17 resultados para MND
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A proportion of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) exhibit frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and some patients with FTD develop the clinical features of MND. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the pathological substrate of FTD and some forms of this disease (referred to as FTLD-U) share with MND the common feature of ubiquitin-immunoreactive, tau-negative cellular inclusions in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Recently, the transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) has been found to be a major protein of the inclusions of FTLD-U with or without MND and these cases are referred to as FTLD with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To clarify the relationship between MND and FTLD-TDP, TDP-43 pathology was studied in nine cases of FTLD-MND and compared with cases of familial and sporadic FTLD-TDP without associated MND. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the nine FTLD-MND cases suggested that variations in the density of surviving neurons in the frontal cortex and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in the dentate gyrus (DG) were the major histological differences between cases. The density of surviving neurons in FTLD-MND was significantly less than in FTLD-TDP cases without MND, and there were greater densities of NCI but fewer neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in some brain regions in FTLD-MND. A PCA of all FTLD-TDP cases, based on TDP-43 pathology alone, suggested that neuropathological heterogeneity was essentially continuously distributed. The FTLD-MND cases exhibited consistently high loadings on PC2 and overlapped with subtypes 2 and 3 of FTLD-TDP. The data suggest: (1) FTLD-MND cases have a consistent pathology, variations in the density of NCI in the DG being the major TDP-43-immunoreactive difference between cases, (2) there are considerable similarities in the neuropathology of FTLD-TDP with and without MND, but with greater neuronal loss in FTLD-MND, and (3) FTLD-MND cases are part of the FTLD-TDP 'continuum' overlapping with FTLD-TDP disease subtypes 2 and 3. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Advances in algorithms for approximate sampling from a multivariable target function have led to solutions to challenging statistical inference problems that would otherwise not be considered by the applied scientist. Such sampling algorithms are particularly relevant to Bayesian statistics, since the target function is the posterior distribution of the unobservables given the observables. In this thesis we develop, adapt and apply Bayesian algorithms, whilst addressing substantive applied problems in biology and medicine as well as other applications. For an increasing number of high-impact research problems, the primary models of interest are often sufficiently complex that the likelihood function is computationally intractable. Rather than discard these models in favour of inferior alternatives, a class of Bayesian "likelihoodfree" techniques (often termed approximate Bayesian computation (ABC)) has emerged in the last few years, which avoids direct likelihood computation through repeated sampling of data from the model and comparing observed and simulated summary statistics. In Part I of this thesis we utilise sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methodology to develop new algorithms for ABC that are more efficient in terms of the number of model simulations required and are almost black-box since very little algorithmic tuning is required. In addition, we address the issue of deriving appropriate summary statistics to use within ABC via a goodness-of-fit statistic and indirect inference. Another important problem in statistics is the design of experiments. That is, how one should select the values of the controllable variables in order to achieve some design goal. The presences of parameter and/or model uncertainty are computational obstacles when designing experiments but can lead to inefficient designs if not accounted for correctly. The Bayesian framework accommodates such uncertainties in a coherent way. If the amount of uncertainty is substantial, it can be of interest to perform adaptive designs in order to accrue information to make better decisions about future design points. This is of particular interest if the data can be collected sequentially. In a sense, the current posterior distribution becomes the new prior distribution for the next design decision. Part II of this thesis creates new algorithms for Bayesian sequential design to accommodate parameter and model uncertainty using SMC. The algorithms are substantially faster than previous approaches allowing the simulation properties of various design utilities to be investigated in a more timely manner. Furthermore the approach offers convenient estimation of Bayesian utilities and other quantities that are particularly relevant in the presence of model uncertainty. Finally, Part III of this thesis tackles a substantive medical problem. A neurological disorder known as motor neuron disease (MND) progressively causes motor neurons to no longer have the ability to innervate the muscle fibres, causing the muscles to eventually waste away. When this occurs the motor unit effectively ‘dies’. There is no cure for MND, and fatality often results from a lack of muscle strength to breathe. The prognosis for many forms of MND (particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) is particularly poor, with patients usually only surviving a small number of years after the initial onset of disease. Measuring the progress of diseases of the motor units, such as ALS, is a challenge for clinical neurologists. Motor unit number estimation (MUNE) is an attempt to directly assess underlying motor unit loss rather than indirect techniques such as muscle strength assessment, which generally is unable to detect progressions due to the body’s natural attempts at compensation. Part III of this thesis builds upon a previous Bayesian technique, which develops a sophisticated statistical model that takes into account physiological information about motor unit activation and various sources of uncertainties. More specifically, we develop a more reliable MUNE method by applying marginalisation over latent variables in order to improve the performance of a previously developed reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler. We make other subtle changes to the model and algorithm to improve the robustness of the approach.
Relatively few previous studies of individuals receiving a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease within the UK health care system have employed qualitative approaches to examine the diagnostic journey from a patient perspective. A qualitative sociological study was undertaken, involving interviews with 42 participants diagnosed with MND, to provide insight into their experiences of undergoing testing and receiving a diagnosis. Adopting a sociological-phenomenological perspective, this article examines key themes that emerged from participant accounts surrounding the lived experience of the diagnostic journey. The key themes that emerged were: The diagnostic quest; living with uncertainty; hearing bad news; communication difficulties; and a reified body of medical interest. In general, doctor-patient communication both at pre and post diagnosis was experienced as highly stressful, distressing and profoundly upsetting. Participants reported such distress as being due to the mode of delivery and communication strategies used by health professionals. We therefore suggest that professional training needs to emphasize the importance to health professionals of fostering greater levels of tact, sensitivity and empathy towards patients diagnosed with devastating, life-limiting illnesses such as MND.
Le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal (TCSP) est une parasomnie se caractérisant par la perte de l’atonie musculaire, la paralysie qui accompagne généralement le sommeil paradoxal, suivie de l’apparition de comportements indésirables et souvent violents. Des études suggèrent que le TCSP idiopathique (TCSPi) est fortement lié au développement ultérieur de la maladie de Parkinson, de la démence à corps de Lewy et de l’atrophie multisystémique. En effet, des signes subtils de neurodégénérescence sont observés chez ces patients, notamment un ralentissement de l’activité électrique cérébrale (EEG) à l’éveil et la présence de troubles cognitifs. Le but de cette thèse est 1) d’évaluer sur le plan transversal la contribution du trouble cognitif léger (TCL) dans le ralentissement de l’EEG à l’éveil observé chez ces patients et 2) d’évaluer la valeur prédictive des mesures de l’EEG à l’éveil mesurées au temps de base par rapport au développement d’une maladie neurodégénérative (MND) lors du suivi longitudinal. Dans le cadre de la première étude, l’EEG à l’éveil d’un groupe de patients avec un TCSPi présentant des atteintes cognitives a été comparé à celui d’un groupe de patients sans troubles cognitifs et à des sujets témoins sains. Seuls les patients avec un TCL affichaient un ralentissement de l’EEG d’éveil plus prononcé au niveau postérieur, c’est-à-dire une puissance relative thêta plus élevée dans les régions pariétale, temporale et occipitale, une puissance relative alpha plus faible dans les régions occipitale et temporale, en plus d’un ratio spectral (ondes lentes sur ondes rapides) plus élevé dans ces régions en comparaison avec les deux autres groupes. De plus, le ratio spectral corrélait négativement avec les fonctions attentionnelles/exécutives, visuospatiales et la mémoire épisodique verbale. La deuxième étude a quant à elle évalué l’EEG à l’éveil au temps initial de patients qui ont développé une MND sur une période de 3,5 ans en comparaison à celui de patients qui sont demeurés idiopathiques et à un groupe de témoins sains. Les patients avec un TCSPi qui ont évolué vers une MND présentaient une augmentation de la puissance de l’activité absolue delta et thêta, en plus d’un ratio spectral plus élevé dans les cinq régions corticales en comparaison avec les deux autres groupes. Cette thèse suggère ainsi que le ralentissement de l’EEG à l’éveil dans le TCSPi est relié à la présence d’un TCL concomitant. De plus, ces anomalies sont associées à un plus grand risque de développer une maladie de Parkinson, une démence à corps de Lewy ou une atrophie multisystémique à court terme chez ces patients. Le ralentissement de l’EEG à l’éveil semble donc être un marqueur prometteur d’une neurodégénérescence cérébrale plus sévère chez les patients souffrant d’un TCSPi.
Amyotrofisk Lateral Skleros, ALS, är en neurologisk sjukdom vilken leder till att samtliga kroppens muskler förtvinas och dör. Då sjukdomen saknar bot blir all behandling symptomatisk och individuellt anpassad för varje enskild persons behov. I denna systematiska litteraturstudie har det sökts efter olika sätt att stötta denna patientgrupp då syftet att belysa hur vi som personal kan hjälpa och stötta personer med ALS relaterad dysfagi och andningsproblem till en så bra tillvaro som möjligt skulle belysas.Författarna har funnit att omvårdnaden sällan sätts i fokus. Det är istället de lösningar som tar bort symtomet som fått fokus i flertalet av de artiklar som granskats. Att hjälpa dessa personer till trygga och oberoende människor som kan fortsätta att leva istället för som många av artiklarna visade då det gjordes insatser som ledde till att personerna blev mer bundna till sina anhöriga och sina vårdare.
Inom projektet provades 10 konfigurationer av samma ackumulatortank. Tankarna utsattes under kontrollerade förhållanden för en 6-dagars testcykel. Under testet tillfördes varje tank värme från en (simulerad) solfångare och, i den mån det behövdes, tillsatsvärme från elpatronen. Väderförhållanden under de sex dagarna var två fina, en växlande, två dåliga och ytterligare en växlande dag i nämnd följd. De flesta systemkonfigurationer klarade sig under de soliga dagarna utan energitillskott från elpatronen och förmådde dessutom att lagra värnlen så att även tappningar på följande dag med "växlande" väder kunde ske utan el-tillskott. De molniga dagarna behövde alla systemkonfigurationer el-tillskott. Solvärmesystemens täckningsgrad varierade mellan 36,5 % för det sämsta systemet till 70, 3 % för det bästa. En ackumulatortank med två seriekopplade tappvarmvattenvärmeväxIare (en i botten för förvärmning och en i tankens övre del för slutvärmning) ger betydligt bättre resultat än en tank med bara en enda sådan värmeväxlare. Tankens volym var i de utförda provningarna 750 liter, solfångarstorleken 10 m2 och lasten 13 kWh per dag. För dessa förutsättningar ger en yttre solvärmeväxlare inga mätbara fördelar gentemot en tillräcklig stor inbyggd värmeväxlare. De gjorda försöken visar, att alla tankkonfigurationerna visar dålig skiktning. Ett fortsatt arbete bör göras för att minska omblandningen i tanken vid både inladdning och uttag av värme.
Existe uma lacuna na literatura no que diz respeito chutes no futsal, ainda mais em relação as diferenças entre membros contralaterais. Portanto o objetivo do estudo foi analisar e comparar os parâmetros espaço-temporais da corrida de aproximação e de desempenho (precisão e velocidade da bola) de chutes realizados com o membro dominante e membro não dominante para diferentes tipos de chutes no futsal, separadamente para a bola em posição estacionária e para a bola em deslocamento. Participaram do estudo cinco jogadores destros e cinco jogadores sinistros de futsal da equipe adulta da UNESP – Campus Rio Claro. Os participantes realizaram 10 chutes com a bola parada e 10 chutes com a bola em deslocamento, sendo que em cada situação 5 chutes foram realizados com o membro dominante (MD) e os outros 5 chutes com o membro não dominante (MND). Para a bola parada os chutes foram realizados na marca do tiro livre (10 m distante do gol). Para bola em deslocamento foi utilizada uma rampa para padronizar a velocidade de chegada da bola. Os participantes foram instruídos a realizar o chute com o dorso do pé o mais forte que conseguir, tendo como objetivo acerta um alvo de 1m² posicionado no centro do gol. Os chutes foram filmados por seis câmeras digitais JVC® modelo GR9800u, ajustadas com freqüência de aquisição de 120 Hz, shutter a 1/250, white balance e o foco definido de forma manual. Foram fixados marcadores nas proeminências ósseas dos membros inferiores direito e esquerdo dos participantes. As variáveis dependentes foram: velocidade da corrida de aproximação; distância do pé de suporte para a bola; ângulo de aproximação para a bola; distância do participante para a bola; velocidade da bola; e comprimento e largura do passo durante a corrida de aproximação. As variáveis foram comparadas através de análise de variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas e com fator... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Aim To assess the initial cytotoxicity and the late phenotype marker expression of odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23) subjected to less aggressive in-office bleaching therapies. Methodology A 17.5% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) gel was applied for 45, 15 or 5 min to enamel/dentine discs adapted to trans-wells positioned over cultured MDPC-23 cells. No treatment was performed on the negative control. Immediately after bleaching, the cell viability, gene expression of inflammatory mediators and quantification of H2O2 diffusion were evaluated. The ALP activity, DSPP and DMP-1 gene expression and mineralized nodule deposition (MND) were assessed at 7, 14 or 21 days post-bleaching and analysed statistically with Mann–Whitney U-tests (α = 5%). Results H2O2 diffusion, proportional to treatment time, was observed in all bleached groups. Reductions of approximately 31%, 21% and 13% in cell viability were observed for the 45-, 15- and 5-min groups, respectively. This reduction was significant (P < 0.05) for the 45- and 15-min groups, which also presented significant (P < 0.05) over-expression of inflammatory mediators. The 45-min group was associated with significant (P < 0.05) reductions in DMP-1/DSPP expression at all periods, relative to control. The ALP activity and MND were reduced only in initial periods. The 15-min group had less intense reduction of all markers, with no difference to control at 21 days. Conclusions The 17.5% H2O2 applied to tooth specimens for 5 min caused no alteration in the odontoblast-like cells. When this gel was applied for 45 or 15 min, a slight cytotoxicity, associated with alterations in phenotypic markers, was observed. However, cells were able to recover their functions up to 21 days post-bleaching.
Gene flow is usually thought to reduce genetic divergence and impede local adaptation by homogenising gene pools between populations. However, evidence for local adaptation and phenotypic differentiation in highly mobile species, experiencing high levels of gene flow, is emerging. Assessing population genetic structure at different spatial scales is thus a crucial step towards understanding mechanisms underlying intraspecific differentiation and diversification. Here, we studied the population genetic structure of a highly mobile species – the great tit Parus major – at different spatial scales. We analysed 884 individuals from 30 sites across Europe including 10 close-by sites (< 50 km), using 22 microsatellite markers. Overall we found a low but significant genetic differentiation among sites (FST = 0.008). Genetic differentiation was higher, and genetic diversity lower, in south-western Europe. These regional differences were statistically best explained by winter temperature. Overall, our results suggest that great tits form a single patchy metapopulation across Europe, in which genetic differentiation is independent of geographical distance and gene flow may be regulated by environmental factors via movements related to winter severity. This might have important implications for the evolutionary trajectories of sub-populations, especially in the context of climate change, and calls for future investigations of local differences in costs and benefits of philopatry at large scales.
1. deel. Historiske sagn: Historiske sagn. Om historiske personer og familiesagn. Sted-sagn: Sagn om byer og forskiellige steder. Kitker og klostre. Gaardsagn. Sagn om præster og kloge mænd. Skatte og skattegravere. Sagn om revere.--2. deel. Sagn om naturgienstande: Om sær, bundlese kiær, aaer og fiorde. Sagn om kilder, Sandbakker, huler og kaempestene. Skove, træer og afsviet græs. Om pesten. Om rotter. Sagn om det overnaturlige: Fanden. Om hexe og deslige. Sagn om adskilligt gienfærd. Troldfolket. Efterslæt.--3. deel. Den danske almues overtroiske meninger.
Motor neuron disease (MND) is characterised by progressive deterioration of the corticospinal tract, brainstem, and anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. There is no pathognomonic test for the diagnosis of MND, and physicians rely on clinical criteria-upper and lower motor neuron signs-for diagnosis. The presentations, clinical phenotypes, and outcomes of MND are diverse and have not been combined into a marker of disease progression. No single algorithm combines the findings of functional assessments and rating scales, such as those that assess quality of life, with biological markers of disease activity and findings from imaging and neurophysiological assessments. Here, we critically appraise developments in each of these areas and discuss the potential of such measures to be included in the future assessment of disease progression in patients with MND.
Studies suggest that frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) is heterogeneous with division into four or five subtypes. To determine the degree of heterogeneity and the validity of the subtypes, we studied neuropathological variation within the frontal and temporal lobes of 94 cases of FTLD-TDP using quantitative estimates of density and principal components analysis (PCA). A PCA based on the density of TDP-43 immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN), surviving neurons, enlarged neurons (EN), and vacuolation suggested that cases were not segregated into distinct subtypes. Variation in the density of the vacuoles was the greatest source of variation between cases. A PCA based on TDP-43 pathology alone suggested that cases of FTLD-TDP with progranulin (GRN) mutation segregated to some degree. The pathological phenotype of all four subtypes overlapped but subtypes 1 and 4 were the most distinctive. Cases with coexisting motor neuron disease (MND) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) also appeared to segregate to some extent. We suggest: 1) pathological variation in FTLD-TDP is best described as a ‘continuum’ without clearly distinct subtypes, 2) vacuolation was the single greatest source of variation and reflects the ‘stage’ of the disease, and 3) within the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ cases with GRN mutation and with coexisting MND or HS may have a more distinctive pathology.
A proportion of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) exhibit frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and some patients with FTD develop the clinical features of MND. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the pathological substrate of FTD and some forms of this disease (referred to as FTLD-U) share with MND the common feature of ubiquitin-immunoreactive, tau-negative cellular inclusions in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Recently, the transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) has been found to be a major protein of the inclusions of FTLD-U with or without MND and these cases are referred to as FTLD with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To clarify the relationship between MND and FTLD-TDP, TDP-43 pathology was studied in nine cases of FTLD-MND and compared with cases of familial and sporadic FTLD–TDP without associated MND. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the nine FTLD-MND cases suggested that variations in the density of surviving neurons in the frontal cortex and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in the dentate gyrus (DG) were the major histological differences between cases. The density of surviving neurons in FTLD-MND was significantly less than in FTLD-TDP cases without MND, and there were greater densities of NCI but fewer neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in some brain regions in FTLD-MND. A PCA of all FTLD-TDP cases, based on TDP-43 pathology alone, suggested that neuropathological heterogeneity was essentially continuously distributed. The FTLD-MND cases exhibited consistently high loadings on PC2 and overlapped with subtypes 2 and 3 of FTLD-TDP. The data suggest: (1) FTLD-MND cases have a consistent pathology, variations in the density of NCI in the DG being the major TDP-43-immunoreactive difference between cases, (2) there are considerable similarities in the neuropathology of FTLD-TDP with and without MND, but with greater neuronal loss in FTLD-MND, and (3) FTLD-MND cases are part of the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ overlapping with FTLD-TDP disease subtypes 2 and 3.