Whatever the other characteristics of the universal museum, education must be one of its core functions. That is, education both of regular visitors and those who are not but who are members of the local, regional or national communities served by the museum. In this sense, universal refers to making the museum accessible to all: accessible physically and intellectually. This relates to what I mean by education. It is far broader than what takes place between teachers and pupils in a formal setting. Education is also about providing environments where people will be inspired or provoked to know, to question. To reflect about themselves and the wider human and natural world. A universal museum should be a great facilitator of these learning processes. In this paper I shall focus on five ways in which there can be integration of educational opportunities in the universal museum. For examples to illustrate these themes I shall draw on practices in a small sample of museums in Europe and the USA.
Museus: busca de adequação à realidade por que os museus? Quando pensamos em tratar dos objetos museológicos em nosso trabalho tínhamos em vista a importância da reconstrução dos significados históricos presentes na cultura material. É sabido que, num país como o Brasil, marcado pelo analfabetismo, os vestígios materiais e a memória oral são ainda mais significativos que quaisquer outros no que toca à representação da realidade de uma grande parcela da população, cuja história não é contemplada pelos documentos oficiais e pelos registros escritos de uma elite alfabetizada. Além disso, mesmo em caso onde os documentos escritos são abundantes, o suporte material tem possibilitado uma nova leitura que, se muitas vezes corrobora, em outras tantas levanta questões e hipóteses inusitadas sobre realidades históricas já analisadas à luz das fontes tradicionais.
Dentro da reflexão sobre a missão do Museu no mundo contemporâneo propiciada pela UNESCO, pelo Escritório Regional de Cultura para América Latina e Caribe (ORCALC), e pelo Comité venezuelano do Conselho Internacional de Museu (ICOM), com o apoio do Conselho Nacional da Cultura (CONAC) e da Fundação do Museu de Belas Artes da Venezuela, realizou-se o Seminário "A Missão dos Museus na América Latina Hoje: Novos Desafios", celebrado em Caracas, Venezuela, entre os dias 16 de janeiro e 06 de fevereiro de 1992.
Convivemos atualmente no Brasil, país em que os museus são pouco freqüentados, com filas enormes e um comparecimento maciço a exposições promovidas pelos museus de arte das grandes metrópoles. Eles respondem às demandas sociais de educação e lazer e atraem um número cada vez maior de visitantes, tornando-se uma das práticas culturais mais populares desta virada de milênio. Qual o significado destas novas exposições? Elas têm sido consideradas tanto parte de um processo de democratização do acesso à arte, quanto responsáveis pela banalização da arte em sociedades cada vez mais voltadas para o consumo. Este artigo se propõe a analisar a produção, difusão e recepção destas novas exposições, considerando a hierarquia de normas, valores e práticas presentes na sociedade brasileira.
"Exhibiting is or should be to work against ignorance, especially against the most refractory of all ignorance: the pre-conceived idea of stereo typed culture. To exhibit is to take a calculated risk of disorientation - in the etymological sense : ( to lose your bearings), disturbs the harmony, the evident , and the consensus, that constitutes the common place ( the banal). Needless to say however it is obvious that an exhibition that deliberately tries to scandalise will create an inverted perversion which results in an obscurantist pseudo-luxury - culture ... between demagogy and provocation, one has to find visual communication's subtle itinerary. Even though an intermediary route is not so stimulating : as Gaston Bachelard said "All the roads lead to Rome, except the roads of compromise."
Exhibiting is or should be to work against ignorance, especially against the most refractory of all ignorance: the pre-conceived idea of stereo typed culture. To exhibit is to take a calculated risk of disorientation - in the etymological sense: (to lose your bearings), disturbs the harmony, the evident , and the consensus, that constitutes the common place (the banal). Needless to say however it is obvious that an exhibition that deliberately tries to scandalise will create an inverted perversion which results in an obscurantist pseudo-luxury - culture ... between demagogy and provocation, one has to find visual communication's subtle itinerary. Even though an intermediary route is not so stimulating: as Gaston Bachelard said "All the roads lead to Rome, except the roads of compromise." It is becoming ever more evident that museums have undergone changes that are noticeable in numerous areas. As well as the traditional functions of collecting, conserving and exhibiting objects. museums have tried to become a means of communication, open and aware of the worries of modern society. In order to do this , it has started to utilise modern technology now available and lead by the hand of "marketing" and modern business management.
Networked control over data networks has received increasing attention in recent years. Among many problems in networked control systems (NCSs) is the need to reduce control latency and jitter and to deal with packet dropouts. This paper introduces our recent progress on a queuing communication architecture for real-time NCS applications, and simple strategies for dealing with packet dropouts. Case studies for a middle-scale process or multiple small-scale processes are presented for TCP/IP based real-time NCSs. Variations of network architecture design are modelled, simulated, and analysed for evaluation of control latency and jitter performance. It is shown that a simple bandwidth upgrade or adding hierarchy does not necessarily bring benefits for performance improvement of control latency and jitter. A co-design of network and control is necessary to maximise the real-time control performance of NCSs