6 resultados para MULTIVISCERAL


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Objective: To present a model for research and training in multivisceral transplantation in pigs. Methods: Eight Large White pigs (four donors and four recipients) were operated. The multivisceral transplant with stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver and intestine was performed similarly to transplantation in humans with a few differences, described below. Anastomoses were performed as follows: end-to-end from the supra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the recipient juxta diaphragmatic vena cava; end-to-end from the infra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the inferior (suprarenal) vena cava of the recipient; and endto-side patch of the aorta of the graft to the infrarenal aorta of the recipient plus digestive reconstruction. Results: The performance of the multivisceral transplantion was possible in all four animals. Reperfusions of the multivisceral graft led to a severe ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, despite flushing of the graft. The animals presented with hypotension and the need for high doses of vasoactive drugs, and all of them were sacrificed after discontinuing these drugs. Conclusion: Some alternatives to minimize the ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, such as the use of another vasoactive drug, use of a third pig merely for blood transfusion, presence of an anesthesia team in the operating room, and reduction of the graft, will be the next steps to enable experimental studies.


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Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcomes of multivisceral transplantation (MVT) in the setting of diffuse thrombosis of the portomesenteric venous system. Background: Liver transplantation (LT) in the face of cirrhosis and diffuse portomesenteric thrombosis (PMT) is controversial and contraindicated in many transplant centers. LT using alternative techniques such as portocaval hemitransposition fails to eliminate complications of portal hypertension. MVT replaces the liver and the thrombosed portomesenteric system. Methods: A database of intestinal transplant patients was maintained with prospective analysis of outcomes. The diagnosis of diffuse PMT was established with dual-phase abdominal computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging with venous reconstruction. Results: Twenty-five patients with grade IV PMT received 25 MVT. Eleven patients underwent simultaneous cadaveric kidney transplantation. Biopsy-proven acute cellular rejection was noted in 5 recipients, which was treated successfully. With a median follow-up of 2.8 years, patient and graft survival were 80%, 72%, and 72% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively. To date, all survivors have good graft function without any signs of residual/recurrent features of portal hypertension. Conclusions: MVT can be considered as an option for the treatment of patients with diffuse PMT. MVT is the only procedure that completely reverses portal hypertension and addresses the primary disease while achieving superior survival results in comparison to the alternative options.


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Galvao FHF, Soler W, Pompeu E, Waisberg DR, Mello ES, Costa ACL, Teodoro W, Velosa AP, Capelozzi VL, Antonangelo L, Catanozi S, Martins A, Malbouisson LMS, Cruz RJ, Figueira ER, Filho JAR, Chaib E, D'Albuquerque LAC. Immunoglobulin G profile in hyperacute rejection after multivisceral xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation 2012; 19: 298304. (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Introduction: Xenotransplantation is a potential solution for the high mortality of patients on the waiting list for multivisceral transplantation; nevertheless, hyperacute rejection (HAR) hampers this practice and motivates innovative research. In this report, we describe a model of multivisceral xenotransplantation in which we observed immunoglobulin G (IgG) involvement in HAR. Methods: We recovered en bloc multivisceral grafts (distal esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, pancreas, and kidneys) from rabbits (n = 20) and implanted them in the swine (n = 15) or rabbits (n = 5, control). Three hours after graft reperfusion, we collected samples from all graft organs for histological study and to assess IgG fixation by immunofluorescence. Histopathologic findings were graded according to previously described methods. Results: No histopathological features of rejection were seen in the rabbit allografts. In the swine-to-rabbit grafts, features of HAR were moderate in the liver and severe in esophagus, stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, and kidney. Xenograft vessels were the central target of HAR. The main lesions included edema, hemorrhage, thrombosis, myosites, fibrinoid degeneration, and necrosis. IgG deposition was intense on cell membranes, mainly in the vascular endothelium. Conclusions: Rabbit-to-swine multivisceral xenotransplants undergo moderate HAR in the liver and severe HAR in the other organs. Moderate HAR in the liver suggests a degree of resistance to the humoral immune response in this organ. Strong IgG fixation in cell membranes, including vascular endothelium, confirms HAR characterized by a primary humoral immune response. This model allows appraisal of HAR in multiple organs and investigation of the livers relative resistance to this immune response.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A trombose de veia porta foi considerada contraindicação ao transplante de fígado no passado em razão da elevada morbi-mortalidade. Diversos avanços permitiram melhora dos resultados. OBJETIVO: Revisão dos avanços e das estratégias cirúrgicas utilizadas para realização do transplante de fígado na vigência de trombose de veia porta. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura nas bases de dados Medline, Scielo, Lilacs cruzando os descritores: portal vein thrombosis, liver transplantation, vascular complications, jump graft, graft failure, multivisceral transplant. Foram estudados a epidemiologia, fatores de risco, classificação, diagnóstico, estratégias cirúrgicas e resultados. CONCLUSÃO: A trombose de veia porta deixou de ser contraindicação para o transplante hepático. O cirurgião dispõe atualmente de uma série de estratégias para realização do transplante, variando conforme o grau da trombose. Apesar de implicar em maior morbidade e taxas de re-trombose, os resultados do transplante na presença de trombose portal são semelhantes aos observados nas séries habituais.


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We previously reported the disruption of the murine gene encoding the transcription factor USF2 and its consequences on glucose-dependent gene regulation in the liver. We report here a peculiar phenotype of Usf2−/− mice that progressively develop multivisceral iron overload; plasma iron overcomes transferrin binding capacity, and nontransferrin-bound iron accumulates in various tissues including pancreas and heart. In contrast, the splenic iron content is strikingly lower in knockout animals than in controls. To identify genes that may account for the abnormalities of iron homeostasis in Usf2−/− mice, we used suppressive subtractive hybridization between livers from Usf2−/− and wild-type mice. We isolated a cDNA encoding a peptide, hepcidin (also referred to as LEAP-1, for liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide), that was very recently purified from human blood ultrafiltrate and from urine as a disulfide-bonded peptide exhibiting antimicrobial activity. Accumulation of iron in the liver has been recently reported to up-regulate hepcidin expression, whereas our data clearly show that a complete defect in hepcidin expression is responsible for progressive tissue iron overload. The striking similarity of the alterations in iron metabolism between HFE knockout mice, a murine model of hereditary hemochromatosis, and the Usf2−/− hepcidin-deficient mice suggests that hepcidin may function in the same regulatory pathway as HFE. We propose that hepcidin acts as a signaling molecule that is required in conjunction with HFE to regulate both intestinal iron absorption and iron storage in macrophages.


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Numerous extrahepatic manifestations have been reported in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, particularly mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). MC generally responds to clearance of HCV under pegylated-interferon plus ribavirin treatment. New direct-acting antiviral agents have been licensed for HCV under different combinations but have not been studied in severe forms of MC. Here, we present a case report describing a life-threatening form of MC with multivisceral involvement, which was successfully treated with concomitant rituximab, sofosbuvir and simeprevir. In light of the rapid clinical remission associated with sustained virological response and the excellent side-effect profile, this treatment should be considered as a first-line therapy in severe forms of MC.