found that these opinion domains are unstable to the effect of a thermal-like noise.
We study the dynamics of the adoption of new products by agents with continuous opinions and discrete actions (CODA). The model is such that the refusal in adopting a new idea or product is increasingly weighted by neighbor agents as evidence against the product. Under these rules, we study the distribution of adoption times and the final proportion of adopters in the population. We compare the cases where initial adopters are clustered to the case where they are randomly scattered around the social network and investigate small world effects on the final proportion of adopters. The model predicts a fat tailed distribution for late adopters which is verified by empirical data. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.