Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant hereditary cancer syndrome characterized mostly by parathyroid, enteropancreatic, and anterior pituitary tumors. We present a case of an 8-year-old boy referred because of hypoglycemic attacks. His diagnosis was pancreatic insulinoma. Paternal grandmother died due to repeated gastroduodenal ulcerations and a paternal aunt presented similar manifestations. At a first evaluation, the father presented only gastric ulceration but subsequently developed hyperparathyroidism and lung carcinoid tumor. During almost 15 years of follow-up, three brothers and the index case presented hyperparathyroidism and hyperprolactinemia. Molecular study showed a G to A substitution in intron 4, at nine nucleotides upstream of the splicing acceptor site, causing a splicing mutation. All affected members of the family have the same mutation. Paternal grandmother and aunt were not studied and the mother does not carry any mutation. MEN1 is a rare condition that requires permanent medical assistance. Early clinical and genetic identification of affected individuals is essential for their own surveillance and also for genetic counseling.
Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs in only 10%-30% of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A), rarely as the sole clinical manifestation, and is usually diagnosed after the third decade of life. Summary: A5-year-old girl was referred for prophylactic thyroidectomy as she carried the p.C634R RET mutation. She was clinically asymptomatic, with a normally palpable thyroid and with the cervical region free of lymphadenopathy or other nodules. Preoperative tests revealed hypercalcemia associated with elevation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (calcium = 11.2mg/dL, calcium ion = 1.48mmol/L, phosphorus = 4.0 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase = 625U/L, parathyroid hormone (PTH) PTH = 998 pg/mL). A thyroid ultrasound was normal and parathyroid scintigraphy with (99m)Tc-Sestamibi revealed an area of radioconcentration in the upper half of the left thyroid lobe suggesting hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue. She underwent total thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy and developed hypocalcemia. The anatomopathological examination showed no histopathological changes in the thyroid tissue and an adenoma of the parathyroid gland, confirming the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism. Conclusions: Primary hyperparathyroidism can be a precocious manifestation of MEN2A. This case report highlights that asymptomatic hypercalcemia should be scrutinized in children related to patients with MEN2A who carry a mutation in the RET proto-oncogene, especially mutations in the codon 634, before the currently recommended age of 8 years.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 is characterized by germline mutations in RET. For exon 10, comprehensive molecular and corresponding phenotypic data are scarce. The International RET Exon 10 Consortium, comprising 27 centers from 15 countries, analyzed patients with RET exon 10 mutations for clinical-risk profiles. Presentation, age-dependent penetrance, and stage at presentation of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma, and hyperparathyroidism were studied. A total of 340 subjects from 103 families, age 4-86, were registered. There were 21 distinct single nucleotide germline mutations located in codons 609 (45 subjects), 611 (50), 618 (94), and 620 (151). MTC was present in 263 registrants, pheochromocytoma in 54, and hyperparathyroidism in 8 subjects. Of the patients with MTC, 53% were detected when asymptomatic, and among those with pheochromocytoma, 54%. Penetrance for MTC was 4% by age 10, 25% by 25, and 80% by 50. Codon-associated penetrance by age 50 ranged from 60% (codon 611) to 86% (620). More advanced stage and increasing risk of metastases correlated with mutation in codon position (609-620) near the juxtamembrane domain. Our data provide rigorous bases for timing of premorbid diagnosis and personalized treatment/prophylactic procedure decisions depending on specific RET exon 10 codons affected. Hum Mutat 32:51-58, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objective: Only few large families with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) have been documented. Here, we aimed to investigate the clinical features of a seven-generation Brazilian pedigree. which included 715 at-risk family members. Design: Genealogical and geographic analysis was used to identify the MEN1 pedigree. Clinical and genetic approach was applied to characterize the phenotypic and genotypic features of the family members. Results: Our genetic data indicated that a founding mutation in the MEN1 gene has occurred in this extended Brazilian family. Fifty family members were diagnosed with MEN1. Very high frequencies of functioning and non-functioning MEN1-related tumors were documented and the prevalence of prolactinoma (29.6%) was similar to that previously described in prolactinoma-variant Burin (32%). In addition, bone mineral density analysis revealed severe osteoporosis (T,-2.87 +/- 0.32) of compact bone (distal radius) in hyperparathyroidism (HPT)/MEN1 patients. while marked bone mineral loss in the lumbar spine (T,-1.95 +/- 0.39). with most cancellous bone, and femoral neck (mixed composition: T,-1.48 +/- 0.27) were also present. Conclusions: In this study, we described clinically and genetically the fifth largest MEN1 family in the literature. Our data confirm previous findings suggesting that prevalence of MEN1-related tumors in large families may differ from reports combining cumulative data of small families. Furthermore. we were able to evaluate the bone status in HPT/MEN1 cases, a subject that has been incompletely approached in the literature. We discussed the bone loss pattern found in our MEN1 patients comparing with that of patients with sporadic primary HPT.
Differences in bone mineral density (BMD) patterns have been recently reported between multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT/MEN1) and sporadic primary HPT However studies on the early and later outcomes of bone/renal complications in HPT/MEN1 are lacking In this cross sectional study performed in a tertiary academic hospital 36 patients cases with uncontrolled HPT from 8 unrelated MEN1 families underwent dual energy X ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanning of the proximal one third of the distal radius (1/3DR) femoral neck, total hip, and lumbar spine (LS) The mean age of the patients was 389 +/- 145 years Parathyroid hormone (PTH)/calcium values were mildly elevated despite an overall high percentage of bone demineralization (77 8%) In the younger group (<50 years of age) demineralization in the 1/3DR was more frequent more severe and occurred earlier (40% Z-score 1 81 +/- 0 26) The older group (>50 years of age) had a higher frequency of bone demineralization at all sites (p < 005) and a larger number of affected bone sites (p < 0001), and BMD was more severely compromised in the 1/3DR (p = 007) and LS (p= 002) BMD values were lower in symptomatic (88 9%) than in asymptomatic HPT patients (p < 006) Patients with long standing HPT (>10 years) and gastnnoma/HPT presented significantly lower 1/3DR BMD values Urolithiasis occurred earlier (<30 years) and more frequently (75%) and was associated with related renal comorbidities (50%) and renal insufficiency in the older group (33%) Bone mineral- and urolithiasis-related renal complications in HPT/MEN1 are early onset frequent extensive severe and progressive These data should be considered in the individualized clinical/surgical management of patients with MEN1 associated HPT (C) 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
P>Objective Limited data have been reported on the effect of parathyroidectomy (PTx) on bone mineral density (BMD) in the setting of patients with hyperparathyroidism (HPT) associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1). This study investigates the impact of total PTx on BMD in patients with HPT/MEN1. Design and patients A case series study was performed in a tertiary academic hospital. A total of 16 HPT/MEN1 patients from six families harbouring MEN1 germline mutations were subjected to total PTx followed by parathyroid auto-implant in the forearm. Measurements Bone mineral density values were assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Results Before PTx, reduced BMD (Z-score <-2 center dot 0) was highly prevalent in the proximal one-third of the distal radius (1/3 DR) (50%), lumbar spine (LS) (43 center dot 7%), ultradistal radius (UDR) (43 center dot 7%), femoral neck (FN) (25%) and total femur (TF) (18 center dot 7%) in the patients. Fifteen months after PTx, we observed a BMD improvement in the LS (from 0 center dot 843 to 0 center dot 909 g/cm2; +8 center dot 4%, P = 0 center dot 001), FN (from 0 center dot 745 to 0 center dot 798 g/cm2; +7 center dot 7%, P = 0 center dot 0001) and TF (from 0 center dot 818 to 0 center dot 874 g/cm2; +6 center dot 9%, P < 0 center dot 0001). No significant change was noticed in the 1/3 DR and UDR after PTx. Conclusions This data confirmed BMD recovery in the LS and FN after PTx in HPT/MEN1 patients. We also documented a significant BMD increase in the TF and no change in both the 1/3 DR and UDR BMD after PTx. Our data suggest that LS and proximal femur are the most informative sites to evaluate the short-term BMD outcome after PTx in HPT/MEN1 subjects.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the spectrum of MEN1 mutations in Portuguese kindreds, and identify mutation-carriers. PATIENTS, DESIGN AND RESULTS: Six unrelated MEN1 families were studied for MEN1 gene mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequence analysis of the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the MEN1 gene. These methods identified 4 different heterozygous mutations in four families: two mutations are novel (mt 1539 delG and mt 655 ims 11 bp) and two have been previously observed (mt 735 del 46p and mt 1656 del C) all resulting in a premature stop codon. In the remaining two families, in whom no mutations or abnormal MEN1 transcripts were detected, segregation studies of the 5' intragenic marker D11S4946 and codon 418 polymorphism in exon 9 revealed two large germline deletions of the MEN1 gene. Southern blot and tumour loss of heterozygosity analysis confirmed and refined the limits of these deletions, which spanned the MEN1 gene at least from: exon 7 to the 3' untranslated region, in one family, and the 5' polymorphic site D11S4946 to exon 9 (obliterating the initiation codon), in the other family. Twenty-six mutant-gene carriers were identified, 6 of which were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of the detection of MEN1 germline deletions in patients who do not have mutations of the coding region. Important clues indicating the presence of such deletions may be obtained by segregation studies using the intragenic polymorphisms D11S4946 and at codon 418. The detection of these mutations will help in the genetic counselling of clinical management of the MEN1 families in Portugal.
A sporadic case of multiple endocrine neoplasia type I with coexisting insulinoma and hyperparathyroidism was investigated in vivo and in vitro. The insulinoma was localized by somatostatin receptor scintigraphy and these receptors were functionally active. Octreotide administration decreased the basal insulin and glucagon secretion by 90 and 46%, respectively. Immunocytochemistry of the insulinoma tissue was positive for insulin, chromogranin A and neuropeptide Y. The insulinoma cells were also isolated and cultured in vitro. Incubation experiments revealed that a low glucose concentration (1 mmol/l) was sufficient to increase cytosolic free calcium and to produce a maximal glucose-induced insulin release. Northern blot analysis of RNA obtained from the tumor showed a high abundance of the low Km glucose transporter GLUT1 but no transcript for the high Km glucose transporter GLUT2. The abnormal distribution of glucose transporters probably relates to the abnormal glucose sensing of insulinoma cells, and explains their sustained insulin secretion at low glucose concentrations. Whether these abnormalities share a pathogenetic link with the presence of functionally active somatostatin receptors remains to be elucidated.
The multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) is a monogenic disorder characterized by an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance which is characterized by high risk of medullary thyroid carcinoma in all mutation carriers. Although this disorder is classified as a rare disease, the patients affected have a low life quality and a very expensive and continuous treatment. At present, MEN2A is diagnosed by gene sequencing after birth, thus trying to start an early treatment and by reduction of morbidity and mortality. We first evaluated the presence of MEN2A mutation (C634Y) in serum of 25 patients, previously diagnosed by sequencing in peripheral blood leucocytes, using HRM genotyping analysis. In a second step, we used a COLD-PCR approach followed by HRM genotyping analysis for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of a pregnant woman carrying a fetus with a C634Y mutation. HRM analysis revealed differences in melting curve shapes that correlated with patients diagnosed for MEN2A by gene sequencing analysis with 100% accuracy. Moreover, the pregnant woman carrying the fetus with the C634Y mutation revealed a melting curve shape in agreement with the positive controls in the COLD-PCR study. The mutation was confirmed by sequencing of the COLD-PCR amplification product. In conclusion, we have established a HRM analysis in serum samples as a new primary diagnosis method suitable for the detection of C634Y mutations in MEN2A patients. Simultaneously, we have applied the increase of sensitivity of COLD-PCR assay approach combined with HRM analysis for the non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of C634Y fetal mutations using pregnant women serum.
Complexo de Carney (CNC) e neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 1 (MEN1) são formas de neoplasias endócrinas múltiplas de herança autossômica dominante. O diagnóstico do CNC ocorre quando dois critérios maiores (lentiginose, doença nodular pigmentosa primária das adrenais, mixomas cardíacos e cutâneos, acromegalia, neoplasia testicular, carcinoma de tireóide) são observados e/ou um critério maior associado a um critério suplementar (familiar afetado, mutação do gene PRKAR1A) ocorre. Por outro lado, o diagnóstico de MEN1 dá-se pela detecção de dois ou mais tumores localizados na glândula hipofisária, paratireóide e/ou células pancreáticas. O presente caso descreve um homem de 55 anos, com diagnóstico de acromegalia, hiperparatireoidismo primário e carcinoma papilífero de tireóide, exibindo critérios diagnósticos para as duas condições descritas. Embora possa ter ocorrido apenas uma associação esporádica, ou a acromegalia per se tenha predisposto ao carcinoma papilífero, novos mecanismos moleculares podem estar envolvidos.
The purpose of this study it was to evaluate the frequency of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) in patients with pituitary adenoma and to perform genetic analysis and familial screening of those individuals afflicted with MEN1. 144 patients with pituitary adenoma at Botucatu Medical School, UNESP-Univ Estadual Paulista, were assessed retrospectively for MEN1 during the years of 2005-2011. The patients were evaluated for the presence of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) and enteropancreatic tumors. Genetic analysis was performed for the individuals with clinically diagnosed MEN1. Thirteen patients met the diagnostic criteria for MEN1, but three individuals belong to the same family and they were considered as a single MEN1 event, revealing 7.7 % frequency of MEN1 in this patient group. Genetic analysis showed MEN1 mutations in four index cases: IVS4+1 G>A, IVS3-6 C>T, c.1547insC and a new D180A mutation. One patient did not agree to participate in the genetic study and another one was referred for follow up in other hospital. Only polymorphisms were found in the other individuals, one of which was novel. We identified a high frequency of MEN1 in pituitary adenoma patients. Since PHP is one of the most common MEN1 tumor and patients are mostly asymptomatic, we suggest that all pituitary adenoma patients have their calcium profile analyzed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Hypoglycemia is a well recognized cause of acute symptomatic seizures. The fact that hypoglycemia can cause peripheral neuropathy is less appreciated. We describe a case of insulinoma associated peripheral neuropathy. A 17 year-old previously healthy man was referred for investigation of refractory epilepsy. A history of recurrent seizures, slowly progressive weakness of his feet and hands, and weight gain was obtained. Physical examination showed signs of a chronic sensory-motor polyneuropathy. He was diagnosed with insulinoma and primary hyperparathyroidism, characterizing multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 syndrome. Cases of insulinoma associated peripheral neuropathy are very rare. The more characteristic clinical picture appears to be distal weakness, worse in the intrinsic hand and feet muscles, and no or mild sensory signs. Peripheral nervous system symptoms may not completely resolve, despite removal of the cause of hyperinsulinism/hypoglycemia and full reversion of central nervous system symptoms. Mechanisms underlying hypoglycemic neuropathy are still poorly understood. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To evaluate frequency, anatomic presentation, and quantities of supernumerary parathyroids glands in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT1) associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), as well as the importance of thymectomy, and the benefits of localizing examinations for those glands. Methods: Forty-one patients with hyperparathyroidism associated with MEN1 who underwent parathyroidectomy between 1997 and 2007 were retrospectively studied. The location and number of supernumerary parathyroids were reviewed, as well as whether cervical ultrasound and parathyroid SESTAMIBI scan (MIBI) were useful diagnostic tools. Results: In five patients (12.2%) a supernumerary gland was identified. In three of these cases (40%), the glands were near the thyroid gland and were found during the procedure. None of the imaging examinations were able to detect supernumerary parathyroids. In one case, only the pathologic examination could find a microscopic fifth gland in the thymus. In the last case, the supernumerary gland was resected through a sternotomy after a recurrence of hyperparathyroidism, ten years after the initial four-gland parathyroidectomy without thymectomy. MIBI was capable of detecting this gland, but only in the recurrent setting. Cervical ultrasound did not detect any supernumerary glands. Conclusion: The frequency of supernumerary parathyroid gland in the HPT1/MEN1 patients studied (12.2%) was significant. Surgeons should be aware of the need to search for supernumerary glands during neck exploration, besides the thymus. Imaging examinations were not useful in the pre-surgical location of these glands, and one case presented a recurrence of hyperparathyroidism.
Primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1) differs in many aspects from sporadic hyperparathyroidism, which is the most frequently occurring form of hyperparathyroidism. Bone mineral density has frequently been studied in sporadic hyperparathyroidism but it has very rarely been examined in cases of hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Cortical bone mineral density in hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 cases has only recently been examined, and early, severe and frequent bone mineral losses have been documented at this site. Early bone mineral losses are highly prevalent in the trabecular bone of patients with hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. In summary, bone mineral disease in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1related hyperparathyroidism is an early, frequent and severe disturbance, occurring in both the cortical and trabecular bones. In addition, renal complications secondary to sporadic hyperparathyroidism are often studied, but very little work has been done on this issue in hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. It has been recently verified that early, frequent, and severe renal lesions occur in patients with hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, which may lead to increased morbidity and mortality. In this article we review the few available studies on bone mineral and renal disturbances in the setting of hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. We performed a meta-analysis of the available data on bone mineral and renal disease in cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related hyperparathyroidism.