47 resultados para MUMA


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Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma é um importante predador de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) em citros no Brasil. O emprego de Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) como fonte de alimento para I. zuluagai em criações de laboratório foi investigado a 25,5 ± 0,5ºC, 88 ± 7% UR e fotofase de 12h. Inicialmente os níveis de oviposição do predador alimentado com ovos, estágios pós-embrionários mortos ou estágios pós-embrionários vivos de T. putrescentiae foram avaliados durante 10 dias. A taxa diária de oviposição foi de 1,3 ovo/ fêmea quando estas foram alimentadas com ovos de T. putrecentiae; 0,7 ovo/ fêmea quando estas foram alimentadas com estágios pós-embrionários mortos e cerca de 0,2 ovo/ fêmea quando alimentadas com estágios pós-embrionários vivos. Posteriormente, elaborou-se a tabela de vida de I. zuluagai, oferecendo-se como alimento ovos de T. putrescentiae. Os estágios imaturos foram observados a cada 8h, para determinar a duração correspondente. Na fase adulta, os ácaros foram observados a cada 24h, para se determinar os parâmetros reprodutivos. A capacidade de aumento populacional (r m) foi de 0,11 fêmea/ fêmea/ dia; resultando em uma razão finita de aumento de 1,11 (l). A taxa líquida de reprodução (R0) foi de 7,1 fêmeas/geração, com um tempo de geração de 18,6 dias. Os resultados obtidos mostram que T. putrescentiae é uma fonte de alimento favorável ao desenvolvimento de I. zuluagai.


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Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae) é um ácaro predador comumente encontrado em plantas cítricas (Citrus spp.). Alimentado com pólen de mamoneira (Ricinus communis ) e a 25 ± 2°C, 70 ± 10% de UR e 14 horas de fotofase, a maioria das larvas eclodiu entre 12 e 24 horas. A duração do estágio de larva foi freqüentemente em torno de 24 horas, e a duração das fases de protoninfa e deutoninfa entre 24 e 48 horas. O ciclo de ovo a adulto durou 5 a 6 dias. A estimativa da capacidade inata de crescimento da população (r m) foi 0,122 fêmeas/ fêmea/ dia; a duração média de uma geração (T) 18,7 dias; a taxa líquida de reprodução (Ro) 9,82 fêmeas/ fêmea e a razão finita de aumento (1)1,13.


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Testes de efeito adverso de agroquímicos sobre Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae) foram conduzidos em laboratório, utilizando o método residual de contato com pulverização em superfície de vidro. Foram testados 42 produtos químicos, a maioria utilizada na citricultura brasileira. A mortalidade e o efeito dos produtos na reprodução do ácaro foram avaliados diariamente durante oito dias. Os produtos foram classificados quanto ao efeito total causado ao ácaro (combinação da mortalidade e efeito na reprodução) em quatro classes de toxicidade propostas pela IOBC/WPRS. Os resultados mostraram que cerca de 26% dos produtos testados foram inócuos (captan, clofentezine, fenbutatin oxide, fosetyl, hexythiazox, hidróxido de cobre, naled, oxicloreto de cobre, óxido cuproso e tetradifon), 14% levemente nocivos (abamectin, chlorothalonil, sulfato de cobre, thiophanate-methyl (PM) e ziram), 7% moderadamente nocivos (enxofre, parathion-methyl e thiophanate-methyl (SC)) e 52% nocivos ao ácaro (acrinathrin, amitraz, azinphos-ethyl, azocyclotin, benomyl, bifenthrin, bromopropylate, carbaryl, carbosulfan, chlorfenapyr, cyhexatin, dicofol, fenpropathrin, fenpyroximate, mancozeb, óleo mineral e vegetal, phosmet, propargite, quinomethionate, triazophos, e vamidothion).


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The rubber tree red false spider mite, Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, is an important pest of Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg. The phytoseiid mite Euseius citrifolius Dennmark & Muma has frequently been recorded on rubber tree crops. The objective of this work was to determine the predatory activity of E. citrifolius on the different life stages (egg, larva, nymph and adult) of T. heveae. The experiments were carried out in Petri dishes (9-cm diameter) containing a layer of wet cotton inside, onto which a disk of rubber tree leaf (2.5-cm diameter) was laid. The disks were taken from naturally infested leaves. Twenty specimens in the life stage that was to be tested were left on the disk and the others were eliminated; a predator life stage (larva, nymph or female) was obtained from a laboratory stock colony and put into each dish. For each tested life stage of E. citrifolius, 4 treatments (T. heveae life stages) and 20 replications were considered in a randomized block design. The observations were made after 24 hours for larvae and nymphs of the predator, and after 24, 48 and 72 hours for the females. E. citrifolius larvae and nymphs had a higher preference for T. heveae larvae followed by nymphs, eggs and adults. Within 72 hours, each predator female consumed 15.0 larvae, 14.5 nymphs, 7.4 adults or 2.2 eggs of T. heveae. It is concluded that E. citrifolius can feed on red false spider mites, the larva and nymph being the preferred stages.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The phytoseiid mites of the Dominican Republic are virtually unknown. In a survey conducted in areas of natural vegetation of that country, 23 species were collected, two of which, Phytoseius dominicensis Ferragut & Moraes sp. nov. and Typhloseiopsis adventitius Ferragut & Moraes sp. nov., are new to science. We report the species found in that survey, describe the two new species, and provide complementary morphological information about other species. To accommodate the new Typhloseiopsis De Leon species, a redefinition of Typhloseiopsis is proposed. A key for the separation of the species in this genus is provided.


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This paper reports on a study of phytoseiids collected from the La Selva Biological Field Station, the ALAS (Arthropods of La Selva) Project, made available to us by the Canadian National Collection via Dr. E. E. Lindquist. This material includes two new species, Proprioseiopsis versus n. sp. and Transeius costarricensis n. sp., three new records for Central America, and additional information for nine species previously reported from La Selva.


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More than 1982 species in 90 genera were included in an analysis of the biogeography of the Phytoseiidae, a family of predatory mites. Seven biogeographic regions were taken into account: Nearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopian, West Palaearctic, East Palaearctic, Oriental, and Australasian. The number of species was particularly high in the Neotropical, Oriental, and West Palaearctic regions. These regions also present the highest levels of species endemism. The number of genera was quite similar in all regions except for the Neotropics, which also had a high level of endemism. The possible Gondwanian (Neotropical, Ethiopian, Australasian, and Oriental regions) origin of the Phytoseiidae, most probably in the Neotropics, and their possible radiation to Laurasia (Nearctic, West Palaearctic, and East Palaearctic regions) are discussed. The comparison between genera and species in the different biogeographic regions indicate the importance of both dispersal and vicariance events in the evolution of the group. Dispersal is assumed to have been most important between Neotropical and Nearctic regions and between East Palaearctic and Oriental regions, whereas vicariance could have been the dominating process between Australasian, Ethiopian, and Oriental regions, as well as between West and East Palaearctic regions. A parsimony analysis of endemicity showed the Neotropical and the Nearctic regions to be isolated from the other regions. This is certainly due to a diversification after the continents drifted apart and then a high dispersal between Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Different phylogenetic hypotheses and scenarios are proposed for each subfamily based on the results obtained and further investigations are proposed. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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Coconut is an important crop in tropical and subtropical regions. Among the mites that infest coconut palms, Aceria guerreronis Keifer is economically the most important. We conducted surveys throughout the coconut growing areas of Brazil. Samples were taken from attached coconuts, leaflets, fallen coconuts and inflorescences of coconut palms in 112 localities aiming to determine the Occurrence and the distribution of phytophagous mites, particularly A. guerreronis, and associated natural enemies. Aceria guerreronis was the most abundant phytophagous mite followed by Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego & Gondim Jr. and Steneotarsonemus furcatus De Leon (Tarsonemidae). Infestation by A. guerreronis was recorded in 87% of the visited localities. About 81% of all predatory mites belonged to the family Phytoseiidae, mainly represented by Neoseiulus paspalivorus De Leon, Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius largoensis Muma; 12% were Ascidae, mainly Proctolaelaps bickleyi Bram, Proctolaelaps sp nov and Lasioseius subterraneus Chant. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki were the most abundant predators on attached coconuts. Ascidae were predominant on fallen coconuts, while A. largoensis was predominant on leaflets; no mites were found on branches of inflorescences. Leaflets harboured higher mite diversity than the attached coconuts. Mite diversity was the highest in the state Para and on palms surrounded by seasonal forests and Amazonian rain-forests. Neoseiulus paspalivorus, N. baraki and P. bickleyi were identified as the most promising predators of A. guerreronis. Analyses of the influence of climatic factors revealed that dry ambient conditions favour the establishment of A. guerreronis. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki have differing climatic requirements; the former being more abundant in warm and dry areas, the latter prevailing ill moderately tempered and humid areas. We discuss the significance of our findings for natural and biological control of A. guerreronis.


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The Australian Neoseiulus Hughes and Typhlodromips de Leon (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Amblyseiinae) are revised and diagnosed, and three new related genera, Knopkirie, gen. nov., Olpiseius, gen. nov. and Pholaseius, gen. nov. are proposed and diagnosed. In Australia, Neoseiulus contains at least 44 species, 18 of which are newly described here, in six species-groups: the barkeri-group, womersleyi-group, cucumeris-group, cangaro-group, paloratus-group, and the paspalivorus-group. Typhlodromips contains six species, two previously described and four new species. Knopkirie contains four species, three of which are newly described here, in two species-groups: the petri-group and the banksiae-group. Olpiseius contains three species, one of which is newly described, all placed in the noncollyerae-group, and Pholaseius is monotypic, with one newly described species. Diagnoses and keys are provided for all Australian species in each of the above genera, as are keys to the amblyseiine genera currently recognised in Australia.


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Com o uso de bioensaios, verificaram-se os efeitos residual de contato, ovicida e de persistência dos produtos chlorfenapyr e fenbutatin-oxide sobre duas espécies de ácaros predadores, Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma e Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae), associados ao ácaro da leprose-dos-citros Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). O efeito total sobre os adultos foi estudado por meio do método residual de contato com pulverização em superfície de vidro, conforme metodologia da IOBC. O efeito ovicida foi avaliado por meio de pulverização direta sobre os ovos dos ácaros predadores, também em superfície de vidro. A persistência dos produtos foi avaliada em laboratório, em arenas confeccionadas com folhas de laranjeira pulverizadas no campo, aos 0; 5; 15 e 30 dias após a aplicação. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que chlorfenapyr foi nocivo ao I. zuluagai e E. alatus e o fenbutatin-oxide foi levemente nocivo a E. alatus e inócuo a I. zuluagai. Nenhum dos produtos apresentou efeito ovicida. Fenbutatin-oxide apresentou baixa persistência para ambas as espécies de ácaros predadores, e chlorfenapyr, na dosagem de 31,3 ml, foi de baixa persistência, enquanto, na dosagem de 62,5 ml, foi moderadamente persistente. O fenbutatin-oxide apresentou-se inócuo e levemente nocivo aos ácaros predadores I. zuluagai e E. alatus, respectivamente, e de baixa persistência para ambas as espécies