37 resultados para MUCOCELE
Mucoceles are common benign lesions of the oral cavity that develop following extravasation or retention of mucous material from major or minor salivary glands. Most series report a higher incidence of mucocele in young patients but no studies exist for this specific age group. The records of 104 patients presenting with mucocele who underwent surgery in the Oral Diseases Clinic of the Department of Dermatology of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1991 and 2006, were reviewed. Of these, 36 (34.6%) were 15 years old or younger, the youngest being 2 years old. Twenty-six patients were girls, 10 were boys. Lesions were located on the lower labial mucosa (30 patients), tongue (three), floor of the mouth (one), buccal mucosa (one), and in one patient the location was unknown. Histopathology revealed an extravasation pattern in 35 patients and a retention pattern in one. Of the distinct subtypes of mucocele, tongue lesions (mucocele of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn) seem to be more prevalent and retention mucoceles seem to be very rare in children.
As mucoceles dos seios paranasais são lesões císticas de revestimento epitelial com conteúdo mucóide, que apresentam crescimento lento com características expansivas e de reabsorção óssea. Eventualmente, podem comprometer as estruturas nobres adjacentes como a órbita e a cavidade intracraniana. Acredita-se que sua etiologia esteja ligada à obstrução do óstio de drenagem do seio paranasal envolvido. Podem causar dor facial, cefaléia, obstrução nasal, diplopia, diminuição da acuidade visual, deslocamento do globo ocular, edema facial ou até mesmo meningite, dependendo da área anatômica comprometida. Acomete mais freqüentemente os seios frontal e etmoidal anterior, sem prevalência de sexo. O diagnóstico é realizado através de exames de imagem, sendo a tomografia computadorizada o exame de eleição, embora em algumas ocasiões a ressonância magnética esteja indicada. Atualmente a abordagem endoscópica paranasal é o acesso cirúrgico de primeira escolha, por ser menos invasiva e apresentar menor morbidade. Este estudo relata dois casos de mucocele frontoetmoidal com extensão orbitária, abordados por via endoscópica endonasal. Os resultados comprovaram a segurança e eficiência deste acesso cirúrgico.
Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity, occuring in < 1% among appendicectomies, with a female predominance 4/1 (F/M) and a mean age of more than 50 years. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult; in most cases, it´s an intraoperative finding. In such work, we describe the two clinical cases occurring in last 10 years in our Department. Case 1 - 56 years old, posmenopausal, referred to our Department (02/2004) because an asymptomatic right adnexal septated cystic image, 53x48mm, with hipovascularized septa and a vascularised capsule with low flow resistance (IR 0,57). CA 125 elevated (71,3 U/mL).Exploratory laparotomy: an ovary increased, with a gelatanious consistency and an appendicular enlargement. Extemporaneous examination: a pseudomixoma peritonei, associated with a mucinous appendicular and an ovary tumor. It was performed a radical surgery. The histo-pathological analysis showed a mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix with peritoneal mucinous dissemination involving the ovary. Expectant attitude since the surgery, without clinical and imaging signs of recurrence. Case 2- 62 years old posmenopausal and asymptomatic woman, with a large adnexal mass detected on routine pelvic ultrasound: heterogeneous, 94x84mm without vascularisation signs in its interior. CEA was elevated (41,47U/ml). Exploratory laparotomy (02/2010): enlarged appendix and macroscopically normal pelvic organs. An appendicectomy was performed. The histo-pathological analysis showed a 10cm mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix and signs of localized (visceral peritoneal surface) pseudomyxoma peritonei. Currently she’s clinically well, in an expectant attitude. Despite mucoceles of the appendix are rare, they should be considered in women presenting with abnormal quadrant masses.
The authors report the case of a 75-year-old man presenting with an exceptionally large giant posttraumatic mucocele of the frontal sinus years after a gunshot blast to the head. The lesion had grown so extensively that the right eye had shrunk and calcified, resulting in total monocular blindness, a complication that has been reported only once. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a giant mucocele of such a large size is reported. We describe how the patient underwent surgical removal of this massive lesion, cranial base reconstruction, and a cosmetic oculoplastic procedure. The etiology, clinical presentation, and possible complications are reviewed, as well as the importance of a regular clinical follow-up and early surgical cure. Although the diagnosis and management of mucoceles are nowadays considered quite standard, the exceptional size of the lesion illustrated here emphasizes the destructive potential of such seemingly indolent lesions. Despite the benign histology of mucoceles, one should never underestimate their morbid potential or be lulled in delaying surgical cure. Large mucoceles should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent such unacceptable complications as permanent visual loss.
Objective: To compare the results obtained after oral mucocele resection with the scalpel versus the CO2 laser, based on the complications and recurrences after surgery Patients and Methods: Of the 68 patients we studied who have mucocele, 38 were resected with a scalpel and the remaining 30 with the CO2 laser (5-7 W). Patient sex and age were documented, along with location of the lesion as well as size, symptoms, duration, etiological factors, type of treatment, complications and recurrences after surgical removal. Results: The sample comprised 40 males and 28 females, aged between 6-65 years. The histological diagnosis was extravasation mucocele in 95% of the cases. The most frequent location was the lower lip (73.5%). The mean lesion diameter was 9 mm , and in most cases no evident etiological factor was recorded. The mean duration of the lesion was 4 months. Among the cases of conventional surgical removal of mucocele, recurrence was recorded in 8.8% of the cases, and 13.2% of the patients suffered postoperative complications - the most frequent being the presence of fibrous scars. There were no complications or relapses after a minimum follow-up of 12 months in the cases subjected to CO2 laser treatment. Conclusions: Oral mucocele ablation with the CO2 laser offers more predictable results and fewer complications and recurrences than conventional resection with the scalpel
Mucoceles are cystic masses that generally affect the sinuses. It occurs as a result from obstruction of the ostium of a sinus and consequential accumulation of mucus. Frontal and ethmoid sinuses are mostly affected. Usually, the clinical symptoms are insidious, varying with the extent of the affected region. The treatment is surgical and endoscopic surgery is the method of choice in most cases. The present study is aimed at describing the main characteristics of paranasal sinuses mucoceles, demonstrating and illustrating a series of atypical presentations with emphasis on imaging findings.
A case of benign appendiceal mucocele treated by appendectomy tony is reported. Appendiceal mucocele is a rare lesion of the appendix, characterized by a gross enlargement of the appendix from luminal accumulation of mucoid substance. It is a rare condition, detected in only 0.1-0.4% of all appendicectomies, with a female predominance and an average age at the time of diagnosis over 50 years. The possibility of a pre-operative diagnosis is examined. Abdominal ultrasound and CT scan of the abdomen or colonoscopy may suggest the diagnosis. However the diagnosis is often incidental. The pathogenesis and the different surgical strategies are discussed.
Mucocele is an unusual lesion of the appendix characterized by accumulation of mucoid substance inside the appendix, which occurs as a sequel of luminal obstruction, usually by fibrous tissue. Diagnosis is intraoperative in most of the cases. We discuss the clinical, anatomicopathological and therapeutics aspects of the disease.
Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity characterized by a gross enlargement of the appendix from accumulation of mucoid substance within the lumen. It is encountered in only 0.1 - 0.4% of all appendicectomies with a female predominance (M/F: 1/4) and a mean age of more than 50 years at the time of presentation . Because of that, appendiceal mucocele is often incidentally discovered either during surgery or on radiologic examination. A case of benign appendiceal mucocele is reported here, in a 49 years old male. The pathogenesis and the different surgical strategies are discussed.
Background: Salivary mucocele is an accumulation of saliva in a single or multiloculated cavity lined by connective tissue that is contiguous to a salivary gland-duct complex and is the most common condition affecting the salivary glands in dogs. Occasionally, different types of metaplastic lesions, such as squamous and osseous metaplasia - which are rare lesions in animals - can be observed in association with salivary mucocele.Case presentation: A right facial enlargement was suddenly observed in a 4-year-old non-spayed female Shih-Tzu dog. The lesion presented itself as a soft and fluctuant mass located in the right side of the face near to the neck. Histologically, the mass consisted of a cavitary formation without an epithelial lining. Additionally, microscopic examination revealed the presence of osteoid-producing cells which gave rise to areas of bone formation, probably induced by irritation due to the presence sialoliths. Such cells and bone formations were also present in the cavity wall, consequently leading us to classify the condition as a salivary mucocele with osseous metaplasia.Conclusions: In the present case, the pathogenesis was probably associated with the presence of sialoliths, which can behave as etiological agents for the metaplastic lesion. The occurrence of osteoid metaplasia is a rare peculiar condition in the canine salivar y gland, and due to the rarity and lack of information about this specific disease, no clinical data can yet be associated with the development of salivary mucocele with osseous metaplasia in dogs.
Relata-se o caso de um gato de aproximadamente um ano e meio de idade, macho, não castrado, que foi encaminhado por apresentar incapacidade de abrir a boca e aumento de volume flutuante na região intermandibular. As lesões estavam presentes há um ano, desde quando o gato foi encontrado e adotado. A causa não foi determinada. Baseado nos exames físicos e radiográficos diagnosticou-se anquilose da articulação temporomandibular esquerda e mucocele salivar. O aspecto lateral do processo condilar da mandíbula esquerda foi removido, e a mucocele foi tratada por ressecção das glândulas salivares mandibular e sublingual direita e por drenagem da mucocele. Após a cirurgia, o gato mostrou bom uso funcional da mandíbula, sem sinais de desconforto.
The present report describes the occurrence of mucocele in the lower lip of an 11 month-old baby. The treatment instituted was the excision of the lesion. Microscopic examination confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. Three months after surgery, no sign of recurrence was observed.