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Conventional radiography has shown limitation in acquiring image of the ATM region, thus, computed tomography (CT) scanning has been the best option to the present date for diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment of bone lesions, owing to its specific properties. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate images of simulated bone lesions at the head of the mandible by multislice CT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Spherical lesions were made with dental spherical drills (sizes 1, 3, and 6) and were evaluated by using multislice CT (64 rows), by two observers in two different occasions, deploying two protocols: axial, coronal, and sagittal images, and parasagittal images for pole visualization (anterior, lateral, posterior, medial and superior). Acquired images were then compared with those lesions in the dry mandible (gold standard) to evaluate the specificity and sensibility of both protocols. Statistical methods included: Kappa statistics, validity test and chi-square test. Results demonstrated the advantage of associating axial, coronal, and sagittal slices with parasagittal slices for lesion detection at the head of the mandible. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between the types of protocols regarding a particular localization of lesions at the poles. CONCLUSIONS: Protocols for the assessment of the head of the mandible were established to improve the visualization of alterations of each of the poles of the mandible's head. The anterior and posterior poles were better visualized in lateral-medial planes while lateral, medial and superior poles were better visualized in the anterior-posterior plane.


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There are many studies that compare the accuracy of multislice (MSCT) and cone beam (CBCT) computed tomography for evaluations in the maxillofacial region. However, further studies comparing both acquisition techniques for the evaluation of simulated mandibular bone lesions are needed. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of MSCT and CBCT in the diagnosis of simulated mandibular bone lesions by means of cross sectional images and axial/MPR slices. Lesions with different dimensions, shape and locularity were produced in 15 dry mandibles. The images were obtained following the cross sectional and axial/MPR (Multiplanar Reconstruction) imaging protocols and were interpreted independently. CBCT and MSCT showed similar results in depicting the percentage of cortical bone involvement, with great sensitivity and specificity (p < 0.005). There were no significant intra- or inter-examiner differences between axial/MPR images and cross sectional images with regard to sensitivity and specificity. CBCT showed results similar to those of MSCT for the identification of the number of simulated bone lesions. Cross sectional slices and axial/MPR images presented high accuracy, proving useful for bone lesion diagnosis.


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The objective was to evaluate the influence of dental metallic artefacts on implant sites using multislice and cone-beam computed tomography techniques. Ten dried human mandibles were scanned twice by each technique, with and without dental metallic artefacts. Metallic restorations were placed at the top of the alveolar ridge adjacent to the mental foramen region for the second scanning. Linear measurements (thickness and height) for each cross-section were performed by a single examiner using computer software. All mandibles were analysed at both the right and the left mental foramen regions. For the multislice technique, dental metallic artefact produced an increase of 5% in bone thickness and a reduction of 6% in bone height; no significant differences (p > 0.05) were detected when comparing measurements performed with and without metallic artefacts. With respect to the cone-beam technique, dental metallic artefact produced an increase of 6% in bone thickness and a reduction of 0.68% in bone height. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed when comparing measurements performed with and without metallic artefacts. The presence of dental metallic artefacts did not alter the linear measurements obtained with both techniques, although its presence made the location of the alveolar bone crest more difficult.


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OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the impact of the new technology of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in improving the accuracy and early diagnosis of BSBI.METHODS: patients with blunt small bowel injuries (BSBI) grade> I were identified retrospectively and their CT scans reviewed by an experienced radiologist. Clinical and tomographic findings were analyzed and patients grouped as "pre-MDCT" and "post-MDCT", according to the time of implementation of a 64-slice MDCT.RESULTS: of the 26 patients with BSBI 16 had CT scans. Motor vehicle collision (62.5%) was the most frequent mechanism of injury. In the pre-MDCT period, five of the 13 patients (38.5%) had abdominal CT, and in the post-MDCT, 11 of 13 patients (84.6%) had the exam. During pre-MDCT, all CT scans were abnormal with findings of pneumoperitoneum (60%), free fluid (40%) and bowel wall enhancement (20%). In the post-MDCT group, all exams but one were abnormal and the most frequent findings were free fluid (90.9%), bowel wall enhancement (72.7%), and pneumoperitoneum (54.5%). However, the rate of delayed laparotomy did not change. The mortality rate in both groups were similar, with 20% during pre-MDCT and 18.2% during post-MDCT.CONCLUSION: the use of MDCT in abdominal trauma in our service has increased the sensibility of the diagnosis, but has had no impact on outcome so far.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato svolto presso il servizio di Fisica Sanitaria del Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna. Lo studio si è concentrato sul confronto tra le tecniche di ricostruzione standard (Filtered Back Projection, FBP) e quelle iterative in Tomografia Computerizzata. Il lavoro è stato diviso in due parti: nella prima è stata analizzata la qualità delle immagini acquisite con una CT multislice (iCT 128, sistema Philips) utilizzando sia l'algoritmo FBP sia quello iterativo (nel nostro caso iDose4). Per valutare la qualità delle immagini sono stati analizzati i seguenti parametri: il Noise Power Spectrum (NPS), la Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) e il rapporto contrasto-rumore (CNR). Le prime due grandezze sono state studiate effettuando misure su un fantoccio fornito dalla ditta costruttrice, che simulava la parte body e la parte head, con due cilindri di 32 e 20 cm rispettivamente. Le misure confermano la riduzione del rumore ma in maniera differente per i diversi filtri di convoluzione utilizzati. Lo studio dell'MTF invece ha rivelato che l'utilizzo delle tecniche standard e iterative non cambia la risoluzione spaziale; infatti gli andamenti ottenuti sono perfettamente identici (a parte le differenze intrinseche nei filtri di convoluzione), a differenza di quanto dichiarato dalla ditta. Per l'analisi del CNR sono stati utilizzati due fantocci; il primo, chiamato Catphan 600 è il fantoccio utilizzato per caratterizzare i sistemi CT. Il secondo, chiamato Cirs 061 ha al suo interno degli inserti che simulano la presenza di lesioni con densità tipiche del distretto addominale. Lo studio effettuato ha evidenziato che, per entrambi i fantocci, il rapporto contrasto-rumore aumenta se si utilizza la tecnica di ricostruzione iterativa. La seconda parte del lavoro di tesi è stata quella di effettuare una valutazione della riduzione della dose prendendo in considerazione diversi protocolli utilizzati nella pratica clinica, si sono analizzati un alto numero di esami e si sono calcolati i valori medi di CTDI e DLP su un campione di esame con FBP e con iDose4. I risultati mostrano che i valori ricavati con l'utilizzo dell'algoritmo iterativo sono al di sotto dei valori DLR nazionali di riferimento e di quelli che non usano i sistemi iterativi.


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Although postmortem imaging has gained prominence in the field of forensic medicine, evaluation of the postmortem lung remains problematic. Specifically, differentiation of normal postmortem changes and pathological pulmonary changes is challenging and at times impossible. In this study, five corpses were ventilated using a mechanical ventilator with a pressure of 40 mbar (40.8 cm H(2)O). The ventilation was performed via an endotracheal tube, a larynx mask or a continuous positive airway pressure mask. Postmortem computed tomographic images of the lungs before and with a ventilation of 40 mbar (40.8 cm H(2)O) were evaluated and the lung volumes were measured with segmentation software. Postmortem ventilation led to a clearly visible decrease of both the density in the dependant parts of the lungs and ground glass attenuation, whereas consolidated areas remained unchanged. Furthermore, a mean increase in the lung volume of 2.10 l was seen. Pathological changes such as septal thickening or pulmonary nodules in the lung parenchyma became more detectable with postmortem ventilation. Intracorporal postmortem mechanical ventilation of the lungs appears to be an effective method for enhancing detection of small pathologies of the lung parenchyma as well as for discriminating between consolidation, ground glass attenuation and position-dependent density.


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The post-mortem use of modern imaging techniques such as multislice computed tomography (MSCT) is becoming increasingly important as an aid for conventional autopsy. This article presents a case of a 4-month-old boy who died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) with intravascular gas after an intraosseus medication application documented by post-mortem MSCT. It is most likely that the gas entered the body during resuscitation. This case emphasises the advantage of post-mortem imaging as a complementary aid for the autopsy. We conclude that during emergency treatment, the medical staff should be aware of the possibility of causing a gas embolism following intraosseus medication. Resuscitation with an inserted, disconnected intraosseous needle should be avoided.


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OBJECTIVE: Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are introduced as an alternative to traditional autopsy. The purpose of this study was to investigate their accuracy in mass estimation of liver and spleen. METHODS: In 44 cases, the weights of spleen and liver were estimated based on MRI and CT data using a volume-analysis software and a postmortem tissue-specific density factor. In a blinded approach, the results were compared with the weights noted at autopsy. RESULTS: Excellent correlation between estimated and real weights (r = 0.997 for MRI, r = 0.997 for CT) was found. Putrefaction gas and venous air embolism led to an overestimation. Venous congestion and drowning caused higher estimated weights. CONCLUSION: Postmortem weights of liver and spleen can accurately be assessed by nondestructive imaging. Multislice CT overcomes the limitation of putrefaction and venous air embolism by the possibility to exclude gas. Congestion seems to be even better assessed.


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In forensic autopsies, one of the most important and common signs of violence to the neck is hemorrhages of the soft tissues. The Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern evaluates the usefulness of postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of forensic cases prior to autopsy. The aim of this study was to prove the sensitivity of postmortem MSCT and MRI in the detection of hemorrhages of the neck muscles. A full body scan prior to and a detailed scan of the explanted larynx after autopsy were performed. MSCT detected multiple fractures of the larynx. Detailed MRI was able to demonstrate the hemorrhage of the left posterior cricoarytenoid muscle. The minor hemorrhage of the right posterior cricoarytenoid muscle could not be detected with certainty. Although more experience is required, we conclude that combined MRI and MSCT examination is a useful tool for documentation and examination of neck muscle hemorrhages in forensic cases.


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After a mass fatality incident (MFI), all victims have to be rapidly and accurately identified for juridical reasons as well as for the relatives' sake. Since MFIs are often international in scope, Interpol has proposed standard disaster victim identification (DVI) procedures, which have been widely adopted by authorities and forensic experts. This study investigates how postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) can contribute to the DVI process as proposed by Interpol. The Interpol postmortem (PM) form has been analyzed, and a number of items in sections D and E thereof have been postulated to be suitable for documentation by CT data. CT scans have then been performed on forensic cases. Interpretation of the reconstructed images showed that indeed much of the postmortem information required for identification can be gathered from CT data. Further advantages of the proposed approach concern the observer independent documentation, the possibility to reconstruct a variety of images a long time after the event, the possibility to distribute the work by transmitting CT data digitally, and the reduction of time and specialists needed at the disaster site. We conclude that MSCT may be used as a valuable screening tool in DVI in the future.


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BACKGROUND: Current concepts of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) commonly use three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of the left atrium (LA) for orientation, catheter navigation, and ablation line placement. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the 3D electroanatomic reconstruction (Carto) of the LA, pulmonary veins (PVs), and esophagus with the true anatomy displayed on multislice computed tomography (CT). METHODS: In this prospective study, 100 patients undergoing AF catheter ablation underwent contrast-enhanced spiral CT scan with barium swallow and subsequent multiplanar and 3D reconstructions. Using Carto, circumferential plus linear LA lesions were placed. The esophagus was tagged and integrated into the Carto map. RESULTS: Compared with the true anatomy on CT, the electroanatomic reconstruction accurately displayed the true distance between the lower PVs; the distances between left upper PV, left lower PV, right lower PV, and center of the esophagus; the longitudinal diameter of the encircling line around the funnel of the left PVs; and the length of the mitral isthmus line. Only the distances between the upper PVs, the distance between the right upper PV and esophagus, and the diameter of the right encircling line were significantly shorter on the electroanatomic reconstructions. Furthermore, electroanatomic tagging of the esophagus reliably visualized the true anatomic relationship to the LA. On multiple tagging and repeated CT scans, the LA and esophagus showed a stable anatomic relationship, without relevant sideward shifting of the esophagus. CONCLUSION: Electroanatomic reconstruction can display with high accuracy the true 3D anatomy of the LA and PVs in most of the regions of interest for AF catheter ablation. In addition, Carto was able to visualize the true anatomic relationship between the esophagus and LA. Both structures showed a stable anatomic relationship on Carto and CT without relevant sideward shifting of the esophagus.


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Using postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 40 forensic cases were examined and findings were verified by subsequent autopsy. Results were classified as follows: (I) cause of death, (II) relevant traumatological and pathological findings, (III) vital reactions, (IV) reconstruction of injuries, (V) visualization. In these 40 forensic cases, 47 partly combined causes of death were diagnosed at autopsy, 26 (55%) causes of death were found independently using only radiological image data. Radiology was superior to autopsy in revealing certain cases of cranial, skeletal, or tissue trauma. Some forensic vital reactions were diagnosed equally well or better using MSCT/MRI. Radiological imaging techniques are particularly beneficial for reconstruction and visualization of forensic cases, including the opportunity to use the data for expert witness reports, teaching, quality control, and telemedical consultation. These preliminary results, based on the concept of "virtopsy," are promising enough to introduce and evaluate these radiological techniques in forensic medicine.


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As the auditory ossicles are difficult to display without harming them in conventional autopsies, lesions of these minute bones and the ossicular chain are regularly missed. In this study, the method of choice in clinical medicine for the examination of such lesions, namely multislice computed tomography, was applied to 100 corpses. The hereby obtained results regarding ossicle luxation and petrous bone fracture indicated that the lesions were not dependant on the amount, but rather on the type of energy inflicted to the head.


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Fatal falls from great height are a frequently encountered setting in forensic pathology. They present--by virtue of a calculable energy transmission to the body--an ideal model for the assessment of the effects of blunt trauma to a human body. As multislice computed tomography (MSCT) has proven not only to be invaluable in clinical examinations, but also to be a viable tool in post-mortem imaging, especially in the field of osseous injuries, we performed a MSCT scan on 20 victims of falls from great height. We hereby detected fractures and their distributions were compared with the impact energy. Our study suggests a marked increase of extensive damage to different body regions at about 20 kJ and more. The thorax was most often affected, regardless of the amount of impacting energy and the primary impact site. Cranial fracture frequency displayed a biphasic distribution with regard to the impacting energy; they were more frequent in energies of less than 10, and more than 20 kJ, but rarer in the intermediate energy group, namely that of 10-20 kJ.