304 resultados para MOA-malli
Aineettoman pääoman, erityisesti tiedon, merkitykseen kiinnitetään organisaatioissa entistä enemmän huomiota. Tiedon jakamisen hyödyt ymmärretään ja siinä hyödynnetään yhä enemmän teknologiaa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat asiantuntijoiden tiedon jakamiseen organisaation sisäisessä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus, ja sen tavoitteisiin pyritään vastaamaan puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen (12 kpl) avulla. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio on innovaatiorahoituskeskus Tekes. Tiedon jakamista sisäisessä sosiaalisessa mediassa tutkittiin yksilön näkökulmasta motivaatioon, kykyyn ja mahdollisuuteen perustuvaa MOA-mallia hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin sekä motivaatioon, kykyyn että mahdollisuuteen liittyviä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat sisäisessä sosiaalisessa mediassa tapahtuvaan tiedon jakamiseen. Motivaatioon liittyvistä tekijöistä nousivat esiin erityisesti jaetun tiedon hyöty asiantuntijan työssä sekä aktiivisten sosiaalisen median käyttäjien määrä, mahdollisuuteen liittyvistä tekijöistä käytettävissä oleva aika sekä tiedon ja tiedon jakamisen kanavien suuri määrä.
Ratites are large, flightless birds and include the ostrich, rheas, kiwi, emu, and cassowaries, along with extinct members, such as moa and elephant birds. Previous phylogenetic analyses of complete mitochondrial genome sequences have reinforced the traditional belief that ratites are monophyletic and tinamous are their sister group. However, in these studies ratite monophyly was enforced in the analyses that modeled rate heterogeneity among variable sites. Relaxing this topological constraint results in strong support for the tinamous (which fly) nesting within ratites. Furthermore, upon reducing base compositional bias and partitioning models of sequence evolution among protein codon positions and RNA structures, the tinamou–moa clade grouped with kiwi, emu, and cassowaries to the exclusion of the successively more divergent rheas and ostrich. These relationships are consistent with recent results from a large nuclear data set, whereas our strongly supported finding of a tinamou–moa grouping further resolves palaeognath phylogeny. We infer flight to have been lost among ratites multiple times in temporally close association with the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event. This circumvents requirements for transient microcontinents and island chains to explain discordance between ratite phylogeny and patterns of continental breakup. Ostriches may have dispersed to Africa from Eurasia, putting in question the status of ratites as an iconic Gondwanan relict taxon. [Base composition; flightless; Gondwana; mitochondrial genome; Palaeognathae; phylogeny; ratites.]
The ratite moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) were a speciose group of massive graviportal avian herbivores that dominated the New Zealand (NZ) ecosystem until their extinction �600 years ago. The phylogeny and evolutionary history of this morphologically diverse order has remained controversial since their initial description in 1839. We synthesize mitochondrial phylogenetic information from 263 subfossil moa specimens from across NZ with morphological, ecological, and new geological data to create the first comprehensive phylogeny, taxonomy, and evolutionary timeframe for all of the species of an extinct order. We also present an important new geological/paleogeographical model of late Cenozoic NZ, which suggests that terrestrial biota on the North and South Island landmasses were isolated for most of the past 20–30 Ma. The data reveal that the patterns of genetic diversity within and between differentmoaclades reflect a complex history following a major marine transgression in the Oligocene, affected by marine barriers, tectonic activity, and glacial cycles. Surprisingly, the remarkable morphological radiation of moa appears to have occurred much more recently than previous early Miocene (ca. 15 Ma) estimates, and was coincident with the accelerated uplift of the Southern Alps just ca. 5–8.5 Ma. Together with recent fossil evidence, these data suggest that the recent evolutionary history of nearly all of the iconic NZ terrestrial biota occurred principally on just the South Island.
The genus Austronothrus was previously known from three species recorded only from New Zealand. Austronothrus kinabalu sp. nov. is described from Sabah, Borneo and A. rostralis sp. nov. from Norfolk Island, south-west Pacific. A key to Austronothrus is included. These new species extend the distribution of Austronothrus beyond New Zealand and confirms that the subfamily Crotoniinae is not confined to former Gondwanan landmasses. The distribution pattern of Austronothrus spp., combining Oriental and Gondwanan localities, is indicative of a curved, linear track; consistent with the accretion of island arcs and volcanic terranes around the plate margins of the Pacific Ocean, with older taxa persisting on younger island though localised dispersal within island arc metapopulations. Phylogenetic analysis and an area cladogram are consistent with a broad ancestral distribution of Austronothrus in the Oriental region and on Gondwanan terranes, with subsequent divergence and distribution southward from the Sunda region to New Zealand. This pattern is more complex than might be expected if the New Zealand oribatid fauna was derived from dispersal following re-emergence of land after inundation during the Oligocene (25 mya), as well as if the fauna emanated from endemic, relictual taxa following separation of New Zealand from Gondwana during the Cretaceous (80 mya).
The study analyses European social policy as a political project that proceeds under the guidance of the European Commission. In the name of modernisation, the project aims to build a new idea for the welfare state. To understand the project, it is necessary to distance oneself from both the juridical competence of the European Union and the traditional national welfare state models. The question is about sharing problems, as well as solutions to them: it is the creation and sharing of common views, concepts and images that play a key role in European integration. Drawing on texts and speeches produced by the European Commission, the study throws light on the development of European social policy during the first years of the 2000s. The study "freeze-frames" the welfare debate having its starting points in the nation states in the name of the entity of Europe. The first article approaches the European social model as a story in itself, a preparatory, persuasive narrative that concerns the management of change. The article shows how the audience can be motivated to work towards a set target by using discursive elements in a persuasive manner: the function of a persuasive story is to convince the target audience of the appropriateness of the chosen direction and to shape their identity so that they are favourably disposed to the desired political targets. This is a kind of "intermediate state" where the story, despite its inner contradictions and inaccuracies, succeeds in appearing as an almost self-evident path towards a modern social policy that Europe is currently seen to be in need of. The second article outlines the European social model as a question of governance. Health as a sector of social policy is detached from the old political order, which was based on the welfare state, and is closely linked to economy. At the same time the population is primarily seen as an economic resource. The Commission is working towards a "Europe of Health" that grapples with the problem of governance with the help of the "healthisation" of society, healthy citizenship and health economics. The way the Commission speaks is guided by the Union's powerful interest to act as "Europe" in the field of welfare policy. At the same time, the traditional separateness of health policy is effaced in order to be able to make health policy reforms a part of the Union's wider modernisation targets. The third article then shows the European social policy as its own area of governance. The article uses an approach based on critical discourse analysis in examining the classification systems and presentation styles adopted by Commission communications, as well as the identities that they help build. In analysing the "new start" of the Lisbon strategy from the perspective of social policy, the article shows how the emphasis has shifted from the persuasive arguments for change with necessary common European targets in the early stages of the strategy towards the implementation of reforms: from a narrative to a vision and from a diagnosis to healing. The phase of global competition represents "the modern" with which European society with its culture and ways of life now has to be matched. The Lisbon strategy is a way to direct this societal change, thus building a modern European social policy. The fourth article describes how the Commission uses its communications policy to build practices and techniques of governance and how it persuades citizens to participate in the creation of a European project of change. This also requires a new kind of agency: agents for whom accountability and responsibilities mean integration into and commitment to European society. Accountability is shaped into a decisive factor in implementing the European Union's strategy of change. As such it will displace hierarchical confrontations and emphasise common action with a view to modernising Europe. However, the Union's discourse cannot be described as being a political language that would genuinely rouse and convince the audience at the level of everyday life. Keywords: European social policy, EU policy, European social model, European Commission, modernisation of welfare, welfare state, communications, discoursiveness.
The subject matter of this study is the cultural knowledge concerning romantic male-female relationships in autobiographies written by so called ordinary Finnish men and women born between 1901 and 1965. The research data (98 autobiographies) is selected from two collections by the Finnish Literature Society s folklore archives in the early 1990 s. Autobiographies are cultural representations where negotiation of shared cultural models and personal meanings given to hetero-relationship is evident in an interesting manner. In this research I analyze autobiographies as a written folklore genre. Information concerning male-female relationships is being analyzed using theoretically informed close readings thematic analysis, intertextual reading and reflexive reading. Theoretical implications stem from cognitive anthropology (the idea of cultural models) and an adaptation of discourse theory inspired by Michel Foucault. The structure of the analysis follows the structure of the shared knowledge concerning romantic male-female relationship: the first phase of analysis presents the script of a hetero-relationship and then moves into the actual structure, the cultural model of a relationship. The components of the model of relationship are, as mentioned in the title of the research, woman, man, love and sex. The research shows that all the writers share this basic knowledge concerning a heterosexual relationship despite their age, background or gender. Also the conflicts described and experienced in the relationships of the writers were similar throughout the timespan of the early 1900 s to 1990 s: lack of love, inability to reconcile sexual desires, housework, sharing the responsibility of childcare and financial problems. The research claims that the conflicts in relationships are a major cause for the binary view on gender. When relationships are harmonious, there seems to be no need to see men and women as opposites. The research names five important discourses present in the meaning giving processes of autobiographers. In doing so, the stabile cultural model of male-female relationship widens to show the complexity and variation in data. In this way it is possible to detect some age and gender specific shifts and emphasis. The discourses give meaning to the components of the cultural model and determine the contents of womanhood, manhood, sexuality and love. The way these discourses are spread and their authority are different: the romantic discourse evident in the autobiographies appeal to the authority of love supreme love is the purpose of male-female relationship and it justifies sexuality. In this discourse sex can be the place for confluence of genders. The ideas of romantic love are widely spread in popular culture. Popular scientific discourse defines a relationship as a site to become a man and a woman either from a psychological or a biological point of view. Genders are seen as opposites. These ideas are often presented in media and their authority in science which is seen as infallible. The Christian discourse defines men and women: both should work for the benefit of the nuclear family under the undisputed authority of God. Marital love is based on Christian virtues and within marriage sexuality is acceptable. The discourse I ve named folk tradition defines women and men as guardians of home and offspring. The authority of folk tradition comes from universal truth based in experience and truths known to the mediators of this discourse grandparents, parents and other elders or peers. Societal discourse defines the hetero relationship as the mainstay of society. The authority in societal discourse stems from the laws and regulations that control relationship practices.
Veri-aivoeste suojelee aivoja verenkierron vierasaineilta. Veri-aivoestettä tutkivia in vivo ja in vitro -menetelmiä on raportoitu laajasti kirjallisuudessa. Yhdisteiden farmakokinetiikka aivoissa kuvaavia tietokonemalleja on esitetty vain muutamia. Tässä tutkimuksessa kerättiin kirjallisuudesta aineisto eri in vitro ja in vivo -menetelmillä määritetyistä veri-aivoesteen permeabiliteettikertoimista. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa rakennettiin kaksi veri-aivoesteen farmakokineettista tietokonemallia, mikrodialyysimalli ja efluksimalli. Mikrodialyysimalli on yksinkertainen kahdesta tilasta (verenkierto ja aivot) koostuva farmakokineettinen malli. Mikrodialyysimallilla simuloitiin in vivo määritettyjen parametrien perusteella viiden yhdisteen pitoisuuksia rotan aivoissa ja verenkierrossa. Mallilla ei saatu täsmällisesti in vivo -tilannetta vastaavia pitoisuuskuvaajia johtuen mallin rakenteessa tehdyistä yksinkertaistuksista, kuten aivokudostilan ja kuljetinproteiinien kinetiikan puuttuminen. Efluksimallissa on kolme tilaa, verenkierto, veri-aivoesteen endoteelisolutila ja aivot. Efluksimallilla tutkittiin teoreettisten simulaatioiden avulla veri-aivoesteen luminaalisella membraanilla sijaitsevan aktiivisen efluksiproteiinin ja passiivisen permeaation merkitystä yhdisteen pitoisuuksiin aivojen solunulkoisessa nesteessä. Tutkittava parametri oli vapaan yhdisteen pitoisuuksien suhde aivojen ja verenkierron välillä vakaassa tilassa (Kp,uu). Tuloksissa havaittiin efluksiproteiinin vaikutus pitoisuuksiin Michaelis-Mentenin kinetiikan mukaisesti. Efluksimalli sopii hyvin teoreettisten simulaatioiden tekemiseen. Malliin voidaan lisätä aktiivisia kuljettimia. Teoreettisten simulaatioiden avulla voidaan yhdistää in vitro ja in vivo tutkimuksien tuloksia ja osatekijöitä voidaan tutkia yhdessä simulaatiossa.
Light brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to rounded. Rotation structures can be seen throughout the sample. Grain crushing/stacking and lineations can also be seen in minor amounts.
A pimenta vermelha é rica em vitamina C e outros fitoquímicos e pode ser consumida como produto desidratado. A avaliação das melhores condições de secagem pode garantir melhor qualidade do produto. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da temperatura do ar de secagem (55, 65, 75 ºC) sobre a cinética de secagem, conteúdos de vitamina C e fenólicos totais e cor do produto desidratado, comparando-os à pimenta in natura. A desidratação foi feita por convecção forçada em estufa. A cinética de secagem foi determinada por pesagens periódicas até peso constante. A umidade da pimenta in natura foi de aproximadamente 86%. As curvas de secagem foram ajustadas por três modelos diferentes, avaliados na literatura. O modelo de Page apresentou o melhor ajuste para este processo. A análise de variância mostrou que a temperatura de secagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os parâmetros de qualidade (conteúdo de vitamina C, conteúdo de fenólicos totais, cor) da pimenta desidratada quando comparados aos da pimenta in natura. Após a secagem, a retenção de vitamina C aumentou com a redução da temperatura de secagem. de maneira geral, a qualidade do produto foi favorecida na secagem com menor temperatura, devido à redução nas perdas de compostos bioativos.
The present paper discusses mtDNA and taphonomy of human remains from Moa, Beirada, and Zé Espinho sambaquis of Saquarema, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. New human bone dating by 14C-AMS for Moa archeological site (3810+50 BP - GX-31826-AMS) is included. Preservation of microscopic lamellae and DNA is not related to the macroscopic integrity of the bones. Results here suggest that the preservation of amplifiable DNA fragments may have relation to the preservation of the lamellar arrangement as indicated by optical microscopic examination (polarized light). In 13 human bone fragments from Moa, Beirada, and Zé Espinho it was possible to sequence mtDNA from the 3 individuals of Moa, and from 1 of 4 individuals of Beirada, whose bones also show extensive areas with preserved lamellar structures. The 6 human bone fragments of Zé Espinho and 3 of the 4 fragments of Beirada showed extensive destruction of cortical microstructure represented by cavities, intrusive minerals, and agglomerated microscopic bodies of fungi and bacteria; it was not possible to extract mtDNA from these samples. The results support the hypothesis that the preservation of the microscopic osteon organization is a good predictor for DNA preservation. It was also confirmed the C haplogroup antiquity in Brazil.
O Sambaqui do Moa é um sítio arqueológico localizado em Itaúna, Saquarema, litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Três momentos de ocupação foram reconhecidos neste sítio: o estrato 3 na base correspondente ao início da ocupação deste sítio; o 2, intermediário, aponta para uma ocupação mais intensa, com grande concentração de carapaças de moluscos, ossos de peixes e sepultamentos humanos; e o 1, o mais superficial, relacionado à última ocupação. Para identificar as condições ambientais de desenvolvimento do Sambaqui do Moa foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos e material zooarqueológico nestes três estratos. O material zooarqueológico está representado por restos microscópicos de peixes (ictiólitos), compostos por microdentes com diferentes morfologias: caninos, incisivos e molares. Os sedimentos segundo análises por DRX são constituídos além de quartzo e caulinita, calcita, aragonita e por fluorapatita. Este último é o principal mineral do material zooarqueológico, enquanto calcita e aragonita refletem os restos de conchas contidos neles, abundantes no sítio. As análises mineralógicas foram confirmadas pelas análises químicas, em que os teores elevados de P2O5, CaO e PF (H2O, CO2), respondem pela fluorapatita, calcita e aragonita. Modificações químicas representadas pelas variações nos conteúdos de C e P nos microdentes sugerem que estes experimentaram mineralização, num processo inicial de fossilização, pósdeposição. Os dados de isótopos estáveis 13C e 15N permitiram definir a fonte de matéria orgânica do sambaqui do Moa como marinha/salobra, em que a vegetação representava-se, predominantemente, por plantas do tipo C3 de floresta tropical. As razões 87Sr/86Sr nos ictiólitos confirmam que o ambiente no entorno do sambaqui tenha sido estuarino. A morfologia dentária permitiu reconhecer cinco famílias até então não registradas para o sítio, como Labridae, Serranidae, Ariidae, Erythrinidae e Characidae, que confirmam o ambiente estuarino. A idade do sambaqui do Moa por datação radiocarbono a partir dos sedimentos mostrou perturbação no estrato 2, ocasionando a inversão das idades entre os estratos o que pode ser justificado por processos de formação e/ou mudanças dos rios que modificaram as configurações geológico-geomorfológicas da área. Outra explicação poderia ser a interferência humana, devido ao grande número de enterramentos (mais de 30), tenha perturbado a ordem dos momentos de ocupação do sambaqui do Moa, além de possíveis processos erosivos. O sambaqui do Moa se instalou, portanto, em uma área de transição marinho-estuarina.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Afdeyu Station is one of the few river gauging stations in the highlands of Eritrea where daily measurements are taken. As a result of damages, the station was refurbished, and the cross section of the gauge was changed to have better control of minimal runoff. The gauge therefore had to be re-calibrated. This publication documents this process and also provides the new calibration curve, based on extensive field work carried out in the rainy season 2009