174 resultados para MVC
门户提供了对信息资源的单一访问入口, 将各种异构应用和数据资源集成到同一用户界面下,并根据用户或角色的不同,形成个性化访问页面,进而实现信息的有效传递和共享。 企业为了满足自身业务的需求而不断推出不同的业务系统,如电子商务系统、办公自动化系统、企业资源管理和财务管理系统。但是由于各个系统之间互相孤立,数据分散,形成了一个个“信息孤岛”。集成现有的应用系统成为门户中间件平台的一个重要目标。 门户中现有的集成方式,如首页集成、工作流集成,可以将已有的应用集成到门户中。但是这些方式不够灵活,表现在对于 Web 应用,不能将已有的业务逻辑和界面表现同时方便地集成到门户中。虽然JCP社区提出了 JSR 301规范,支持 JSF 框架的 Portlet 桥接,将 JSF 应用集成到门户中,但是对集成的应用系统类型有很大的限制。面对企业中不同类型的应用系统,缺少一种较为通用的解决方法。 本文针对MVC Web 框架的特性以及门户中应用集成的实际需求,提出了一种面向MVC Web 框架的 Portlet 桥接,一方面支持多种 Web 框架;另一方面在不改变原有应用系统的前提下,将该系统集成到门户环境中。通过分析和比较MVC Web 框架和Portlet 之间的工作原理以及运行环境,总结出桥接过程中必须 解决的三个关键问题:请求处理、URL 地址改写以及运行环境上下文的适配。为解决以上问题,本文设计了两阶段的请求处理方式,定义了 URL 地址的改写规则以及设计了上下文的适配器。在此基础之上,给出了 Portlet 桥接的分析与设计。 基于本文给出的 Portlet 桥接设计,在自主研发的企业门户 OncePortal 中实现了 JSF、Struts 两种具体桥接,并通过应用实例验证 Portlet 桥接的有效性,实现对 Web 应用系统的无缝集成。
OWL-S is an application of OWL, the Web Ontology Language, that describes the semantics of Web Services so that their discovery, selection, invocation and composition can be automated. The research literature reports the use of UML diagrams for the automatic generation of Semantic Web Service descriptions in OWL-S. This paper demonstrates a higher level of automation by generating complete complete Web applications from OWL-S descriptions that have themselves been generated from UML. Previously, we proposed an approach for processing OWL-S descriptions in order to produce MVC-based skeletons for Web applications. The OWL-S ontology undergoes a series of transformations in order to generate a Model-View-Controller application implemented by a combination of Java Beans, JSP, and Servlets code, respectively. In this paper, we show in detail the documents produced at each processing step. We highlight the connections between OWL-S specifications and executable code in the various Java dialects and show the Web interfaces that result from this process.
Det mobila operativsystemet Android är idag ett ganska dominerande operativsystem på den mobila marknaden dels på grund av sin öppenhet men också på grund av att tillgängligheten är stor i och med både billiga och dyra telefoner finns att tillgå. Men idag har Android inget fördefinierat designmönster vilket leder till att varje utvecklare får bestämma själv vad som ska användas, vilket ibland kan leda till onödigt komplex kod i applikationerna som sen blir svårtestad och svårhanterlig. Detta arbete ämnar jämföra två designmönster, Passive Model View Controller (PMVC) och Model View View-Model (MVVM), för att se vilket designmönster som blir minst komplext med hjälp av att räkna fram mätvärden med hjälp av Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN). Studien är gjord utifrån arbetssättet Design & Creation och ämnar bidra med: kunskap om vilket mönster man bör välja, samt om CCN kan peka ut vilka delar i en applikation som kommer att ta mer eller mindre lång tid att testa. Under studiens gång tog vi även fram skillnader på om man anväder sig av den så kallade Single Responsibilyt Principle (SRP) eller inte. Detta för att se om separerade vyer gör någon skillnad i applikationernas komplexitet. I slutändan så visar studien på att komplexiteten i små applikationer är väldigt likvärdig, men att man även på små applikationer kan se skillnad på hur komplex koden är men också att kodkomplexitet på metodnivå kan ge riktlinjer för testfall.
Moose (Alces alces) are a keystone herbivore in Maine. Because of the large number of rural roads in Maine, there is a high rate of moose-vehicle collisions (MVCs), which is increasing. On-road encounters with animals resulted in 231 fatalities in the United States in 1999. Because of the fatality of MVCs, it is important to know where they are most likely to occur. I used GIS analysis to estimate where future MVCs would occur, factoring in the variables of land cover suitability for moose, distance from water bodies, locations of past MVCs, and speed limits on the roads. I ran four different analyses, each one weighting the variables equally. I also ran a regression to determine if increasing road speed was associated with the increase in the number of MVCs per length of road. There was not a strong positive relationship between the number of MVCs per length of road and the speed limit, but it was interesting to note that there were more MVCs per length of road on 35mph and 40mph roads than on 45, 50, 55 or 65mph roads. Future research on MVCs would benefit from the inclusion of include moose population density and road traffic data.
Versa sobre a aplicação das características de um ambiente de realidade aumentada, tais como: interação fácil e intuitiva, e grande espaço para visualização de dados, na implementação, interação e visualização de múltiplas visões de dados coordenadas. As múltiplas visões de dados permitem que o usuário realize uma melhor análise dos dados sobre diferentes aspectos, e a coordenação entre as múltiplas visões tem o objetivo de diminuir a sobrecarga oogniriva conferida ao usuário. O ambiente aumentado foi concebido através do ARToolKit, a interação se dá através de uma interface baseada em cartões marcadores. A técnica implementada foi Dispersão de Dados 3D, acompanhada de uma diversidade de filtros e configurações para as visões de dados. Por fim, são apresentados alguns ensaios de usabilidade preliminares do protótipo desenvolvido.
We present an adaptive unequal error protection (UEP) strategy built on the 1-D interleaved parity Application Layer Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC) code for protecting the transmission of stereoscopic 3D video content encoded with Multiview Video Coding (MVC) through IP-based networks. Our scheme targets the minimization of quality degradation produced by packet losses during video transmission in time-sensitive application scenarios. To that end, based on a novel packet-level distortion model, it selects in real time the most suitable packets within each Group of Pictures (GOP) to be protected and the most convenient FEC technique parameters, i.e., the size of the FEC generator matrix. In order to make these decisions, it considers the relevance of the packet, the behavior of the channel, and the available bitrate for protection purposes. Simulation results validate both the distortion model introduced to estimate the importance of packets and the optimization of the FEC technique parameter values.
We present a framework for the analysis of the decoding delay and communication latency in Multiview Video Coding. The application of this framework on MVC decoders allows minimizing the overall delay in immersive video-conference systems.
This paper presents Hi!MVC, a framework for developing high interactive web applications with a MVC Architecture. Nowadays, to manage, extend and correct web applications can be difficult due to the navigational paradigm they are based on. Hi!MVC framework helps to make these tasks easier. This framework allows building a web based interface, generating each page from the objects that represent its state. Every class to be showed in the interface is associated with two entities: its html representation (view) and its interactions in the view manager (controller). The whole html page is generated by composition of views according to the composition relationship of objects. Interactions between user and application are managed by the controller associated to the view which shows interaction elements (links or forms). Hi!MVC allows building web interface in a hierarchical and distributed way. There are other frameworks and APIs offering MVC architectures to web applications, but we think that they are not applying exactly the same concepts. While they keep on basing their architectures on the navigational paradigm we are offering a new point of view based on an innovator hierarchical model. First, we present the main ideas of our proposal. Next, we expose how to implement it using different Java technologies. Finally, we make a first approach to our hierarchical MVC model. We also compare shortly our proposal with the previously cited technologies.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
To investigate whether venous occlusion plethysmography (VOP) may be used to measure high rates of arterial inflow associated with exercise, venous occlusions were performed at rest, and following dynamic handgrip exercise at 15, 30, 45, and 60 % of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) in seven healthy males. The effect of including more than one cardiac cycle in the calculation of blood flow was assessed by comparing the cumulative blood flow over one, two, three, or four cardiac cycles. The inclusion of more than one cardiac cycle at 30 and 60 % MVC, and more than two cardiac cycles at 15 and 45 % MVC resulted in a lower blood flow compared to using only the first cardiac cycle (P < 0.05). Despite the small time interval over which arterial inflow was measured (~1 second), this did not affect the reproducibility of the technique. Reproducibility (coefficient of variation for arterial inflow over three trials) tended to be poorer at the higher workloads, although this was not significant (12.7 ± 6.6 %, 16.2 ± 7.3 %, and 22.9 ± 9.9 % for the 15, 30, and 45 % MVC workloads; P=0.102). There was also a tendency for greater reproducibility with the inclusion of more cardiac cycles at the highest workload, but this did not reach significance (P=0.070). In conclusion, when calculated over the first cardiac cycle only during venous occlusion, high rates of FBF can be measured using VOP, and this can be achieved without a significant decrease in the reproducibility of the measurement.
Background: It has been proposed that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) released from red blood cells (RBCs) may contribute to the tight coupling between blood flow and oxygen demand in contracting skeletal muscle. To determine whether ATP may contribute to the vasodilatory response to exercise in the forearm, we measured arterialised and venous plasma ATP concentration and venous oxygen content in 10 healthy young males at rest, and at 30 and 180 seconds during dynamic handgrip exercise at 45% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Results: Venous plasma ATP concentration was elevated above rest after 30 seconds of exercise (P < 0.05), and remained at this higher level 180 seconds into exercise (P < 0.05 versus rest). The increase in ATP was mirrored by a decrease in venous oxygen content. While there was no significant relationship between ATP concentration and venous oxygen content at 30 seconds of exercise, they were moderately and inversely correlated at 180 seconds of exercise (r = -0.651, P = 0.021). Arterial ATP concentration remained unchanged throughout exercise, resulting in an increase in the venous-arterial ATP difference. Conclusions: Collectively these results indicate that ATP in the plasma originated from the muscle microcirculation, and are consistent with the notion that deoxygenation of the blood perfusing the muscle acts as a stimulus for ATP release. That ATP concentration was elevated just 30 seconds after the onset of exercise also suggests that ATP may be a contributing factor to the blood flow response in the transition from rest to steady state exercise.