997 resultados para MM TUBE


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Experimental two-phase frictional pressure drop and flow boiling heat transfer results are presented for a horizontal 2.32-mm ID stainless-steel tube using R245fa as working fluid. The frictional pressure drop data was obtained under adiabatic and diabatic conditions. Experiments were performed for mass velocities ranging from 100 to 700 kg m−2 s−1 , heat flux from 0 to 55 kW m−2 , exit saturation temperatures of 31 and 41◦C, and vapor qualities from 0.10 to 0.99. Pressures drop gradients and heat transfer coefficients ranging from 1 to 70 kPa m−1 and from 1 to 7 kW m−2 K−1 were measured. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient is a strong function of the heat flux, mass velocity, and vapor quality. Five frictional pressure drop predictive methods were compared against the experimental database. The Cioncolini et al. (2009) method was found to work the best. Six flow boiling heat transfer predictive methods were also compared against the present database. Liu and Winterton (1991), Zhang et al. (2004), and Saitoh et al. (2007) were ranked as the best methods. They predicted the experimental flow boiling heat transfer data with an average error around 19%.


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This paper presents experimental results for flow boiling heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux (CHF) in small flattened tubes. The tested flattened tubes have the same equivalent internal diameter of 2.2 mm, but different aspect height/width ratios (H/W) of 1/4, 1/2, 2 and 4. The experimental data were compared against results for circular tubes using R134a and R245fa as working fluids at a nominal saturation temperature of 31 degrees C. For mass velocities higher than 200 kg/m(2)s, the flattened and circular tubes presented similar heat transfer coefficients. Such a behavior is related to the fact that stratification effects are negligible under conditions of higher mass velocities. Heat transfer correlations from the literature, usually developed using only circular-channel experimental data, predicted the flattened tube results for mass velocities higher than 200 kg/m(2)s with mean absolute error lower than 20% using the equivalent diameter to account for the geometry effect. Similarly, the critical heat flux results were found to be independent of the tube aspect ratio when the same equivalent length was kept. Equivalent length is a new parameter which takes into account the channel heat transfer area. The CHF correlations for round tubes predicted the flattened tube data relatively well when using the equivalent diameter and length. Furthermore, a new proposed CHF correlation predicted the present flattened tube data with a mean absolute error of 5%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A pilot experiment was performed using the WOMBAT powder diffraction instrument at ANSTO in which the first neutron diffraction peak (Q0) was measured for D2O flowing in a 2 mm internal diameter aluminium tube. Measurements of Q0 were made at -9, 4.3, 6.9, 12, 18.2 and 21.5 °C. The D2O was circulated using a siphon with water in the lower reservoir returned to the upper reservoir using a small pump. This enabled stable flow to be maintained for several hours. For example, if the pump flow increased slightly, the upper reservoir level rose, increasing the siphon flow until it matched the return flow. A neutron wavelength of 2.4 Å was used and data integrated over 60 minutes for each temperature. A jet of nitrogen from a liquid N2 Dewar was directed over the aluminium tube to vary water temperature. After collection of the data, the d spacing of the aluminium peaks was used to calculate the temperature of the aluminium within the neutron beam and therefore was considered to be an accurate measure of water temperature within the beam. Sigmaplot version 12.3 was used to fit a Weibull five parameter peak fit to the first neutron diffraction peak. The values of Q0 obtained in this experiment showed an increase with temperature consistent with data in the literature [1] but were consistently higher than published values for bulk D20. For example at 21.5 °C we obtained a value of 2.008 Å-1 for Q0 compared to a literature value of 1.988 Å-1 for bulk D2O at 20 °C, a difference of 1%. Further experiments are required to see if this difference is real or artifactual.


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A microplasma generated between a stainless-steel capillary and water surface in ambient air with flowing argon as working gas appears as a bright spot at the tube orifice and expands to form a larger footprint on the water surface, and the dimensions of the bell-shaped microplasma are all below 1 mm. The electron density of the microplasma is estimated to be ranging from 5.32 × 109 cm−3 to 2.02 × 1014 cm−3 for the different operating conditions, which is desirable for generating abundant amounts of reactive species. A computational technique is adopted to fit the experimental emission from the N2 second positive system with simulation results. It is concluded that the vibrational temperature (more than 2000 K) is more than twice the gas temperature (more than 800 K), which indicates the non-equilibrium state of the microplasma. Both temperatures showed dependence on the discharge parameters (i.e., gas flow and discharge current). Such a plasma device could be arranged in arrays for applications utilizing plasmainduced liquid chemistry.


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A flow-induced instability in a tube with flexible walls is studied experimentally. Tubes of diameter 0.8 and 1.2 mm are cast in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer gels, and the catalyst concentration in these gels is varied to obtain shear modulus in the range 17–550 kPa. A pressure drop between the inlet and outlet of the tube is used to drive fluid flow, and the friction factor $f$ is measured as a function of the Reynolds number $Re$. From these measurements, it is found that the laminar flow becomes unstable, and there is a transition to a more complicated flow profile, for Reynolds numbers as low as 500 for the softest gels used here. The nature of the $f$–$Re$ curves is also qualitatively different from that in the flow past rigid tubes; in contrast to the discontinuous increase in the friction factor at transition in a rigid tube, it is found that there is a continuous increase in the friction factor from the laminar value of $16\ensuremath{/} Re$ in a flexible tube. The onset of transition is also detected by a dye-stream method, where a stream of dye is injected into the centre of the tube. It is found that there is a continuous increase of the amplitude of perturbations at the onset of transition in a flexible tube, in contrast to the abrupt disruption of the dye stream at transition in a rigid tube. There are oscillations in the wall of the tube at the onset of transition, which is detected from the laser scattering off the walls of the tube. This indicates that the coupling between the fluid stresses and the elastic stresses in the wall results in an instability of the laminar flow.


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The use of high-velocity sheet-forming techniques where the strain rates are in excess of 10(2)/s can help us solve many problems that are difficult to overcome with traditional metal-forming techniques. In this investigation, thin metallic plates/foils were subjected to shock wave loading in the newly developed diaphragmless shock tube. The conventional shock tube used in the aerodynamic applications uses a metal diaphragm for generating shock waves. This method of operation has its own disadvantages including the problems associated with repeatable and reliable generation of shock waves. Moreover, in industrial scenario, changing metal diaphragms after every shot is not desirable. Hence, a diaphragmless shock tube is calibrated and used in this study. Shock Mach numbers up to 3 can be generated with a high degree of repeatability (+/- 4 per cent) for the pressure jumps across the primary shock wave. The shock Mach number scatter is within +/- 1.5 per cent. Copper, brass, and aluminium plates of diameter 60 mm and thickness varying from 0.1 to 1 mm are used. The plate peak over-pressures ranging from 1 to 10 bar are used. The midpoint deflection, circumferential, radial, and thickness strains are measured and using these, the Von Mises strain is also calculated. The experimental results are compared with the numerical values obtained using finite element analysis. The experimental results match well with the numerical values. The plastic hinge effect was also observed in the finite element simulations. Analysis of the failed specimens shows that aluminium plates had mode I failure, whereas copper plates had mode II failure.


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This paper presents the electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in plasma and the attenuation coefficients of the microwave in terms of the parameters n(e), v, w, L, w(b). The phi800 mm high temperature shock tube has been used to produce a uniform plasma. In order to get the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave through the plasma behind a shock wave, the microwave transmission has been used to measure the relative change of the wave power. The working frequency is f = (2 similar to 35) GHz (w = 2pif, wave length lambda = 15 cm similar to 8 mm). The electron density in the plasma is n(e) = (3 x 10(10) similar to 1 x 10(14)) cm(-3). The collision frequency v = (1 x 10(8) similar to 6 x 10(10)) Hz. The thickness of the plasma layer L = (2 similar to 80) cm. The electron circular frequency w(b) = eB(0)/m(e), magnetic flux density B-0 = (0 similar to 0.84) T. The experimental results show that when the plasma layer is thick (such as L/lambda greater than or equal to 10), the correlation between the attenuation coefficients of the electromagnetic waves and the parameters n(e), v, w, L determined from the measurements are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of electromagnetic wave propagations in the uniform infinite plasma. When the plasma layer is thin (such as when both L and lambda are of the same order), the theoretical results are only in a qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in the present parameter range, but the formula of the electromagnetic wave propagation theory in an uniform infinite plasma can not be used for quantitative computations of the correlation between the attenuation coefficients and the parameters n(e), v, w, L. In fact, if w < w(p), v(2) much less than w(2), the power attenuations K of the electromagnetic waves obtained from the measurements in the thin-layer plasma are much smaller than those of the theoretical predictions. On the other hand, if w > w(p), v(2) much less than w(2) (just v approximate to f), the measurements are much larger than the theoretical results. Also, we have measured the electromagnetic wave power attenuation value under the magnetic field and without a magnetic field. The result indicates that the value measured under the magnetic field shows a distinct improvement.


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Os profissionais da área da saúde formam um dos grupos mais vulneráveis à infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Segundo estimativas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), 8,8 milhões de pessoas estavam infectadas pelo Mtb e ocorreram 1,4 milhão de óbitos por tuberculose (TB) em 2010. A identificação de pessoas com Infecção Latente Tuberculosa (ILTB) é considerada pela OMS como uma prioridade no controle da doença, especialmente em países em desenvolvimento em que a incidência da doença ativa tem apresentado redução. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, no Brasil, o custo-efetividade dos testes Prova Tuberculínica (PT) e Quantiferon TB Gold-In-Tube (QTF-GIT) no diagnóstico e tratamento da ILTB em profissionais de saúde atuantes na atenção básica, sob a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), comparando cinco estratégias que incluem o QTF-GIT, distintos pontos de corte para a PT e uso sequencial dos dois testes; e analisar o impacto do tabagismo sobre o risco de ILTB entre os profissionais de saúde, destacando-se a categoria da Enfermagem. Foi realizada uma avaliação econômica completa do tipo custo-efetividade, conduzida considerando uma coorte hipotética de 10.000 profissionais de saúde atuantes na atenção básica, com horizonte temporal restrito a um ano. Um modelo analítico de decisão, caracterizado por uma árvore de probabilidades de eventos, foi desenvolvido utilizando o software TreeAge ProTM 2013 para simular os resultados clínicos e impactos econômicos em saúde da nova tecnologia diagnóstica (QTF-GIT) versus a PT tradicional. Esse modelo simulou cinco estratégias diagnósticas para detecção e tratamento da ILTB: (a) PT, usando ponto de corte de 5mm; (b) PT, usando ponto de corte de 10 mm; (c) teste QTF-GIT; (d) PT, com ponto de corte de 5mm, seguida de teste QTF-GIT quando PT positiva; (e) PT, com ponto de corte de 10mm, seguida de teste QTF-GIT quando PT positiva. Foi realizada análise de sensibilidade determinística univariada. Na determinação dos fatores associados à ILTB, foi elaborado um modelo de regressão logística múltipla com seleção hierarquizada, utilizando o software Stata. A estratégia mais custo-efetiva foi a PT no ponto de corte ≥10mm, considerando como medida de desfecho tanto o número de indivíduos corretamente classificados pelos testes assim como o número de casos de TB evitados. A utilização isolada do QTF-GIT revelou-se a estratégia de menor eficiência, com RCEI= R$ 343,24 por profissional corretamente classificado pelo teste. Encontrou-se risco à ILTB significantemente maior para sexo masculino [OR=1,89; IC 95%:1,11-3,20], idade ≥ 41 anos [OR=1,56; IC 95%: 1.09-2,22], contato próximo com familiar com TB [OR=1,55; IC 95%: 1.02-2,36], status do tabagismo fumante [OR=1,75; IC 95%: 1.03-2,98] e categoria profissional da Enfermagem [OR=1,44; IC 95%: 1.02-2,03]. Concluiu-se que a PT no ponto de corte de 10mm é a estratégia diagnóstica mais custo-efetiva para ILTB entre os profissionais de saúde na atenção básica e que a ILTB está associada ao hábito do tabagismo e à categoria profissional de Enfermagem.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate degradation behavior and the feasibility of biodegradable polymeric stents in common bile duct (CBD) repair and reconstruction. Various molar ratios of lactide (LA) and glycolide (GA) in poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were synthesized and processed into a circular tubing of similar to 10.0 mm outer diameter and a wall thickness of about 2.0 mm.


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Knowing one's HIV status is particularly important in the setting of recent tuberculosis (TB) exposure. Blood tests for assessment of tuberculosis infection, such as the QuantiFERON Gold in-tube test (QFT; Cellestis Limited, Carnegie, Victoria, Australia), offer the possibility of simultaneous screening for TB and HIV with a single blood draw. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of all contacts to a highly infectious TB case in a large meatpacking factory. Twenty-two percent were foreign-born and 73% were black. Contacts were tested with both tuberculin skin testing (TST) and QFT. HIV testing was offered on an opt-out basis. Persons with TST >or=10 mm, positive QFT, and/or positive HIV test were offered latent TB treatment. Three hundred twenty-six contacts were screened: TST results were available for 266 people and an additional 24 reported a prior positive TST for a total of 290 persons with any TST result (89.0%). Adequate QFT specimens were obtained for 312 (95.7%) of persons. Thirty-two persons had QFT results but did not return for TST reading. Twenty-two percent met the criteria for latent TB infection. Eighty-eight percent accepted HIV testing. Two (0.7%) were HIV seropositive; both individuals were already aware of their HIV status, but one had stopped care a year previously. None of the HIV-seropositive persons had latent TB, but all were offered latent TB treatment per standard guidelines. This demonstrates that opt-out HIV testing combined with QFT in a large TB contact investigation was feasible and useful. HIV testing was also widely accepted. Pairing QFT with opt-out HIV testing should be strongly considered when possible.


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Introduction: Nerve allografting is regarded as a treatment of choice in large neural tissue losses preventing repair by primary anastomosis. In these cases, a synthetic polyglycolic acid tube is an alternative for nerve grafting. On the other hand, several studies have emphasized the importance of neurotrophic factors on neural regeneration, including substances with potential to optimize neural regeneration, especially the GM1, an neurotrophic enhancer factor. Objective: to compare, in rats, the neural regeneration degree using histological analysis, regenerated myelinized axons count, and functional analysis with the use of neurotube and GM1. Methods: This assessment was performed by interposing allograft (group A), polyglycolic acid tube (group B) and polyglycolic acid tube associated to GM1 (group C) on 5-mm sciatic nerve defects. Results: Neuroma formation was found only on group A. Groups A and C showed similar histological patterns, except for the regenerated axons on group C, which were shown to be better organized and myelinized than in group A. Conclusion: on functional recovery, no statistically significant difference was found for the three groups, despite of qualitative and quantitative histological differences found.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)