154 resultados para MQW


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High-performance InGaAs/InGaAlAs multiple-quantum-well vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) with lnGaAlAs/InP distributed Bragg reflectors are proposed for operation at the wavelength of 1.55 mum. The lasers have good heat diffusion characteristic, large index contrast in DBRs, and weak temperature sensitivity. They could be fabricated either by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) or by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. The laser light-current characteristics indicate that a suitable reflectivity of the DBR on the light output side in a laser makes its output power increase greatly and its lasing threshold current reduce significantly, and that a small VCSEL could output the power around its maximum for the output mirror at the reflectivity varying in a broader range than a large VCSEL does. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The potential of 1.3-μm AlGaInAs multiple quantum-well (MQW) laser diodes for uncooled operation in high-speed optical communication systems is experimentally evaluated by characterizing the temperature dependence of key parameters such as the threshold current, transparency current density, optical gain and carrier lifetime. Detailed measurements performed in the 20°C-100°C temperature range indicate a localized T0 value of 68 K at 98°C for a device with a 2.8μm ridge width and 700-μm cavity length. The transparency current density is measured for temperatures from 20°C to 60°C and found to increase at a rate of 7.7 A·cm -2 · °C-1. Optical gain characterizations show that the peak modal gain at threshold is independent of temperature, whereas the differential gain decreases linearly with temperature at a rate of 3 × 10-4 A-1·°C-1. The differential carrier lifetime is determined from electrical impedance measurements and found to decrease with temperature. From the measured carrier lifetime we derive the monomolecular (A), radiative (B), and nonradiative Auger (C) recombination coefficients and determine their temperature dependence in the 20 °C-80 °C range. Our study shows that A is temperature independent, B decreases with temperature, and C exhibits a less pronounced increase with temperature. The experimental observations are discussed and compared with theoretical predictions and measurements performed on other material systems. © 2005 IEEE.


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We have investigated a resonant refractive nonlinearity in a semiconductor waveguide by measuring intensity dependent phase shifts and bias-dependent recovery times. The measurements were performed on an optimized 750-μm-long AR coated buried heterostructure MQW p-i-n waveguide with a bandedge at 1.48 μm. Figure 1 shows the experimental arrangement. The mode-locked color center laser was tuned to 50 meV beyond the bandedge and 8 ps pulses with peak incident power up to 57 W were coupled into the waveguide. Some residual bandtail absorption remains at this wavelength and this is sufficient to cause carriers to be photogenerated and these give rise to a refractive nonlinearity, predominantly by plasma and bandfilling effects. A Fabry-Perot interferometer is used to measure the spectrum of the light which exits the waveguide. The nonlinearity within the guide causes self phase modulation (SPM) of the light and a study of the spectrum allows information to be recovered on the magnitude and recovery time of the nonlinear phase shift with a reasonable degree of accuracy. SPM spectra were recorded for a variety of pulse energies coupled into he unbiased waveguide. Figure 2 shows the resultant phase shift measured from the SPM spectra as a function of pulse energy. The relationship is a linear one, indicating that no saturation of the nonlinearity occurs for coupled pulse energies up to 230 pJ. A π phase shift, the minimum necessary for an all-optical switch, is obtained for a coupled pulse energy of 57 pJ while the maximum phase shift, 4 π, was measured for 230 pJ. The SPM spectra were highly asymmetric with pulse energy shifted to higher frequencies. Such spectra are characteristic of a slow, negative nonlinearity. This relatively slow speed is expected for the unbiased guide as the recovery time will be of the order of the recombination time of the photogenerated electrons, about 1 ns for InGaAsP material. In order to reduce the recovery time of the nonlinearity, it is necessary to remove the photogenerated carriers from the waveguide by a process other than recombination. One such technique is to apply a reverse bias to the waveguide in order to sweep the carriers out. Figure 3 shows the effect on the recovery time of the nonlinearity of applying reverse bias to the waveguide for 230 pJ coupled power. The recovery time was reduced from one much longer than the length of the pulse, estimated to be about 1 ns, at zero bias to 18 ± 3 ps for a bias voltage greater than -4 V. This compares with a value of 24 ps obtained in a bulk waveguide.


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We report the first hybrid mode-locking of a monolithic two-section multiple quantum well InGaN based laser diode. This device, with a length of 1.5 mm, has a 50-μm-long absorber section located at the back facet and generates a continuous stable 28.6 GHz pulse train with an average output power of 9.4 mW at an emission wavelength of 422 nm. Under hybrid mode-locking, the pulse width reduces to 4 ps, the peak power increases to 72 mW, and the microwave linewidth reduces by 13 dB to <500 kHz. We also observe the passive mode-locking with pulse width and peak power of 8 ps and 37 mW, respectively. © 1989-2012 IEEE.


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z